Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Sherri would like us to believe Jesus wasn't a Jew who taught from the Bible. He was a Palestinian who taught from the Koran.

What does that have to do with your lying Zionist claim that Jesus was a Zionist?

Just another Zionist for you to burn in hell beside.

Thanks to the Zionist Hallie Salasie, the Lion Of Judah, Ethiopia became the 13th member nation of the UN in November 1945.
If Jesus wasn't a Zionist, then what was his faith and credo? What bible did he teach from? What nationality was his mother?
Sherri would like us to believe Jesus wasn't a Jew who taught from the Bible. He was a Palestinian who taught from the Koran.

What does that have to do with your lying Zionist claim that Jesus was a Zionist?

Just another Zionist for you to burn in hell beside.
If Jesus wasn't a Zionist, then what was his faith and credo? What bible did he teach from? What nationality was his mother?
Sherria wouldn't answer my questions if her life depended on it. She's a real hard-core Islumist.
Look how angry Sherri is getting.

It seems she's starting to break down lol !!!
Well, some people simply can't handle the truth.
I'm just wondering if we can send Sherri a check for all this free entertainment.

Jihad Sherri is the gift that keeps giving.

Seriously, it feels wrong watching the show for free
Maybe Jihad Sherri is secretly a Zionist put here to make the pro Pali's look bad? Ever thought of that?
So true. A real captive by Islamists who stoops so low as to even try to use Jesus to fool us.

Sherri would like us to believe Jesus wasn't a Jew who taught from the Bible. He was a Palestinian who taught from the Koran.

If Jesus wasn't a Zionist, then what was his faith and credo? What bible did he teach from? What nationality was his mother?
Sherria wouldn't answer my questions if her life depended on it. She's a real hard-core Islumist.
Plenty of Zionists here on this board who are Christian and believe in Jesus. Yet Jihad Sherri attacks and uses profanity against them. . For Jihad Sherri hating Jews and Israel is more important than God almighty.
Plenty of Zionists here on this board who are Christian and believe in Jesus. Yet Jihad Sherri attacks and uses profanity against them. . For Jihad Sherri hating Jews and Israel is more important than God almighty.

It's a shame that Mrs. Sherri doesn't get out of her house. She can't be that far from Houston, and I am sure the Chasidim would have been happy for her to ride on their float.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnfseVFUjtc&feature=youtu.be]Chanukah Float in Houston Thanksgiving Day Parade 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
And this Zionist who keeps on in her active disbelief of Jesus as Messiah keeps forgetting Herodotus wrote about the land of Palestine 2460 years ago, that is close to 500 years before Jesus lived as a man in the land known as Palestine.

In the original language, Isaiah in Ch 14 is cataloging the list of Israel's ancient enemies - from Babylon to the Philistines: what has been mistranslated in the KJV as "Palestina" is actually "Philistia" in the text of Isaiah, in Isaiah's own words as given to him by the LORD (the one the sherriliar pretends she worships!)

And, as we all should remember, the Philistines were a 'Sea People' tribe - not related to Israelites or Ishmaelites! - who had five city-states far in the south near Egypt, in what is now PART of Gaza. It is only a tiny little speck of the area the Romans - a CENTURY AFTER Jesus died! - renamed as 'Palestine'..... That Roman 'province' was never independent, never self-governing. And to the extent that it had a distinct culture, that culture was Judaism (which is more than a religion but was never a 'race').

This is HILARIOUS!!!! There can be no such thing as an 'active disbelief': an absence of belief is a VOID, it cannot be 'active'.

AS for Herodotus, he was a Greek who wrote in Greek: the Greeks called everything between Syria and Egypt 'Palestine', but the land was NOT 'known as' Palestine to the people who lived within it. Herodotus was 'right' as far as the Greek world was concerned: but the people of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel weren't part of that Greek world.

Do you really suppose the Cherokee people call themselves 'Cherokee'? NO: they are the Tsalagihi. Would it be right to insist that they should have called themselves 'Cherokee' because English-speaking people use that combination of sounds ? Part of the right of 'self-determination' is for a people to be able to name themselves, and their land.

I've noticed that the sherriturd is attempting to dehumanize and demean other posters by refusing to use our ID's and calling us all 'Zionist' ....... Even her name-calling is boring and lacking creativity, just like her idiotic 'songs', LMAO!
Just remember, every time the sherrifilth spits her "FUCK YOU" at a Jew -OR a Zionist! - she's really spitting in Jesus' face, saying that "FUCK YOU" to his mother and all the rest of his family and relatives......
Plenty of Zionists here on this board who are Christian and believe in Jesus. Yet Jihad Sherri attacks and uses profanity against them. . For Jihad Sherri hating Jews and Israel is more important than God almighty.

It's a shame that Mrs. Sherri doesn't get out of her house. She can't be that far from Houston, and I am sure the Chasidim would have been happy for her to ride on their float.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnfseVFUjtc&feature=youtu.be]Chanukah Float in Houston Thanksgiving Day Parade 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
I wonder if Jihad Sherri gets paid by the hour or weekly salary.
Of course, as you have zero educational expertise in linguistics, it's natural that you'd make such mistakes......

What's your expertise? Just curious.

I minored in it in college. However, one needn't be a 'professional' to understand that specific words ought not be assumed from any translation of any work: it is always most desirable to go to the original source or document to verify exact words and meanings.

That is the 'mistake' I referred to, trusting a translation over the original. There are numerous instances where the Christian translations of the Torah are not faithful to the original, not merely 'theologically' but demonstrably in error according to linguistics - that is, the translators failed to follow the rules of Hebrew grammar, etc.

Even within English, within a few centuries, words have altered enough in meaning that one needs a considerable glossary to understand Shakespeare's works. Go back a couple more and the scholars are debating over how 'French' or 'Germanic' Chaucer's work would actually have sounded....

Of course, that's more 'History of English' than pure linguistics.... One of the problems for Christians attempting to understand the Hebrew Bible is the fact that crucial terms ('reserved' words or 'jargon') such as 'prophesy' and 'salvation' have different scope and definitions in Judaism and Christianity. One obvious example is describing the Torah (Pentateuch) as 'The Law' - that is a Greek 'translation' of what Jews refer to as 'Teachings' (Written and Oral).

Here are a couple of articles which you - and I hope others! - will find interesting.

Linguistic relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Languages of Pao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another writer whose work is 'heavy' on anthropology is Ursula K. Le Guin. The 'K' stands for 'Kroeber' - Alfred Kroeber (who was a student of Boas) .......
Free yourself from those jail bars and the lies of Satan and believe Jesus is who He says He is.


11*fI am the good shepherd. The good shepherd*glays down his life for the sheep.*12*He who isha hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and*ileaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and*jscatters them.*13*He flees because*khe is a hired hand and*lcares nothing for the sheep.14*mI am the good shepherd.*nI know my own and*omy own know me,*15*pjust as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and*qI lay down my life for the sheep

John 10 - ESVBible.org - ?Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by...

Mrs. Sherri really missed her calling. She would have been a good sidekick for Elmer Gantry. Think of how much more money they would have raked in during those tent revival meetings if Mrs. Sherri had been his partner.
Sherri could been the right hand man of the KKK Grand Wizard, "she coulda been somebody, she coulda been a contender".

She sure sucks the big one at 'evangelizing'... I heard she's been boinkin' a guy for decades, and STILL hasn't made any headway on his conversion. :eek:
Sherri would like us to believe Jesus wasn't a Jew who taught from the Bible. He was a Palestinian who taught from the Koran.

What does that have to do with your lying Zionist claim that Jesus was a Zionist?

Just another Zionist for you to burn in hell beside.
If Jesus wasn't a Zionist, then what was his faith and credo? What bible did he teach from? What nationality was his mother?

Actually, he did not teach from the Bible.... just saying... ;)
Here are a couple of articles which you - and I hope others! - will find interesting.

Linguistic relativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Languages of Pao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .......

I appreciate the response, but you really want to have something other than Wiki as a source (not that one was needed anyway).

It was easy to find, and touched on the main points of developments in linguistic theory. Anyone interested in learning more from 'primary' sources could look up the individuals noted in the articles, or search for 'linguistic relativity'.

Not disagreeing with you there, Unk - just explaining why I chose the lazy way out last night : ))

Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds

23*dAnd he went throughout all Galilee,*eteaching in their synagogues and*fproclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and*ghealing every disease and every affliction among the people.*24*So his fame spread throughout all*hSyria, and*gthey brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases andipains,*jthose oppressed by demons,kepileptics, and*lparalytics, and he healed them.*25*mAnd great crowds followed him from Galilee and thenDecapolis, and from Jerusalem and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan.

Matthew 4 - ESVBible.org - Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after...

Born into what we would today call a Jewish family, He did not teach from the Bible.

All He taught was what the Father directed Him to teach, if it was from any writings those too came from God the Father.

From the beginning of His Ministry He had set Himself apart . See Bible verse above as an illustration of this.

Sherri would like us to believe Jesus wasn't a Jew who taught from the Bible. He was a Palestinian who taught from the Koran.

What does that have to do with your lying Zionist claim that Jesus was a Zionist?

Just another Zionist for you to burn in hell beside.
If Jesus wasn't a Zionist, then what was his faith and credo? What bible did he teach from? What nationality was his mother?
Matthew 23, Jesus speaks of Galilee where He lived, and He calls teaching in the synagogues there "teaching in their synagogues."

And reading a Commentary, I read "teaching in their synagogues" was an activity open to any competent layman. Jesus was never part of the reigning religious establishment and did not even have formal training as a teacher/rabbi He knew what He knew from God the Father.
Yeah, that explains why Jesus quotes the Torah and the Talmud on quite a few occasions.... : ))
Not only does the Matthew verse establish He did not teach in His own synagogues, it also establishes what He did at the synagogues was different from what the established Jewish rabbis did at a synagogue.

He preached "the gospel of the kingdom."

That is The Gospel spoken of in John 3:16.
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