Every leftist is at war with America, we "normals" need to start fighting back...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.
Milk-Toast Romney never fought back. GWB was tied to the whipping post. Most R are actually a D in disguise.

It is to the point I hope for a Civil War so I can watch them bleed to death in the gutter. They killed my spirit of co-existence. I don't want them around.

Start with Leftist TV......eliminate the smug scum.
Milk-Toast Romney never fought back. GWB was tied to the whipping post. Most R are actually a D in disguise.

It is to the point I hope for a Civil War so I can watch them bleed to death in the gutter. They killed my spirit of co-existence. I don't want them around.

Start with Leftist TV......eliminate the smug scum.
If you don't want to be around us, I suggest you find another country to squat in.
The leftists hate America, they hate God, they hate the military, they hate Christians, they hate everything normal and wholesome and love the twisted and perverted.
The leftists hate America, they hate God, they hate the military, they hate Christians, they hate everything normal and wholesome and love the twisted and perverted.

it would be better if you united with other Christians instead of taking on the left like this. A united Christian nation is going to kick the lefts ass every time.
Milk-Toast Romney never fought back. GWB was tied to the whipping post. Most R are actually a D in disguise.

It is to the point I hope for a Civil War so I can watch them bleed to death in the gutter. They killed my spirit of co-existence. I don't want them around.

Start with Leftist TV......eliminate the smug scum.

Sounds reasonable.
Indeed, indeed.

The leftists have already won though. By 2024 Texas will turn blue from all the illegal and legal immigration. Thereafter in 2024 the country will turn minority white, at which point civilization cases to exist very rapidly. We will need a new country for those not interested in living in a 3rd world shithole.

And the lefties will be wanting to get in on it, never let those guys in. We already saw what happens when one puts shilling for personal gain before what's good for the country.
The leftists hate America, they hate God, they hate the military, they hate Christians, they hate everything normal and wholesome and love the twisted and perverted.

it would be better if you united with other Christians instead of taking on the left like this. A united Christian nation is going to kick the lefts ass every time.

I disagree .. It's time to kick lefist butt at every opportunity, they are just too annoying to do otherwise. We should all help them over the cliff.
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.
Unfortunately the left globalist new world order will not allow ambitious people born into the serf class to get out of that status.

Through mass regulation, with the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE becoming more and more advanced, humans bye and large are becoming more and more useless. Pretty much in the way.

I believe there is a culling of the herd that WILL be happening in order to create a world that fits into that new paradigm.

Is that paranoia on my part? Yeah, of course. Then again look at California as the "canary in the coal mine." See what is happening in Europe. Look at ALL of the regulations passed under the guise of "concerns for the planet" or the insidious PC shit. All of those things geared to make it virtually impossible entrepreneurs to thrive. California has all but completely priced out the middle class. More and more people in the MIDDLE CLASS are either moving out or adding to tent city.

This is what is happening, and look at California as the sign of things to come. You think Trump can really make that much of a difference? When he is done, whether it is in 2020, or 2024, that will be it. How many individuals with passion for America would realistically run for president knowing that they will be enduring relentless attacks like this?

Would you?
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.
Unfortunately the left globalist new world order will not allow ambitious people born into the serf class to get out of that status.

Through mass regulation, with the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE becoming more and more advanced, humans bye and large are becoming more and more useless. Pretty much in the way.

I believe there is a culling of the herd that WILL be happening in order to create a world that fits into that new paradigm.

Is that paranoia on my part? Yeah, of course. Then again look at California as the "canary in the coal mine." See what is happening in Europe. Look at ALL of the regulations passed under the guise of "concerns for the planet" or the insidious PC shit. All of those things geared to make it virtually impossible entrepreneurs to thrive. California has all but completely priced out the middle class. More and more people in the MIDDLE CLASS are either moving out or adding to tent city.

This is what is happening, and look at California as the sign of things to come. You think Trump can really make that much of a difference? When he is done, whether it is in 2020, or 2024, that will be it. How many individuals with passion for America would realistically run for president knowing that they will be enduring relentless attacks like this?

Would you?

Trump is winning... and

democrats are self destructing, I doubt they'll last the summer, the practical Democrats are going independent as the alt. lefty America haters are going completely out of touch with reality.
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.
The deplorable revolution. The whimper heard around the world
Trump IMO, is doing his best to help this country return to some level of sanity, in spite of being attacked 24/7 by the media, and politicians who are doing their best to keep raping us in taxes and useless regulations and bad foreign deals.
Milk-Toast Romney never fought back. GWB was tied to the whipping post. Most R are actually a D in disguise.

It is to the point I hope for a Civil War so I can watch them bleed to death in the gutter. They killed my spirit of co-existence. I don't want them around.

Start with Leftist TV......eliminate the smug scum.
If you don't want to be around us, I suggest you find another country to squat in.

If we all did that who would feed you dependent human pets?
Milk-Toast Romney never fought back. GWB was tied to the whipping post. Most R are actually a D in disguise.

It is to the point I hope for a Civil War so I can watch them bleed to death in the gutter. They killed my spirit of co-existence. I don't want them around.

Start with Leftist TV......eliminate the smug scum.
If you don't want to be around us, I suggest you find another country to squat in.

If we all did that who would feed you dependent human pets?
I feed myself and my family -- feel free to leave.
We must participate in the political system by turning out to vote in EVERY election at all levels. We can regain control of this nation in only one way - at the ballot box.
"Normal" people go about their business, holding down a job, or running a business, raising a family, and they are not obsessed with transforming the world as leftists are.

The reason lefitsts control so many of our institutions is that they are fighting for control and the "normals" are not fighting back.

The most recent institution to fall to leftists it the Boy Scouts, which is now admitting girls and changed its name so that is no longer a place where boys can transform into men.

The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.

the time is soon running out trying to be civilized with these fckers that is for sure
The leftists hate America, they hate God, they hate the military, they hate Christians, they hate everything normal and wholesome and love the twisted and perverted.

You're twisted and perverted so they must love you.
The Catholic Church was long ago infiltrated by the left, which is why we're having a vocation crisis and a gradual dwindling off of membership.

All Protestant churches, except evangelicals, fell to the leftists long ago, and you see these churches becoming increasingly irrelevant as they ordain homosexuals as bishops and advise women that abortion is good.

The media was once diverse in viewpoint but now it is almost exclusive leftist, except for Fox and some internet publications like Drudge and Lucianne.

White Catholics are far more right wing than White Protestants.


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