Every single day in America, an armed citizen prevents a violent crime.

I didn't say I didn't know anyone that got shot. My cousin killed his stepfather in self defense, and a classmate was shot by a robber at the gas station where he worked, he survived.
Didn't state that you did.
I stated I didn't hear of anyone, growing up getting shot, a couple of people wound up dead riding motorcycles though.
But there were no accidents when we were out hunting.

There was one guy, that I hunted with, that shot his dog.
I wasn't on that trip.
Only if I'm present, when you morons are anywhere near plumbing, electricity, power or weapons.
But I do love reading about you idiots flooding your basements, knocking power out to your entire neighborhood, and shooting yourselves in the foot.

My Attorney Got Arrested.
Wow. I'll bet you're looking forward to graduating from the fourth grade this year.
Accidental gunshot deaths by children handling a gun jumped 31% during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to a year earlier, new data shows.

There were 98 deaths that resulted from unintentional shootings by children from March through December 2019 compared to 128 over that same period in 2020, research by the advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety shows.

And the trend continues to worsen during the pandemic, the groups says.

So far, in 2021 there have been at least 259 unintentional shootings by children, resulting in 104 deaths and 168 injuries nationally, according to the group's #NotAnAccident Index. Everytown is a U.S. nonprofit that advocates for gun control.

I wonder if the parents continue to think that the only way to protect themselves was with a gun after their kid takes their own life either by their own hand or by accident. Just a complete tragedy.
You are wrong - he is right. You started in the 1960ies/70ies with this wrong way. You buy weapons which help you less than nothing only on reason to make rich weapon producers and weapon dealers. Your constitution joke was a short time ago even made to a fact from your own supreme court. They corrected the mistake Ward vs Roe ... and made this new mad mistake ...

Do you have a gibberish to English translator you can use? I have no idea WTF you're trying to say.

Didn't state that you did.
I stated I didn't hear of anyone, growing up getting shot, a couple of people wound up dead riding motorcycles though.

There was one guy, that I hunted with, that shot his dog.
I wasn't on that trip.

Actually you did say that, I think you need to brush up on your ESL classes.
Never recall anyone in my orbit, getting shot either.

Awww, the Q NUT'S feelings are hurt.
Have a Bill Gates burger.

“We have to accept the fact that the government totally wants us to provide surveillance on every part of your life.

“They want to know when you’re eating. They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.

“So you’ll probably get a little zap inside your body and that’s saying, ‘no, no, don’t eat a real cheeseburger, you need to eat the fake burger, the fake meat from Bill Gates.
I love it when you use the Q thing and the MAGA thing. Please do it often. It's a reliable indicator of your fear level.

And I'm glad you're playing close attention to the speeches on dietary guidelines made by your Eggplant In Chief. Keep repeating that stuff.

Stay crazy. It will make it easier to spot you when it's time to round you up and slam your asses into the asylums.
Because the owner did do suicide? Death penalty for example is for criminals not deterrent how we found out. It's in the opposite: "Everything or nothing" is a nice pathetic Russian roulette game. "I will become rich now or will be dead now" has a common element: in both cases seem not to exist problems any longer. It is much more deterrent to go for some years into jail and to have to live afterwards under normal people again. This forces people in a better way really to think about what their deeds will do with them and others.
This is an English language board.
No, it isn't.
People 40 years ago actually went to shooting ranges to learn how to properly operate a weapon.
Now they just watch goobers on you tube and think "hold my beer'.

They damned sure didn't need 101rounds to wound a turtle.
The gun nuts think that's impressive.
Ladies and gentlemen, congratulate our friend Smokin' OP on his recent graduation from the Joseph R. Biden School of Making Sense.
You are correct sir. A vast number of Americans have been brainwashed on leftist campuses and by fake news and after about 30 years of it they are taking over and destroying this nation. And unless we are going to start shooting them all and risk prison there ain't a dang thing we can do about it.

A convention of states might be a last hope.
Reopen the abandoned state mental institutions.
Every single day in America, some idiot..

"Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for Americans aged 1-44 years old."
"Women in the U.S. are 28 times more likely to be killed by guns than women in other high-income countries."
"Children in the United States are at far greater risk of unintentional gun death than children in other developed countries."
"Firearms recently became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries."
"Americans also kill each other for a lot of extremely petty, dumb reasons."

Don't care? Don't believe it? Don't Google it. Don't shoot your friend or your foot.
Every single day in America, some idiot..

"Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for Americans aged 1-44 years old."
"Women in the U.S. are 28 times more likely to be killed by guns than women in other high-income countries."
"Children in the United States are at far greater risk of unintentional gun death than children in other developed countries."
"Firearms recently became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries."
"Americans also kill each other for a lot of extremely petty, dumb reasons."

Don't care? Don't believe it? Don't Google it. Don't shoot your friend or your foot.
Time to trot out the proof. You quoting your beloved Eggplant In Chief there? Sounds like it.

We'll wait.

We know, your big mouth makes a lot of appointments that your "intellect" can't keep, so we realize this might take a while.
Actually you did say that, I think you need to brush up on your ESL classes.

NO, I didn't.

Don't know where you're from, but we never went to a range to learn how to shoot,
Neither did I, as there were none.
neither did anyone I grew up around. My father taught my brother and myself out in the country. And we hunted on our own from ages 11 and 12 and did it safely.

Good for you, so did I.
Never recall anyone in my orbit, getting shot either.

I think you need to brush up on your ESL classes.
I love it when you use the Q thing and the MAGA thing. Please do it often. It's a reliable indicator of your fear level.
Yeah, crazy and stupid people scare me.
And I'm glad you're playing close attention to the speeches on dietary guidelines made by your Eggplant In Chief. Keep repeating that stuff.
That was MTG, you moron.
AND you think she's great.
Stay crazy. It will make it easier to spot you when it's time to round you up and slam your asses into the asylums.
The crazies, will be wearing their Chinese made, MAGA hats.
Easier to spot.
Ladies and gentlemen, congratulate our friend Smokin' OP on his recent graduation from the Joseph R. Biden School of Making Sense.
Well thanks.
You are glimpsing at reality for once.

Baby steps, next step is weening yourself off of.....................


You can do it.
Because the owner did do suicide? Death penalty for example is for criminals not deterrent how we found out. It's in the opposite: "Everything or nothing" is a nice pathetic Russian roulette game. "I will become rich now or will be dead now" has a common element: in both cases seem not to exist problems any longer. It is much more deterrent to go for some years into jail and to have to live afterwards under normal people again. This forces people in a better way really to think about what their deeds will do with them and others.
You idiot no. Go suck on Jo's asshole a little more

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