EVERY child in Britain will be forced to take muslim history starting in 2014

Sure they are...Show me where....separation of church and state numb nuts...only place religion should be in school is in private schools.

History. They are teaching the History of Christianity.

And...we re talking about England. Please try harder.
I doubt that. They are teaching what religion had to do with history not the history of christianity.

No one cares...I see fox the same way you see press tv. :)
Sure they are...Show me where....separation of church and state numb nuts...only place religion should be in school is in private schools.

There is no legal separation of church and state in England. In fact, England has a state religion.
That's sad...soon the state religion will be Islam but it ain't my country even though my ancestors came from there...its the one European nation that really isn't fighting back against the tide of cultural death.

LOL What you know about the UK could fit on the head of a pin.
I know what I need to know...Muslims are being allowed to take over enough said....When a man is arrested and found guilty for revving his engine in a racist manner or a man is ordered to take down his English flag because it may bother Muslims the shit has gone to far.
The right wing commonly complain about Muslims not allowing education but they complain when kids get an education.

Nut cases.
We are brothers and sisters.

It is funny watching you all debate without faith. Especially you so called athiests who are so ignorant when you love to mock Christians you don't even understand you are mocking one of the greatest prophets in Islam.

Christ for you heathens is right up there on the richter scale in Islam.

Fools you are. And without faith. And without knowledge.
Oh no!!!!!!!!!History! How awful.

Wait a minute... now you believe in religion being taught in public schools?

You libs are such pussies... if it were Judaism or Christianity, you'd be soiling your panties.


from the op.....

“There is already a good understanding of Christianity taught in schools,” Mulla told the Iranian media outlet.“But I don’t think a lot of Christians really understand what the Muslim faith is about.”

Kids should be taught everyting and let them decide for themself's a better world I think.. and Btw worked for 3 years in Chicago with a bunch of folks from India and pakastan great people when you get to know them. Lol thinking about it, one time even dated a hot Iranian girl.
So descriptive there...how dare kids in England know more about christianity than Islam especially seeing how England has a state religion....

You made up a story that nothing was being taught about Christianity. You made all kinds of further assertions from that premise. You were going along, making shit up on the fly.


Still got shit for brains...some things never change.

Well one tell me WHY ENGLAND needs to teach MUSLIM history? Its not a Muslim nation....YET...Its an English/British nation...the ONLY history that needs taught is English history and WORLD history. They can include that muslim crap in the world history part.

How about this.
Islam covers a large portion of the world so kids should learn about it.
You can't simply ignore something because political extremists dislike it.
Perhaps British schools shouldn't teach anything about American history because your governments have invaded so many countries and killed so many innocent people.

Muslim Council attacks Gove's proposed history curriculum | Politics | The Observer
Its called world history. That covers more than enough.

How many boards do you have to be banned from?

This person is a left wing hack trying to be a right wing hack over ad nauseaum.

What this person does is troll boards portraying themselves as a right wing conservative. It's a left wing nutbar who gets their rocks off this way.
Oh no!!!!!!!!!History! How awful.

Wait a minute... now you believe in religion being taught in public schools?

You libs are such pussies... if it were Judaism or Christianity, you'd be soiling your panties.


from the op.....

“There is already a good understanding of Christianity taught in schools,” Mulla told the Iranian media outlet.“But I don’t think a lot of Christians really understand what the Muslim faith is about.”

Kids should be taught everyting and let them decide for themself's a better world I think.. and Btw worked for 3 years in Chicago with a bunch of folks from India and pakastan great people when you get to know them. Lol thinking about it, one time even dated a hot Iranian girl.

If religion was taught in schools all would see how much we are the same and not different.

How many Christians know that Christ is one of the big daddys of Islam?

How many so called Christians know that JC is huge in the muslim world?
Wait a minute... now you believe in religion being taught in public schools?

You libs are such pussies... if it were Judaism or Christianity, you'd be soiling your panties.


from the op.....

“There is already a good understanding of Christianity taught in schools,” Mulla told the Iranian media outlet.“But I don’t think a lot of Christians really understand what the Muslim faith is about.”

Kids should be taught everyting and let them decide for themself's a better world I think.. and Btw worked for 3 years in Chicago with a bunch of folks from India and pakastan great people when you get to know them. Lol thinking about it, one time even dated a hot Iranian girl.

If religion was taught in schools all would see how much we are the same and not different.

How many Christians know that Christ is one of the big daddys of Islam?

How many so called Christians know that JC is huge in the muslim world?

I do it took me 20 years after the age of 18 to learn that...
I am only on this forum and one other one getting info on moving...who do you think I am?

On Hannity or here? I'm a boarder. And I do know who you are. Albeit you are pathetic from the first moment you walked into USMB flooding from the get go.

You sort of gave it away with 50 some odd threads on the main page. :eusa_angel:
from the op.....

Kids should be taught everyting and let them decide for themself's a better world I think.. and Btw worked for 3 years in Chicago with a bunch of folks from India and pakastan great people when you get to know them. Lol thinking about it, one time even dated a hot Iranian girl.

If religion was taught in schools all would see how much we are the same and not different.

How many Christians know that Christ is one of the big daddys of Islam?

How many so called Christians know that JC is huge in the muslim world?

I do it took me 20 years after the age of 18 to learn that...


We have a lot to learn about each other. I wish politicians would stay the heck out of it.
Wait a minute... now you believe in religion being taught in public schools?

You libs are such pussies... if it were Judaism or Christianity, you'd be soiling your panties.


from the op.....

“There is already a good understanding of Christianity taught in schools,” Mulla told the Iranian media outlet.“But I don’t think a lot of Christians really understand what the Muslim faith is about.”

Kids should be taught everyting and let them decide for themself's a better world I think.. and Btw worked for 3 years in Chicago with a bunch of folks from India and pakastan great people when you get to know them. Lol thinking about it, one time even dated a hot Iranian girl.

If religion was taught in schools all would see how much we are the same and not different.

How many Christians know that Christ is one of the big daddys of Islam?

How many so called Christians know that JC is huge in the muslim world?
Doesn't matter religion doesn't belong in schools.

all british schoolchildren required to study islamic history starting 2014 » the right scoop -

you can thank the politicians for turning england into a cesspool of shit for this.

damn next the will be forced to study the battle of waterloo or the crusades..thats just not right
That's actual history. Religion should be taught in church/mosque whatever.
I am only on this forum and one other one getting info on moving...who do you think I am?

On Hannity or here? I'm a boarder. And I do know who you are. Albeit you are pathetic from the first moment you walked into USMB flooding from the get go.

You sort of gave it away with 50 some odd threads on the main page. :eusa_angel:
I am not on Hannity so you have me confused 100% with someone else...I didn't even realize hannity had a forum I am not a israeli boot licker so wouldn't fit in well there.So save us the drama and spit it out who am I supposedly?I am on city data and here that's it.
If the English teach the history of Islam right--it will be good--good for showing the English people what they are in for.

Will they teach them that Mohammed was a brigand?

They ran him out of Mecca, and that caused him to raise up a rabble of cutthroats he called an Army, and as Harvard University once said: "from this time on Mohammedanism was extended largely by the sword."

The British will learn that too late. We should learn it before it is too late.
Just a quick aside. My son's fiance became a Canadian the other day. She gave her oath to Queen and country. She is beyond beautiful and I could not be happier.

Puppy and future daughter in law. Life is good. Well almost, I am so tired.
UK is a christian monarchy. Queen is the head of the state and the head of the church both. Taxpayers are required to support christian faith.

Furthermore, it is against the law:

a) to write or speak what can be termed as defamation of christian faith. For example if Salman Rushdie were to write christian version of Satanic Verses, he would have been thrown in jail

b) state resources cannot be spent on supporting any other religion but christianity

So there is no way islam as religion will ever be taught in british public schools. However learning the history of islam which is not the same as practice of islam is permitted.

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