Even Republicans Are Sick of Tea Party Nonsense

Reagan raised taxes as part of a debt reduction deal, a deal the democrats renigged on.... The tea party wants lower taxes, smaller government, and more accountable representatives.

Why would something like this be so offensive to some?

Why? It is offensive to me because the issue of debt service wasn't on their radar when Bush&Co controlled the White House and Republicans held the Congress. A time when taxes were cut and war raged, not a peep was heard from future TPers.

The debt and deficit spending has been an issue for decades, remember the US Senator from Wisconsin and his Golden Fleece Awards. Sen Proxmire issued a Golden Fleece Award every month between March 1975 and December 1988.

Everyone wants lower taxes, but everyone wants to receive the benefits of government. What offends me is the inability of those who support the objectives of the TP to evaluate the consequences to our nation if the movement they support is successful.

TPers believe smaller government is the panacea for all of our country's ills. Never do I read or hear from supporters of this movement potential pitfalls if they are successful in 'fixing' decads of deficit spending in one year. It is absurd to believe only good will come of this ideological and emotion driven movement.

One good thing if they are successful, Supply Side theory will be put to rest. The bad things are too numberous to list, though a thinking person willing to put aside the faux conservative dogma can easily figure out the specific and individual harms which will begin with layoffs and end with massive unemployment and the economy in a death spiral.

The way to get accuntable representatives is simple: Get the money out of the equation; put members of Congress and any legislative body who accept anything from anyone, in the past, present or future, matters upon which they vote and do not declare on the bill or matter itself, in prison. Hard to enforce? You bet, but untill we do we are stuck with the law makers we got.
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Reagan raised taxes as part of a debt reduction deal, a deal the democrats renigged on.... The tea party wants lower taxes, smaller government, and more accountable representatives.

Why would something like this be so offensive to some?

Why? It is offensive to me because the issue of debt service wasn't on their radar when Bush&Co controlled the White House and Republicans held the Congress. A time when taxes were cut and war raged, not a peep was heard from future TPers.

This was almost 30 years ago, I bet some weren't born, and many were under 20 at least.... Just sayin....

The debt and deficit spending has been an issue for decades, remember the US Senator from Wisconsin and his Golden Fleece Awards. Sen Proxmire issued a Golden Fleece Award every month between March 1975 and December 1988.

Everyone wants lower taxes, but everyone wants to receive the benefits of government. What offends me is the inability of those who support the objectives of the TP to evaluate the consequences to our nation if the movement they support is successful.

This is simply not true, Many like myself want lower taxes, and I don't need most government programs....

Roads, the post office, the military (albiet a much smaller one, we don't need to figth a war for french and chinese oil).... and a few other key programs, that's it.

I don't need a study on penis size, or tattoo removal for crack whores.... The list goes on. Instead of a massive healthcare program offer business tax incentives to provide..

TPers believe smaller government is the panacea for all of our country's ills. Never do I read or hear from supporters of this movement potential pitfalls if they are successful in 'fixing' decads of deficit spending in one year. It is absurd to believe only good will come of this ideological and emotion driven movement.

Actually we don't we believe that we can't continue like this as we teeter on the abyss. I haven't seen "one year" perhaps you can show me, where anyone expects anything to be fixed in one year.

One good thing if they are successful, Supply Side theory will be put to rest. The bad things are too numberous to list, though a thinking person willing to put aside the faux conservative dogma can easily figure out the specific and individual harms which will begin egins with layoffs and end with massive unemployment and the economy in a death spiral.

so, you cant list 5, but thinking people must agree with liberals and conservatism is always "faux"?

I don't buy into such close minded ideology....

The way to get accuntable representatives is simple: Get the money out of the equation; put members of Congress and any legislative body who accept anything from anyone, in the past, present or future, matters upon which they vote and do not declare on the bill or matter itself, in prison. Hard to enforce? You bet, but untill we do we are stuck with the law makers we got.

Past? This is a pipe dream.
Of course Republicans don't like the Tea Party. The Tea Partiers at least pay LIP SERVICE to a number of actually CONSERVATIVE ideals. The Republican Party can't even claim to do that. They're essentially the centrist arm of the Democratic Party and have been for at least the last century. As I've said before, the last Conservative in Washington, DC was President Andrew Jackson.

As for compromise.... Anyone willing to compromise their position didn't have one to begin with.

See my avatar for a visual representation of Anachronism's comment ;)
hmm, I missed that... anyway, do you have anything to say regarding the content of my post other than correcting my spelling?


No, I don't give serious feedback to retards.

But you gave KGB advice on how to not lose all his money on the last hand of hte night :eusa_eh:


I'm telling the KGB you called him a retard. :lol:

He's gonna bust a cap in yo' ass.

Seriously, what the fuck was the kid thinking :lol:
hmm, I missed that... anyway, do you have anything to say regarding the content of my post other than correcting my spelling?


No, I don't give serious feedback to retards.

No, I don't give serious feedback to retards.

But you gave KGB advice on how to not lose all his money on the last hand of hte night :eusa_eh:


I'm telling the KGB you called him a retard. :lol:

He's gonna bust a cap in yo' ass.

Seriously, what the fuck was the kid thinking :lol:

He wants to go to the mega gun store today cause they are open till 8...the one that you have to take a number before you can enter and go shopping, lol.

And I dunno, i felt bad for him he was all amped up all night to win and lost it all, well most of it, in one hand.

What is this topic again.....oh yeah......republicans mad at tea party for not just blindly following them on everything.
The founders compromised quite a bit in creating our Constitution; without compromise we might still be floundering under the Articles of Confederation - assuming the United States continued to exist without creating a more perfect union.

The older I get, the less attractive I find the majority of their compromised solution to be, Wry. Maybe we would have been better off as 5-10 small city-states than as this massive country. I KNOW we'd be better off if the Confederacy had won the Civil War.

Radicals want it their way and refuse to consider alternatives. Sane and sensible leaders know this, they strive to achieve aggreement on important matters and will compromise when necessary. Compromise is not capitulation.

You confuse me for someone who has an interest in "sanity" or "sensibility". Remember, I'm an idealogue. I'm an Authoritarian. Compromise really is not part of my way of life. Compromise most definitely IS capitulation. Especially for those of us who see only two ways of doing things.... Right and Wrong.

The Tea Party is a radical movement driven by demagoguery, emotion gets a mob only so far - eventually the adults take control and establish order fairly and within the rules of law. When the inmates take over the asylum anarchy is the result and no one benefits.

What you see as anarchy and "the inmates running the asylum" is simply because you disagree with the basic principles on which any Proper Society is founded.... Morals, Values, Personal Responsibility, and stiff penalties for those who cannot get with those three programs.

The RIGHT track, you mean another recession? Like the country and working Americans could handle THAT?

The country hasn't made much progress recovering from the last recession and we could very well have ANOTHER recession. How is that good?

You mistake me for someone who gives a fuck about people who screwed themselves over "recovering". You mistake me for someone who thinks that we should have saved the old/current system. I'm not one of those people. At some point the old, infirm, totally unable to take care of itself system needs to be taken out, put out of our misery and replaced with something else. It was the absolute desolution and despair of The Great Depression that led to many of the disastrous policies we have today. It's only right that another Greater Depression should be the catalyst for the Revolutionary ideas that will be needed to fix this country (if it even can be fixed) or replace the rotted structure we currently have with something better.
Remember back when they told us the TEA Party was insignificant folks.


I'd faint if I saw one Leftie EVER put the blame on their own party. But they now have ANOTHER scapegoat to dump on. People who don't want TAXES to go up so we can give this greedy Government more money to WASTE.

can you believe people are really BITCHING ABOUT THAT.

And I have to laugh they keep bring up a President they HATED to dump on people, Ronald Reagan.

You just can't make this shit up
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Boner, the Republicans and the Teat Party deserve everything that happens to them from "The Summer of NO" on out.

Every bit of it.
Boner, the Republicans and the Teat Party deserve everything that happens to them from "The Summer of NO" on out.

Every bit of it.

Yep, and they'll get it. I'm just waiting for the day that the two main parties get what they deserve.... marched out in front of a wall and executed for Treason.
Boner, the Republicans and the Teat Party deserve everything that happens to them from "The Summer of NO" on out.

Every bit of it.

Yep, and they'll get it. I'm just waiting for the day that the two main parties get what they deserve.... marched out in front of a wall and executed for Treason.

That's exactly what Saddam Hussein did to his first parliament when he assumed control of Iraq. Only, his method was to take members of the governing body, put a gun in their hand and make them shoot anyone he declared was a "traitor." If they wouldn't do it, he went down the row until he could find someone who would shoot a line of "traitors" for him. A "traitor" was someone who refused to obey his order to murder a fellow member of the governing body Saddam didn't like.

I think I'd try something else as a remedy. Deliberation that results in no compromises often means the stakes are high for everybody. In this case, the choice is a Democratic Republic or a Socialist Republic. Socialist Republics seldom survive over a century. They just don't get jobs created, bills paid on schedule, running a country.

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