Every Monkey Poops.

Who here enjoys settling on their John Crapper Potty and not giving a second thought as to the destination of their shit when they flush?

Think about the incredible mix of government and the free market employed every day in this most amazing disposal of the billions of gallons of grade-A Monkey poop produced in America every month. We have free market entrepreneurs producing, delivering and installing the consumables like the pipes, fittings and appliances that make up the American Sewage System, along with the choices which that implies. We've employed highly regulated utilities, as well as local and state governments using federal dollars to keep the fucker off of the six o'clock news. The system works because governments and highly regulated utilities are taking care of the parts with out choices, like maintaining the only pipes in the street, and, in spite of the corporate consolidation of the past thirty years, the free market end of it continues to give us advancements, reasonable prices and choices in potties, pipes and plumbers.

Government is a tool.

Monkeys like tools. 1% of the Monkeys understand the tool called 'government'.

Yeah, I know... Captain Obvious has been summoned.

Who here likes climbing in to privately owned, chemically fueled machines and skimming across the surface of the planet at speeds unheard of just 100 years ago, using pathways created and maintained by those of us with means, for all of us to use freely?

Think about the incredible mix of government and the free market employed every day in this most amazing movement of Monkeys, materials and produce around the country every month. We have free market entrepreneurs producing, delivering and commissioning consumables like the automobiles, gasoline and sunglasses that make up the American Idea of Transportation, along with the choices which that implies. We've employed governments to build and maintain the roads that we are all free to use.

Government is a tool.

First generation to take it away from the 1% and use it gets to share pictures of their grandchildren exploring the stars.

Who here likes climbing in to privately owned, chemically fueled machines and skimming across the surface of the planet at speeds unheard of just 100 years ago, using pathways created and maintained by those of us with means, for all of us to use freely?

Think about the incredible mix of government and the free market employed every day in this most amazing movement of Monkeys, materials and produce around the country every month. We have free market entrepreneurs producing, delivering and commissioning consumables like the automobiles, gasoline and sunglasses that make up the American Idea of Transportation, along with the choices which that implies. We've employed governments to build and maintain the roads that we are all free to use.

Government is a tool.

First generation to take it away from the 1% and use it gets to share pictures of their grandchildren exploring the stars.


We can't do that if we are so focused on sides and demonizing everyone that we don't agree with.
We can't do that if we are so focused on sides and demonizing everyone that we don't agree with.

Yeah... it's frustrating.

The only thing that keeps me sane is a 'big picture' view of the last 200 years, 400 years and 600 years.

Here's hoping nobody else goes nuclear. :beer:
It seems like the partisan divide is front and center, but if you listen carefully you can hear good things in the background like congressional districts being un-Gerrymandered in Florida.

Trump has the republicans seriously looking for substance over fear these days... it's like he's a mirror in which they can see a reflection of what the rest of us have seen since the turn of the Century.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Baby steps! :thup:
Op is correct. Dems shit all over this country & what it USED TO STAND FOR daily.

Both parties and most of their politicians shit all over us over the years.

Trickle down is a painful joke and doling out welfare via the tax code is just as stupid, but less profitable. Unless of course one is a lobbyist for H&R Block.
Op is correct. Dems shit all over this country & what it USED TO STAND FOR daily.

Both parties and most of their politicians shit all over us over the years.

Trickle down is a painful joke and doling out welfare via the tax code is just as stupid, but less profitable. Unless of course one is a lobbyist for H&R Block.
I agree with your first statement
Who here likes climbing in to privately owned, chemically fueled machines and skimming across the surface of the planet at speeds unheard of just 100 years ago, using pathways created and maintained by those of us with means, for all of us to use freely?

Think about the incredible mix of government and the free market employed every day in this most amazing movement of Monkeys, materials and produce around the country every month. We have free market entrepreneurs producing, delivering and commissioning consumables like the automobiles, gasoline and sunglasses that make up the American Idea of Transportation, along with the choices which that implies. We've employed governments to build and maintain the roads that we are all free to use.

Government is a tool.

First generation to take it away from the 1% and use it gets to share pictures of their grandchildren exploring the stars.


We can't do that if we are so focused on sides and demonizing everyone that we don't agree with.
It's easy to demonize people you don't agree with. When you do that, you compromise your ability to defend your position, or learn something from their point of view. Because then you'll be fighting a demon of your own creation, AND the real person you disagree with.

My Grandpa said it best.

Never stop trying to talk to people you disagree with, because when people who disagree stop talking, te usually start fighting
Before I die, I'd like to see a federal tax code that most Americans feel is simple and fair.

Future generations are going to laugh at how much money we spend on doing the fucking paperwork required to work in America. :lol:

Meanwhile... H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, etc. are laughing all the way to the bank that they own.

Before I die, I'd like to see a federal tax code that most Americans feel is simple and fair.

Future generations are going to laugh at how much money we spend on doing the fucking paperwork required to work in America. :lol:

Meanwhile... H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, etc. are laughing all the way to the bank that they own.

Well, I don't care what tax code they come up with, as long as I get off the hot seat of the highest tax bracket
I'll bet a dollar that, ass-u-me-ing nobody goes nuclear, in 2oo years, basic banking and property insurance will be non-profit functions of the government.

Neither industry actually produces or sells anything... they're bureaucracies... and bureaucracies can be run more cheaply by the government.

Master the tools, Monkeys. Master the tools.

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