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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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`Was Jesus a Jew?

"...So, let’s consider these three questions:
Was Jesus a Jew ethnically?
Was Jesus an observant Jew religiously?
And then finally, if Jesus was a Jew, why don’t Christians follow Judaism?

Was Jesus a Jew ethnically, or was his mother a Jew? Jesus clearly identified with the Jews of His day, His physical people and tribe, and their Religion (although correcting its errors).. God purposely sent Him to Judah: “He came to His own [Judah], and His own [Judah] did not receive Him. But as many [Jews] as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name... (John 1:11-12 NKJV), and He clearly said, "You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; We [Jews] know what We [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22).

The very first verse of the New Testament clearly proclaims the Jewish ethnicity of Jesus. “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). It is evident from passages like Hebrews 7:14, “For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,” that Jesus descended from the tribe of Judah, from which we get the name “Jew.” And what about Mary, the mother of Jesus? In the genealogy in Luke chapter 3, we see clearly that Mary was a direct descendant of King David which gave Jesus the legal right to ascend the Jewish throne as well as establishing without any doubt that Jesus was a Jew ethnically.

Was Jesus an observant Jew religiously? Both of Jesus' parents had “done everything required by the Law of the Lord” (Luke 2:39). His aunt and uncle, Zechariah and Elizabeth, were also Torah-observant Jews (Luke 1:6), so we can see that probably the whole family took their Jewish faith very seriously.

In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), Jesus continually affirmed the authority of the Torah and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17) even in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:19-20). He regularly attended synagogue (Luke 4:16), and His teaching was respected by the other Jews of His day (Luke 4:15). He taught in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 21:37), and if He were not a Jew, His going into that part of the Temple would simply not have been allowed (Acts 21:28-30).

Jesus also displayed the outward signs of being an observant Jew.
He wore tzitzit (tassles) on His clothing (Luke 8:43; Matthew 14:36) to serve as a reminder of the commandments (Numbers 15:37-39).
He observed Passover (John 2:13) and went up to Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 16:16) on this very important Jewish pilgrimage feast day. He observed Succoth, or the feast of tabernacles (John 7:2, 10) and went up to Jerusalem (John 7:14) as required in the Torah.
He also observed Hanukah, the festival of lights (John 10:22) and probably Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets (John 5:1), going up to Jerusalem on both those occasions as well, even though it isn't commanded in the Torah.
Clearly, Jesus identified Himself as a Jew (John 4:22) and as King of the Jews (Mark 15:2).
From His birth to His last Passover Seder (Luke 22:14-15), Jesus lived as an observant Jew."..."

The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Jesus tells me who He is in John 3.
Huh? I love Jesus the Zionist & his teachings for his people of Israel. And why do you so reject the teachings of Jesus & his apostles for their love of Zion?

The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

There is no Jesus the Zionist.
The problem is that Jesus left us nothing in his own writings. Everything we know of Jesus comes as a biography rather than an autobiography. None the less, as Practising Chrisians well know, even the Gospels verify Jesus was indeed a Zionist in his teachings.

The Importance of Blessing the Jewish People

The Gospels are filled with Jesus words.

Keep.choosing to reject Jesus and His words, and you shall certainly fully reap the consequences of that choice.

You're the one rejecting Jesus' words. You refuse to acknowledge that he was a Zionist Jew that followed and preached from the Old Testament.

Jesus was not a Zionist.

And He preached what the Father had Him preach.

You are a Liar.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.

John 3:17. For God sent not his Son into the world, to judge the world: but that the world may be saved by him.

John 3:18. He that believeth in him is not judged. But he that doth not believe is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Latin Vulgate Bible with Douay-Rheims and King James Version Side-by-Side+Complete Sayings of Jesus Christ

It's wonderful how posters can become Instant Christians via the Internet!!! All you have to do is copy some passages and voila you are a Christian. It still would be fun to see the poster Jeremiah up against Mrs. Sherri when it comes to quoting Scripture by heart.
Copyright violation? Ha ha ha. Quoting Biblical verses is not a copyright violation.

Instead of whining about it, here is what Jesus said in the New Testament, any comments?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19
“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

Writing what is written by third parties and not providing a source is a copyright violation, ZIONIST. Reference Post 409

It's out with the old and in with the new.

ALL has been fulfilled with Jesus.
Source was provided, and these are actual quotes from the New Testament. Verses from the Bible or Koran do not require a source according to board rules. If you doubt the veracity of these quotes post what you believe is the correct text.

"Out with the old" is what nazis and Jew hating pigs believe. Any real Christian would know that Jesus in fact was in fact a devout follower of the Old Testament and he said so himself. Here are verses which clearly explain Jesus' view on the Old Testament again. Care to tell us your thought or do you just want to continue whining?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

“For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 5:18-19

“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

What in this world is your point?

Nothing anywhere there saying Jesus is a Zionist.

THAT is the lying Zionist claim made in the OP.

Your post is pure unadulterated BS.
Last edited:

Matthew 23

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
No relevance to discussion. In fact it confirms what I said many times before, that Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah and will come to save the House of Israel.

Dumbass can't even read or understand what it posts.

Not surprised a Zionist cannot understand Jesus words.

Actually----there is nothing in that matthew statement that is not entirely
consistent with the PROPHECY OF ISAIAH-------the most definitive statement
of ZIONISM ever written Matthew was a jew----did he write in Hebrew,
aramaic or Greek? It is impossible to interpret a passage in translation.
Does the original that MATTHEW WROTE ---actually exist ? "see my face"
does not necessarily mean "I AM THE MESSIAH" According to the prophecy
of Isaiah-------there will be some kind of magical resurrection of the dead----
-----at least dead jews (????) when he arrives. Matthew might just as
well have said "we will all see each other when the messiah comes"-----
he sounds like a typical CHASSID. They believe that when all jews turn GOOD---
the MESSIAH WILL COME sheeeesh sherri-----you are dim
Sherri I can tell you where in New York to go to hear all kinds of siimilar stuff
about the "coming messiah" also some places in Israel---but there they speak

here is more for you---sherri "WHEN THE MESSIAH COMES" <<<< roudy
will teach you how to say it in hebrew. It is a phrase thrown around by
jews who are into mysticism as much as iimpoverished Russians used to say
....."comes the revolution....."
`Was Jesus a Jew?

"...So, let’s consider these three questions:
Was Jesus a Jew ethnically?
Was Jesus an observant Jew religiously?
And then finally, if Jesus was a Jew, why don’t Christians follow Judaism?

Was Jesus a Jew ethnically, or was his mother a Jew? Jesus clearly identified with the Jews of His day, His physical people and tribe, and their Religion (although correcting its errors).. God purposely sent Him to Judah: “He came to His own [Judah], and His own [Judah] did not receive Him. But as many [Jews] as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name... (John 1:11-12 NKJV), and He clearly said, "You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; We [Jews] know what We [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22).

The very first verse of the New Testament clearly proclaims the Jewish ethnicity of Jesus. “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). It is evident from passages like Hebrews 7:14, “For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,” that Jesus descended from the tribe of Judah, from which we get the name “Jew.” And what about Mary, the mother of Jesus? In the genealogy in Luke chapter 3, we see clearly that Mary was a direct descendant of King David which gave Jesus the legal right to ascend the Jewish throne as well as establishing without any doubt that Jesus was a Jew ethnically.

Was Jesus an observant Jew religiously? Both of Jesus' parents had “done everything required by the Law of the Lord” (Luke 2:39). His aunt and uncle, Zechariah and Elizabeth, were also Torah-observant Jews (Luke 1:6), so we can see that probably the whole family took their Jewish faith very seriously.

In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), Jesus continually affirmed the authority of the Torah and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17) even in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:19-20). He regularly attended synagogue (Luke 4:16), and His teaching was respected by the other Jews of His day (Luke 4:15). He taught in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 21:37), and if He were not a Jew, His going into that part of the Temple would simply not have been allowed (Acts 21:28-30).

Jesus also displayed the outward signs of being an observant Jew.
He wore tzitzit (tassles) on His clothing (Luke 8:43; Matthew 14:36) to serve as a reminder of the commandments (Numbers 15:37-39).
He observed Passover (John 2:13) and went up to Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 16:16) on this very important Jewish pilgrimage feast day. He observed Succoth, or the feast of tabernacles (John 7:2, 10) and went up to Jerusalem (John 7:14) as required in the Torah.
He also observed Hanukah, the festival of lights (John 10:22) and probably Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets (John 5:1), going up to Jerusalem on both those occasions as well, even though it isn't commanded in the Torah.
Clearly, Jesus identified Himself as a Jew (John 4:22) and as King of the Jews (Mark 15:2).
From His birth to His last Passover Seder (Luke 22:14-15), Jesus lived as an observant Jew."..."


all of the above is part of the reason I NEVER QUOTE THE KORAN----lets face it
people-------there is no way to even approach interpreting a translation---
and in the case of all the "books" bibles and koran-----we do not even have
first hand knowlege of what was actually said or written.

The one "part" or book that I find a SUBLIME example of literature representing
Judaism is GENESIS -----whether or not all the quotations are genuine is not the
issue-----it was clearly written a very long time ago and is a magnificent book
of----uhm ....genesis. Another such a one is the hindu GHEETA.

as for the koran-----well-----it is not even well written. Some people say that it is
good poetry in arabic------but as a piece of literature..... yuck. Aristophanes did
a lot better
He wasn't Norwegian. He wasn't Chinese. He wasn't Indian.
Jesus was born in Judea to jewish parents. He was raised in the jewish faith and prayed at the temple. He observed the passover in Jerusalem.
He was not Roman, following roman laws and roman religion. He was not greek. He was not Egyptian.
His world revolved around Jerusalem and the jewish faith. He taught the meaning of the torah in parables so others cold understand them.
He taught the spirit of the laws not the "letter" of the laws. He taught to all people that were willing to hear.
God is in all things and all people. Not just through the worship of Jesus. The point was to find god not to find jesus. Jesus is not "god". You should not need saints or jesus to speak to god. You don't even need a church. You don't need idols or statues or crosses of suffering just to look inside yourself.
Jesus was jewish, they are the keepers of the laws, but he was for all men. Jesus might be zionist but god is not. Jews were chosen for a purpose, not better or worse, just a different job. For doing this job they were promised certain things. Not greatness or great things, but a small place for them to practice their faith. Some have strayed, become zealots, fundamentalists, etc. but the torah and it's laws still are preserved.
Jesus is the Word.

That is written in the book of John.

I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI
Jesus is the Word.

That is written in the book of John.

I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

The Gospel ACCORDING To John was almost definitely NOT written by John.
It was targeted for the Romans who loved Spooky Mythology and needed to be scared into believing things.
Jesus is the Word.

That is written in the book of John.

I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

carob, a chocolate substitute, st. john's bread - InfoWest
Jesus is the Word.

That is written in the book of John.

I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

carob, a chocolate substitute, st. john's bread - InfoWest

Rebbi Yochanan Ben Zochai.
Come on! Read Ethics of the Fathers once in a while.
Jesus is the Word.

That is written in the book of John.

I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

The Gospel ACCORDING To John was almost definitely NOT written by John.
It was targeted for the Romans who loved Spooky Mythology and needed to be scared into believing things.

The Gospel of John was written by the Apostle John.

What is Pathetic Here Is Zionists spitting on Jesus, picking pieces of His words to believe and pieces to reject.

I hope you reap consequences for all you are doing here.
I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

The Gospel ACCORDING To John was almost definitely NOT written by John.
It was targeted for the Romans who loved Spooky Mythology and needed to be scared into believing things.

The Gospel of John was written by the Apostle John.

What is Pathetic Here Is Zionists spitting on Jesus, picking pieces of His words to believe and pieces to reject.

I hope you reap consequences for all you are doing here.

"You'll get yours!" - a universally sustaining benediction for haters and crackpots such as Mahmoud and others, so emotionally bankrupt.
I am fascinated in what language did John write that? and how was it
expressed. All of this kind of stuff conforms very very importantly with jewish
mysticism of the time. Today---the people who are into that very same
mysticism are called CHASSIDIM Did you ever hear of the guy who spent '
20 years in a cave writing a book and living on carob? carob is also sometimes
called "saint john's break"-------but it was not your john wrote the book----in fact---
the SAINT JOHN for whom the carob was named -----seems to have been
JOHN THE BAPTIST------the guy who was into the jewish ritual of immersion ----
......in the MIKVEH John is a very very common hebrew name YOCHAN
or YOCHANAN-----do you know what it means-----in hebrew of course----there is
a really weird arabic version of the name roudy??? tell sherri the arabic
version of YOCHANAN------and ----uhm ----just who wrote the zohar

got any charuv recipes------hubby tells me that the stuff was never used in cooking
by his mom. I do not like it-----my mom used to eat it sometimes----just chew
on the miserable stuff

OH---now I remember RABBI BAR YOCHAI

carob, a chocolate substitute, st. john's bread - InfoWest

Rebbi Yochanan Ben Zochai.
Come on! Read Ethics of the Fathers once in a while.

OH YEAH???? simeon bar yochai----is the aramaic form------I ain't comin'
nowhere-----I am already HERE Yochanan? ?? I am doing the
author of the zohar ------SIMEON BAR YOCHAI

btw----carob tastes nothing like chocolate------you obviously know the trick
my mom used to get her kids to mix the powder in milk and drink it
YUCK!!!!!!!! it was a health food thing in the 60s

I got a few names too-------
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