Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17.

she accused him of attempted rape

youre saying she said no and he got up easy peasy and walked out.

the 2 things are very fuckin different, Mormon.

According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

She's gotten far more attention than deserves
she accused him of attempted rape

youre saying she said no and he got up easy peasy and walked out.

the 2 things are very fuckin different, Mormon.

According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

So you admit you lied?

And according to her the buddy was with them the entire time. And he said it didn’t happen

I didn’t lie . The lil rapist just failed , that’s all.

You righties call bill Clinton a rapist all the time. Now it’s “well if they haven’t been convicted you can’t say that !”

I never attempted to rape a girl at 16 or 17.

If attempted forcible rape is something that you consider perfectly normal for a teenager, is there something you want to tell us, Gramps?
See ^^^^^
A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles our system is founded on.

A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles this thread was founded on: "Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17'.

I never tried to forcible rape anyone at 16 or 17. Trying to blow this off as typical behavior for a teen boy is ridiculous.

Now that is true….

However, if there wasn’t police involvement…let me restate that….CONFIRMED police involvement meaning the authorities were called and he was questioned…I am not of the position that this is “forcible rape”.

And—this is for everyone on the left—save the “well his record was whitewashed” nonsense. The record is the record; as imperfect or imperfect as it may be. If you’re going to run that offense, then everything these jugheads said about Obama is in play; “records of his birth in nigeria were whitewashed” or whatever.

We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.
she accused him of attempted rape

youre saying she said no and he got up easy peasy and walked out.

the 2 things are very fuckin different, Mormon.

According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.
She should be heard. Then promptly charged with perjury
You act like he smoked pot. Raping someone is a whole other level.

Mix that with his abortion + contraceptive stances = typical woman hating conservative.

See what I mean people? Not only is their no allegation of rape but this asshat has already convicted him of it.

lol. You righties are experts at convicting people based on allegations!

And the only reason it wasn’t rape was because his buddy showed up .

So you admit you lied?

And according to her the buddy was with them the entire time. And he said it didn’t happen

I didn’t lie . The lil rapist just failed , that’s all.

You righties call bill Clinton a rapist all the time. Now it’s “well if they haven’t been convicted you can’t say that !”

he's been to several trials for his behavior and had to pay off at least one person.

when kavenaugh gets to that category feel free to compare.
------------------------------------ looks like its Guilty until Proved Innocent to me and its a shame . See Judge Roy Moore and now Kavanaugh . Started years ago in my opinion whenever sex accusations or sex crimes were involved and the POWERS Decided that woman should be treated differently then men .
Enough people have come forward to indicate that roy moore was Alabama's state whore and stalker well into his 30's. But he's a "conservative" and a gawd-fearin' bibble-banger.
Moore was at best a creep. We are better off without him.
You people who have supported him can't back out of this now and just dismiss it.
I never supported him so fuck off with this bullshit

So why did you never go after him and his supporters and not supported the people who accused him? You do realize that people like the orange whore in the Oval Office supported his candidacy and these people had to come out of anonymity and tell their stories. So many people supported the Alabama whore that he could have won a seat in the U.S. Senate, the upper house of our national legislative body.

Uhm because it was 30 fucking years ago .
According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?
According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Attempted forcible rape is serious enough to warrant discussion even if it happened 30 years ago.

If this were your daughter or your wife or your sister, would you be so willing to blow it off?
I don't know anyone who is the same person today that they were as a teenager 30 or 40 years ago.
Having said that should YOUR life be upended over unsubstantiated accusations from your youth? Matters not if you are guilty or not. The accusation alone will likely end your career or make things very difficult for you.
Is this who we are now as a nation? Have we truly tossed the scales of justice out the window and replaced them with guilty until proven innocent?

Stay on topic if you can.
------------------------------------ looks like its Guilty until Proved Innocent to me and its a shame . See Judge Roy Moore and now Kavanaugh . Started years ago in my opinion whenever sex accusations or sex crimes were involved and the POWERS Decided that woman should be treated differently then men .
Enough people have come forward to indicate that roy moore was Alabama's state whore and stalker well into his 30's. But he's a "conservative" and a gawd-fearin' bibble-banger.
---------------------------------------------- concerning Judge Roy Moore there was never any proof presented as far as i know and there was no Legal Accusations or Charges Lysis .
See ^^^^^
A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles our system is founded on.

A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles this thread was founded on: "Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17'.

I never tried to forcible rape anyone at 16 or 17. Trying to blow this off as typical behavior for a teen boy is ridiculous.

Now that is true….

However, if there wasn’t police involvement…let me restate that….CONFIRMED police involvement meaning the authorities were called and he was questioned…I am not of the position that this is “forcible rape”.

And—this is for everyone on the left—save the “well his record was whitewashed” nonsense. The record is the record; as imperfect or imperfect as it may be. If you’re going to run that offense, then everything these jugheads said about Obama is in play; “records of his birth in nigeria were whitewashed” or whatever.

We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.

Such an outstanding memory! Admirable. But can't remember where it happened?????

God you are gullible.
See ^^^^^
A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles our system is founded on.

A perfect example of someone ignoring the principles this thread was founded on: "Every one of you likely did something outrageous at the age of 16 or 17'.

I never tried to forcible rape anyone at 16 or 17. Trying to blow this off as typical behavior for a teen boy is ridiculous.

Now that is true….

However, if there wasn’t police involvement…let me restate that….CONFIRMED police involvement meaning the authorities were called and he was questioned…I am not of the position that this is “forcible rape”.

And—this is for everyone on the left—save the “well his record was whitewashed” nonsense. The record is the record; as imperfect or imperfect as it may be. If you’re going to run that offense, then everything these jugheads said about Obama is in play; “records of his birth in nigeria were whitewashed” or whatever.

We have an eye witness: Christine Blasey Ford. The woman who was claims that she was attacked by Kavanaugh as a teenager, where he attempted to forcibly rape her.

And this is not a story she's made up for the confirmation hearings. But an experience she recounted in counselling in 2012, with third party documentation to prove it. With other witnesses confirming that she cited Kavanaugh as the person that attempted to rape her as a teenager.

Long before the hearings.

She should be heard.

Okay. But if you and I were having a fight today and then you become the nominee for Federal judge or Astronaut or whatever 35 years from today; if I don’t call the police and say you assaulted me today, I can’t claim it was an assault 35 years from now..can I?

What stinks more is that Kav was nominated on July 9. Where was this Allegation then?

As I understand he was on Trump’s list of judges the blob released before he even won the election. Where was the allegation then?

I’m not sure what job Kav holds now…still no allegation?

This stinks.

Fine, hear her but the Senators of both parties should be asking those questions I asked above. And please save the hooey about it taking her this long to muster the courage and all associated crapolla. If she thought it was an attack in 1983; she should have called the police in 1983. Its that simple.

She recounted the experience in couples therapy in 2012 in which she cites a 'prominant federal judge. She has the notes from that therapy session. She also has witnesses that she cited Kavanaugh specifically. Years before these hearings.

This wasn't something that was made up for the hearings. And 'its all political' doesn't work in 2012 when Kavanaugh was already a federal judge and there were no hearings.

Most sexual assaults go unreported. That hers was unreported is unremarkable.
yea, we'll see what she really has. i know we have 65 letters from people who didn't scrub their background before "coming out" saying kavanaugh is a good guy.
I assume this is about the SC nominee?

Is there a police report? Was there a LEO investigating it?

If not, I say there is no “there” there and acquiesce to the OP’s general point of it being a youthful indiscretion.

I’m much more troubled by the embargo on his record with the Bush administration than I am by this (at this time).

So you want to expose every communication that went on in the white house during the Bush years?
And here's the thing.
This info has nothing to do with Kavanaugh.
They werent his words or rulings.

"I worked in President Bush’s White House with three staff secretaries: Harriet Miers, Mr. Kavanaugh and Raul Yanes. In that position, they reviewed virtually every document the president saw and kept copies as required by the Presidential Records Act of 1978.

More important, the staff secretary was responsible for circulating documents to as many as a score of administration officials—drafts of memos, statements, speeches, schedules, briefing books, proclamations and scripts. The staff secretary would then serve as an impartial judge by reviewing and reconciling the comments on the documents. He would ensure that they were accurate, concise, clear, thorough and timely, giving the best possible expression to the views of the president’s advisers."
------------------------------------ looks like its Guilty until Proved Innocent to me and its a shame . See Judge Roy Moore and now Kavanaugh . Started years ago in my opinion whenever sex accusations or sex crimes were involved and the POWERS Decided that woman should be treated differently then men .
Enough people have come forward to indicate that roy moore was Alabama's state whore and stalker well into his 30's. But he's a "conservative" and a gawd-fearin' bibble-banger.
Moore was at best a creep. We are better off without him.
You people who have supported him can't back out of this now and just dismiss it.
I never supported him so fuck off with this bullshit

So why did you never go after him and his supporters and not supported the people who accused him? You do realize that people like the orange whore in the Oval Office supported his candidacy and these people had to come out of anonymity and tell their stories. So many people supported the Alabama whore that he could have won a seat in the U.S. Senate, the upper house of our national legislative body.
I did oppose him ya uninformed moron.

Stop talking out of your ass
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Attempted forcible rape is serious enough to warrant discussion even if it happened 30 years ago.

If this were your daughter or your wife or your sister, would you be so willing to blow it off?

If my Daughter, Wife or Sister was a nut that could remember EVERYTHING EXCEPT WHERE IT HAPPENED? It would cause me more than a little pause.
According to her he did get off her and leave.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.
She should be heard. Then promptly charged with perjury

So your suggestion is to prosecute a woman for testifying about being attacked and sexually assaulted.

Good luck with that. See what happens to the already abysmal numbers the GOP has with women.
wrong. according to her, she ESCAPED

From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?

Then why don't they say something then why wait till he becomes a senator, president, judge?

How come liberals are not dragging out the 50 or so girls I fucked when I was in high school to become a new maintenance guy at a new job?

The same people trying to condemn 17 year old Kavanaugh for something that we have no proof actually happened make excuses for 17 year old Trayvon Margin beating the shit out of George Zimmerman.

Just sayin'.
From where?
She wont name a specific location because that could actually be corroborated and thus would bust her lie.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, she's willing to testify before congress on the matter.

She should be heard.

30 fucking years ago ..

Like people don’t remember traumatic events from 30 years ago?

Then why don't they say something then why wait till he becomes a senator, president, judge?

She did. In therapy in 2012. She recounted the experience to her therapist, in detail, and has the notes to prove it.

The 'its all political' narrative doesn't work in 2012 when she shared the experience in therapy.
Have no way of knowing the truth about any thing negative being said, no one is perfect, but life time appointments to the highest court are a big deal. we don't need a dishonest person on the court. have my own personal reason why I would vote no. still what's the rush remember this a life time job.

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