Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

She was nasty.

Not what she said was nasty.

So your excuse is Trump was just stupid.
He was responding to the comment she made. Not her looks. Stop being purposely stupid.

Nobody mentioned her looks.
Okay. You tell me what you think he meant and why you are whining then.

Her attitude towards him. Maybe he thinks she pees in the pool. Point being, not sure why you went with looks. How does that explanation work if you thought he was only calling what she said nasty?

The other thing is, you're OK with Trump calling out women for their looks? Shit, that's a black hole calling out the kettle.
So...that he called out her remarks as nasty.

Good so ...you are just whining to hear yourself whine then. Typical.

Obviously he didn’t witness her “ peeing in the pool” so your absurd argument doesn’t wash.
Apparently, neither does she.
This thread is a perfect example of how the left is almost certain that Trump will win reelection. The Russian investigation failed. Now they are going after Trump's financial records. I'm certain that this will also fail. The left is desperately grabbing onto anything they think might turn people against Trump. They are behaving this way becaus they are terrified. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Lolol

Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.
She was nasty.

Not what she said was nasty.

So your excuse is Trump was just stupid.
He was responding to the comment she made. Not her looks. Stop being purposely stupid.

Nobody mentioned her looks.
Okay. You tell me what you think he meant and why you are whining then.

Her attitude towards him. Maybe he thinks she pees in the pool. Point being, not sure why you went with looks. How does that explanation work if you thought he was only calling what she said nasty?

The other thing is, you're OK with Trump calling out women for their looks? Shit, that's a black hole calling out the kettle.
So...that he called out her remarks as nasty.

Good so ...you are just whining to hear yourself whine then. Typical.

Obviously he didn’t witness her “ peeing in the pool” so your absurd argument doesn’t wash.

No....nothing about her remarks...he used the words "was nasty."....use your brain.
He was responding to the comment she made. Not her looks. Stop being purposely stupid.

Nobody mentioned her looks.
Okay. You tell me what you think he meant and why you are whining then.

Her attitude towards him. Maybe he thinks she pees in the pool. Point being, not sure why you went with looks. How does that explanation work if you thought he was only calling what she said nasty?

The other thing is, you're OK with Trump calling out women for their looks? Shit, that's a black hole calling out the kettle.
So...that he called out her remarks as nasty.

Good so ...you are just whining to hear yourself whine then. Typical.

Obviously he didn’t witness her “ peeing in the pool” so your absurd argument doesn’t wash.

No....nothing about her remarks...he used the words "was nasty."....use your brain.
Why do you hate black people?

Shouldn't this thread be in the flame zone?

Or Troll zone?
Then stay at home....but don't complain when trump shuts down radio and tv stations and trampled the constitution

Uh... how did we get here?

Oh, because your argument died and you have nothing else. He calls them fake news, he doesn't censor the fake news. Big difference.

Wait, I keep forgetting you can't see my posts anymore...

He is nothing but a partisan moron, I can't believe there are people that are as stupid as he is. He cries about Trump possibly taking away rights then tells me to stay home and not to complain, what a hypocrite!

You are a typical trumpette...you complain about both parties...to throw confusion in the mix....then you defend trump...YOU WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP

You are a typical partisan asshole, you are a fucking hypocrite and will tell me not to vote because I vote third party. You make an accusations about Trump taking away freedom of speech then tell me not to complain? More of your hypocritical BS. Dumb ass!
I told you when you vote for a third party candidate, you do two things.

1) help one of the two majors win, which one depends if your 3rd party candidates attracts more liberals or conservatives . In doing that, your vote will help the candidate with your opposing views.

2) It is not making a choice that matters,.. Thereby, you have no grounds to bitch. You take no responsibility You want to sit on the curb & throw stones.

Quit crying about freedom of speerh. You had your right & I'll take mine calling your out.

JimmyBob tells me not to vote, that is pretty stupid because his vote or your vote isn't any more or less important than mine. I vote for who I want, you vote the lesser of two evils. Then the moron claims that Trump is closing radio and TV stations down, which is a violation of free speech and then tells me to shut up. LOL! Yoo can't make up dumber BS if you tried.

I bitch about the two corrupt parties and you want to support them, do what you like but don't bitch about them.

I don't think free speech is being taken away because JimmyBob really has no authority over me whatsoever, he is just a left wing liar that cries a lot. So I didn't start crying about free speech, JimmyBob did, so if you want to bitch at him about it fine, I really don't give a damn about his temper tantrums.
He was responding to the comment she made. Not her looks. Stop being purposely stupid.

Nobody mentioned her looks.
Okay. You tell me what you think he meant and why you are whining then.

Her attitude towards him. Maybe he thinks she pees in the pool. Point being, not sure why you went with looks. How does that explanation work if you thought he was only calling what she said nasty?

The other thing is, you're OK with Trump calling out women for their looks? Shit, that's a black hole calling out the kettle.
So...that he called out her remarks as nasty.

Good so ...you are just whining to hear yourself whine then. Typical.

Obviously he didn’t witness her “ peeing in the pool” so your absurd argument doesn’t wash.

No....nothing about her remarks...he used the words "was nasty."....use your brain.

Hey JimmyBillyBob, what radio and TV stations has Trump shut down? Can you tell me or you still lying?
This thread is a perfect example of how the left is almost certain that Trump will win reelection. The Russian investigation failed. Now they are going after Trump's financial records. I'm certain that this will also fail. The left is desperately grabbing onto anything they think might turn people against Trump. They are behaving this way becaus they are terrified. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Lolol

Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.

This thread is a perfect example of how the left is almost certain that Trump will win reelection. The Russian investigation failed. Now they are going after Trump's financial records. I'm certain that this will also fail. The left is desperately grabbing onto anything they think might turn people against Trump. They are behaving this way becaus they are terrified. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Lolol

Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.
This thread is a perfect example of how the left is almost certain that Trump will win reelection. The Russian investigation failed. Now they are going after Trump's financial records. I'm certain that this will also fail. The left is desperately grabbing onto anything they think might turn people against Trump. They are behaving this way becaus they are terrified. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Lolol

Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
True, one of countless examples.
This thread is a perfect example of how the left is almost certain that Trump will win reelection. The Russian investigation failed. Now they are going after Trump's financial records. I'm certain that this will also fail. The left is desperately grabbing onto anything they think might turn people against Trump. They are behaving this way becaus they are terrified. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Lolol

Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.
Um, this thread? Isn't going to make an ounce of difference in 2020, it's weird that you think it would. This is simply just an example of Trump lying and denying.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.
You're too stupid to live. Sorry, but it's the truth. Sucks to be you.

Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
What did she say that would make her nasty?

This has already been discussed.
Go back and read them.
No, but I'm smart enough to understand that context matters when understanding quotes. Merkle might say something like: "Sure, I could kill him." And, without context, you wouldn't know what that quote would mean or what the intent of that quote was. Could be talking about murder, or Call of Duty. You'd need more context from the discussion that the quote was made in.

Same with Trump saying "I didn't know she was nasty." You have to know the context in which that statement was made. The dude informed Trump that she disliked him in 2016 and thus he made his statement. About him not knowing her being nasty to him in the past. You idiots seem to dismiss the fact that he PRAISED her in the same fucking discussion. Listen to the whole fucking conversation and you might end up getting a clue about he actually feels about her, instead of just listening to a sound clip and barking at Trump like a bunch of dogs.

After today, I can't wait for Joe Biden to say something like "Well, yea I did touch her." And conservatives take it out of context and call him a pervert. Then I'll sit back and watch as Democrats fucking scramble to put context into the quote. Maybe then you'll turn the blinders off and get a clue.

A good example of context was in President Obama's statement. "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." His opposition had a field day with that. But in its full context, what he was saying that nobody succeeds without involvement of others. When we are intellectually honest, I think it was obvious that he intended it to be something like like Hillary's 'It takes a village to raise a child" or "no man is an island" sort of thing.

The full quote in context: "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

It was said awkwardly, but I could easily cut President Obama some slack on that even though I strongly opposed what I saw as his Marxist side as opposed to social contract.

I wish the TDS crowd could do that for President Trump.

No, really bad example because we have as you quoted a full quote from Obama that perfectly explains what Obama was saying. The right ignored all of that and took him out of context. In the case of the ogre in chief, he doesn't use a lot of words, we've seen the entire quote to include before and after "I didn't know she was nasty" and you know what? There is no change in context, he called her nasty.

In full context Trump did not call Meaghan Markle personally nasty. So again I will wish you a pleasant day and will not respond further until you can explain how the full context does not support the spin you are putting on it. Thanks for understanding.

So....if I say...."I didn't know Foxfyre was Gay".....I can then turn around and say "I NEVER CALLED FOXFYRE GAY!"

You are okay with that....right.

You are twisting yourself into a Pretzel ...

Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

No. If we are talking about some friend of ours, and I let it slip that he comes out of the closet, and you say "well I didn't know he packed fudge", you are making your determination that he packs fudge based off of the info you've been given.

I never thought we as people would try to be so intentionally ignorant. Like, if you can bury your head in the dirt and say "see the sun isn't out", then people think that's intelligence now. Wow.
This has already been discussed.
Go back and read them.
A good example of context was in President Obama's statement. "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." His opposition had a field day with that. But in its full context, what he was saying that nobody succeeds without involvement of others. When we are intellectually honest, I think it was obvious that he intended it to be something like like Hillary's 'It takes a village to raise a child" or "no man is an island" sort of thing.

The full quote in context: "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

It was said awkwardly, but I could easily cut President Obama some slack on that even though I strongly opposed what I saw as his Marxist side as opposed to social contract.

I wish the TDS crowd could do that for President Trump.

No, really bad example because we have as you quoted a full quote from Obama that perfectly explains what Obama was saying. The right ignored all of that and took him out of context. In the case of the ogre in chief, he doesn't use a lot of words, we've seen the entire quote to include before and after "I didn't know she was nasty" and you know what? There is no change in context, he called her nasty.

In full context Trump did not call Meaghan Markle personally nasty. So again I will wish you a pleasant day and will not respond further until you can explain how the full context does not support the spin you are putting on it. Thanks for understanding.

So....if I say...."I didn't know Foxfyre was Gay".....I can then turn around and say "I NEVER CALLED FOXFYRE GAY!"

You are okay with that....right.

You are twisting yourself into a Pretzel ...

Saying that you didn't know I was gay in response to somebody else's remark is a very different thing than saying that you called me gay.

No. If we are talking about some friend of ours, and I let it slip that he comes out of the closet, and you say "well I didn't know he packed fudge", you are making your determination that he packs fudge based off of the info you've been given.

I never thought we as people would try to be so intentionally ignorant. Like, if you can bury your head in the dirt and say "see the sun isn't out", then people think that's intelligence now. Wow.

I don't see it that way. If you tell me John is gay and I didn't know that, I would very likely say: "I didn't know John was gay." That would be information about John that wouldn't mean diddly squat to me--I might or might not even believe it--though I might make sure of it before assuming the lady he is with is a date or his wife. Also if there was no reason to bring up a person's sexual orientation, I would have a lower opinion of somebody who thought it necessary to mention it.

And if you ask me if I knew that way back when, John said all sorts of ugly things about me I could easily say something to the effect: "No I didn't know John was nasty" meaning in that regard. I would probably also add that John and I get along just fine now and it's cool. I would also have a lower opinion of somebody who went out of his and her way to dig up dirt and try to extract a reaction that way.

President Trump just shortened the thought when the very same scenario was presented to him, "I didn't know she was nasty." Translation: I was unaware that she had said nasty things about me." But in his body language, tone, demeanor he obviously didn't care and he went on to compliment Ms. Markle.
I just listened to the tape. It’s pretty obvious that trumps statement was a “ I didn’t know she was nasty to me” message. He just cut it short and didn’t say the “to me” part

I’m far from a Trump supporter but let’s try and be honest in our discourse and not spin a tizzy over stupid shit.
Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
And you got that from this exchange?

What I got from it is that liberals have a problem with him, mainly because of biased media coverage.
This is why I stopped watch CNN, MSNBC, and rarely watch Fox.
What’s the point of watching people that make me want to kick their teeth in.
Who's vote is riding on this particular lie of Trump? Nobody's? Great.


Nope, I wouldn't lower myself to honor him with my vote.

It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. But seemingly, your vote against him is driven by whatever he says or does.

That's how it works and this latest doesn't change my vote.

We have a man trying to negotiate with world leaders who CANNOT tell the truth. The massive amount of lies this man tells shows the world that he cannot be trusted.
Are you talking about the 4 Obama Administration Officials who are in violation of The Logan Act who are colluding with Russia and Iran to undermine US Diplomatic Pressures against Iran to stop sponsoring terrorists, and to put a halt on their Nuclear Weapons Threat?

Why are Obama's buddies flying to Iran when they are no longer part of our government? Why are they giving Iran advice on how to "resist" American Diplomatic Efforts?

Former Obama officials reportedly speaking with Iran to undermine Trump
Last edited:
Obama was also recently down in Brazil giving a speech on America's gun control problem.
He lied as he told them that American's can buy machine guns on the internet and that we have very lax regulations.
That is an out right lie to the people of Brazil.
In order to buy a machine gun in this country you have to pass very strict laws and you need to buy a very expensive permit.
You can not buy them on the internet.
If you do, you are breaking the law and there is a very good chance you will get caught.

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