Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Jihad Sherri:
true Christians believe the words Jesus spoke
Then you aren't a true Christian. Jesus said he totally believed in each and every word of the Old Testament. You don't.

There is no question in my mind---that the jesus depicted in the New Testament---
which is the ONE AND ONLY account we have of him------would NEVER HAVE SAID
"OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW" The "out with"----that he very
clearly advocated was ----"OUT WITH THE ROMANS" -----and the foreign elements
which descecrated the Temple Jesus was, for his time----a man right on the mark---
of pharisee thinking-----a real son of EZRA and HILLEL------and like his successor in
the creed----bar kochba and so many others----even hailed as a "messiah" ----
a leader destined to save Israel from------jihado-like filth
Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus says He is the Son of God and I, a Christian, believe His words.

DOES Zionist Roudy believe Jesus is the Son of God?

Jihad Sherri:
Then you aren't a true Christian. Jesus said he totally believed in each and every word of the Old Testament. You don't.
No I don't. And neither do 4.5 billion people. I believe he was a great man, a selfless philanthropist who's mission was to help people, and the world has a lot to learn from him. The changes or the reforms he was seeking to make Judaism more inclusive and not so literal were met with resistance over 2000 years ago, (as expected). But they are already in practice today in most of the Jewish faith. Majority of Jews practice Reform Judaism in the US, Israel, and Europe.

He was however a Zionist Jew like all the Judeans were at the time.

And then again there are people like Jihad Sherri who use Jesus' words and the teachings of the New Testament to hate Jesus' people, the Jews. Nothing new there.
It seems like you want to talk on the religious forum, well why are you not there?

And I repeat that you would love a debate in the religion section. Otherwise we may well be convinced you only care about you terrorist friends in Gaza/PA controlled areas. No worries though. It just goes to show that you cannot hack any debates about your religious beliefs as it doesn't involve Israel. Just suggesting you broaden your horizons a bit, but then again, if you are happy showing yourself up to be the fool you are on here then that is fine.

I repeat, I was not the one starting a thread about Jesus in the Middle East forum.

Just a suggestion since you enjoy these religion conversations that you may get some enjoyment from starting threads in the religion forum. Yes, you didn't start the thread, but you often quote scriptures and it would be interesting to see how you and others react in the correct forum about them.
Jihad Sherri:
true Christians believe the words Jesus spoke
Then you aren't a true Christian. Jesus said he totally believed in each and every word of the Old Testament. You don't.

There is no question in my mind---that the jesus depicted in the New Testament---
which is the ONE AND ONLY account we have of him------would NEVER HAVE SAID
"OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW" The "out with"----that he very
clearly advocated was ----"OUT WITH THE ROMANS" -----and the foreign elements
which descecrated the Temple Jesus was, for his time----a man right on the mark---
of pharisee thinking-----a real son of EZRA and HILLEL------and like his successor in
the creed----bar kochba and so many others----even hailed as a "messiah" ----
a leader destined to save Israel from------jihado-like filth
Irosie, the differences between Judaism and Christianity are very little in my opinion. Which is why the Koran says to not trust either, because they are one and the same in the eyes of Islam.

I had a discussion with a Christian preacher during a business transaction once, he said our difference can be resolved very easily. If the Messiah were to appear today in Zion as predicted, we would simply ask him, "is this your first or second coming?" Problem solved.
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I don't talk about Christianity but you do, that's why. Carry on. :lol:

It seems like you want to talk on the religious forum, well why are you not there?

And I repeat that you would love a debate in the religion section. Otherwise we may well be convinced you only care about you terrorist friends in Gaza/PA controlled areas. No worries though. It just goes to show that you cannot hack any debates about your religious beliefs as it doesn't involve Israel. Just suggesting you broaden your horizons a bit, but then again, if you are happy showing yourself up to be the fool you are on here then that is fine.

I repeat, I was not the one starting a thread about Jesus in the Middle East forum.
Jesus people are those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus says He is the Son of God and I, a Christian, believe His words.

DOES Zionist Roudy believe Jesus is the Son of God?
No I don't. And neither do 4.5 billion people. I believe he was a great man, a selfless philanthropist who's mission was to help people, and the world has a lot to learn from him. The changes or the reforms he was seeking to make Judaism more inclusive and not so literal were met with resistance over 2000 years ago, (as expected). But they are already in practice today in most of the Jewish faith. Majority of Jews practice Reform Judaism in the US, Israel, and Europe.

He was however a Zionist Jew like all the Judeans were at the time.

And then again there are people like Jihad Sherri who use Jesus' words and the teachings of the New Testament to hate Jesus' people, the Jews. Nothing new there.
So? Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah.

The Messiah in the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Messiah of the Old. Which would make Him a Zionist. Are you that dumb not to understand this simple concept? Jesus appeared as the Messiah of the Old Testament, he even rode into Jerusalem in a donkey, etc.

As I said before, you can't stand the truth because it undercuts your whole warped ideology built on hatred and lies. Just come out and say you're a Muslim convert and get it over it. It's more than obvious who you are.
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?

Lots of people claim to be "christian" Magda Goebbels was not only "christian"--
but a church goer-----and a really pretty girl----she looked like an angel in
her veil-----draped daintily over her blond hair. I am intrigued ----there he is
----the man with the red pitchfork-----calling himself "bloodrock"----
when I was a child---(about age 6) the playmate with whom I was so close
that we attended sunday school together---(her mom was a kinda do-gooder)
---INSISTED as we were digging in her
yard that when we reached "RED EARTH"-----we were nearing THE DEVIL.
She told me to carry a little paper cross -----in order to get rid of the devil in case
he did show up. -----red earth,,,,,BLOODROCK -----I see the connection. I no longer
have my little paper cross.------you lucked out BLOOD..!!!!
"...As I said before, you can't stand the truth because it undercuts your whole warped ideology built on hatred and lies. Just come out and say you're a Muslim convert and get it over it. It's more than obvious who you are."
Sweet_Caroline posted to the sherrithing: "I don't talk about Christianity but you do, that's why. Carry on. "

Oh, that the sherriliar can do: it's about all sherrishtflinger can manage to do.......carry on.
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?
Those are the words of the Hamas / Hezbollah operative who is using Jihad Sherri's USMB account at the time.

The posing as a Christian charade is a failed strategy, which they will continue using because that is all they have.
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?

Well, yeah; if said Christian is suffering from mental illness which has yet to be diagnosed and treated.
You are too ignorant to address the thread topic, so you resort to personal attacks and spewing lies.

One more time, Jesus is the Son of God , the God who so loved the world He sent His only Begotten Son to die on a cross to save man from sin.

And whosoever believet in Him , Jesus, shall have eternal iife.

You choose Jesus and Heaven or reject Him and Hell awaits.

And Jesus has nothing to do with Zionism or Zionists.

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?
Those are the words of the Hamas / Hezbollah operative who is using Jihad Sherri's USMB account at the time.

The posing as a Christian charade is a failed strategy, which they will continue using because that is all they have.
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

I would love to know how many red splats you've accumulated. Cmon, be a sport. Turn your rep back on.


Dear Bloodrock;

As Pastor Dave once told me - no worries. This has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with Sherri.

I regret to inform you you've been slimed. Fortunately, all she really did was leave a bad taste in people's mouths. No lasting damage.


You are too ignorant to address the thread topic, so you resort to personal attacks and spewing lies.

One more time, Jesus is the Son of God , the God who so loved the world He sent His only Begotten Son to die on a cross to save man from sin.

And whosoever believet in Him , Jesus, shall have eternal iife.

You choose Jesus and Heaven or reject Him and Hell awaits.

And Jesus has nothing to do with Zionism or Zionists.

Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn
I do not buy the lies of Satan using the name Bloodrock.here.

FUCK YOU, Satanic scumbag Bloodrock44.

Just want to remind everyone that Sherri claims to be a Christian. Are these the words of a Christian?
Those are the words of the Hamas / Hezbollah operative who is using Jihad Sherri's USMB account at the time.

The posing as a Christian charade is a failed strategy, which they will continue using because that is all they have.

Takes one to know one, poser.
Stay focused, Jihad Sherri. The thread topic is whether Jesus was a Zionist, which he clearly was.

Not whether or not you'll go to Hell based in what you believe him to be.
There is no shame in Jesus.

You are too ignorant to address the thread topic, so you resort to personal attacks and spewing lies.

One more time, Jesus is the Son of God , the God who so loved the world He sent His only Begotten Son to die on a cross to save man from sin.

And whosoever believet in Him , Jesus, shall have eternal iife.

You choose Jesus and Heaven or reject Him and Hell awaits.

And Jesus has nothing to do with Zionism or Zionists.

Those are the words of the Hamas / Hezbollah operative who is using Jihad Sherri's USMB account at the time.

The posing as a Christian charade is a failed strategy, which they will continue using because that is all they have.

Takes one to know one, poser.
You reject Jesus, to hell you go to burn for eternity, Zionist boy!

Jesus is the Son of God, stop blaspheming Jesus!

Stay focused, Jihad Sherri. The thread topic is whether Jesus was a Zionist, which he clearly was.

Not whether or not you'll go to Hell based in what you believe him to be.
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