Even prominent skeptics now agree, the earth is warming, and the effect is man-made.

Vast LWC

Aug 4, 2009
Prominent climate change skeptic Richard Muller, in a study funded by the Koch Brothers, admits he was wrong, and that Global Warming is not only real, but is man-made.

No, you didn't read that wrong.

A University of Berkeley study, funded by the Koch brothers, has provided conclusive data that agrees with previous assessments by other sources, that show Global Warming is in fact man-made.

Prominent climate change denier now admits he was wrong (+video) - CSMonitor.com
Prominent climate change skeptic Richard Muller, in a study funded by the Koch Brothers, admits he was wrong, and that Global Warming is not only real, but is man-made.

No, you didn't read that wrong.

A University of Berkeley study, funded by the Koch brothers, has provided conclusive data that agrees with previous assessments by other sources, that show Global Warming is in fact man-made.

Prominent climate change denier now admits he was wrong (+video) - CSMonitor.com
so we should now believe what the Koch brothers fund? Correct?
so we should now believe what the Koch brothers fund? Correct?

Since any bias would most assuredly run counter to the results that were found...

If the posted results were inaccurate due to be funded by the Koch brothers, it would imply that the actual results were even MORE conclusive.

But I'm going to assume you know that, and are just asking a rhetorical question.
so we should now believe what the Koch brothers fund? Correct?

Since any bias would run counter to the results that were found, if the posted results were inaccurate due to be funded by the Koch brothers, it would imply that the actual results were even MORE conclusive.

But I'm going to assume you know that, and are just asking a rhetorical question.

you're assuming they don't have any ulterior motives.
I agree that since 1950 that much of the warming is only explainable by the global warming theory, but within the past 10-12 years the rate of warming certainly has slowed. I like the idea's being put forward like solar minimum causing less energy to enter the system and quite possibly more clouds reflecting energy back into space.(Spencer)

Another was put forward by Hansen? that has to do with oceans pulling the energy into its depths and having heat cycles(shifting from deep ocean to shallow through decades). They make the case that within the next few decades this energy may make it to the surface in a stair stepping pattern. NOT linear. Could be why the warming has slown?

Either way I think it's pretty strong that the warming during the past 40 years is caused by man.
I am naturally sceptical of anything paid for by the Koch Brothers.

That being said, WOW! Muller has been a thorn in the yes its real side for a long time. That he would suddenly change sides is fairly dramatic. And if he indeed has evidence as he claims that is stronger than previous data, then it could spell the end of the debate.

That being said, its freaking HOT!!! And Im in Minnesota!!!!
I agree that since 1950 that much of the warming is only explainable by the global warming theory, but within the past 10-12 years the rate of warming certainly has slowed. I like the idea's being put forward like solar minimum causing less energy to enter the system and quite possibly more clouds reflecting energy back into space.(Spencer)

Another was put forward by Hansen? that has to do with oceans pulling the energy into its depths and having heat cycles(shifting from deep ocean to shallow through decades). They make the case that within the next few decades this energy may make it to the surface in a stair stepping pattern. NOT linear. Could be why the warming has slown?

Either way I think it's pretty strong that the warming during the past 40 years is caused by man.

There has been an awful lot of volcanic activity in the last few years. That should by all logic create more cover to cool things a bit. Not feeling it this summer though are we?

Ive been hoping and praying this last winter and this summer are anomolies and not the new norms.
you're assuming they don't have any ulterior motives.

That is a good point, I will give you that.

However, I personally cannot think of anything they could have to gain from this.

Can you?
I expect that all the true believers will, by now, have parked their vehicles; turned off their thermostats; flipped off their main breakers and started harvesting their own locally grown (no transport required) veggies which they will eat raw.

If they're not doing that then they're part of the problem and have no right to act "superiour".
I am naturally sceptical of anything paid for by the Koch Brothers.

That being said, WOW! Muller has been a thorn in the yes its real side for a long time. That he would suddenly change sides is fairly dramatic. And if he indeed has evidence as he claims that is stronger than previous data, then it could spell the end of the debate.

That being said, its freaking HOT!!! And Im in Minnesota!!!!

No question it has been warming for the past 150 years, but the real question is why? It can't be explained any other way since around 1940 time frame as solar output hasn't been going up. You either have to put more energy into a system or slow the rate of removal. :eusa_boohoo: Really that simple.

Is the debate over? HELL, NO. Two things need to be answered.
1# Why did the rate of warming slow in the past 10 years to bring about the doubts? What's the causes.
2# I think this is mostly answered as solar activity hasn't want up...But maybe it's a "local" cycle that has to do with the oceans? Who really knows, but I can understand why you think it is purely global warming. Let's listen to both sides to understand what factors could be holding it back or effecting it.
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I don't know that well, tbh. why did Ruppert Murdoch donate all that money to Hillary Clinton's candidacy?

I believe it's because Murdoch felt he had something on her, and could sabotage her candidacy more easily than Obama's.

I'm not saying he actually did have anything on her, I'm just saying it seemed like that was the reason he was backing her.
I expect that all the true believers will, by now, have parked their vehicles; turned off their thermostats; flipped off their main breakers and started harvesting their own locally grown (no transport required) veggies which they will eat raw.

If they're not doing that then they're part of the problem and have no right to act "superiour".

Personally I have a gas heater, have a low-gas-usage car, and take public transportation as much as possible.

And I plan to get solar panels mounted on the roof if I can convince the damn management company in my development to allow it.
I agree that since 1950 that much of the warming is only explainable by the global warming theory, but within the past 10-12 years the rate of warming certainly has slowed. I like the idea's being put forward like solar minimum causing less energy to enter the system and quite possibly more clouds reflecting energy back into space.(Spencer)

Another was put forward by Hansen? that has to do with oceans pulling the energy into its depths and having heat cycles(shifting from deep ocean to shallow through decades). They make the case that within the next few decades this energy may make it to the surface in a stair stepping pattern. NOT linear. Could be why the warming has slown?

Either way I think it's pretty strong that the warming during the past 40 years is caused by man.

There has been an awful lot of volcanic activity in the last few years. That should by all logic create more cover to cool things a bit. Not feeling it this summer though are we?

Ive been hoping and praying this last winter and this summer are anomolies and not the new norms.

Volcanic activity hasn't been very active. That volcano Mount Pinatubo in 1991 was a vei 6 that may of helped cause most of the "steeper" slope of the period between 1991-1998. That's 10 km³ of volcanic ash into the atmosphere next to Eyjafjallajökull(2010) that was a VEI 4 equaling about .1 km^3...Doesn't compare.

Volcanic Explosivity Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weather patterns maybe effected on the long term to become more extreme, but it is all ridge placement within the short range.
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I am naturally sceptical of anything paid for by the Koch Brothers.

That being said, WOW! Muller has been a thorn in the yes its real side for a long time. That he would suddenly change sides is fairly dramatic. And if he indeed has evidence as he claims that is stronger than previous data, then it could spell the end of the debate.

That being said, its freaking HOT!!! And Im in Minnesota!!!!

No question it has been warming for the past 150 years, but the real question is why? It can't be explained any other way since around 1940 time frame as solar output hasn't been going up. You either have to put more energy into a system or slow the rate of removal. :eusa_boohoo: Really that simple.

Is the debate over? HELL, NO. Two things need to be answered.
1# Why did the rate of warming slow in the past 10 years to bring about the doubts? What's the causes.
2# I think this is mostly answered as solar activity hasn't want up...But maybe it's a "local" cycle that has to do with the oceans? Who really knows, but I can understand why you think it is purely global warming. Let's listen to both sides to understand what factors could be holding it back or effecting it.

and dont forget the debate in the 70's over Global Cooling. In my opinion, it was that failed science more than anything else that fueled the original scepticism of Global Climate Change.
Prominent climate change skeptic Richard Muller, in a study funded by the Koch Brothers, admits he was wrong, and that Global Warming is not only real, but is man-made.

No, you didn't read that wrong.

A University of Berkeley study, funded by the Koch brothers, has provided conclusive data that agrees with previous assessments by other sources, that show Global Warming is in fact man-made.

Prominent climate change denier now admits he was wrong (+video) - CSMonitor.com
so we should now believe what the Koch brothers fund? Correct?

Only when it says what the left wants it to say. If it says something the left doesn't want it to say, then it's Koch brother nonsense.
I expect that all the true believers will, by now, have parked their vehicles; turned off their thermostats; flipped off their main breakers and started harvesting their own locally grown (no transport required) veggies which they will eat raw.

If they're not doing that then they're part of the problem and have no right to act "superiour".

Hopefully they have put solar on their roof and bought a electric car that's powered by it. :eusa_shifty: Hell, when you think about it that isn't a bad idea. :eusa_shhh:

The only thing stopping it is the price of solar to be able to power your home and car.
Weather station temperature claims are overheated, report claims | Fox News
Global warming believer-turned-skeptic Anthony Watts, a former TV meteorologist, posted a new report online questioning the reliability of weather stations in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network, a 120-year-old weather system that forms one tent pole of climate measurements. As the country has evolved, building urban metropolises and airports and pouring parking lots, the weather stations haven&#8217;t moved -- and poorly cited stations are spoiling the data.

Watts cherry-picked the well-sited stations and studied their data; his results show the planet warming at just 0.155 degrees Celsius per decade, rather than the 0.309 C per decade cited by the government.

&#8220;I believe global warming is real. No doubt about it. Not a bit of doubt,&#8221; Watts told FoxNews.com. &#8220;However, I don&#8217;t think it&#8217;s catastrophic, or as bad as it&#8217;s been portrayed.&#8221;
I am naturally sceptical of anything paid for by the Koch Brothers.

That being said, WOW! Muller has been a thorn in the yes its real side for a long time. That he would suddenly change sides is fairly dramatic. And if he indeed has evidence as he claims that is stronger than previous data, then it could spell the end of the debate.

That being said, its freaking HOT!!! And Im in Minnesota!!!!

No question it has been warming for the past 150 years, but the real question is why? It can't be explained any other way since around 1940 time frame as solar output hasn't been going up. You either have to put more energy into a system or slow the rate of removal. :eusa_boohoo: Really that simple.

Is the debate over? HELL, NO. Two things need to be answered.
1# Why did the rate of warming slow in the past 10 years to bring about the doubts? What's the causes.
2# I think this is mostly answered as solar activity hasn't want up...But maybe it's a "local" cycle that has to do with the oceans? Who really knows, but I can understand why you think it is purely global warming. Let's listen to both sides to understand what factors could be holding it back or effecting it.

and dont forget the debate in the 70's over Global Cooling. In my opinion, it was that failed science more than anything else that fueled the original scepticism of Global Climate Change.

The period between 1950 to 1975 saw (slight)cooling caused by the sulfur reflecting energy away from the earth. Ask People like Jame Hansen and they will tell you that if we totally stopped burning fossil fuels today, the temperature in the short term would shoot up much faster.

It also comes from their lack of understanding of the workings of our climate.:eusa_boohoo:

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