Even the United States isn't "safe" from religious extremists.

Of course, I'm looking at recent history. So let's look at these one at a time:

First, divide the country along racial lines. Make one political party one race and the other one everyone else. (Republicans are 90% white and Democrats are everyone else. And the whites that belong to the Democratic party are gays and scientists, and teachers and everyone Republicans don't like.)

Then relentlessly convince your base that government is out to get you so they shrink it so small that it's not effective in governing. (Remember Grover Norquist? Shrink government so small you could drown it in a bathtub? Isn't that the goal?)

Pit the most extreme groups against each other. For instance, abolish minimum wage so the poor need multiple jobs just to eat and cut taxes for the top 10% and then tell everyone that will narrow the wage gap. If the brainwashing has worked, they won't even question how ridiculous that is.

Try to keep everyone from health care. The will make people use the emergency room for primary care which will bankrupt the middle class.

Redistribute the wealth to the top 10% and then insist that anyone who questions such a policy has fallen into "class envy".

Take away a woman's right to choose, force her to have a baby and then refuse to help either the woman or the baby in any way. That will create a generation of future criminals.

Target minorities. One after another.

Deregulate big business.

Once the economy starts to tank, start a war in a foreign land. Make them a threat. Convince the people that it was necessary even though you can't say why. This will create even more debt putting enormous pressure on the fragile economy. And it will destabilize an entire part of the world.

Don't fund education.

Don't rebuild the country.

Don't help the poor or veterans.

Then, if someone from the other party becomes president, blame everything on them.
You know your "republicans are all white" meme is getting old. Especially when the Democrats are running all old white people and Republicans have an extremely diverse list of candidates
Thank God this country's laws restrict the insanity that religious nutjobs want to inflict on us.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
You know your "republicans are all white" meme is getting old. Especially when the Democrats are running all old white people and Republicans have an extremely diverse list of candidates

it's all they got. The LEFT needs to divide people into tribes to win, not the Right.
The Manchurian muslim's bringing 200,000 SYRIAN MUSLIM MEN to America.... can you say.....


Since 2011 over 2800 SYIANS were brought to America, of those people 58 were CHRISTIAN!
Thank God this country's laws restrict the insanity that religious nutjobs want to inflict on us.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.
Thank God this country's laws restrict the insanity that religious nutjobs want to inflict on us.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
Thank God this country's laws restrict the insanity that religious nutjobs want to inflict on us.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.

The left wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights, and they are not afraid to use lawyers and government lackeys to do it.
We just give you guys on the left headaches...but we don't lop it off to cure it.
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.

Complete nonsense
Pit the most extreme groups against each other. For instance, abolish minimum wage so the poor need multiple jobs just to eat and cut taxes for the top 10% and then tell everyone that will narrow the wage gap. If the brainwashing has worked, they won't even question how ridiculous that is. (This was right out of the last GOP debate. Cut taxes for the wealthy and abolish the minimum wage.)

Try to keep everyone from health care. The will make people use the emergency room for primary care which will bankrupt the middle class. (Because the right will replace Obamacare with, uh, with, oh yea, NOTHING.)

Redistribute the wealth to the top 10% and then insist that anyone who questions such a policy has fallen into "class envy". (Republicans have been saying this for the last 10 years. It's one of the most right wing talking point on the USMB.)
You would if you could.

Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.

The left wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights, and they are not afraid to use lawyers and government lackeys to do it.
Like abortion rights and the right to get married or serve in the Military?
Bullshit. Disagreeing on things like Gay marriage via court decree and not wanting to force a baker to bake a cake does not equal rolling out the guillotine and lopping of heads.

Its the SJW idiots who want dissent to result in ruination, not people on the "right".
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.

The left wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights, and they are not afraid to use lawyers and government lackeys to do it.
Like abortion rights and the right to get married or serve in the Military?

Lets go over this by item.

When it comes to abortion my issue isn't with the abortions, its that Roe V Wade is a terrible decsion that created a "right" out of thin air. Same as obergfell. The end result I have no argument with, its how they get there that pisses me off.

And where is there a "right" to serve in a volunteer military?
Imagine religious extremists wanted to take down this country. How would they do it? What would be the most effective way?

First, divide the country along racial lines. Make one political party one race and the other one everyone else.

Then relentlessly convince your base that government is out to get you so they shrink it so small that it's not effective in governing.

Pit the most extreme groups against each other. For instance, abolish minimum wage so the poor need multiple jobs just to eat and cut taxes for the top 10% and then tell everyone that will narrow the wage gap. If the brainwashing has worked, they won't even question how ridiculous that is.

Try to keep everyone from health care. The will make people use the emergency room for primary care which will bankrupt the middle class.

Redistribute the wealth to the top 10% and then insist that anyone who questions such a policy has fallen into "class envy".

Take away a woman's right to choose, force her to have a baby and then refuse to help either the woman or the baby in any way. That will create a generation of future criminals.

Target minorities. One after another.

Deregulate big business.

Once the economy starts to tank, start a war in a foreign land. Make them a threat. Convince the people that it was necessary even though you can't say why. This will create even more debt putting enormous pressure on the fragile economy. And it will destabilize an entire part of the world.

Don't fund education.

Don't rebuild the country.

Don't help the poor or veterans.

Then, if someone from the other party becomes president, blame everything on them.

Yes you far left drones keep proving why the extremists in this country are far more dangerous than ISIS..
We passed laws that prevent Chrisian zealots from doing things like imprisoning people for their beliefs, burning people at the stake, etc. thanks to our secular government. In the middle east, there are only a couple secular governements. Those are by far the most sane.

Again, it's the left that wants to ruin people for their beliefs now, not the Right.
The right wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights.

The left wants to use their beliefs to harm others and take away their rights, and they are not afraid to use lawyers and government lackeys to do it.
Like abortion rights and the right to get married or serve in the Military?

Lets go over this by item.

When it comes to abortion my issue isn't with the abortions, its that Roe V Wade is a terrible decsion that created a "right" out of thin air. Same as obergfell. The end result I have no argument with, its how they get there that pisses me off.

And where is there a "right" to serve in a volunteer military?
If it's "volunteer" why discriminate. Who are you to decide. Just some worthless fuck who was probably never even in the military. I was. It was about 40 years ago and I don't know anyone who served who didn't know someone who was gay, even if it was "secret".
And how come women don't get "rights" until right wingers give them "rights"?
Take away a woman's right to choose, force her to have a baby and then refuse to help either the woman or the baby in any way. That will create a generation of future criminals. (We see that all the time here on the USMB. Republicans saying "then she shouldn't have been having sex. So her punishment is to take care of a baby she doesn't want? And who the fuck are they to decide something like that? So then these same ignorant right wingers say "let someone adopt them". And yet, there are between 300,000 to a half million children waiting to be adopted. If right wingers care so much, let them adopt those children. Shit, they want to cut school lunches. Right wingers don't care about those children.)

Target minorities. One after another. (First blacks, then gays, then Hispanics, then Muslims, then women then it starts all over again. It's like a flavor of the month the way the right attacks minorities.)

Deregulate big business. (How did that work out? Remember 2008 to 2009. You can't blame that on Obama.)

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