Every single day in America, an armed citizen prevents a violent crime.

Every day in the USA an armed citizen becomes a violent criminal.

That is a blatant lie, and a fairly stupid one at that.

Real Americans own and love guns. Only pussies and losers do not like shooting.

If it were not for the citizen gun owner you would be paying taxes to the British crown you simp.
... Guns are the great equalizer between victims and criminals. ...

Do you know why duells became forbidden in Europe? Because some people waste their whole life with weapons while others have to do a lot of work. Évariste Galois for example died with 20 years in a duell. I fear we still do not know today what we miss in mathematics because he died. People like he will never have any chance against people who train their whole life to murder others as it is in your nation whose prisons - and not only the prisons - are full of criminals. And your criminal mindset you are in the moment exporting into all nations in East Europe and the Balticum. If you continue to do so then soon it will not be a question whether World War 3 will happen one day - soon will be the only question when World War 3 will happen.

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That is a blatant lie ...

Idiot: You have the highest number of criminal prisoners than anyone else in the world, isn't it? Even many tyrannies have less prisoners although perhaps relativelly more of their prisoners are not-criminal prisoners. And you are also in danger to become a tyranny on your own under Donald Trump or another autocratic thinking US-American who is easily able to find and to found a private army under the people of the USA - as the SA and SS once had been in Germany about 70-100 years ago. In this case the only hope will be you will kill yourselve and you will not carry your new civil war against the basic values of the USA into all other countries of the world.
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No, it isn't.
People 40 years ago actually went to shooting ranges to learn how to properly operate a weapon.
Now they just watch goobers on you tube and think "hold my beer'.

They damned sure didn't need 101rounds to wound a turtle.
The gun nuts think that's impressive.

Don't know where you're from, but we never went to a range to learn how to shoot, neither did anyone I grew up around. My father taught my brother and myself out in the country. And we hunted on our own from ages 11 and 12 and did it safely.

Awww, the Q NUT'S feelings are hurt.
Have a Bill Gates burger.

“We have to accept the fact that the government totally wants us to provide surveillance on every part of your life.

“They want to know when you’re eating. They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.

“So you’ll probably get a little zap inside your body and that’s saying, ‘no, no, don’t eat a real cheeseburger, you need to eat the fake burger, the fake meat from Bill Gates.

WTF is a "peach tree dish"?

Don't know where you're from, but we never went to a range to learn how to shoot, neither did anyone I grew up around. My father taught my brother and myself out in the country. And we hunted on our own from ages 11 and 12 and did it safely.


I'll tell you where he's from . . . he's from some monkey's anus. That dope is dumber than dirt.

My dad taught me to shoot too.
The first post is fact:

Man apparently bangs on door of home yelling for help — then barges in. Homeowner shoots the man dead and won't be charged.

A homeowner in Lincoln Heights, Ohio, shot a man dead who apparently was banging on his door yelling for help Monday night and then barged in.
But the Hamilton County sheriff's office told WCPO-TV there won't be charges against the homeowner and that the state’s stand-your-ground law can be applied in the case.

TheReaper says: Guns are the great equalizer between victims and criminals. Democrats don't want you to own guns because an armed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.
Don't know where you're from, but we never went to a range to learn how to shoot,
Neither did I, as there were none.
neither did anyone I grew up around. My father taught my brother and myself out in the country. And we hunted on our own from ages 11 and 12 and did it safely.

Good for you, so did I.
Never recall anyone in my orbit, getting shot either.
Yeah, great. And the amount of crimes that are increased because of the guns.... the number of people who can't save someone getting murdered is 5 times higher, or more now, than in most other first world countries.

Kind of like driving a family off the cliff in a bus, and then congratulating yourself because you saved the dog.
This is all a lie. Many times a gun will prevent an assault without having to be shot
Actually, it's a 246 year old truth..

You are wrong - he is right. You started in the 1960ies/70ies with this wrong way. You buy weapons which help you less than nothing only on reason to make rich weapon producers and weapon dealers. Your constitution joke was a short time ago even made to a fact from your own supreme court. They corrected the mistake Ward vs Roe ... and made this new mad mistake ...
This is all a lie. Many times a gun will prevent an assault without having to be shot

Because the owner did do suicide? Death penalty for example is for criminals not deterrent how we found out. It's in the opposite: "Everything or nothing" is a nice pathetic Russian roulette game. "I will become rich now or will be dead now" has a common element: in both cases seem not to exist problems any longer. It is much more deterrent to go for some years into jail and to have to live afterwards under normal people again. This forces people in a better way really to think about what their deeds will do with them and others.
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Neither did I, as there were none.

Good for you, so did I.
Never recall anyone in my orbit, getting shot either.

I didn't say I didn't know anyone that got shot. My cousin killed his stepfather in self defense, and a classmate was shot by a robber at the gas station where he worked, he survived. But there were no accidents when we were out hunting.


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