Even whites living in poverty are privileged

America is ripe with white racism against blacks, according to our friend Asclepias.

And he is correct.

The President is white, because his mother was white.
Poor delusional lady....:(

Let's look at the facts...shall we? This is according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 data.

Average White Person Income. $38, 751

Average Black Person Income $24,959

Average Asian Person Income $39,606

Blacks = Fail.

% in Poverty Blacks = 27.1%. Whites = 12.7% Asian 11.4%

Blacks = Fail.

And I know....it's all cos da evil whyte man made me do it. :lol:

Evidently you were not taught what "uniform" and "average" means in grade school. Try again. You = fail. :lol:

Hon....I don't give a shit about uniform and average. The bottom line: Per the data Blacks are vastly less successful than whites in every socio-economic measure. That is beyond dispute.

You blame this on racism. That is the only explanation you ever offer. It can't be a failure among Blacks. It be da evil whyte man. :lol: Thanks for giving us so much power. Good to know you and other Blacks feel so utterly powerless against us mean whyte people. :lol: Again.....sad. :(

Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:
Evidently you were not taught what "uniform" and "average" means in grade school. Try again. You = fail. :lol:

Hon....I don't give a shit about uniform and average. The bottom line: Per the data Blacks are vastly less successful than whites in every socio-economic measure. That is beyond dispute.

You blame this on racism. That is the only explanation you ever offer. It can't be a failure among Blacks. It be da evil whyte man. :lol: Thanks for giving us so much power. Good to know you and other Blacks feel so utterly powerless against us mean whyte people. :lol: Again.....sad. :(

Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

???????? :D

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I simply don't believe that. Because I know black people that are highly successful, and they are no different than any other blacks. Same with Asians. Same with Whites.

How do you 'deny someone the ability' to recognize an opportunity?

There is a guy I worked for just down the road from here, who came here from Egypt. He runs his own business. Here's how difficult his business is..... He goes online and looks for stuff..... stuff that's cheap.... and then he sells the stuff, for more.

Now that's rocket science for you. Good thing we denied common sense to black people, so they can't grasp these extremely intricate business plans.

That dude doesn't have a college degree. Isn't part of a rich family. Isn't a super brilliant guy. Yet he can figure out "find something cheap, sell it for something more".

There's a guy from Russia, he started a business buying up old computer boards from back when they contained gold. He uses acid to dissolve the gold, then uses another chemical to get it back into a round slab of gold. Then he sells it.

Where did he learn that? Online.

That's what he started as. Then he started restoring old performance cars, and selling them. Now he has a business fixing computers, and selling them in bulk to Africa.

What part of this is super difficult?

There was a girl right across the street from me that ran a day care out of her house. That was her full time job, and she made a killing at it.

You need a Ph.D in diaper replacement to do that? This isn't hard stuff.

The real answer is, people are lazy. Anyone can be rich if they really want to. The problem is, that requires effort, and people don't want to put in the effort.

The guy who started 1-800-GOT-JUNK, was just a high school kid, who saw a pickup truck with a hand painted sign that they would haul trash. This kid saved up $900 from his minimum wage job, bought a truck, painted his own sign "We'll stash your trash", and now he's a multi-millionaire.

But he didn't get there by farting around waiting for government to fix his life. Or watching to see who got voted off the island, or who was the biggest loser, or whatever.

Every anecdote you listed was an example of someone recognizing an opportunity and having the resources to make it happen. Guaranteed those people had some help from somewhere. You dont know the whole story.

If you are not privy to business you wont see a business opportunity. Racism kills the ability to see opportunity by virtue of wearing down a persons positive attitude. Every opportunity that presents itself looks too difficult to attain simply due to a racist bigoted white person getting in the way. Racism is like a 200 lb rucksack you are dragging through mud uphill. When I was in my white person hating stage I didn't have the energy or desire to do more than just survive. I turned down 2 opportunities in law enforcement simply because the person that interviewed me was a racist. Once I realized that I was letting the racism stop me from being the mack I was meant to be I started going through or around the racism and succeeded in placing myself in a position where I am financially independent.

I had a lot of help from mentors along the way though. Like I said no one ever knows the whole story. They would rather pretend the person pulled themselves up by their boot straps and learned the correct philosophies that breed success by themselves.

So you assume.... that every single black person is weight down by racism.

Then you assume... that every white guy has super hidden super secret 'help from beyond', that allowed them to be successful.

Then you look at people like Chris Gardener. His father deserted him. He grew up impoverished. But he worked his butt off. He worked constantly. Even while briefly homeless, he showed up at work on time, he worked as hard as he possibly could, and eventually got a job Dean Witter Reynolds.

Rich White males, at Dean Witter Reynolds gave him a chance, even though he showed up for an interview without a shirt.

Why? Because of his character and willingness to work hard.

Now Gardener is the CEO of a company, with a net worth of only $60 Million.

Now I will grant you this... no one makes it big without a hand.

But where we differ is, you think that 'hand' comes from race. I know that 'hand' comes from character and hard work.

It's like this guy where I work right now. He's in charge of the stock room. He shows up for work late. Orders come out hours, even days late. The orders are often wrong, they don't have the correct number of parts. And he's back there talking on his phone, playing games on his phone, farting around.

This guy will never get a raise for as long as he works there. He's lazy. His work ethic is terrible. The quality of his work is just enough to not get fired.

Now what about that, has anything to do with the fact he's black?

Because there's another guy over in service, and he does the same thing. He's looking at videos online, he's playing games, he comes out and sits down and talks to people in production for three full hours about how he'll never get a raise.

Obviously the problem is racism, because he's white. Darn ol racists white people holding white people down.

No the problem is he's lazy. He wastes hours on end, farting around talking about how horrible the company is.

Oh, and another thing... just FYI, your attitude affects your success too. You come in b!tching about the company, and talking bad about the people running the place... yeah, you are going to be poor, and remain that way.

And lastly... guess who did get a raise... *ME*. Because I'm white? I don't think so. It's because I show up on time every single day. It's because I *WORK* the entire... note: ENTIRE time on the job. It's because I check to see what jobs are priority, instead of "not my job" syndrome, where you act like you are mindless robot. It's because I don't go down and flirt with the pretty girl down at the other end of the building, when I should be working. It's because I don't go to break early, or come back from lunch late, and when someone asks me to do something during my break... I DO IT.

"Sorry I'm on break" = "I don't want to a raise".

None of this is rocket science. I'm not a super awesome person. There is not one significant thing about me at all. I have no degree. No certifications. No training. Nothing.

This is all very basic, very simple stuff. And ANY PERSON, who does this, can succeed. I've seen it.

I see you pulled out your "Jump to Conclusions mat" for your response or you are trying to deflect. Which one is it? Where did I say all Black people let racism affect them in the same way? Where did I say all white people have a super secret source of help? Its not really a secret. What you will see from me is the assertion that all things being equal a white person has more of a chance of being successful in this society. All you have to do is look at the evidence. Whites own more resources/opportunities and they give those resources/opportunities to people they know and trust. The majority of the time its going to be a white person. Disputing this is an exercise in futility as there are many social and psychological studies that support this.

I will leave you with this question. Who is going to bust their butt for an employer? The person believing there is little chance that effort will be rewarded or the person that has little to no experience with not receiving a reward for every move made?
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Hon....I don't give a shit about uniform and average. The bottom line: Per the data Blacks are vastly less successful than whites in every socio-economic measure. That is beyond dispute.

You blame this on racism. That is the only explanation you ever offer. It can't be a failure among Blacks. It be da evil whyte man. :lol: Thanks for giving us so much power. Good to know you and other Blacks feel so utterly powerless against us mean whyte people. :lol: Again.....sad. :(

Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

???????? :D


I have reduced you to just posting pictures instead of an intelligent response? Remember your power. You can do better than that cant you?
There has always been poor whites. They vote Democrat and whine.
Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

lol.... That was the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You admit there are successful blacks.

Then claim that reason blacks are not successful, is because racism is institutionalized.

You really don't see how illogical that post is?

If the failure was on the part of the culture of black individuals, then you would expect that some would be very successful, while most failed.

If the failure was based on institutional racism, you would expect it would be impossible for there to be successful blacks, regardless of work ethic and character.

When you look at Apartheid Africa, there were nearly zero successful blacks, because the racism against blacks was institutionalized.

Your position is completely the opposite of what conclusion you would logically come to, when you look at the very evidence you point to.
Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

lol.... That was the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You admit there are successful blacks.

Then claim that reason blacks are not successful, is because racism is institutionalized.

You really don't see how illogical that post is?

If the failure was on the part of the culture of black individuals, then you would expect that some would be very successful, while most failed.

If the failure was based on institutional racism, you would expect it would be impossible for there to be successful blacks, regardless of work ethic and character.

When you look at Apartheid Africa, there were nearly zero successful blacks, because the racism against blacks was institutionalized.

Your position is completely the opposite of what conclusion you would logically come to, when you look at the very evidence you point to.

Logic doesn't appear to be your strong suit. You seem to have a problem comprehending anything past surface appearances.

Racism can be overt (which appears to be the only one you can comprehend) or covert. Covert means racism is practiced but never admitted to or publicly announced. Its the elephant in the room that everyone knows exists but will never acknowledge. South African racism was overt and thats why it was finally dismantled. The US has denied its racism since the advent of Civil Rights. With covert racism successful Blacks cannot be stopped without that system being exposed. That seems to be acceptable and actually beneficial as the system can point to successful Blacks as proof there is no racism in the US. Its simply a matter of conquering all the hurdles in place and never resting. My point is that those hurdles are there for Blacks but not for whites. Poor white people have no racial hurdles to contend with. They are simply lazy.
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Steve did you even read the article?
But even without the benefit of a college degree, whites, and white men especially, had vastly better employment outcomes. At every age, the white men experienced shorter spells of unemployment, were more likely to be working full-time and earned more.
Not only this, but white convicted felons are more likely to get a job than African American's with clean records.
Take, for example, the types of jobs the men in our study held. At 28, nearly half of the white men who had not attended college were employed in the industrial and construction trades, the highest-paying sector of blue-collar employment. By contrast, only 15% of African-American men worked in these sectors, and even within that small group, annual earnings were less than half that of whites -- $21,500 versus $43,000.
Poverty effects people differently when race is a variable. This should be no surprise to anyone.
Steve did you even read the article?
But even without the benefit of a college degree, whites, and white men especially, had vastly better employment outcomes. At every age, the white men experienced shorter spells of unemployment, were more likely to be working full-time and earned more.
Not only this, but white convicted felons are more likely to get a job than African American's with clean records.
Take, for example, the types of jobs the men in our study held. At 28, nearly half of the white men who had not attended college were employed in the industrial and construction trades, the highest-paying sector of blue-collar employment. By contrast, only 15% of African-American men worked in these sectors, and even within that small group, annual earnings were less than half that of whites -- $21,500 versus $43,000.
Poverty effects people differently when race is a variable. This should be no surprise to anyone.
Higher conviction records, incarceration rates and drug dependency among black males accounts for most if not all of the discrepancy. Comparing women would likely give a different picture.
Thats correct. It cant be failure among the Blacks precisely because many Blacks are successful. I know you feel victorious in having power over some Black people due to you loving the privileges you get from institutionalized and historical racism. That only proves my point. White people are lazy and cannot compete on a level playing field. Thanks for admitting that. :lol:

lol.... That was the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You admit there are successful blacks.

Then claim that reason blacks are not successful, is because racism is institutionalized.

You really don't see how illogical that post is?

If the failure was on the part of the culture of black individuals, then you would expect that some would be very successful, while most failed.

If the failure was based on institutional racism, you would expect it would be impossible for there to be successful blacks, regardless of work ethic and character.

When you look at Apartheid Africa, there were nearly zero successful blacks, because the racism against blacks was institutionalized.

Your position is completely the opposite of what conclusion you would logically come to, when you look at the very evidence you point to.

Logic doesn't appear to be your strong suit. You seem to have a problem comprehending anything past surface appearances.

Racism can be overt (which appears to be the only one you can comprehend) or covert. Covert means racism is practiced but never admitted to or publicly announced. Its the elephant in the room that everyone knows exists but will never acknowledge. South African racism was overt and thats why it was finally dismantled. The US has denied its racism since the advent of Civil Rights. With covert racism successful Blacks cannot be stopped without that system being exposed. That seems to be acceptable and actually beneficial as the system can point to successful Blacks as proof there is no racism in the US. Its simply a matter of conquering all the hurdles in place and never resting. My point is that those hurdles are there for Blacks but not for whites. Poor white people have no racial hurdles to contend with. They are simply lazy.

Again, even if it was some super secret covert institutionalized racism, then you would expect there to be no successful blacks.

Yet there are, which disproves the claim.

Further, your post is exactly what I'm talking about. If you go into a job, with this kind of attitude, where you insult people as you did in your post, and you have this prejudice going in, that people are engaged in super secret clandestine institutionalized racism.... Well then, is it any wonder why you don't succeed?

You can't point to racism in the laws, nor racism in action, but rather to some super secret clandestine hidden racism somewhere.

Then you look at successful blacks, as I have done, and find very little real racism holding them down. They didn't have any super secret hurdles to overcome. They simply worked their butts off, with an ethic, and moral character, and people always admire that.

When you read the biographies of these people, where is the super secret clandestine racism that held them down?

The BBC had a tribute to MLK, and in the documentary, one of the interesting things was talking to Blacks who had participated in the marches. Several of them said that another way they knew they could integrate into society, and avoid the tensions, was simply by being the best workers, best laborers, and best business people they could be. That's a far cry from the 'mean ol white racism is holding me down' attitude that seems prevalent on this forum.
lol.... That was the most backwards logic I've ever seen.

You admit there are successful blacks.

Then claim that reason blacks are not successful, is because racism is institutionalized.

You really don't see how illogical that post is?

If the failure was on the part of the culture of black individuals, then you would expect that some would be very successful, while most failed.

If the failure was based on institutional racism, you would expect it would be impossible for there to be successful blacks, regardless of work ethic and character.

When you look at Apartheid Africa, there were nearly zero successful blacks, because the racism against blacks was institutionalized.

Your position is completely the opposite of what conclusion you would logically come to, when you look at the very evidence you point to.

Logic doesn't appear to be your strong suit. You seem to have a problem comprehending anything past surface appearances.

Racism can be overt (which appears to be the only one you can comprehend) or covert. Covert means racism is practiced but never admitted to or publicly announced. Its the elephant in the room that everyone knows exists but will never acknowledge. South African racism was overt and thats why it was finally dismantled. The US has denied its racism since the advent of Civil Rights. With covert racism successful Blacks cannot be stopped without that system being exposed. That seems to be acceptable and actually beneficial as the system can point to successful Blacks as proof there is no racism in the US. Its simply a matter of conquering all the hurdles in place and never resting. My point is that those hurdles are there for Blacks but not for whites. Poor white people have no racial hurdles to contend with. They are simply lazy.

Again, even if it was some super secret covert institutionalized racism, then you would expect there to be no successful blacks.

Yet there are, which disproves the claim.

Further, your post is exactly what I'm talking about. If you go into a job, with this kind of attitude, where you insult people as you did in your post, and you have this prejudice going in, that people are engaged in super secret clandestine institutionalized racism.... Well then, is it any wonder why you don't succeed?

You can't point to racism in the laws, nor racism in action, but rather to some super secret clandestine hidden racism somewhere.

Then you look at successful blacks, as I have done, and find very little real racism holding them down. They didn't have any super secret hurdles to overcome. They simply worked their butts off, with an ethic, and moral character, and people always admire that.

When you read the biographies of these people, where is the super secret clandestine racism that held them down?

The BBC had a tribute to MLK, and in the documentary, one of the interesting things was talking to Blacks who had participated in the marches. Several of them said that another way they knew they could integrate into society, and avoid the tensions, was simply by being the best workers, best laborers, and best business people they could be. That's a far cry from the 'mean ol white racism is holding me down' attitude that seems prevalent on this forum.

I think you are having a rough time with reading comprehension. If racism is covert (or super secret to use your phrase) then it cannot stop Black people that will not quit in the face of it. So no that doesn't disprove my claim just because you dont understand english.

Anyone looking at my life would claim I have it made. I still see the institutionalized racism in our society so that disproves your claim. I simply refuse to let it hold me back. BTW you attempted to insult me first so if you feel insulted dont insult anyone first.

I can point to the laws that sentence Black crack offenders to longer sentences than white cocaine offenders for just one example so that kills that argument.

I pretty much told you successful Blacks simply don't let racism hold them back. The point is not that they overcome. The point is that it exists for Black people but not for whites. If you read most biographies by successful Black people they will tell you the same thing. if they don't mention it they were in an extremely rare position or they are simply not wishing to rock the boat.

I have yet to see any black person on this forum claim white people are holding them down personally. On the contrary every Black person I have talked to so far is successful. Remember what I said about your reading comprehension. Saying racism exists as an institution in the US is not saying you are being held down. It simply means Black people have to outwork whites to get the same return a white person would get with lesser effort.
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Steve did you even read the article?
But even without the benefit of a college degree, whites, and white men especially, had vastly better employment outcomes. At every age, the white men experienced shorter spells of unemployment, were more likely to be working full-time and earned more.
Not only this, but white convicted felons are more likely to get a job than African American's with clean records.
Take, for example, the types of jobs the men in our study held. At 28, nearly half of the white men who had not attended college were employed in the industrial and construction trades, the highest-paying sector of blue-collar employment. By contrast, only 15% of African-American men worked in these sectors, and even within that small group, annual earnings were less than half that of whites -- $21,500 versus $43,000.
Poverty effects people differently when race is a variable. This should be no surprise to anyone.

'Conviction' gives no indication of what they were convicted of. Nor does it indicate what criminal history, they have.

You own a convenience store, and you have two people come in, both ex-convicts, one convicted of shop lifting back when they were in high school, one time, and the other has a five page rap sheet, with the last one being 6 months ago when they broke into a quick-mart and stole $800 in cash.

Which one do you hire?

Because I know a guy right now, white as a sheet, who stole money from registers, and he can't get a job anywhere. He has a long rap sheet, in and out prison several times.

Being white didn't help him get a job. They look at his long rap sheet, and what he was convicted of, and he's skin color doesn't change anything.

Oh, and by the way, he could get a job in construction, but he didn't want to. It wasn't good enough of a job for him, so.... he committed more crime, and he's back in prison even now. Which is exactly why no one would hire him. They guessed this is what would happen. Still white as a sheet. Darn ol racists whites, holding the white man down.
Logic doesn't appear to be your strong suit. You seem to have a problem comprehending anything past surface appearances.

Racism can be overt (which appears to be the only one you can comprehend) or covert. Covert means racism is practiced but never admitted to or publicly announced. Its the elephant in the room that everyone knows exists but will never acknowledge. South African racism was overt and thats why it was finally dismantled. The US has denied its racism since the advent of Civil Rights. With covert racism successful Blacks cannot be stopped without that system being exposed. That seems to be acceptable and actually beneficial as the system can point to successful Blacks as proof there is no racism in the US. Its simply a matter of conquering all the hurdles in place and never resting. My point is that those hurdles are there for Blacks but not for whites. Poor white people have no racial hurdles to contend with. They are simply lazy.

Again, even if it was some super secret covert institutionalized racism, then you would expect there to be no successful blacks.

Yet there are, which disproves the claim.

Further, your post is exactly what I'm talking about. If you go into a job, with this kind of attitude, where you insult people as you did in your post, and you have this prejudice going in, that people are engaged in super secret clandestine institutionalized racism.... Well then, is it any wonder why you don't succeed?

You can't point to racism in the laws, nor racism in action, but rather to some super secret clandestine hidden racism somewhere.

Then you look at successful blacks, as I have done, and find very little real racism holding them down. They didn't have any super secret hurdles to overcome. They simply worked their butts off, with an ethic, and moral character, and people always admire that.

When you read the biographies of these people, where is the super secret clandestine racism that held them down?

The BBC had a tribute to MLK, and in the documentary, one of the interesting things was talking to Blacks who had participated in the marches. Several of them said that another way they knew they could integrate into society, and avoid the tensions, was simply by being the best workers, best laborers, and best business people they could be. That's a far cry from the 'mean ol white racism is holding me down' attitude that seems prevalent on this forum.

I think you are having a rough time with reading comprehension. If racism is covert (or super secret to use your phrase) then it cannot stop Black people that will not quit in the face of it. So no that doesn't disprove my claim just because you dont understand english.

You said institutionalized. Yes it does disprove your claim.
Again, even if it was some super secret covert institutionalized racism, then you would expect there to be no successful blacks.

Yet there are, which disproves the claim.

Further, your post is exactly what I'm talking about. If you go into a job, with this kind of attitude, where you insult people as you did in your post, and you have this prejudice going in, that people are engaged in super secret clandestine institutionalized racism.... Well then, is it any wonder why you don't succeed?

You can't point to racism in the laws, nor racism in action, but rather to some super secret clandestine hidden racism somewhere.

Then you look at successful blacks, as I have done, and find very little real racism holding them down. They didn't have any super secret hurdles to overcome. They simply worked their butts off, with an ethic, and moral character, and people always admire that.

When you read the biographies of these people, where is the super secret clandestine racism that held them down?

The BBC had a tribute to MLK, and in the documentary, one of the interesting things was talking to Blacks who had participated in the marches. Several of them said that another way they knew they could integrate into society, and avoid the tensions, was simply by being the best workers, best laborers, and best business people they could be. That's a far cry from the 'mean ol white racism is holding me down' attitude that seems prevalent on this forum.

I think you are having a rough time with reading comprehension. If racism is covert (or super secret to use your phrase) then it cannot stop Black people that will not quit in the face of it. So no that doesn't disprove my claim just because you dont understand english.

You said institutionalized. Yes it does disprove your claim.

Are you claiming that racism has to be overt to be considered institutionalized? Let me help you out son.


The Commission for Racial Equality in their submission stated:

Institutional racism has been defined as those established laws, customs, and practices which systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in society. If racist consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs or practices, the institution is racist whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have racial intentions.
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I think you are having a rough time with reading comprehension. If racism is covert (or super secret to use your phrase) then it cannot stop Black people that will not quit in the face of it. So no that doesn't disprove my claim just because you dont understand english.

You said institutionalized. Yes it does disprove your claim.

Are you claiming that racism has to be overt to be considered institutionalized? Let me help you out son.

The Concept of Institutional Racism

The Commission for Racial Equality in their submission stated:

Institutional racism has been defined as those established laws, customs, and practices which systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in society. If racist consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs or practices, the institution is racist whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have racial intentions.

That's nifty. Now prove it exists.
You said institutionalized. Yes it does disprove your claim.

Are you claiming that racism has to be overt to be considered institutionalized? Let me help you out son.

The Concept of Institutional Racism

The Commission for Racial Equality in their submission stated:

Institutional racism has been defined as those established laws, customs, and practices which systematically reflect and produce racial inequalities in society. If racist consequences accrue to institutional laws, customs or practices, the institution is racist whether or not the individuals maintaining those practices have racial intentions.

That's nifty. Now prove it exists.

I already did. Your refusal to believe it is a personal issue.
It was somewhat of a mystery as to why whites in the pre-Civil War south would die for the privilaged few, but then it occurred to me that whites, the poorest of the poor, had status in the South. Perhaps poor whites in the north feel that same status?
It was somewhat of a mystery as to why whites in the pre-Civil War south would die for the privilaged few, but then it occurred to me that whites, the poorest of the poor, had status in the South. Perhaps poor whites in the north feel that same status?

Traditionally the rich have always duped poor whites. Everytime in history poor whites and Blacks got together to demand better conditions the rich have responded by turning them against each other. This was accomplished by giving the poor whites a sense of superiority. This site abounds with poor whites.

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