Ever wonder what Muslims think about the mosque near Ground Zero?

I entered many mosques in Turkey. No problem.

Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.

i dont think you answered the guys Question.....nice dance though.....
Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.

i dont think you answered the guys Question.....nice dance though.....

Shame on you for being foolish enough to think he might.
We Muslims know the Ground Zero mosque is meant to be a deliberate provocation

Do they not understand that building a mosque at Ground Zero is equivalent to permitting a Serbian Orthodox church near the killing fields of Srebrenica where 8,000 Muslim men and boys were slaughtered? There are many questions that we would like to ask. Questions about where the funding is coming from? If this mosque is being funded by Saudi sources, then it is an even bigger slap in the face of Americans, as nine of the jihadis in the Twin Tower calamity were Saudis.
If Rauf is serious about building bridges, then he could have dedicated space in this so-called community centre to a church and synagogue, but he did not. We passed on this message to him through a mutual Saudi friend, but received no answer. He could have proposed a memorial to the 9/11 dead with a denouncement of the doctrine of armed jihad, but he chose not to.

Mischief in Manhattan

Muslim Raheel Raza speaks out against Ground Zero Mosque on O’Reilly- The Right Scoop

As I have said before, there is no way I can support any effort to stop them, especially one that comes from the government. That does not change the fact that what they are doing is offensive, or that is it meant to be offensive. They view America as foolish and weak because we allow them to build this mosque where they attacked us. Let us remember why they are doing it, and allow the truth behind their actions to strengthen us and serve as a warning to us about their real purpose.

Terrible analogy. With Srebrenica there was a war going on between millions of peoples. This was 17 religious zealots in aeroplanes. Huge difference.

That aside, this is at least a couple of streets away from ground zero and was decided upon before 9-11.

And thanks for telling us what A Muslim thinks...

well, you know.. THAT ONE MUSLIM MUST be representative to all muslims!

christians like these assholes are happy to be represented by any other christian with an opinion too!

Who wants to bet that this mosque (excuse me, Islamic Center) opens right around the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks?
I entered many mosques in Turkey. No problem.

Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
but then the eastern orthodox and RCC have areas they wont let anyone in if they arent members of that religion

You know, I don't really care what any religious group believes or teaches or what their criteria is for admission to the club. I just want to be left alone to believe or teach or admit whatever and whomever I wish.

But I am no respector of religion or politics or social activism or whatever that intentionally mocks, hurts, or defames other people because they believe differently. And I cannot respect a religious group that thinks putting a 13-story Mosque a stones throw from ground zero is respectful or appropriate.
This statement is inconsistent with certain historical realities. Bukhari explains how the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) allowed the Christians of Najran to stay in his mosque in Madinah. When the time came for them to pray, they did so and the Muslims were instructed to leave them alone during their worship.

How long did the Christians stay and pray in Median, why where they there and what was the end result?
I entered many mosques in Turkey. No problem.

Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.
Islam reinvents "Jesus" in mohammads image, this is not an act that can be considered an" honor".
Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
but then the eastern orthodox and RCC have areas they wont let anyone in if they arent members of that religion

You know, I don't really care what any religious group believes or teaches or what their criteria is for admission to the club. I just want to be left alone to believe or teach or admit whatever and whomever I wish.

But I am no respector of religion or politics or social activism or whatever that intentionally mocks, hurts, or defames other people because they believe differently. And I cannot respect a religious group that thinks putting a 13-story Mosque a stones throw from ground zero is respectful or appropriate.

who the fuck decided that their building MUST be respectful to anyone other than their religious prerogative? Was a law passed or something that all building around ground zero must observe and be dedicated to the memory of 9/11? No? Get over it. 9 months after it's built, assuming some asshole christian doesn't ironically blow it up, you've forget all about it.
Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.
Islam reinvents "Jesus" in mohammads image, this is not an act that can be considered an" honor".

...coming from the guy insisting that Jesus Khan was a warmonger...

tell me MORE about reinventing jesus!

I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.
Islam reinvents "Jesus" in mohammads image, this is not an act that can be considered an" honor".

...coming from the guy insisting that Jesus Khan was a warmonger...

tell me MORE about reinventing jesus!


There is something wrong with your mind.
It doesn't matter to me what religion puts a world peace monument up. The point is the intention is peaceful.
Did you take your wife with you? Did you try to sing songs about Jesus? Did you challenge them about Mohammad being a prophet?

If you did none of those things you did not test the ability of that mosque to accommodate you, you simply walked in and looked around in the part they allow tourists to see, which is not the part that matters.
I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.
Islam reinvents "Jesus" in mohammads image, this is not an act that can be considered an" honor".


Isa in the Koran is a prophet of Allah. The Koran just does not accept that he died for man's sins.

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, God raised him up unto the himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise.”[Qur'an 4:157–158]

And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.”[Qur'an 43:61]
but then the eastern orthodox and RCC have areas they wont let anyone in if they arent members of that religion

You know, I don't really care what any religious group believes or teaches or what their criteria is for admission to the club. I just want to be left alone to believe or teach or admit whatever and whomever I wish.

But I am no respector of religion or politics or social activism or whatever that intentionally mocks, hurts, or defames other people because they believe differently. And I cannot respect a religious group that thinks putting a 13-story Mosque a stones throw from ground zero is respectful or appropriate.

who the fuck decided that their building MUST be respectful to anyone other than their religious prerogative? Was a law passed or something that all building around ground zero must observe and be dedicated to the memory of 9/11? No? Get over it. 9 months after it's built, assuming some asshole christian doesn't ironically blow it up, you've forget all about it.

There is no law involved Shogun, or more accurately the law allows them to build anywhere they can get a permit. We aren't talking about law now. We are talking about human feelings and courtesy.

It would be no different than if Christian built a huge Cathedral or religious center at or beside the site of an Islamic massacre during the Crusades or some other conflict as a symbol of Christianity's superiority. It would not be respectful nor appreciated.

Sometimes it is the right thing to do to choose not to do something even though it is legal.
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"The proposal for the Cordoba House grew out of the activism of a nonprofit organization called the Cordoba Initiative, which seeks to foster greater understanding between Muslims and the West. The Cordoba Initiative was actually named for the city of Cordoba, where Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace for nearly 800 years during the Middle Ages. The proposed center, which will have a dedicated multi-faith prayer room, includes plans for an auditorium and conference center for cultural exchange programs and interfaith dialogues. In many ways, New York City today strikes me as a modern day Cordoba, where people of all races and religious faiths converge with the same aspirations to live in peace and a build a brighter future for their children."

The intention is peace and interfaith dialogue, both of whom I enthusiastically support.
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You know, I don't really care what any religious group believes or teaches or what their criteria is for admission to the club. I just want to be left alone to believe or teach or admit whatever and whomever I wish.

But I am no respector of religion or politics or social activism or whatever that intentionally mocks, hurts, or defames other people because they believe differently. And I cannot respect a religious group that thinks putting a 13-story Mosque a stones throw from ground zero is respectful or appropriate.

who the fuck decided that their building MUST be respectful to anyone other than their religious prerogative? Was a law passed or something that all building around ground zero must observe and be dedicated to the memory of 9/11? No? Get over it. 9 months after it's built, assuming some asshole christian doesn't ironically blow it up, you've forget all about it.

There is no law involved Shogun, or more accurately the law allows them to build anywhere they can get a permit. We aren't talking about law now. We are talking about human feelings and courtesy.

It would be no different than if Christian built a huge Cathedral or religious center at or beside the site of an Islamic massacre during the Crusades or some other conflict as a symbol of Christianity's superiority. It would not be respectful nor appreciated.

Sometimes we choose not to do something just because it is legal.

Right there is the issue.

You assume that is the intent of Cordoba House. From everything I've read, it is more inline with say, Corrymeela.
"The proposal for the Cordoba House grew out of the activism of a nonprofit organization called the Cordoba Initiative, which seeks to foster greater understanding between Muslims and the West. The Cordoba Initiative was actually named for the city of Cordoba, where Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace for nearly 800 years during the Middle Ages. The proposed center, which will have a dedicated multi-faith prayer room, includes plans for an auditorium and conference center for cultural exchange programs and interfaith dialogues. In many ways, New York City today strikes me as a modern day Cordoba, where people of all races and religious faiths converge with the same aspirations to live in peace and a build a brighter future for their children."
Ground Zero Mosque: A Symbol of Religious Freedom - The Daily Beast

...You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sky Dancer again....

I saw people praying. Are you under the impression that there are "secret" areas?
Muslims honor Jesus, as a prophet, but not the son of God.
The Koran mentions Mary, mother of Jesus.
Islam reinvents "Jesus" in mohammads image, this is not an act that can be considered an" honor".


Isa in the Koran is a prophet of Allah. The Koran just does not accept that he died for man's sins.

That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, God raised him up unto the himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise.”[Qur'an 4:157–158]

And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.”[Qur'an 43:61]

Mr. Fitnah has been struggling with serious mental health issues. It's best to play along with his delusions; he gets pretty fussy when he's confronted with reality. All we can do is pray that he'll get better some day.
Which is why we need to use our freedom to turn it into a symbol of shame by not letting the radicals on either side of the issue to win.

By surviving longer than they do, just like we did with the USSR.

By mocking them, and laughing when they mock us.

By showing them that freedom makes us strong, not weak.

And exercising our rights:


...Greg Gutfeld claims to be working to build a gay bar next door to the controversial Cordoba House Muslim cultural center a few blocks from Ground Zero.
So, the Muslim investors championing the construction of the new mosque near Ground Zero claim it’s all about strengthening the relationship between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque – after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law – who can stop them?

Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I’ve decided to do the same thing.
I’m announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space...

Now we'll see about Bloomberg allowing the necessary licensing...

By surviving longer than they do, just like we did with the USSR.

By mocking them, and laughing when they mock us.

By showing them that freedom makes us strong, not weak.

And exercising our rights:

Gay Bar Near Mosque Near Ground Zero

...Greg Gutfeld claims to be working to build a gay bar next door to the controversial Cordoba House Muslim cultural center a few blocks from Ground Zero.
So, the Muslim investors championing the construction of the new mosque near Ground Zero claim it’s all about strengthening the relationship between the Muslim and non-Muslim world.

As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque – after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law – who can stop them?

Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I’ve decided to do the same thing.
I’m announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space...
Now we'll see about Bloomberg allowing the necessary licensing...
Fox News Host Announces Plans for Muslim Gay Bar Next to Ground Zero Mosque

by Juli Weiner
August 10, 2010, 9:45 AM


Proposed mosque site. Photo by Haley Cohen.

Important news in the annals of publicity stunts today, as Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld announced on his blog—the truly unfortunately named “Daily Gut”—that he has aims to open a Ground Zero–area gay bar catering to Muslim men in the space next to a proposed mosque. “As you know, the Muslim faith doesn't look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I’m building this bar. It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world,” the Red Eye host wrote, identifying the bar’s raison d'être. “After all, the belief driving them to open up their center near Ground Zero, is no different than mine.” Ahem.
Gutfeld insists, multiple times, that he is “dead serious on this one,” and announces that he has “spoken to a number of investors” about the project. (For what it’s worth, Red Eye’s Andy Levy corroborates Gutfeld’s earnestness.) Reactions to the proposal have been mixed. Mediaite’s Jon Bershad, for instance, characterized the idea as “brilliant,” explaining, “just because I support Muslim Americans in their fight against anti-Islam prejudice, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get a few dings for their religion’s own prejudice against homosexuals.” The conservative Hot Air blog, itself against the construction of the Ground Zero mosque, provides a helpful gloss: the gay bar is, metaphorically, a mosque equivalent. According to it site, both the bar and the cultural center “needlessly [inflame] cultural tensions in the ostensible service of liberal values” and both “celebrate tolerance regardless of the sensitivities of the surrounding area.” In any event, the stunt will certainly put Gutfeld on the map, if not, necessarily, his Muslim gay bar.
Fox News Host Announces Plans for Muslim Gay Bar Next to Ground Zero Mosque | VF Daily | Vanity Fair
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