Even the most ardent supporter of President Obama has to admit...

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Not only is the Mindless Partisanship still here. It's worse, and Obama has Helped make it worse. He is perhaps the most Political, Partisan President we have ever had.

It had a good laugh this week when he sent his People out to claim he was not campaigning more than 5% of the time. The man is always campaigning, Everything he does is calculated. Just like his little "reducing the size of Government" Dog and pony show today. He doesn't mean it, He wont do it, he just wants people to think he cares about smaller government, because he knows that is a very popular idea right now.

Dubious is it that the initiative came out in an election year. I'll grant you that. However since you brought up the politics of it, isn't it Mitch McConnell that said the goal was to make him a 1 term President. Here is the quote:

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

If that is whom you are working with....you can't blame the partisanship on Mr. Obama solely. If you try to make such an argument....well, you're full of it.
That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Not only is the Mindless Partisanship still here. It's worse, and Obama has Helped make it worse. He is perhaps the most Political, Partisan President we have ever had.

It had a good laugh this week when he sent his People out to claim he was not campaigning more than 5% of the time. The man is always campaigning, Everything he does is calculated. Just like his little "reducing the size of Government" Dog and pony show today. He doesn't mean it, He wont do it, he just wants people to think he cares about smaller government, because he knows that is a very popular idea right now.

Dubious is it that the initiative came out in an election year. I'll grant you that. However since you brought up the politics of it, isn't it Mitch McConnell that said the goal was to make him a 1 term President. Here is the quote:

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

If that is whom you are working with....you can't blame the partisanship on Mr. Obama solely. If you try to make such an argument....well, you're full of it.

*Obama* will make this about himself...and Class warfare. he's already been on this road since he was immacculated.

HE doesn't care a wit of this Republic...only destroying it.
Not only is the Mindless Partisanship still here. It's worse, and Obama has Helped make it worse. He is perhaps the most Political, Partisan President we have ever had.

It had a good laugh this week when he sent his People out to claim he was not campaigning more than 5% of the time. The man is always campaigning, Everything he does is calculated. Just like his little "reducing the size of Government" Dog and pony show today. He doesn't mean it, He wont do it, he just wants people to think he cares about smaller government, because he knows that is a very popular idea right now.

Dubious is it that the initiative came out in an election year. I'll grant you that. However since you brought up the politics of it, isn't it Mitch McConnell that said the goal was to make him a 1 term President. Here is the quote:

MCCONNELL: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
NATIONAL JOURNAL: What’s the job?
MCCONNELL: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

If that is whom you are working with....you can't blame the partisanship on Mr. Obama solely. If you try to make such an argument....well, you're full of it.

*Obama* will make this about himself...and Class warfare. he's already been on this road since he was immacculated.

HE doesn't care a wit of this Republic...only destroying it.

Did you mean to say, "emasculated"?


That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Not only is the Mindless Partisanship still here. It's worse, and Obama has Helped make it worse. He is perhaps the most Political, Partisan President we have ever had.

It had a good laugh this week when he sent his People out to claim he was not campaigning more than 5% of the time. The man is always campaigning, Everything he does is calculated. Just like his little "reducing the size of Government" Dog and pony show today. He doesn't mean it, He wont do it, he just wants people to think he cares about smaller government, because he knows that is a very popular idea right now.

Yes..like he wouldn't implement the conservative health care plan.
Like he wouldn't kill Bin Laden.
Like he wouldn't cut taxes and extend the Bush tax cuts.
Like he wouldn't follow through on Afghanistan and Iraq's time table.

Gotta love all the things you guys say he wouldn't do. Especially since he's adopting alot of what you guys want to see implemented.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Given the scope of the disaster left by a conservative president...I'd give him an "A".

The damage done by Bush II was far and away some of the worst cards that could have been dealt to an incoming President. But unlike a poker player, Obama knew what cards were being dealt.

You won't get any conservative to admit fault.

They will:
A. Minimalize it (SEE Romney)
B. Jettison Bush.
C. Double down on it.
Given the scope of the disaster left by a conservative president...I'd give him an "A".

The damage done by Bush II was far and away some of the worst cards that could have been dealt to an incoming President. But unlike a poker player, Obama knew what cards were being dealt.

You won't get any conservative to admit fault.

They will:
A. Minimalize it (SEE Romney)
B. Jettison Bush.
C. Double down on it.

By and large, that is true.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Given the scope of the disaster left by a conservative president...I'd give him an "A".

What conservative President?
Given the scope of the disaster left by a conservative president...I'd give him an "A".

The damage done by Bush II was far and away some of the worst cards that could have been dealt to an incoming President. But unlike a poker player, Obama knew what cards were being dealt.

You won't get any conservative to admit fault.

They will:
A. Minimalize it (SEE Romney)
B. Jettison Bush.
C. Double down on it.

A conservative won't admit fault ?

Obama has more excuses and points the finger more than all the other presidents combined. Obama blames the Scott Tissue company because he can't wipe his own ass correctly......
From Politifact: (that's www.politifact.com for the internet challenged)

Promise Kept - 160
Compromise - 50
Promise Broken - 56
Stalled - 65
In the Works - 175
Not yet rated - 2

That's a pretty good scorecard...

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Passing GPA? Please explain. I believe a stronger argument can be made for the oppositie.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

His signing of the Defense Authorization bill is very troubling for me. If the GOP nominee is anyone other than Gingrich,Perry,Santorum or Bachmann I will most likely vote Republican...but there is a lot of time left before the vote

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Nobody ever delivers on all of his promises. They build up expectations to get elected. Then when they walk into the Oval Office the realities hit them in the face.

I would have to say that even though I don't like Obama personally nor do I like his programs, I can't give him straight Fs. His administration made the call to get Bin Laden, but I fault Obama for the way he handled it afterwards. I also hear he tried not to get him or simply ignore it till people in his administration decided to act before it was too late to get him. They knew where he was for 8 months and sat on it. I don't know if he was waiting for the right political moment or he was just putting it off like he does everything.

I give him points for not losing his cool on camera. That's the only thing I give him real credit for.
Last edited:
From Politifact: (that's www.politifact.com for the internet challenged)

Promise Kept - 160
Compromise - 50
Promise Broken - 56
Stalled - 65
In the Works - 175
Not yet rated - 2

That's a pretty good scorecard...

It pretty much sums up the OP in my view. Not perfect but really not as much of a quagmire as some would have you believe.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Passing GPA? Please explain. I believe a stronger argument can be made for the oppositie.

A GPA of higher than the customary 2.5 on a scale of 4.0.

Points for promising and passing landmark healthcare legislation. Points for getting us out of Iraq and saving American servicemen and women's lives that were being sacrificed for far too long (under both his and GWB's administration) for no tangible gain. Points for saving the auto industry.

No points for not doing anything about the gridlock, the lobbyists still largely running the Government, the handling of the stimulus which was abysmal in my view.

Partial credit for admitting there is global warming then doing very little really to decrease our reliance on foreign oil, placing that idiotic moratorium on drilling in the Gulf because of one very serious disaster but as disasters tend to go...they are random in nature. Still I understand why he did it but c'mon... Partial credit for his handling of the job. This could go either way really but he seems to be as much tied to the bubble as Bush was. This is confirmed by the recent book. I want my President to be much more visible than he has been.

He promised, above all else, change. It has largely been business as usual.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Passing GPA? Please explain. I believe a stronger argument can be made for the oppositie.

A GPA of higher than the customary 2.5 on a scale of 4.0.

Points for promising and passing landmark healthcare legislation. Points for getting us out of Iraq and saving American servicemen and women's lives that were being sacrificed for far too long (under both his and GWB's administration) for no tangible gain. Points for saving the auto industry.

No points for not doing anything about the gridlock, the lobbyists still largely running the Government, the handling of the stimulus which was abysmal in my view.

Partial credit for admitting there is global warming then doing very little really to decrease our reliance on foreign oil, placing that idiotic moratorium on drilling in the Gulf because of one very serious disaster but as disasters tend to go...they are random in nature. Still I understand why he did it but c'mon... Partial credit for his handling of the job. This could go either way really but he seems to be as much tied to the bubble as Bush was. This is confirmed by the recent book. I want my President to be much more visible than he has been.

He promised, above all else, change. It has largely been business as usual.

The main problem with the stimulus was that there was not really much teeth to it in terms of going to actual construction projects..and a little less then half of it came in the form of tax breaks..again with no obligation to actually do anything helpful with the money.

It allowed many governors, like Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal, to shore up their state coffers and "justify" many of the tax cuts they supported and implemented. Thus in some cases it prolonged some the "validity" of some pretty disastrous state policy. The notion that tax cuts for the wealthy somehow magically translates into more jobs. It doesn't.
Of course he has not delivered on all of his campaign promises. They are just campaign promises. That means they are statements regarding what he would like to see done.

Fuck......Romney just promised to balance the federal budget and repeal Obamacare. No chance in hell of either. He might want to do that, which is the litmus test for campaign promises. Get it?

Well i've been voting for over 35 years...when a candidate is campaigning, his statements were always meant to be what they definately had planned! You know, when they PROMISE to do something, or when they say "I WILL" do something. I take what they say as this is what they will do. Whether i believe them or not doesn't matter....

So all of you left dolts DID vote for someone that had no real plans to fix American...and you'll most likely do it again. :cuckoo:
That's sort of incorrect. I would ask what "Conservatives" have accomplished for the USA. Some Republicans, like Lincoln and Eisenhower, have done a great deal.

Conservatism is a selfish, self serving, reactionary, regressive and short sighted philosophy.

But some of the chicks are hot. :eusa_angel:

That you consider Lincoln to have been conservative tells me you don't know what conservatism is.

That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

No President delivers on everything.

At this point, I'll vote for him based on how he extracted us from Iraq and refocused the war in Afghanistan with excellent results (OBL dead.... Anyone? Anyone?...)

Then of course: to vote against the loser and/or nutjob the GOP is going to nominate at this point.
That this President hasn't delivered on everything he promised during the 2008 election.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 2008 - Defining Moment

He has delivered some things but the report card is not straight A's. Far from it. The "mindless partisanship" is still here on both sides. Special interests are as present as ever. The "middle class rescue" mentioned in the commercial's first 10 seconds has been, in fact, non existent.

The question is whether or not Mr. Obama has enough A's to receive a passing GPA. I think yes for the most part.

Not only is the Mindless Partisanship still here. It's worse, and Obama has Helped make it worse. He is perhaps the most Political, Partisan President we have ever had.

It had a good laugh this week when he sent his People out to claim he was not campaigning more than 5% of the time. The man is always campaigning, Everything he does is calculated. Just like his little "reducing the size of Government" Dog and pony show today. He doesn't mean it, He wont do it, he just wants people to think he cares about smaller government, because he knows that is a very popular idea right now.
He hasn't stopped campaigning...period.

You apparently have......


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