Every Republican Should Vote To Block A Pay Raise

The funny part about the argument over pay raises is that from the outside looking in it's easy to be outraged, but would you vote to give yourself a pay raise? Fuck yeah I would. I haven't done shit to deserve it, but your're really asking me if I should get more money? :lol:
Didn't they get a pay raise just last year? I would definitely vote against anyone who votes themselves a pay raise!
NM’s idiot politicians did this too. After crying to Washington that they didnt have enough money to support the refugees they allowed in illegally.
Didn't they get a pay raise just last year? I would definitely vote against anyone who votes themselves a pay raise!
I am correcting myself. They haven't had a recent pay raise....and still don't deserve one this year.
The funny part about the argument over pay raises is that from the outside looking in it's easy to be outraged, but would you vote to give yourself a pay raise? Fuck yeah I would. I haven't done shit to deserve it, but your're really asking me if I should get more money? :lol:

They don't have to vote to give themselves a pay raise. All they have to do is do nothing and they get that pay raise. They have to vote to NOT get a pay raise. They have voted to not take a pay raise every year since 2009.

Agree or disagree, just thought I would put things right.
The funny part about the argument over pay raises is that from the outside looking in it's easy to be outraged, but would you vote to give yourself a pay raise? Fuck yeah I would. I haven't done shit to deserve it, but your're really asking me if I should get more money? :lol:
Then we need to change the rules so WE vote to approve Congressional pay raises. Put it on the ballot in November, list each Rep and Sen with a 'yes' or 'no' vote for a raise for each.
They should not make more than $50,000 a year.

They shouldn't even get that. Really , Congress should be able to finish up their work in 6-8 weeks for the year and earn their living in their usual professions.

If they are a lawyer, they should continue to be earning their living in a court room, if they are a doctor, in the operating room, if they are a bartender , in the tap room.

A per diem and transportation to Washington for the swearing in should be enough.

And really, with modern communications software, there is no reason for all these folks to gather in Washington that much at all. No reason why AOC can't talk to people from an office in the Bronx and Tim Ryan from his Y-Town office, or even from the campaign trail in Iowa.

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