Even whites living in poverty are privileged

There are no poor white people!

Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Yeah it is....like most poor blacks......poor whites are generally stupid and uneducated. Poverty is virtually always due to a lack of education and basic stupidity. Period.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Poverty is not about skin color. It is about being born stupid and not being educated.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

She is one of the most race obsessed people I have ever seen. And yes....she hates whites and doesn't try to hide it.

She has that particular form of ignorance and self-delusion that takes half-facts or outright lies to push forth her hatred....Klansman do the exact same thing. If I see one of her more outrageous lies I may say something. I know....like any hardcore bigot....her opinions will never change. Her hatred is set in concrete. But I don't want some of it to go completely unchallenged on an open board.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

...or Hispanics.

I deliver to thousands of jobsites, factories and warehouses chock'd full of Hispanic workers that can't even speak english...yet not only do they find jobs, they are flourishing.

Hell, I am learning Spanish (slowly) in order to facilitate communication.

How can this be explained?
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

...or Hispanics.

I deliver to thousands of jobsites, factories and warehouses chock'd full of Hispanic workers that can't even speak english...yet not only do they find jobs, they are flourishing.

Hell, I am learning Spanish (slowly) in order to facilitate communication.

How can this be explained?

Blacks average at the 16% percentile of intelligence compared to whites.

Not bright? Not educated? In this society you're screwed, no matter what your skin color. Stupid and uneducated mean poverty and lack of opportunity. Period.
And the key takeaway for me in this entire article is not the “white privilege” aspect, which I think is marginal at best, especially in industrial and construction trades. It is the following paragraph, in which the authors ascribe all of the benefits of stable, two-parent families as a “benefit to white women”:

And what of those women having babies?
Most of the women of disadvantaged background, white and African-American, became mothers as teenagers, worked sporadically and when working, their employment was concentrated in the low-pay clerical and service sectors.
The difference, though, is that many more white women were married or in a stable co-habiting relationship. An additional earner in the household makes a vast difference in economic well-being, which means that white men's workplace advantages benefit white women as well.

This is the key – men need direction and motivation. They don’t get that from hanging out with their buddies; they get it from the push from a female partner, and the instinct to “provide”. The old saw “Behind every great man there stands a great woman” may not be politically correct any longer (maybe the updated version could be “Beside every great man”), but it is in a man’s nature to perform at a higher level in a committed relationship. I’ve often thought that if women didn’t exist, men would still live in caves, but with the latest big-screen TV and video game system (and a recliner, obviously). So it may be that these more successful men became so as a result of the women by their sides to a much greater degree than the fact that their uncle’s cousin’s buddy knew the manager of some construction operation, or that a white guy with a hammer in his hand is somehow more productive (or palatable) than a black, Hispanic, or Asian man would be.

I can only look to my own experience; I was aimless in my twenties and didn’t get very far, but once I married at 29 things started to change. Not because my wife insisted on things, but because I wanted to give them to her. She was working at a job and raising our children; how could I do less? So you start to take things more seriously, stop wasting time in idle pursuits and get down to business. I feel I might have settled for much less than I have achieved without the motivation of wife and children, and I’m quite sure had I stayed single I never would have gotten around to making the hard decisions that made success less about luck and more about planning. Perhaps this entire problem stems not from racism and instead from the complete breakdown of urban families and the rise of single-parent households. Both men and women need the support of the other to thrive.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

I agree with that to a point.

If you go back say 50-100 years ago, and you were a white male, you really had it made, and the sky was the limit in this country. If you were poor, you were stupid and or lazy.

Today though, it's a different matter. I feel sorry for young white males. They are going to continue to be blamed for literally every malady the world has ever seen, yet they had zero to do with them.
Eventually though, all humans will be a shade of brown. I envision some professor somewhere a hundred or so years from now telling students of the time on earth, when there was diversity.

So far to go, maybe we'll never get there.

The race pimps have done their job well.



I put this in the quote thread yesterday. I think it exactly fits into what you are saying.

It is both evil and wicked to teach the average man who is not well off that some wrong or injustice has been done him, and that he should hope for redress elsewhere than his own industry, honesty, and intelligence." - Theodore Roosevelt.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

They do have family connections. They own the US.

Poor whites are especially lazy unless you can point out another reason like racism that keeps them from opportunity.

I like most white people. My oldest daughter is biracial and I have several family members that are white.
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Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Yeah it is....like most poor blacks......poor whites are generally stupid and uneducated. Poverty is virtually always due to a lack of education and basic stupidity. Period.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Poverty is not about skin color. It is about being born stupid and not being educated.
You can be stupid even when educated. Look at how many people with BA's and up are unhappily employed working for someone else. Poverty is about the inability to recognize an opportunity or the resources to take advantage of it. Both which have been historically denied Blacks. Gimme a break please.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

They do have family connections. They own the US.
Your root of your problem is not that whites tend to be successful, rather that so many blacks are not, in the least.

Your bitterness cannot be cloaked in bravado. It doesn't fly.
Clean and dress up a poverty stricken white person and there is nothing holding them back. They have no excuses for being poor.

Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

They do have family connections. They own the US.

Yeah....I guess only Asians have families. :lol: More racism, paranoia, and delusional thinking. Sad. :(

Things will never get better unless personal responsibility is taken. The vast majority of Whites could give a shit when Blacks cry and scream racism. It just sounds pathetic and childish at this point.

But hey....whatever floats your boat. Continue to enable a vastly disproportionate number of Blacks to live in ignorance and poverty and blame it all on Whites if you think it helps. I can tell you it doesn't, but there is no hope in your ever listening.

Again. Sad. :(
Please explain how asians are doing better than whites without any family connections?

Whites are just especially lazy?

You don't like white people. Just admit it you racist.

They do have family connections. They own the US.
Your root of your problem is not that whites tend to be successful, rather that so many blacks are not, in the least.

Your bitterness cannot be cloaked in bravado. It doesn't fly.

I have no problem with successful whites. I simply said whites in poverty is due to laziness.

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