Even if we didn't have the virus mess or the socialist dem party to destroy the country...America is just one big Ponzi scheme and is unsustainable.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
Even if we didn't have this corrosive virus mess or the takeover of the socialist dem party to destroy the country...America is just one big Ponzi scheme and is unsustainable.

Modern America is based on continual and endless consumption and growth. Without endless consumption and growth we will collapse. In the old days, the sodbuster era, people lived in a sustainable way. No taxes, you carved out a piece of land and your battle was mainly against nature and not man. (Unless you were attacked by Indians or the civil war.)

But that is impossible to do with the population we have nowadays. If you don't pay your taxes and produce enough money you are thrown out in the street to die. So you battle man nowadays. As well as the other countries that could invade us if we had no defense and the entire country lived rustic.

The ignorant kids and filthy dems want to get rid of all fossil fuels. Humans can't live sustainably with no fossil fuels unless there is a 95% die off.

Back in the day the people cut down trees to make houses. They burned trees for heat and to cook. They hunted animals for food. They didn't make much impact upon nature. In 2020 what would happen if we cut down the trees for our houses, burnt the trees to cook and for heat and hunted animals for all our food?

Our society has been built on fossil fuels. Before we had crude oil we used whale oil. Whale oil eventually started to run out and then crude oil was discovered. Without fossil fuels our population could never have grown as it did. So if fossil fuels are suddenly ripped out, the population that was artificially built on fossil fuels must decline.

Wind and sun are not always on demand. Sometimes in the Rustbelt the sun does not come out for a week. The theory on Peak Oil summed up what will happen to humans once the fossil fuels are taken away...a massive die-off.

Sure, fossil fuels will run down on their own. But that is unavoidable. We are sifting the crude out of sand and cracking / fracking rocks to find gas...so the writing is on the proverbial wall.

Petrochemicals make up a big use of crude oil...

Asphalt on the road, roofing, lubricating oils, motor oil, tires, plastics, synthetic, clothes, farming, dyes, pharmaceuticals, detergents, chemicals such as sulfuric acid, guitar strings, wood varnish, hand cream. CD's, DVD's, crayons, pillows, packing material, toilet seats, cell phones, heart valves...the list is almost endless...all crude oil based. Our fertilizer is made as a byproduct of natural gas.

They tried to replace crude based printing ink with soy ink. Result...the ink goes rancid and the printing has a rancid smell to it. Are we going to make soy tires...soy roofs...soy roads?

We already got plenty of soyboys and transqueers. We had better hope all our future wars are joystick wars. Our military will be so queerifed we could never win a ground war. Hell, we didn't win in Korea, Vietnam or 20 years in Afghanistan. And that was when we were a meat and potatoes country.

mexico under fence llr.jpg
Even if we didn't have this corrosive virus mess or the takeover of the socialist dem party to destroy the country...America is just one big Ponzi scheme and is unsustainable.

Modern America is based on continual and endless consumption and growth. Without endless consumption and growth we will collapse. In the old days, the sodbuster era, people lived in a sustainable way. No taxes, you carved out a piece of land and your battle was mainly against nature and not man. (Unless you were attacked by Indians or the civil war.)

But that is impossible to do with the population we have nowadays. If you don't pay your taxes and produce enough money you are thrown out in the street to die. So you battle man nowadays. As well as the other countries that could invade us if we had no defense and the entire country lived rustic.

The ignorant kids and filthy dems want to get rid of all fossil fuels. Humans can't live sustainably with no fossil fuels unless there is a 95% die off.

Back in the day the people cut down trees to make houses. They burned trees for heat and to cook. They hunted animals for food. They didn't make much impact upon nature. In 2020 what would happen if we cut down the trees for our houses, burnt the trees to cook and for heat and hunted animals for all our food?

Our society has been built on fossil fuels. Before we had crude oil we used whale oil. Whale oil eventually started to run out and then crude oil was discovered. Without fossil fuels our population could never have grown as it did. So if fossil fuels are suddenly ripped out, the population that was artificially built on fossil fuels must decline.

Wind and sun are not always on demand. Sometimes in the Rustbelt the sun does not come out for a week. The theory on Peak Oil summed up what will happen to humans once the fossil fuels are taken away...a massive die-off.

Sure, fossil fuels will run down on their own. But that is unavoidable. We are sifting the crude out of sand and cracking / fracking rocks to find gas...so the writing is on the proverbial wall.

Petrochemicals make up a big use of crude oil...

Asphalt on the road, roofing, lubricating oils, motor oil, tires, plastics, synthetic, clothes, farming, dyes, pharmaceuticals, detergents, chemicals such as sulfuric acid, guitar strings, wood varnish, hand cream. CD's, DVD's, crayons, pillows, packing material, toilet seats, cell phones, heart valves...the list is almost endless...all crude oil based. Our fertilizer is made as a byproduct of natural gas.

They tried to replace crude based printing ink with soy ink. Result...the ink goes rancid and the printing has a rancid smell to it. Are we going to make soy tires...soy roofs...soy roads?

We already got plenty of soyboys and transqueers. We had better hope all our future wars are joystick wars. Our military will be so queerifed we could never win a ground war. Hell, we didn't win in Korea, Vietnam or 20 years in Afghanistan. And that was when we were a meat and potatoes country.

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You are right about are consumption be unsustainable. Yet I got the impression you were writing two different things.
The population is way larger (billions0, that is why we can not all go chop a tree down. That would be worse than driving a car around.
Second democrats are not more socialistic than Republicans. Actually, more Republicans supported the bailouts, that is a very socialistic idea. The tax cuts seem socialistic to me when they are skewed way more to companies than the people.
Third fossil fuels will run out it is a nonrenewable resource, we have to find something different. It does not matter about global warming, pollution or anything else.

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