Even the CULTISTS say it's a religion!!


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
On entering the climate arena
These findings were presented at a small conference at one of the major learned societies. You must remember that I am not a climatologist or bona fide weather expert, and approached this topic from a purely statistical point of view. I mentioned that according to the proxy record the temperature was considerably lower that it has been and that it is decreasing. I then proceeded to comment on the lag between temperature and carbon dioxide and explained that it seemed 'incorrect' to blame temperature rises on CO2 when clearly the CO2 rises lag temperature increases, also noting that you can't really develop a mathematical time-dependent model that allows CO2 to force temperature rise, when the temperature has stopped rising up to 1000 years prior to the CO2 rising. There must be something 'missing' that we don't understand.

During the question time that followed my talk, I was strongly criticised, with audience members suggesting that I didn't know what I was talking about. Afterwards, one audience member told me that I had actually insulted a 'scientific religion' and that I should expect further criticism. The following day, I had several polite emails pointing out what were claimed to be the errors in my work (but which actually had nothing to do with it).

Several months afterwards, the society's ‘newsletter’ was published. It contained a special section on the conference at which I had spoken, with a brief description of each talk, the work behind it, and with thanks offered to each speaker. I searched for my name – nothing. My presentation was ignored in its entirety.


I was told by a teacher of mine that science describes what is going on in the world, and that if a theory doesn't explain what we observe, then that theory is wrong. It is interesting to note that no one on the IPCC has any credible explanation for the 'pause' as they call it. We currently have no confirmed mechanisms for many climate phenomena, such as El Nino, the NAO, the Madden Julian Oscillation etc and of the 'pause'. Yes, we know what they are, but we have little or no idea how or why.

It baffles me how scientists can hold such faith in a model that disagrees so much with the actual phenomena it is supposed to be representing.​
This guy's a statistician -- a specialty I've said for years needs to be involved in climate science...instead of climatologists trying (badly) to do statistics.
Climastrologists can't give their data to statisticians...they would just find something wrong with it.
You don't mind that neither the author nor any of the major people, entities or locations are named? I see. You don't.
You don't mind that neither the author nor any of the major people, entities or locations are named? I see. You don't.
I don't blame him for wishing to remain anonymous. AGW cultists are vindictive and possibly violent. They have ruined the careers of heretics, called for their imprisonment, and, in some cases, for their execution.

You cultists are psychotic.
That all makes the story completely impossible to verify. There is no need for it. There is nothing in that story that would make anyone violent and ever were there, the only datum that would need protection would be the identity of the author. The people behaving badly could be clearly identified. But he didn't. I think it far more likely that the entire thing is a fabrication.
That all makes the story completely impossible to verify. There is no need for it. There is nothing in that story that would make anyone violent and ever were there, the only datum that would need protection would be the identity of the author. The people behaving badly could be clearly identified. But he didn't. I think it far more likely that the entire thing is a fabrication.
"Heretic! Unbeliever! Outcast unclean!!"

Good robot.
So as long as the story confirms your prejudices, you haven't the slightest concern for its veracity.
This guy's a statistician -- a specialty I've said for years needs to be involved in climate science...instead of climatologists trying (badly) to do statistics.

Dave......don't even bother. All I do is make fun of these people on here.......anybody checking into this forum gets it in a heartbeat. These folks embrace being the social oddballs at the party......its how they found a way to fit in someplace in life. The whole world knows that they denounce anything that doesn't fit the narrative.......much has changed since 2006. Even social oddballs get their 15 minutes of fame.:D:D:badgrin:
You live on this message board, have done so for years, practice vacuous intellectual nihilism and you think you have the standing to accuse someone ELSE...ANYONE else, of being a social oddball?
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You live on this message board, have done so for years, practice vacuous intellectual nihilism and you think you have the standing to accuse someone ELSE...ANYONE else, of being a social oddball?

s0n......only social oddballs report other members to the MODS for feeling "threatened" on a message board = epic levels of ghey!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.

That's what social oddballs do......they've never had balls in their whole life and they know it too. Limpwristers.......they are ruining our country.
So as long as the story confirms your prejudices, you haven't the slightest concern for its veracity.
Wow. You just perfectly summarized AGW "science". Well done! :beer:

I'm not the one who posts completely unverifiable stories and claim they have some bearing on the issues under discussion. I'm the one who believes mainstream science knows what its doing a hell of a lot better than a tiny collection of senile, born again, TV weathermen.
So as long as the story confirms your prejudices, you haven't the slightest concern for its veracity.
Wow. You just perfectly summarized AGW "science". Well done! :beer:

I'm not the one who posts completely unverifiable stories and claim they have some bearing on the issues under discussion. I'm the one who believes mainstream science knows what its doing a hell of a lot better than a tiny collection of senile, born again, TV weathermen.
No, you're the one who refuses to even consider the possibility that your dogma may be wrong.

You're hooked through the bag. You're nothing more than a useful idiot.
Dave, are you ever going to discuss science, or are you just going to keep posting the same urban legends, evasions and logical fallacies in thread after thread?

You really don't need to answer that, being it was rhetorical. You've never been more than a propagandist for your cult, and that's not going to change. You don't have a clue about the science, and no amount of handwaving on your part can hide that fact.
You live on this message board, have done so for years, practice vacuous intellectual nihilism and you think you have the standing to accuse someone ELSE...ANYONE else, of being a social oddball?

s0n......only social oddballs report other members to the MODS for feeling "threatened" on a message board = epic levels of ghey!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.

That's what social oddballs do......they've never had balls in their whole life and they know it too. Limpwristers.......they are ruining our country.


LOL.....I do believe Ive touched a nerve.:2up:

Don't feel bad s0n.....all far lefties spend their lives looking in the sky for the house to be falling out of it!!! We know how they get there too.......getting picked last for the team.....standing around at college parties with your thumb up your ass and the look of "duh".......playing the position of "Left Out" on sports teams......being reinforced for being whining assholes growing up.....courage of a small soap dish!!

I exist in these forums to make just that point......that these people who were social oddballs growing up are the same people who desperately spend their life looking for a solution to EVERYFUCKINGTHING.( as if that were possible!!!:D:D). Its a mental condition borne of being a loser and trying to find a place that matters.

Listen to this video........you want a perfect example of your typical far left guy, here ya go >>>

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