Everybody can learn from hard manual labor-Not just blacks picked cotton


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.
Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.

But after 200+ years of slavery with forced labor and seeing your children sold off, you think maybe the black community may be offended with Bald Face Racist Bundy reminds them what they should be doing?

You guys are as delusional as he is.
I'm tired of hearing about your ancient stories when this is happening TODAY right under a negro Obama watch in Syria where Saudis sent death row inmates to kill Syrian people, whose king was invited to the white house, who then buy Syrian girls as sex slaves:

Syria?s reality: 150,000 corpses, skeletal children and nine million displaced - Worldnews.com
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...
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Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.
Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.

But after 200+ years of slavery with forced labor and seeing your children sold off, you think maybe the black community may be offended with Bald Face Racist Bundy reminds them what they should be doing?

You guys are as delusional as he is.
I'm tired of hearing about your ancient stories when this is happening TODAY right under a negro Obama watch in Syria where Saudis sent death row inmates to kill Syrian people, whose king was invited to the white house, who then buy Syrian girls as sex slaves:

Syria?s reality: 150,000 corpses, skeletal children and nine million displaced - Worldnews.com

Nice photoshop job....
From 1966- 1978 I chopped wood and split it with an axe, mowed lawns and collected pecans...
A lot of us entered the workforce for the first time by doing menial labor. It's like paying your dues and gaining experience. For me, doing crappy jobs to start with gave me the incentive to finish my education so I could get a better job. A lot of people really hate their jobs and many are taking night classes so they can qualify for something they would like. Some kids today think they'll go from living with parents to having some fancy office job. Where did they get that attitude that things should come easy?

I am saddened that too many people see work as a four letter word and want nothing to do with it. I know people personally who are like that and I'd like to take a cattle prod to their butts to get them moving. The ones unwilling to work for what they need are often the ones who bitch the loudest because they are going without. And despite their total lack of qualifications, they still blame society.

My nephew is one of those people. He's a loser who quit high school with only a few months before graduation. He found out he'd have to take some summer classes and he walked out and never went back. He's been in trouble with the law for stealing and drugs. He drives a piece of shit car that was given to him by another relative and the only job he qualifies for is being a farm hand. He can't handle any job for more than a few months and he quits. Then he begs everyone in the family for money. He says it's unfair that he can't sell pot for a living because it harms no one and it's the only job he's good at. I've lost count of his jail time over that. He whines constantly about how life was unfair to him.

When I bought my new Dodge Ram a few years back, he looked at it and said begrudgingly, "Must be nice." I had to ask what he thought was nicer; taking two years to come up with a good down payment, taking out a loan for the balance, making payments for 5 years, buying insurance or having to go to work every day so I could make the payments. Nothing comes easy and no one hands you nice stuff. If you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen.

We now have the entitlement generation, who believe that they should have it good for doing nothing. They are all entitled to phones and everything else. Suggesting that they take a little more care when planning their future falls on deaf ears. I am sick of the blame being passed onto others for their stupid decisions.

Of course, now mere words are treated more seriously than people's actions. It's what you say, not what you do these days that matters to the press and many idiots.

Bundy could have worded that a lot better, but the message is a good one. Even if he had been more eloquent in making the remarks, he still would face the same criticism because it's politically incorrect to speak the truth about this subject. Besides, the media is doing their best to get attention away from Reid and creating a racist villain works every time with the low info crowd.
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...
My body is sore today from doing hard manual labor you liberal dingbat.
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...

I have many times. If your body is a wreck you likely suffered injuries from poor execution (like not lifting properly) or repetition injuries.
But after 200+ years of slavery with forced labor and seeing your children sold off, you think maybe the black community may be offended with Bald Face Racist Bundy reminds them what they should be doing?

You guys are as delusional as he is.
I'm tired of hearing about your ancient stories when this is happening TODAY right under a negro Obama watch in Syria where Saudis sent death row inmates to kill Syrian people, whose king was invited to the white house, who then buy Syrian girls as sex slaves:

Syria?s reality: 150,000 corpses, skeletal children and nine million displaced - Worldnews.com

Nice photoshop job....
That is a real article and the story is 100% real you dingbat
Liberals have done a good job convincing black people that work is the same as slavery. Reminding them that at one time they did work, and worked long after slavery was ended, is insulting.

We are creating a new Master Race.
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...

I have many times. If your body is a wreck you likely suffered injuries from poor execution (like not lifting properly) or repetition injuries.
He's suffering from drinking too much, from pulling down his shorts and gay love. these things don't mix with hard labor.
I did enough manual labor for one life. You just need to figger' out how to rob banks and NOT get caught. Afterall, it's just other peoples money.........like taxes!
I still do it every day.

I'm skilled labor and get paid more for it............

Yet I'm sore right now off of the wire pulls and 4 inch conduit runs of the last four days.

We build America, fix it, and maintain it, and people post like it's below them or something.

Perhaps they might break a little nail on their fingers or something. Girly men.
How many of you posters have actually done hard labor? I did it from 1978-2012....my body is a wreck from it...

Not since I retired from the Navy, except for yard work and home projects.
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

How much were those blacks paid for picking cotton?
Hard physical work is great for the body and mind.


Every day I wake up and get shooting pains that traverse my back and legs, while my hands have a dull ache that lasts all through the day, I thank the fates I had the "privilege" of driving a moving truck for 11 years.

Humping furniture and appliances up 6 flight walkups was a "great" experience, you betcha.
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
My thoughts exactly. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard his quote as along those lines. if you trace back to the beginning of this standoff, I never posted any responses because I did not care about this story too much, BUT WHEN THE LEFT GOT OUTRAGED OVER SOMEONE SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT WORK, I GOT OUTRAGED!!! - this degenerate class that is ok with rappers, ball players making 1000 more than ordinary people, these hypocrites who moan about the rich people, get outraged about an old man stating opinion on something like that? this is degeneracy that has gone too far. When your country, when your negro liberal president will pull all troops out of other nations, then you can talk about morality and justice - in Philippines the slaves are picking your rice even today, the children are being sold to the highest bidder, it never ended, and what have you done about it? what has your liberal black president done about it? Now run away and pretend you did not hear the truth that you can't touch.

How much were those blacks paid for picking cotton?

A helluva lot less than welfare, SNAP, and Medicaid pays.

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