Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
Are you talking about the 4 Obama Administration Officials who are in violation of The Logan Act who are colluding with Russia and Iran to undermine US Diplomatic Pressures against Iran to stop sponsoring terrorists, and to put a halt on their Nuclear Weapons Threat?

Why are Obama's buddies flying to Iran when they are no longer part of our government? Why are they giving Iran advice on how to "resist" American Diplomatic Efforts?

Former Obama officials reportedly speaking with Iran to undermine Trump
Treason= Giving aide to your enemy
Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
We have a poster who has devoted his life to LYING trying to convince others, everyone else is lying but him.

GTFO of here. Putin is calling you to tell you to come back home.
Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
Are you talking about the 4 Obama Administration Officials who are in violation of The Logan Act who are colluding with Russia and Iran to undermine US Diplomatic Pressures against Iran to stop sponsoring terrorists, and to put a halt on their Nuclear Weapons Threat?

Why are Obama's buddies flying to Iran when they are no longer part of our government? Why are they giving Iran advice on how to "resist" American Diplomatic Efforts?

Former Obama officials reportedly speaking with Iran to undermine Trump
Treason= Giving aide to your enemy

The Constitutional definition of Treason:
Article 3 - The Judicial Branch Section 3 - Treason. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Definition of coup d'état
: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group

And what we have been witnessing is what LI (Legal Insurrection) in the fall of 2017 described as a 'slow motion coup d'etat:

Since the election there has been an unprecedented attempt to unwind the election result. Events have accelerated on several fronts lately with attempts from outside and within to paralyze the Trump administration.

What started as a collective media freakout on Election Night 2016 quickly progressed to an unprecedented attempt to intimidate Electors into changing their votes. Some Democrats announced, even before Trump took office, plans to impeach him, and Democrat politicians fed media-driven Russia collusion conspiracy theories for which they knew there was no evidence. . . .

. . .The purpose in all this has been to freeze and paralyze the Trump administration. If Trump could not be prevented from taking office, and cannot be physically removed from office, he will be prevented from functioning as president. . .​
The Slow-Motion Coup d'Etat picks up steam

If true, and the mounting evidence increasingly suggests that it is, would this constitute levying war against the government, i.e. the United States of America?

I am skeptical but hopeful that the current investigations will expose the motives and illegal actions of those who appear to have been engaged in this very thing.
Megan Markle IS nasty, you asshole! She's a black parasite who married into the ULTIMATE welfare family, the Royal Inbreds who spent countless centuries brutalizing my Paddy ancestors. I want every female-like thing in the Royal family turned upside down and given a "molten metal douche." That's my message from the IRA to the Royal Pigs.

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