Everybody Hates Ted

OK - you have to click on the link to see all the fancy animated graphics of all the quotes from people who hate Ted.

Everybody Hates Ted

A lot of people don't like this dude

Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. —Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: “wacko-bird,” “abrasive,” “arrogant,” and “creepy” are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone he’s ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, he’s really not your average politician—after all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz.

Did we miss anything? Or have you personally experienced the awfulness of Ted Cruz? Tag us with #everybodyhatested
Wow what a list.
When John McCain, Dianne Feinstein, CHuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and Bill diBlasio hate you you must be doing something right!
Go Ted! Remember, he's trusTed!
OK - you have to click on the link to see all the fancy animated graphics of all the quotes from people who hate Ted.

Everybody Hates Ted

A lot of people don't like this dude

Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. —Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: “wacko-bird,” “abrasive,” “arrogant,” and “creepy” are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone he’s ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, he’s really not your average politician—after all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz.

Did we miss anything? Or have you personally experienced the awfulness of Ted Cruz? Tag us with #everybodyhatested

Who cares? It is not like you would vote for him anyway!

You can stir the shit pot but you have to lick the spoon afterward.
It confirms that the Hate Radio talking points are just more lies: He's not hated because he's standing up to the establishment, he's hated because he's a dick with an abrasive, annoying personality that has turned off people since his grammar school days.
Neither one of you had time to click the link and check out the quotes. #RightwingDrones
Why would you think I give a shit? I already decided I aint voting for him. Even fuckin told you that. WTF do you want?
Then why are you here? Did I invite you to a thread you care nothing about?

Full of shit. Both are eligible and if either wins the nomination, will run for president. Never in history has the SCOTUS overruled the will of the people on a candidate for president and it won't be happening in 2016. You can present all the pointy-head arguments you like, that's a fact.
Trump, or another party will sue him. If it's brought in the 9th circuit and they rule against Cruz, how will that 4-4 SCOTUS look to him then?

Of, fuck - that's brilliant!
Even his mother?
If she really loved him she would have made sure he was born an American.

She had no choice in the matter.

She was an American citizen, so is he
Why not?

She's an American citizen, he's a naturalized immigrant.
Cruz wasn't naturalized.

You can read what a natural born citizen is here: On the Meaning of “Natural Born Citizen”
I'd rather trust Constitutional experts.

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