Zone1 Even Though I Know That God Forgives Me, Why Can't I Still Forgive Myself?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I sort of doubted Him a bit and I'm feeling horrible about it too. There are just some sins in my life that I just can't seem to shake as well. I still love Him a whole lot though and I want to continue my friendship/relationship with Him but I just don't know how and not so sure I'm worthy of having an eternal life with Him right now even though I still desperately want to. I'm just scared that I won't because I'm not a hundred percent sure where to go from here or how to reconcile with Him.
Ok, I'll ask. Forgive yourself...for what?

Doubting God and sinning but I already know that you're not going to take this seriously as I'm looking for answers from Christians not unbelievers who think I'm nuts for my faith.
Reconcile with yourself RR, forgiveness is of your own heart, not anyone's advocation , nor can you ask anyone or thing to do this for you~S~
Hellokitty I'm not Catholic, but that helped me a whole lot. Especially the part about even when we have doubts God still wants us to hear from us and He won't reject our prayers even through our doubts.
Here's the way I see it: We create our own reality through our thinking as we navigate through life. We think about our past, plan your future and extrapolate our feelings from that. After all, isn't that all we really have? NO! We have PRESENCE which is our real life happening at every moment of our existence. Our thoughts preclude us from experiencing and appreciating our own existence which is really (IMO) what God is all about. Sometimes, if we can, we can take a moment to drop thinking about our thinking and start to appreciate the wonder of existence. A leaf or flower is a magnificent thing for instance if one just becomes aware. IMO if you concentrate on being present while doing whatever it is you plan to do then you will have no need to doubt HIM as you will be with HIM. Even challenges can be enlightening if one is present while doing what needs to be done to solve them.

My 2 cents worth.
I sort of doubted Him a bit and I'm feeling horrible about it too. There are just some sins in my life that I just can't seem to shake as well. I still love Him a whole lot though and I want to continue my friendship/relationship with Him but I just don't know how and not so sure I'm worthy of having an eternal life with Him right now even though I still desperately want to. I'm just scared that I won't because I'm not a hundred percent sure where to go from here or how to reconcile with Him.

Forgiviness is for those who don't deserve it. In our own lives we might see the chain of wrongs that we commit, that maybe build on top of each other until they put a weight on your heart too great to hold. But if you think that God has greater capacity for forgiviness than humans do ,then he's probably waiting for any moment in your life to just accept it. Even if your life feels like a shambles, he'll let you start over. More people probably go through what your feeling than you know.
I sort of doubted Him a bit and I'm feeling horrible about it too. There are just some sins in my life that I just can't seem to shake as well. I still love Him a whole lot though and I want to continue my friendship/relationship with Him but I just don't know how and not so sure I'm worthy of having an eternal life with Him right now even though I still desperately want to. I'm just scared that I won't because I'm not a hundred percent sure where to go from here or how to reconcile with Him.
Mark 9:14-29 relates a story of a boy possessed by a demon brought to Jesus. Jesus said, "Everything is possible to one who has faith."

The boy's father cried out, "I do believe, help my unbelief."

"Help my unbelief" can be a prayer in itself.
Mark 9:14-29 relates a story of a boy possessed by a demon brought to Jesus. Jesus said, "Everything is possible to one who has faith."

The boy's father cried out, "I do believe, help my unbelief."

"Help my unbelief" can be a prayer in itself.

The thing is I don't think that I do have unbelief though. As I just have doubts from time to time of whether or not I am hearing a message from God or it's just my own imagination.

I definitely believe that Jesus Christ is the one true Messiah though who was crucified for our sins and rose again on the third day and God in human flesh.
What you have to understand is that God made us with Free Will.

Free Will can be a sonofabitch. We all do things that are sinful.

God forgives us of our sins because He knows that He created us with Free Will. It is called Grace.

We need to have Faith and and accept the Grace of God. Learn to accept that we aren't perfect and strive to do better.
Ask His forgiveness and to forgive yourself in your morning prayers and the strength to do better rather than be perfect.

One day at a time, my friend. One day at a time.
I sort of doubted Him a bit and I'm feeling horrible about it too. There are just some sins in my life that I just can't seem to shake as well. I still love Him a whole lot though and I want to continue my friendship/relationship with Him but I just don't know how and not so sure I'm worthy of having an eternal life with Him right now even though I still desperately want to. I'm just scared that I won't because I'm not a hundred percent sure where to go from here or how to reconcile with Him.
You and King David:
Psalm 51:3 For I know my wrongdoings, And my sin is constantly before me.
Thing is, you may not be worthy, but the one who paid for your sins certainly was. And when you accept the gift that Christ gave us by way of the cross, then God puts your sins behind him and doesn't even remember them.
There is something else you have in common with David. A contrite heart, and that is what we are judged on. God sees what's in our heart. It was David's regret and remorse for sinning against God that made him the apple of God's eye.
Having said that, Satan wants you to suffer. He wants you to live your days in self doubt and self loathing.
So, thank Jesus for giving you His perfect record to enter Heaven with and accept the peace and joy that comes with it. You are a child of the Most High. Enjoy your status.

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The thing is I don't think that I do have unbelief though. As I just have doubts from time to time of whether or not I am hearing a message from God or it's just my own imagination.

I definitely believe that Jesus Christ is the one true Messiah though who was crucified for our sins and rose again on the third day and God in human flesh.

Christianity is not about what you feel or imagine. It's about what you KNOW.

What do you KNOW?

I can feel a thousand things within an hour. A lot of them can be wrong. That's human. It's being human. Thankfully that has nothing to do with my right standing with God.

That's first.

Second, I would highly encourage you to consider God's primary message, and most important one, His Word. Read it every day. Meditate on it. Memorize it if you have a better memory than me (heh). THAT is God's message to us. Sadly, you're getting confused because you think God has a direct communication straight to your brain or something. It's not that He couldn't communicate with us this way, but He doesn't.

Meri said upthread a prayer over your unbelief is valid, and she's entirely right. Start there, and with Scripture. Expect God to speak THERE, and believe me--He will. :)
Hellokitty I'm not Catholic, but that helped me a whole lot. Especially the part about even when we have doubts God still wants us to hear from us and He won't reject our prayers even through our doubts.

Most all people struggle with doubts at some point in their faith growth. If you're struggle with getting back into relationship with Jesus find things that work for you. If you struggle focusing on reading the bible try listening to christian music, or find some christian podcasts. If you don't have church you can look up churches near you and watch most sermons online.
The thing is I don't think that I do have unbelief though. As I just have doubts from time to time of whether or not I am hearing a message from God or it's just my own imagination.
Faith is based on reason and logic. God works quietly, a perfect example of not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. One of my favorite songs of John Michael Talbot is Holy Darkness. The lyrics speak to me. It begins:

Holy darkness, blessed night
Heaven's answer hidden from our sight
As we await you, O God of silence
We embrace your holy night

God works slowly, something those of us who live in the now expecting instant results find difficult. As a teenager I loved the prayer: God, please grant me patience...RIGHT NOW!

When in doubt, proceed with prayer. Proceed with patience, studying the results. It gives God that chance to guide you in His own time. The time that seems slow to us often turns out perfectly.
Ask His forgiveness and to forgive yourself in your morning prayers and the strength to do better rather than be perfect.

One day at a time, my friend. One day at a time.

Thanks, but anybody who insults me I don't consider a friend of mine.

Christianity is not about what you feel or imagine. It's about what you KNOW.

What do you KNOW?

I can feel a thousand things within an hour. A lot of them can be wrong. That's human. It's being human. Thankfully that has nothing to do with my right standing with God.

That's first.

Second, I would highly encourage you to consider God's primary message, and most important one, His Word. Read it every day. Meditate on it. Memorize it if you have a better memory than me (heh). THAT is God's message to us. Sadly, you're getting confused because you think God has a direct communication straight to your brain or something. It's not that He couldn't communicate with us this way, but He doesn't.

Meri said upthread a prayer over your unbelief is valid, and she's entirely right. Start there, and with Scripture. Expect God to speak THERE, and believe me--He will. :)

I mostly like what you have to say, but I don't think that God has a specific way that He communicates with by person to person.

Just because He doesn't communicate with you that way doesn't mean that He doesn't communicate with me that way. I can also feel what He's trying to tell me as well as the mental thing.

If you struggle focusing on reading the bible try

I do.

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