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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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While I fully acknowledge the future may hold further chances for Salvation for all mankind, perhaps even the dead, it cannot change our pasts and what any person has missed by living without Jesus in their pasts.

I throw that part about the dead in there because I know a God who is mighty to save, who desires all to be saved.

I am not a Catholic, but my mother was raised as a Catholic and I don't find ideas about Purgatory particularly farfetched. I am not saying I believe them, but we do have a God who is mighty to save. Hey, I do not even find the ideas about Reincarnation particularly farfetched, because I know we do have a God who is mighty to save. I could go on and on with this, so many ideas out there that in a sense seem very alien to Christianity, but for the fact I know we all have a God who created all who is mighty to save.

Even Hell, can it forever separate a soul from a God who is mighty to save? ( a key word here is forever, I do believe there are consequences for our actions).
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Huh? I love Jesus the Zionist & his teachings for his people of Israel. And why do you so reject the teachings of Jesus & his apostles for their love of Zion?

The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.
Jesus was a Zionist

Huh? I love Jesus the Zionist & his teachings for his people of Israel. And why do you so reject the teachings of Jesus & his apostles for their love of Zion?

The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.
Jesus was a Zionist

Huh? I love Jesus the Zionist & his teachings for his people of Israel. And why do you so reject the teachings of Jesus & his apostles for their love of Zion?

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

when I was young-----and an AVID READER-----I was a bit surprised at the way in which
so many of my christian friends "interpreted" the words which are attributed to Jesus
in the New testament----by the writers of the "GOSPELS" Because I was an avid reader------even though I never had any formal schooling in "JEW" stuff (I did not even attend
'hebrew school') I did read-----and learn. I got my hands on all kinds of BOOKS----here and there. -----from nazi propaganda-----to theology. It was OBVIOUS to me
that Jesus was ----quite a TYPICAL PHARISEE JEW I considered my observations somthing like an ORIGINAL-----but then---later in life I discovered that my conclusion
was BY NOT MEANS SINGULAR------a very prominent scholar-------did describe Jesus
in EXACTLY the same manner A PHARISEE JEW. Anyone who knows anything about
the times of Jesus-----would recognize Jesus for exactly what he was -----a PHARISEE----
strong zionist-----Orthodox jew
Just how ignorant can one be & still claim she is Christian? The very word "Zionist" originates from Jesus & his followers love of Zion.

Jesus was a Zionist

Huh? I love Jesus the Zionist & his teachings for his people of Israel. And why do you so reject the teachings of Jesus & his apostles for their love of Zion?

when I was young-----and an AVID READER-----I was a bit surprised at the way in which
so many of my christian friends "interpreted" the words which are attributed to Jesus
in the New testament----by the writers of the "GOSPELS" Because I was an avid reader------even though I never had any formal schooling in "JEW" stuff (I did not even attend
'hebrew school') I did read-----and learn. I got my hands on all kinds of BOOKS----here and there. -----from nazi propaganda-----to theology. It was OBVIOUS to me
that Jesus was ----quite a TYPICAL PHARISEE JEW I considered my observations somthing like an ORIGINAL-----but then---later in life I discovered that my conclusion
was BY NOT MEANS SINGULAR------a very prominent scholar-------did describe Jesus
in EXACTLY the same manner A PHARISEE JEW. Anyone who knows anything about
the times of Jesus-----would recognize Jesus for exactly what he was -----a PHARISEE----
strong zionist-----Orthodox jew
MJB jihado nazis have SO MESSED UP the real Jesus----that if you ask the typical
naive-----backwoods USA "christian" "why did Jesus attack the money changers in
the temple courtyard ----and WHO WERE the money changers" The answer would be
"the money changers were pharisee rabbis who charged lots of interest". For fun---ask
sherri that question.
Sherri makes no sense. She claims she is a Christian who loves Jesus. And yet she hates Zionists. Go figure a delusional mind.

Just how ignorant can one be & still claim she is Christian? The very word "Zionist" originates from Jesus & his followers love of Zion.

when I was young-----and an AVID READER-----I was a bit surprised at the way in which
so many of my christian friends "interpreted" the words which are attributed to Jesus
in the New testament----by the writers of the "GOSPELS" Because I was an avid reader------even though I never had any formal schooling in "JEW" stuff (I did not even attend
'hebrew school') I did read-----and learn. I got my hands on all kinds of BOOKS----here and there. -----from nazi propaganda-----to theology. It was OBVIOUS to me
that Jesus was ----quite a TYPICAL PHARISEE JEW I considered my observations somthing like an ORIGINAL-----but then---later in life I discovered that my conclusion
was BY NOT MEANS SINGULAR------a very prominent scholar-------did describe Jesus
in EXACTLY the same manner A PHARISEE JEW. Anyone who knows anything about
the times of Jesus-----would recognize Jesus for exactly what he was -----a PHARISEE----
strong zionist-----Orthodox jew
There is a bottom between Traditional Rabbinical Transmission and any type of Calvary.

Calvary requires Faith, not observance.
Yes, I know 1.7 billion believers in the Calvary will come out of the wood work and provide 1.7 billion different points of view.
And that's exactly the problem; there is no consensus.

Traditional Rabbinical Transmission means everybody has an opinion but their behavior is defined by an overriding authority.

But the most important point is that The Jewish Scriptures doesn't send you to Hell for not accepting the Five Books of Moshe.
The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.
I am not going to commit a copyright violation, unlike Roudy.

Jesus is the truth that sets man free and it is belief in Him that saves.

All that is written in The Bible points to Jesus, we have what comes before Jesus and what comes after Jesus but only belief in Jesus saves.

Jesus is not a Zionist, Jesus is God.

And whether an individual accepts or rejects Jesus , that decision seals an individual s fate for eternity.
Copyright violation? Ha ha ha. Quoting Biblical verses is not a copyright violation.

Instead of whining about it, here is what Jesus said in the New Testament, any comments?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19
“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

Writing what is written by third parties and not providing a source is a copyright violation, ZIONIST. Reference Post 409

It's out with the old and in with the new.

ALL has been fulfilled with Jesus.
Source was provided, and these are actual quotes from the New Testament. Verses from the Bible or Koran do not require a source according to board rules. If you doubt the veracity of these quotes post what you believe is the correct text.

"Out with the old" is what nazis and Jew hating pigs believe. Any real Christian would know that Jesus in fact was in fact a devout follower of the Old Testament and he said so himself. Here are verses which clearly explain Jesus' view on the Old Testament again. Care to tell us your thought or do you just want to continue whining?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19

“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)
The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Zionists did not exist until the 1800s and Zionists are baby killers.

Jesus was neither a Zionist nor a baby killer.

Stop projecting your baby killing onto Jesus.

Pathetic baby killing Zionist, may God have mercy on your soul.

Matthew 23

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
No relevance to discussion. In fact it confirms what I said many times before, that Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and will come to save the House of Israel.

Dumbass can't even read or understand what it posts.
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The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Zionists did not exist until the 1800s and Zionists are baby killers.

Jesus was neither a Zionist nor a baby killer.

Stop projecting your baby killing onto Jesus.

Pathetic baby killing Zionist, may God have mercy on your soul.
And I and many others have posted hundreds of verses mentioning Zion, and Jesus' love for i, in both the Old AND New Testaments. Modern Zionism is based on ancient Zionism. LOL look it up its in the same webpage you choose to ignore.

And you haven't been able to post ONE VERSE where Jesus thinks of himself as a Palestinian, or calls the land he's in "Palestine". Pathetic.

So you are just a blabbering lunatic in denial.

Sure is fun to watch you come apart like this. Keep it up, please.
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The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Zionists did not exist until the 1800s and Zionists are baby killers.

Jesus was neither a Zionist nor a baby killer.

Stop projecting your baby killing onto Jesus.

Pathetic baby killing Zionist, may God have mercy on your soul.
I have killed no babies you Islamo-terrorist supporting freak.

This is what happens when all of Sherri's claims come crashing and she starts to unravel.

Watch what you say and go wash your filthy mouth, Jendeh. God knows where it's been considering the people you hang out with.
You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Zionists did not exist until the 1800s and Zionists are baby killers.

Jesus was neither a Zionist nor a baby killer.

Stop projecting your baby killing onto Jesus.

Pathetic baby killing Zionist, may God have mercy on your soul.
I have killed no babies you Islamo-terrorist supporting freak.

This is what happens when all of Sherri's claims come crashing and she starts to unravel.

Watch what you say and go wash your filthy mouth, Jendeh. God knows where it's been considering the people you hang out with.

roudy what is Jendeh? For anyone new here-----Sherri is a treasure if you have
never read the writings of nazi war criminals who escaped the nuremberg trials and
and made a living writing nazi propaganda ---generally in Egypt and Syria. I know
the stuff from two sources. I read it as a child because I grew up in what had been
a nazi enclave in the USA. People who know stuff-----know just about what that place
generally was-----it involved small parts of two states in the USA.

In any case I did read the stuff which sherri spits up------and I ALSO heard later
on when I encountered lots and lots of people from south east asia----many of whom
were muslims. ---the hindus and buddhists did not know the stuff----but the
muslims did -------the quoted it by heart. Learning by rote is a big thing in the
mosque. Muslims who do not even know arabic sometimes memorize the koran
IN ARABIC word for word.

Just like sherri----they had never read the bible or even the koran-----but knew
the nazi propaganda BY HEART Stick around----I will relate some of the crap
those poor young doctors memorized ----in some cases in muslim medical school, no
When a follower of Christ is tempted by Satan with lies like in the OP, we do as Jesus did, go to the Word for answers.

Who does Jesus say He was?
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

John 3:17. For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world: but that the world may be saved by him.

John 3:18. He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James Version Side-by-Side+Complete Sayings of Jesus Christ
When a follower of Christ is tempted by Satan with lies like in the OP, we do as Jesus did, go to the Word for answers.

Who does Jesus say He was?

My goodness, here is Mrs. Sherri, who wants all the posters to believe she is a good Christian, but while she is blabbering on and on about Jesus, her friends are busy killing Christians all over the Muslim world and she is so silent about it. I think her silence tells an awful lot about her and her actual beliefs.

Matthew 23

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
No relevance to discussion. In fact it confirms what I said many times before, that Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and will come to save the House of Israel.

Dumbass can't even read or understand what it posts.

Not surprised a Zionist cannot understand Jesus words.
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