Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17.

A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles this thread was founded on: "Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17'.

I never tried to forcible rape anyone at 16 or 17. Trying to blow this off as typical behavior for a teen boy is ridiculous.

Now that is true….

However, if there wasn’t police involvement…let me restate that….CONFIRMED police involvement meaning the authorities were called and he was questioned…I am not of the position that this is “forcible rape”.

And—this is for everyone on the left—save the “well his record was whitewashed” nonsense. The record is the record; as imperfect or imperfect as it may be. If you’re going to run that offense, then everything these jugheads said about Obama is in play; “records of his birth in nigeria were whitewashed” or whatever.

We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.

Such an outstanding memory! Admirable. But can't remember where it happened?????

God you are gullible.
Can't remember when it happened. In fact, can't remember any details at all.
The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.

Eye witness testimony is evidence. And we have a woman who was an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.
She should be heard. Then promptly charged with perjury

So your suggestion is to prosecute a woman for testifying about being attacked and sexually assaulted.

Good luck with that. See what happens to the already abysmal numbers the GOP has with women.

Hell Hillary Clinton tried to rape me when I was 12 years old in Park ridge illinois at a coke party, you don't see me bringing that up now do ya???
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?

Yes, and most importantly they remember WHERE IT HAPPENED. This nutty chick can't.
Now that is true….

However, if there wasn’t police involvement…let me restate that….CONFIRMED police involvement meaning the authorities were called and he was questioned…I am not of the position that this is “forcible rape”.

And—this is for everyone on the left—save the “well his record was whitewashed” nonsense. The record is the record; as imperfect or imperfect as it may be. If you’re going to run that offense, then everything these jugheads said about Obama is in play; “records of his birth in nigeria were whitewashed” or whatever.

We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.

Such an outstanding memory! Admirable. But can't remember where it happened?????

God you are gullible.
Can't remember when it happened. In fact, can't remember any details at all.

Says you, citing yourself. Meanwhile, Christine Blasey Ford's account is specific.

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.

I hope if you, your daughter, or your sister ever try to share an experience of sexual assault, they are treated better than you are treating this woman.
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.

The stuff I did in my youth would get me sent to GITMO and many would be joing the #metoo if I were famous and I am not kidding!

That is why I tell kids today to watch what they say and do because it can haunt you like bad sushi from the local 7-11...
See ^^^^^
A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles our system is founded on.

A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles this thread was founded on: "Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17'.

I never tried to forcible rape anyone at 16 or 17. Trying to blow this off as typical behavior for a teen boy is ridiculous.

Except no evidence shows anyone tried to forcibly rape anyone.

Even if he testimony is true, the best you have is he, while drunk, tried to hook up with a girl and got rejected and so stopped trying
Thats not what the accusation is, Mormon.

No. It’s what the evidence shows if you believe her.

Which we have no reason to since all the other parties involved denied this ever happened, she can’t name a time or the place it allegedly occurred. And she claims she was drinking so forgive us for using our brains, bigot

We have an eye witness that claims that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Kavanaugh denies it.

Claiming there is no evidence ignores eye witness testimony of the woman who alleges the rape. Which is absolutely evidence.

No. We have a woman who said Kavanaugh and his friend took her into a room. He tried to get with her. She resisted he and his friend stopped it.

She can’t say when it happened. She can’t say where is happened. She admits to being drunk. He didn’t hit her. He didn’t choke her. He didn’t have his friend hold her down.

And both Kavanaugh and his friend denied this happened.

So no. You don’t have evidence. You have a allegedly drunk witness making a play to slander a good man almost 40 years later when it’s conveniently politically. But that’s alright with you because you think it helps you politically
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?

But she cant remember where it happened?
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
Attempted rape is not "outrageous". It's criminal.
We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.

Such an outstanding memory! Admirable. But can't remember where it happened?????

God you are gullible.
Can't remember when it happened. In fact, can't remember any details at all.

Says you, citing yourself. Meanwhile, Christine Blasey Ford's account is specific.

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.

I hope if you, your daughter, or your sister ever try to share an experience of sexual assault, they are treated better than you are treating this woman.

One of my first questions would be. Where did this happen......

Sorry, you are gullible.
The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.

Eye witness testimony is evidence. And we have a woman who was an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford.

We have two who say it didn't happen.

I'll also bring up the aspect of Common Law in which things that happened long long ago and far far away without any contemporaneous record of having happened at the time are highly suspect. This is why we have statutes of limitations. There is also the bit about them all being minors. You Progs always excuse actual atrocities committed by your favorites minority minors.
From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.
She should be heard. Then promptly charged with perjury

So your suggestion is to prosecute a woman for testifying about being attacked and sexually assaulted.

Good luck with that. See what happens to the already abysmal numbers the GOP has with women.

Hell Hillary Clinton tried to rape me when I was 12 years old in Park ridge illinois at a coke party, you don't see me bringing that up now do ya???

Again, she relayed the experience in therapy in 2012. She has the therapist's notes to prove it.

Why would she accuse Kavanaugh in 2012?
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
Attempted rape is not "outrageous". It's criminal.

Yes, and lying about it is horrendous.
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

So you admit you lied?

And according to her the buddy was with them the entire time. And he said it didn’t happen

She didn't cite the name of the second boy. Only the first.

How then could his buddy that was in the room say it didn't happen?

We knew who he was before we knew who she was
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?

Then why don't they say something then why wait till he becomes a senator, president, judge?

She did. In therapy in 2012. She recounted the experience to her therapist, in detail, and has the notes to prove it.

The 'its all political' narrative doesn't work in 2012 when she shared the experience in therapy.

She never mentioned his name in therapy. This smells like a convenient SJW hack using her mental health issues to further the Dem Cause.
The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.

Eye witness testimony is evidence. And we have a woman who was an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford.
i'm pretty sure you can't act as your own witness. if we can then kavanaugh is innocent as we have (2) who say he didn't do it.
The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.

Eye witness testimony is evidence. And we have a woman who was an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford.

We have two who say it didn't happen.

I'll also bring up the aspect of Common Law in which things that happened long long ago and far far away without any contemporaneous record of having happened at the time are highly suspect. This is why we have statutes of limitations. There is also the bit about them all being minors. You Progs always excuse actual atrocities committed by your favorites minority minors.

Then let them all be heard. I'm in favor of Kavanaugh offering his account before Congress as well. And Ford having an opportunity to share her experience with Congress.

In public. With accompanying documentation that her account was first relayed in 2012.
The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.

Eye witness testimony is evidence. And we have a woman who was an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford.
i'm pretty sure you can't act as your own witness. if we can then kavanaugh is innocent as we have (2) who say he didn't do it.

The accused is not required to be silent. He says it didn't happen. The third person says it didn't happen.

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