Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

No, really bad example because we have as you quoted a full quote from Obama that perfectly explains what Obama was saying. The right ignored all of that and took him out of context. In the case of the ogre in chief, he doesn't use a lot of words, we've seen the entire quote to include before and after "I didn't know she was nasty" and you know what? There is no change in context, he called her nasty.

In full context Trump did not call Meaghan Markle personally nasty. So again I will wish you a pleasant day and will not respond further until you can explain how the full context does not support the spin you are putting on it. Thanks for understanding.

So....if I say...."I didn't know Foxfyre was Gay".....I can then turn around and say "I NEVER CALLED FOXFYRE GAY!"

You are okay with that....right.

You are twisting yourself into a Pretzel ...

Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

What? Wow, this mysterious context/lie is getting more complicated.

I am getting light headed just reading some of these far fetched defences....to think....these people might be standing in line beside you at the super market....

That seems to be the consequences of the side effects of tunnel vision.
"Denigrating buzzwords"

You'll need to be more specific.

Seemingly, you are expecting the man to be perfect. Politically correct. Tame and civil to a fault.

Seemingly, that would be an unreasonable expectation.

You intended "virtue signaling" and "moral preening" as compliments? I took them as the limp insult I thought you intended.

I used those terms in conjunction with actions I observed from you.

No insult was intended.

There was nothing about morality in any of my posts. I guess thinking before speaking, and choosing words wisely, could be a virtue. If so, it's one I would hope to find in the leader of any nation.

Then what was this little number?

In diplomacy and politics, words can mean as much as action, or even be actions. I don't know what you're getting at, unless it's, "I don't care what he says as long as I got my tax cut (or border wall, or Muslim ban, etc). He's the President, for chrissake! He's a reflection on us, and he speaks for us - particularly on a diplomatic journey. I don't think asking him to think before he opens his mouth is a big ask. I suspect Sadiq Khan already knows how tall he is.

It speaks for itself. If you think it reflects badly on me, that's up to you.

It reflects badly on anyone who says stuff like this while sitting in a chair typing behind a computer screen, who may not be so inclined to do the same.

"He must be this"
"He mustn't be this"
"He must do this"
"He mustn't do that"
"I wish he would behave like this"
"I wish he wouldn't behave like that"

On and on ad infinitum...

Damn it. Instead of scrutinizing his words, perhaps it would be more productive to focus on the job he is doing running the country? His accomplishments, maybe? THIS, I contend, is why words and actions stand apart from one another.

I'll be honest, if I judged him solely based on what he said, I would naturally assume he was a terrible president. I judge (for lack of a better word) people based off of observable behavior. When you say one thing and do another, you are being inconsistent or engaging in subterfuge.

What he said about Meghan Markle has no impact on his performance. So he is being neither inconsistent nor is he using any form of legerdemain.
So....if I say...."I didn't know Foxfyre was Gay".....I can then turn around and say "I NEVER CALLED FOXFYRE GAY!"

You are okay with that....right.

You are twisting yourself into a Pretzel ...

Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

What other remarks was trump responding to when he made the statement? I don't think there were any other remarks ...

Tell me...just how many angles will you twist yourself into....as you attempt to defend a man who says and does things that are indefensible?

You logic...or lack thereof....are beyond belief. A silly lie told by a man who thrives in insults is making you look like the loyal subject of a King.

I don't know how you CANNOT be embarrassed at this point. Oh....and

I DIDN'T KNOW FOXFYRE WAS GAY? Did anyone here know that?
Notice how he is talking about you Foxfyre, and not about Trump anymore? Cue that as a collapsing argument.

Are you trying to prove Jim right? Good job.

What are you talking about? Jim is engaging in an ad hominem argument. Ad hominem is a tool for those with weak arguments and positions.

Just sailed right over your head.
Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

What other remarks was trump responding to when he made the statement? I don't think there were any other remarks ...

Tell me...just how many angles will you twist yourself into....as you attempt to defend a man who says and does things that are indefensible?

You logic...or lack thereof....are beyond belief. A silly lie told by a man who thrives in insults is making you look like the loyal subject of a King.

I don't know how you CANNOT be embarrassed at this point. Oh....and

I DIDN'T KNOW FOXFYRE WAS GAY? Did anyone here know that?
Notice how he is talking about you Foxfyre, and not about Trump anymore? Cue that as a collapsing argument.

Are you trying to prove Jim right? Good job.

What are you talking about? Jim is engaging in an ad hominem argument. Ad hominem is a tool for those with weak arguments and positions.

Just sailed right over your head.

Stupidity normally does that.
What other remarks was trump responding to when he made the statement? I don't think there were any other remarks ...

Tell me...just how many angles will you twist yourself into....as you attempt to defend a man who says and does things that are indefensible?

You logic...or lack thereof....are beyond belief. A silly lie told by a man who thrives in insults is making you look like the loyal subject of a King.

I don't know how you CANNOT be embarrassed at this point. Oh....and

I DIDN'T KNOW FOXFYRE WAS GAY? Did anyone here know that?
Notice how he is talking about you Foxfyre, and not about Trump anymore? Cue that as a collapsing argument.

Are you trying to prove Jim right? Good job.

What are you talking about? Jim is engaging in an ad hominem argument. Ad hominem is a tool for those with weak arguments and positions.

Just sailed right over your head.

Stupidity normally does that.

Nothing stupid about it. He basically used the same sentence structure as Trump and you took it as name calling.
You intended "virtue signaling" and "moral preening" as compliments? I took them as the limp insult I thought you intended.

I used those terms in conjunction with actions I observed from you.

No insult was intended.

There was nothing about morality in any of my posts. I guess thinking before speaking, and choosing words wisely, could be a virtue. If so, it's one I would hope to find in the leader of any nation.

Then what was this little number?

In diplomacy and politics, words can mean as much as action, or even be actions. I don't know what you're getting at, unless it's, "I don't care what he says as long as I got my tax cut (or border wall, or Muslim ban, etc). He's the President, for chrissake! He's a reflection on us, and he speaks for us - particularly on a diplomatic journey. I don't think asking him to think before he opens his mouth is a big ask. I suspect Sadiq Khan already knows how tall he is.

It speaks for itself. If you think it reflects badly on me, that's up to you.

It reflects badly on anyone who says stuff like this while sitting in a chair typing behind a computer screen, who may not be so inclined to do the same.

"He must be this"
"He must do that"
"I wish he would behave like this"
"I wish he wouldn't behave like that"

On and on ad infinitum...

Damn it. Instead of scrutinizing his words, perhaps it would be more productive to focus on the job he is doing running the country? His accomplishments, maybe? THIS, I contend, is why words and actions stand apart from one another.

I'll be honest, if I judged him solely based on what he said, I would naturally assume he was a terrible president. I judge (for lack of a better word) people based off of observable behavior. When you say one thing and do another, you are being inconsistent or engaging in subterfuge.

What he said about Meghan Markle has no impact on his performance. So he is being neither inconsistent nor is he using any form of legerdemain.

It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.
In full context Trump did not call Meaghan Markle personally nasty. So again I will wish you a pleasant day and will not respond further until you can explain how the full context does not support the spin you are putting on it. Thanks for understanding.

So....if I say...."I didn't know Foxfyre was Gay".....I can then turn around and say "I NEVER CALLED FOXFYRE GAY!"

You are okay with that....right.

You are twisting yourself into a Pretzel ...

Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

What? Wow, this mysterious context/lie is getting more complicated.

I am getting light headed just reading some of these far fetched defences....to think....these people might be standing in line beside you at the super market....

That seems to be the consequences of the side effects of tunnel vision.

Jim agrees that he has tunnel vision.

Is that honesty or failure of comprehension?
I used those terms in conjunction with actions I observed from you.

No insult was intended.

There was nothing about morality in any of my posts. I guess thinking before speaking, and choosing words wisely, could be a virtue. If so, it's one I would hope to find in the leader of any nation.

Then what was this little number?

In diplomacy and politics, words can mean as much as action, or even be actions. I don't know what you're getting at, unless it's, "I don't care what he says as long as I got my tax cut (or border wall, or Muslim ban, etc). He's the President, for chrissake! He's a reflection on us, and he speaks for us - particularly on a diplomatic journey. I don't think asking him to think before he opens his mouth is a big ask. I suspect Sadiq Khan already knows how tall he is.

It speaks for itself. If you think it reflects badly on me, that's up to you.

It reflects badly on anyone who says stuff like this while sitting in a chair typing behind a computer screen, who may not be so inclined to do the same.

"He must be this"
"He must do that"
"I wish he would behave like this"
"I wish he wouldn't behave like that"

On and on ad infinitum...

Damn it. Instead of scrutinizing his words, perhaps it would be more productive to focus on the job he is doing running the country? His accomplishments, maybe? THIS, I contend, is why words and actions stand apart from one another.

I'll be honest, if I judged him solely based on what he said, I would naturally assume he was a terrible president. I judge (for lack of a better word) people based off of observable behavior. When you say one thing and do another, you are being inconsistent or engaging in subterfuge.

What he said about Meghan Markle has no impact on his performance. So he is being neither inconsistent nor is he using any form of legerdemain.

It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

A President's actions are often times his words and nothing more.
Such as your argument that Black Babies are appliances and we can just rip them out and kill them 'cause you want to?

Why do you want to kill black babies? Why is The DemNazi Party committing Genocide on The Black Race?

And why do you Lie about trivial remarks while you support Black Genocide, Support teaching children about homosexuality before they even reach puberty, and demand Americans have no borders, no immigration policy, and allow millions of illegal immigrants in to this country, get on our Social Welfare Safety Net, and you give Grandma and Grandpa's Social Security Dollars to Illegal Criminal Aliens?

Why don't you talk about real issues?

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It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, or the cure isn't a cure, he is a liar. His words mean nothing. His actions are deceptive or misleading. His actions don't match his words.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.
It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, as in perform the action of providing it, he is a liar. His words mean nothing.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.

Repeat yourself all you want.

"Words are meaningless." Yeah, go with that.
It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, as in perform the action of providing it, he is a liar. His words mean nothing.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.

Repeat yourself all you want.

"Words are meaningless." Yeah, go with that.

I guess what he is saying is that when someone says something like "...and Mexico will pay for it" and when that doesn't happen that person's words are meaningless.

I can agree with that.
It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, as in perform the action of providing it, he is a liar. His words mean nothing.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.
Or you can have people pass Obamacare screwing over most of the population paying penalties and massive increases in medical premiums while spouting all pleasantries about the law. And when taken to task not one of the people who passed the bill addressed it as a clusterph uk. Those actions were pure evil. The words they said. And Nancy's will be remembered. Words patting herself on the back. And actions that took clothes off the backs of citizens.
I used those terms in conjunction with actions I observed from you.

No insult was intended.

There was nothing about morality in any of my posts. I guess thinking before speaking, and choosing words wisely, could be a virtue. If so, it's one I would hope to find in the leader of any nation.

Then what was this little number?

In diplomacy and politics, words can mean as much as action, or even be actions. I don't know what you're getting at, unless it's, "I don't care what he says as long as I got my tax cut (or border wall, or Muslim ban, etc). He's the President, for chrissake! He's a reflection on us, and he speaks for us - particularly on a diplomatic journey. I don't think asking him to think before he opens his mouth is a big ask. I suspect Sadiq Khan already knows how tall he is.

It speaks for itself. If you think it reflects badly on me, that's up to you.

It reflects badly on anyone who says stuff like this while sitting in a chair typing behind a computer screen, who may not be so inclined to do the same.

"He must be this"
"He must do that"
"I wish he would behave like this"
"I wish he wouldn't behave like that"

On and on ad infinitum...

Damn it. Instead of scrutinizing his words, perhaps it would be more productive to focus on the job he is doing running the country? His accomplishments, maybe? THIS, I contend, is why words and actions stand apart from one another.

I'll be honest, if I judged him solely based on what he said, I would naturally assume he was a terrible president. I judge (for lack of a better word) people based off of observable behavior. When you say one thing and do another, you are being inconsistent or engaging in subterfuge.

What he said about Meghan Markle has no impact on his performance. So he is being neither inconsistent nor is he using any form of legerdemain.

It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

I would agree, he needs to quit Twitter, he needs to quit stirring it up all the time. Both sides seem to get a rush when they keep everything stirred up and they both participate.

Unless an exceptional candidate comes along, I am done with Republicans and Democrats.
It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, as in perform the action of providing it, he is a liar. His words mean nothing.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.

Repeat yourself all you want.

"Words are meaningless." Yeah, go with that.

Unless a Democrat says the unspeakable....then "I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE SAID THAT!"
It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

Actions speak more to credibility than words do.

A scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer" and when he doesn't provide evidence for it, as in perform the action of providing it, he is a liar. His words mean nothing.

Or a scientist can say "I've a cure for cancer, and I have the evidence right here", if he has credible evidence, and it is in fact a cure, then both his words and his actions are credible.

Now, what of Trump's actions match the words he said here? How do they improve our country? They don't. His actions are what matter. Words are meaningless.

I'll repeat myself if I have to.

Repeat yourself all you want.

"Words are meaningless." Yeah, go with that.

Actions convey more of a message than words do.

Words in this case are meaningless.

Why are we focusing on words and not actions? What policy impact does "Meghan Markle is nasty" have on our country?

NONE. It is an opinion, a statement. Not an action. It is a conveyance of emotion, not a directive.

His words do not determine your reputation or your standing amongst your peers. Your actions do.

"He is a reflection on all of us" you say. No, he is the result of actions people took to put him into office, via voting. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Your reflection, or Trump's?

Curious, what good would it be to say "I'm voting for him" and you don't vote? The words are meaningless. You took no action.


If this exchange between you and I makes me a standout or an outcast, so be it. I see no correlation between words and actions.
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There was nothing about morality in any of my posts. I guess thinking before speaking, and choosing words wisely, could be a virtue. If so, it's one I would hope to find in the leader of any nation.

Then what was this little number?

In diplomacy and politics, words can mean as much as action, or even be actions. I don't know what you're getting at, unless it's, "I don't care what he says as long as I got my tax cut (or border wall, or Muslim ban, etc). He's the President, for chrissake! He's a reflection on us, and he speaks for us - particularly on a diplomatic journey. I don't think asking him to think before he opens his mouth is a big ask. I suspect Sadiq Khan already knows how tall he is.

It speaks for itself. If you think it reflects badly on me, that's up to you.

It reflects badly on anyone who says stuff like this while sitting in a chair typing behind a computer screen, who may not be so inclined to do the same.

"He must be this"
"He must do that"
"I wish he would behave like this"
"I wish he wouldn't behave like that"

On and on ad infinitum...

Damn it. Instead of scrutinizing his words, perhaps it would be more productive to focus on the job he is doing running the country? His accomplishments, maybe? THIS, I contend, is why words and actions stand apart from one another.

I'll be honest, if I judged him solely based on what he said, I would naturally assume he was a terrible president. I judge (for lack of a better word) people based off of observable behavior. When you say one thing and do another, you are being inconsistent or engaging in subterfuge.

What he said about Meghan Markle has no impact on his performance. So he is being neither inconsistent nor is he using any form of legerdemain.

It's part and parcel of his performance. I've read people claiming his lies are unimportant and don't matter. Every lie speaks to credibility, and credibility matters.

Words don't matter? Bullshit.

I would agree, he needs to quit Twitter, he needs to quit stirring it up all the time. Both sides seem to get a rush when they keep everything stirred up and they both participate.

Unless an exceptional candidate comes along, I am done with Republicans and Democrats.

That attitude elected trump....a third party vote is a vote for trump.

I had friends who said the same thing in 2016....now we have trump....

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