Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17.

I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
I've never tried to rape someone, no.

how do you know how your "victim" construed that little peck on the
cheek and hug that you BESTOWED on the girl nearby at MIDNIGHT---
Dec 31?
Bode is a Dyke so the outcome would have been one of sheer terror
So....now it's about me?

Of course. Your sexual preferences somehow mean that some unrelated woman who passed a lie detector test and first made her account in 2012 long before Kavanaugh's hearing....can't be trusted.

Um, 'because'?
What I did NOT do...was commit sexual assault

Yeah, this 'boys will be boys' argument is loathsome.

I don't think so SKY------and I do not believe that on one ever patted
your cute little behind (uhm-----you are a girl---right?)

You beliefs don't magically make attempted forcible rape a 'something outrageous' in 'everyone likely something outrageous did at the age of 16 or 17'.

No. Attempted forcible rape is NOT something that's acceptable for 16 or 17 year olds.


where do you see 'FORCIBLE RAPE' in Ford's account. ? All I see is
"TUSSLE" Is Ford so much an AMAZON that she could fight off TWO
Grown "men" I do believe that MORE DETAILS would elucidate the situation

The holding her down, covering her mouth to muffle her screams and trying to remove her swimsuit parts.

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.'

Oh, and Ford passed a lie detector test affirming her honesty on the account.

I have no doubt that she testified as SHE BELIEVED it happened. But I would like to have more details about that "JUMP AND TUMBLE" thing I cannot imagine how TWO BOYS failed to subdue and rape a girl that was already
PINNED DOWN if that was their actual intention. I also wonder about the
DRUNK thing------was she absolutely sober? I mentioned that I am a girl----
it does not take much for a 17 year old girl to THINK she is in danger of
"rape"------as living in a big girls' dorm taught me-------some girls are actually
convinced that "boys" are predatory animals. Other details-------were there
other people nearby? -----were the boys at all "undressed"? He tried to remove a ONE PIECE BATHING SUIT? how? some boys consider a "good
feel" on the tits a VERY BIG DEAL (I AM NOT CONDONING IT)
Yeah, this 'boys will be boys' argument is loathsome.

I don't think so SKY------and I do not believe that on one ever patted
your cute little behind (uhm-----you are a girl---right?)

You beliefs don't magically make attempted forcible rape a 'something outrageous' in 'everyone likely something outrageous did at the age of 16 or 17'.

No. Attempted forcible rape is NOT something that's acceptable for 16 or 17 year olds.


where do you see 'FORCIBLE RAPE' in Ford's account. ? All I see is
"TUSSLE" Is Ford so much an AMAZON that she could fight off TWO
Grown "men" I do believe that MORE DETAILS would elucidate the situation

The holding her down, covering her mouth to muffle her screams and trying to remove her swimsuit parts.

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.'

Oh, and Ford passed a lie detector test affirming her honesty on the account.

I have no doubt that she testified as SHE BELIEVED it happened. But I would like to have more details about that "JUMP AND TUMBLE" thing I cannot imagine how TWO BOYS failed to subdue and rape a girl that was already

You call it a 'jump and tumble'. Citing yourself.

She thought she might be killed after they held her down, tried to remove her swimsuit and covered her mouth to muffle her screams. I find her account far more credible than yours.

Especially since hers is backed by a lie detector test. Which she passed.
Yeah, this 'boys will be boys' argument is loathsome.

I don't think so SKY------and I do not believe that on one ever patted
your cute little behind (uhm-----you are a girl---right?)

You beliefs don't magically make attempted forcible rape a 'something outrageous' in 'everyone likely something outrageous did at the age of 16 or 17'.

No. Attempted forcible rape is NOT something that's acceptable for 16 or 17 year olds.


where do you see 'FORCIBLE RAPE' in Ford's account. ? All I see is
"TUSSLE" Is Ford so much an AMAZON that she could fight off TWO
Grown "men" I do believe that MORE DETAILS would elucidate the situation

The holding her down, covering her mouth to muffle her screams and trying to remove her swimsuit parts.

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.'

Oh, and Ford passed a lie detector test affirming her honesty on the account.

I have no doubt that she testified as SHE BELIEVED it happened. But I would like to have more details about that "JUMP AND TUMBLE" thing I cannot imagine how TWO BOYS failed to subdue and rape a girl that was already
PINNED DOWN if that was their actual intention. I also wonder about the
DRUNK thing------was she absolutely sober? I mentioned that I am a girl----
it does not take much for a 17 year old girl to THINK she is in danger of
"rape"------as living in a big girls' dorm taught me-------some girls are actually
convinced that "boys" are predatory animals. Other details-------were there
other people nearby? -----were the boys at all "undressed"? He tried to remove a ONE PIECE BATHING SUIT? how? some boys consider a "good
feel" on the tits a VERY BIG DEAL (I AM NOT CONDONING IT)
Dude..they were roaring drunk and when thesecond kid piled on he knocked "the Kav" loose
Dude..they were roaring drunk and when thesecond kid piled on he knocked "the Kav" loose

Drunk still doesn't excuse behavior like this.
But to revive it now, after all these years, is obviously for the purpose of political agendas.

If this works, does this mean the Left will be able to stop any and all future nominations this way?
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
I've never tried to rape someone, no.

I'm sure we can come up with the accusation though.
^^^^^ Nice story Cwytch

I think the important point has been missed here......

What really is important here is that one side of the political spectrum has proven time and time again that winning it's agenda is ALL that matters. PERIOD.
That side has proven that at any and all cost, they will do whatever it takes, by any means necessary to achieve their end results. Makes no matter if it's right or wrong....lawful or illegal.

While they will lose the battle occasionally, if the win the war, what really mattered?

This is the determination of THE LEFT. And why ultimately, they will have their way completely. That dogged tenacity to win....no matter what.
Sad, but the way it works. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. You may not like it but it's true.

Meanwhile her account was first relayed in 2012. Eliminating the 'political motive'.

And she passed a lie detector test.

1. Because she said something to someone in 2012 about someone not named means NOTHING.

2. Any idea how easy it is to pass a lie detector?


There is a really good reason they are NOT admissible in a court of law. Because the suck!
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.

It doesn't benefit America, but it does benefit the Democratic Party if they can delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the elections are over. Even if the vote happens first, this accusation offers some cover to wavering Democrats who don't want to vote no but are afraid to face the voters if they do. Stand by to see how it all works out. It does show one thing crystal clear, which is that Democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. They are not above dragging an innocent man's name through the mud, possibly damaging his family, marriage, and career for nothing more than politics. Especially if the guy is a conservative. They know GD well this accusation will go nowhere, and they don't care, and that's today's Democratic Party for you.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.

It doesn't benefit America, but it does benefit the Democratic Party if they can delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the elections are over. Even if the vote happens first, this accusation offers some cover to wavering Democrats who don't want to vote no but are afraid to face the voters if they do. Stand by to see how it all works out. It does show one thing crystal clear, which is that Democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. They are not above dragging an innocent man's name through the mud, possibly damaging his family, marriage, and career for nothing more than politics. Especially if the guy is a conservative. They know GD well this accusation will go nowhere, and they don't care, and that's today's Democratic Party for you.

I like how you automatically assume Kavanaugh is innocent. Logic dictates we take the woman at her word. She has little to nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has tons to gain. Seriously, did this woman make this account up years ago while in therapy? And this is not the only incident in which Kavanaugh has been shown as a liar. Take the stolen democratic memos he used while working for the Bush administration. A member of his own staff has contradicted his statements under oath. He is not a liar, he is a damn liar.

But most of all, he is a pissant little yes man. Think the absolute opposite of Jeff Sessions, who I have little respect for. He was nominated by Trump because he will do whatever Trump tells him to do. He is a party man, through and through, and his actions have consistently shown that. That is the polar opposite of a impartial jurist. He has no place on the SCOTUS, and it is high time the public, and the senate, accept that reality.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.

It doesn't benefit America, but it does benefit the Democratic Party if they can delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the elections are over. Even if the vote happens first, this accusation offers some cover to wavering Democrats who don't want to vote no but are afraid to face the voters if they do. Stand by to see how it all works out. It does show one thing crystal clear, which is that Democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. They are not above dragging an innocent man's name through the mud, possibly damaging his family, marriage, and career for nothing more than politics. Especially if the guy is a conservative. They know GD well this accusation will go nowhere, and they don't care, and that's today's Democratic Party for you.

I like how you automatically assume Kavanaugh is innocent. Logic dictates we take the woman at her word. She has little to nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has tons to gain. Seriously, did this woman make this account up years ago while in therapy? And this is not the only incident in which Kavanaugh has been shown as a liar. Take the stolen democratic memos he used while working for the Bush administration. A member of his own staff has contradicted his statements under oath. He is not a liar, he is a damn liar.

But most of all, he is a pissant little yes man. Think the absolute opposite of Jeff Sessions, who I have little respect for. He was nominated by Trump because he will do whatever Trump tells him to do. He is a party man, through and through, and his actions have consistently shown that. That is the polar opposite of a impartial jurist. He has no place on the SCOTUS, and it is high time the public, and the senate, accept that reality.

We assume nothing jackwad. The law is not allowed assumption. This case gets weaker and weaker by the moment.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.

It doesn't benefit America, but it does benefit the Democratic Party if they can delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the elections are over. Even if the vote happens first, this accusation offers some cover to wavering Democrats who don't want to vote no but are afraid to face the voters if they do. Stand by to see how it all works out. It does show one thing crystal clear, which is that Democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. They are not above dragging an innocent man's name through the mud, possibly damaging his family, marriage, and career for nothing more than politics. Especially if the guy is a conservative. They know GD well this accusation will go nowhere, and they don't care, and that's today's Democratic Party for you.

I like how you automatically assume Kavanaugh is innocent. Logic dictates we take the woman at her word. She has little to nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has tons to gain. Seriously, did this woman make this account up years ago while in therapy? And this is not the only incident in which Kavanaugh has been shown as a liar. Take the stolen democratic memos he used while working for the Bush administration. A member of his own staff has contradicted his statements under oath. He is not a liar, he is a damn liar.

But most of all, he is a pissant little yes man. Think the absolute opposite of Jeff Sessions, who I have little respect for. He was nominated by Trump because he will do whatever Trump tells him to do. He is a party man, through and through, and his actions have consistently shown that. That is the polar opposite of a impartial jurist. He has no place on the SCOTUS, and it is high time the public, and the senate, accept that reality.

We assume nothing jackwad. The law is not allowed assumption. This case gets weaker and weaker by the moment.

Once a liar, always a liar. Kavanaugh will not be on the SCOTUS and he will face perjury charges.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

According to her both were in the room at the time of the alleged incident. Since Judge and Kavanaugh both deny it ever happened, then we have nothing.

I have always been of the mind, whether it is left or right, weigh the evidence and go from there. Your idea is convict without evidence. Do we set this as the standard for all politicians? It's an easy road to run down on, however you will find less qualified people because any accusation, substantiated or not would be an automatic guilty. That will deter those that have done nothing for fear an accusation is hatched against them.

Not seeing how this benefits America.

It doesn't benefit America, but it does benefit the Democratic Party if they can delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the elections are over. Even if the vote happens first, this accusation offers some cover to wavering Democrats who don't want to vote no but are afraid to face the voters if they do. Stand by to see how it all works out. It does show one thing crystal clear, which is that Democrats have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. They are not above dragging an innocent man's name through the mud, possibly damaging his family, marriage, and career for nothing more than politics. Especially if the guy is a conservative. They know GD well this accusation will go nowhere, and they don't care, and that's today's Democratic Party for you.

I like how you automatically assume Kavanaugh is innocent. Logic dictates we take the woman at her word. She has little to nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has tons to gain. Seriously, did this woman make this account up years ago while in therapy? And this is not the only incident in which Kavanaugh has been shown as a liar. Take the stolen democratic memos he used while working for the Bush administration. A member of his own staff has contradicted his statements under oath. He is not a liar, he is a damn liar.

But most of all, he is a pissant little yes man. Think the absolute opposite of Jeff Sessions, who I have little respect for. He was nominated by Trump because he will do whatever Trump tells him to do. He is a party man, through and through, and his actions have consistently shown that. That is the polar opposite of a impartial jurist. He has no place on the SCOTUS, and it is high time the public, and the senate, accept that reality.

Is he innocent or guilty? What proof do we have? A lie detector? Do we have a woman seeking revenge? Do we have a judge covering up? We have no proof that anything occurred other then her word and we have the word of two men that claimed it didn't happen.

So we have nothing that is provable, no other women have come forward, usually there is a pattern and as of now, there is no pattern.

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