Everybody Hates Ted

The biggest problem with Cruz is that he is so bad at lying yet he constantly lies.
His lies are outrageous and absurd, as if he assumes that all voters are idiots. To make things worse, he wants the votes from the evangelicals. How ironic is it that the avid believers of the god are backing the worst liar in the race!

I challenge you to post a LIE that CRUZ himself has told. I keep hearing this, most recently from Trump in the debates the other night... Cruz pointed out that Trump supported funding for Planned Parenthood and Trump said he was lying. But... the evidence shows, Cruz was correct. Trump said "they do a lot of wonderful things for women and I think you have to look at that." Cruz also has a video clip of Trump on his website stating that he would not support defunding PP.
What you should notice is that Cruz made up that lie right in front of Carson and millions of TV audience, and while he was apologizing. No wonder Carson doesn't accept his apology! He may lie on various issues just like other candidates do, but he cannot directly cheat people for their support. It's despicable!
Just so you know, before the Iowa Caucuses, Cruz sent emails marked as "voter violation form" to, again, cheat people to vote for him. Search it online if you don't believe me. It's fine to be factually inaccurate sometimes, but these lies are just PLAYING the voters as if they are all fools. If someone treats you like an idiot, would you vote for him?

Well it's simply not a lie. It was reported by CNN who were told by the Carson campaign that he was going back to Florida to "get a change of clothes." I was watching CNN that day, I saw it with my own two eyes. AND... this was something his campaign said, not TED CRUZ!

As for what his supporting PACs are doing to campaign for him, that's not Ted Cruz telling lies. That's politics and every candidate has PACs who do that sort of thing. I asked you for specific LIES Ted Cruz has told...so far, I have been given a link to some goofy liberal hack "politi-fact" site that lists a bunch of "half-truths" nonsense and the regurgitation of the Carson thing... I want to see his blatant non-stop consistent LYING you spoke of.

I already know you can't provide anything, this is just your smear attempts that won't work.
The biggest problem with Cruz is that he is so bad at lying yet he constantly lies.
His lies are outrageous and absurd, as if he assumes that all voters are idiots. To make things worse, he wants the votes from the evangelicals. How ironic is it that the avid believers of the god are backing the worst liar in the race!

I challenge you to post a LIE that CRUZ himself has told. I keep hearing this, most recently from Trump in the debates the other night... Cruz pointed out that Trump supported funding for Planned Parenthood and Trump said he was lying. But... the evidence shows, Cruz was correct. Trump said "they do a lot of wonderful things for women and I think you have to look at that." Cruz also has a video clip of Trump on his website stating that he would not support defunding PP.
What you should notice is that Cruz made up that lie right in front of Carson and millions of TV audience, and while he was apologizing. No wonder Carson doesn't accept his apology! He may lie on various issues just like other candidates do, but he cannot directly cheat people for their support. It's despicable!
Just so you know, before the Iowa Caucuses, Cruz sent emails marked as "voter violation form" to, again, cheat people to vote for him. Search it online if you don't believe me. It's fine to be factually inaccurate sometimes, but these lies are just PLAYING the voters as if they are all fools. If someone treats you like an idiot, would you vote for him?

Well it's simply not a lie. It was reported by CNN who were told by the Carson campaign that he was going back to Florida to "get a change of clothes." I was watching CNN that day, I saw it with my own two eyes. AND... this was something his campaign said, not TED CRUZ!

As for what his supporting PACs are doing to campaign for him, that's not Ted Cruz telling lies. That's politics and every candidate has PACs who do that sort of thing. I asked you for specific LIES Ted Cruz has told...so far, I have been given a link to some goofy liberal hack "politi-fact" site that lists a bunch of "half-truths" nonsense and the regurgitation of the Carson thing... I want to see his blatant non-stop consistent LYING you spoke of.

I already know you can't provide anything, this is just your smear attempts that won't work.
Wow, I'm really impressed on how much even ordinary people could go to defend a certain candidate. If you can't see a deceptive excuse made up on the debate stage as lying, and you seriously believe that crap, I guess you are willing to rationalize whatever he said into something palatable and "true".
Thanks to you, I now understand why Cruz dares to do it his way. Fortunately though, few would distort the reality by defying common sense, and I assure you that he WILL lose because of that.
BTW, politi-fact is a biased resource, I would give you credit on that. However, not all of their judgments are wrong. Honestly, most of the "real lies" there don't actually matter, because people in politics breath lies - It is what they lie about that actually matters.
The biggest problem with Cruz is that he is so bad at lying yet he constantly lies.
His lies are outrageous and absurd, as if he assumes that all voters are idiots. To make things worse, he wants the votes from the evangelicals. How ironic is it that the avid believers of the god are backing the worst liar in the race!

I challenge you to post a LIE that CRUZ himself has told. I keep hearing this, most recently from Trump in the debates the other night... Cruz pointed out that Trump supported funding for Planned Parenthood and Trump said he was lying. But... the evidence shows, Cruz was correct. Trump said "they do a lot of wonderful things for women and I think you have to look at that." Cruz also has a video clip of Trump on his website stating that he would not support defunding PP.
What you should notice is that Cruz made up that lie right in front of Carson and millions of TV audience, and while he was apologizing. No wonder Carson doesn't accept his apology! He may lie on various issues just like other candidates do, but he cannot directly cheat people for their support. It's despicable!
Just so you know, before the Iowa Caucuses, Cruz sent emails marked as "voter violation form" to, again, cheat people to vote for him. Search it online if you don't believe me. It's fine to be factually inaccurate sometimes, but these lies are just PLAYING the voters as if they are all fools. If someone treats you like an idiot, would you vote for him?

Well it's simply not a lie. It was reported by CNN who were told by the Carson campaign that he was going back to Florida to "get a change of clothes." I was watching CNN that day, I saw it with my own two eyes. AND... this was something his campaign said, not TED CRUZ!

As for what his supporting PACs are doing to campaign for him, that's not Ted Cruz telling lies. That's politics and every candidate has PACs who do that sort of thing. I asked you for specific LIES Ted Cruz has told...so far, I have been given a link to some goofy liberal hack "politi-fact" site that lists a bunch of "half-truths" nonsense and the regurgitation of the Carson thing... I want to see his blatant non-stop consistent LYING you spoke of.

I already know you can't provide anything, this is just your smear attempts that won't work.
Wow, I'm really impressed on how much even ordinary people could go to defend a certain candidate. If you can't see a deceptive excuse made up on the debate stage as lying, and you seriously believe that crap, I guess you are willing to rationalize whatever he said into something palatable and "true".
Thanks to you, I now understand why Cruz dares to do it his way. Fortunately though, few would distort the reality by defying common sense, and I assure you that he WILL lose because of that.
BTW, politi-fact is a biased resource, I would give you credit on that. However, not all of their judgments are wrong. Honestly, most of the "real lies" there don't actually matter, because people in politics breath lies - It is what they lie about that actually matters.

Well you're lying about him making it up on the fly during the debate because their statement had been released explaining what happened earlier. And as Cruz stated, as soon as they understood the nature of the misunderstanding, they tweeted an apology for the confusion. Not only that, but the day after the debates someone found where one of Rubio's campaigners had issued the same misleading tweet based on the same erroneous CNN report. So it is Marco Rubio who is the liar.

The smart-assed politi-fact link posted, doesn't have any direct lie told by Cruz. There were a couple of things where he may have said something technically inaccurate, but that is hardly lying. A LIE is when you deliberately and intentionally say something that isn't true, like Rubio lying about his supporting amnesty. Like Trump lying about supporting Planned Parenthood. When Cruz, in making the point that we're not following our own laws, makes the statement that our laws mandate a 700 mile double layer fence, and that particular law was amended in 2008, that's not really lying.
The biggest problem with Cruz is that he is so bad at lying yet he constantly lies.
His lies are outrageous and absurd, as if he assumes that all voters are idiots. To make things worse, he wants the votes from the evangelicals. How ironic is it that the avid believers of the god are backing the worst liar in the race!

I challenge you to post a LIE that CRUZ himself has told. I keep hearing this, most recently from Trump in the debates the other night... Cruz pointed out that Trump supported funding for Planned Parenthood and Trump said he was lying. But... the evidence shows, Cruz was correct. Trump said "they do a lot of wonderful things for women and I think you have to look at that." Cruz also has a video clip of Trump on his website stating that he would not support defunding PP.
What you should notice is that Cruz made up that lie right in front of Carson and millions of TV audience, and while he was apologizing. No wonder Carson doesn't accept his apology! He may lie on various issues just like other candidates do, but he cannot directly cheat people for their support. It's despicable!
Just so you know, before the Iowa Caucuses, Cruz sent emails marked as "voter violation form" to, again, cheat people to vote for him. Search it online if you don't believe me. It's fine to be factually inaccurate sometimes, but these lies are just PLAYING the voters as if they are all fools. If someone treats you like an idiot, would you vote for him?

Well it's simply not a lie. It was reported by CNN who were told by the Carson campaign that he was going back to Florida to "get a change of clothes." I was watching CNN that day, I saw it with my own two eyes. AND... this was something his campaign said, not TED CRUZ!

As for what his supporting PACs are doing to campaign for him, that's not Ted Cruz telling lies. That's politics and every candidate has PACs who do that sort of thing. I asked you for specific LIES Ted Cruz has told...so far, I have been given a link to some goofy liberal hack "politi-fact" site that lists a bunch of "half-truths" nonsense and the regurgitation of the Carson thing... I want to see his blatant non-stop consistent LYING you spoke of.

I already know you can't provide anything, this is just your smear attempts that won't work.
Wow, I'm really impressed on how much even ordinary people could go to defend a certain candidate. If you can't see a deceptive excuse made up on the debate stage as lying, and you seriously believe that crap, I guess you are willing to rationalize whatever he said into something palatable and "true".
Thanks to you, I now understand why Cruz dares to do it his way. Fortunately though, few would distort the reality by defying common sense, and I assure you that he WILL lose because of that.
BTW, politi-fact is a biased resource, I would give you credit on that. However, not all of their judgments are wrong. Honestly, most of the "real lies" there don't actually matter, because people in politics breath lies - It is what they lie about that actually matters.

Well you're lying about him making it up on the fly during the debate because their statement had been released explaining what happened earlier. And as Cruz stated, as soon as they understood the nature of the misunderstanding, they tweeted an apology for the confusion. Not only that, but the day after the debates someone found where one of Rubio's campaigners had issued the same misleading tweet based on the same erroneous CNN report. So it is Marco Rubio who is the liar.

The smart-assed politi-fact link posted, doesn't have any direct lie told by Cruz. There were a couple of things where he may have said something technically inaccurate, but that is hardly lying. A LIE is when you deliberately and intentionally say something that isn't true, like Rubio lying about his supporting amnesty. Like Trump lying about supporting Planned Parenthood. When Cruz, in making the point that we're not following our own laws, makes the statement that our laws mandate a 700 mile double layer fence, and that particular law was amended in 2008, that's not really lying.
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
When you failed to recognize his terrible terrible excuse on that stage as a stunningly big lie, you've proven that you are out of your mind! What you are doing is simply dismissing reality to strengthen your beliefs. Ask yourself the question when you can objectively think: do you seriously believe that Cruz has nothing to do with the emails and the voter violation letter? Do you really think that Cruz's story on the debate stage is even remotely believable to any voter with common sense and without the willingness to distort reality into what they wish is true?
I don't think anybody can convince you Cruz is the most terrible liar or even that he lies now, because you insist on seeing only what you believe. It's just for the record that I'm leaving these posts, and maybe because I'm a little bored these days...
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
When you failed to recognize his terrible terrible excuse on that stage as a stunningly big lie, you've proven that you are out of your mind! What you are doing is simply dismissing reality to strengthen your beliefs. Ask yourself the question when you can objectively think: do you seriously believe that Cruz has nothing to do with the emails and the voter violation letter? Do you really think that Cruz's story on the debate stage is even remotely believable to any voter with common sense and without the willingness to distort reality into what they wish is true?
I don't think anybody can convince you Cruz is the most terrible liar or even that he lies now, because you insist on seeing only what you believe. It's just for the record that I'm leaving these posts, and maybe because I'm a little bored these days...

What I do recognize is that you've failed to show any lie that Cruz has told. What he said during the debate is the truth and there is ample evidence to support what he said. You're dismissing the evidence to cling to your lie that Cruz lied. Cruz has nothing to do with what PACs do... it's like Hillary's connection to the birther movement. Do you believe Hillary is responsible for starting the birther movement? It was one of her PACs who started it! and a cleverly-designed political mailer is not a lie... sorry, it's just not. You may not like it... you may think it's kind of dirty but Democrats register and cast absentee ballots for dead people... so you're not exactly the party of virtue here.
'Everyone hates him...'

Sounds like a good reason to vote for him.

He pissed off his fellow Congressmen and women by telling it like it is, calling them LIARs, calling out their special interest connections, and pointing out how politicians are screwing the people.

Liberals don't like him because he is an evangelical Christian who is not ashamed to mention's God's / Jesus' name. Liberals treat the words God and Jesus like 'Lord Voldemort' (Ssshhhh, do not say the name aloud!")

Washington Establishment politicians don't like him because he can't be controlled, hasn't come over to their non-representative dark-side where no one does what the people want and instead do whatever makes him richer, more powerful, and what helps their special interest etc groups that buy politicians.

I don't vote for politicians based on their likability' Rating from his colleagues and peers.
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
When you failed to recognize his terrible terrible excuse on that stage as a stunningly big lie, you've proven that you are out of your mind! What you are doing is simply dismissing reality to strengthen your beliefs. Ask yourself the question when you can objectively think: do you seriously believe that Cruz has nothing to do with the emails and the voter violation letter? Do you really think that Cruz's story on the debate stage is even remotely believable to any voter with common sense and without the willingness to distort reality into what they wish is true?
I don't think anybody can convince you Cruz is the most terrible liar or even that he lies now, because you insist on seeing only what you believe. It's just for the record that I'm leaving these posts, and maybe because I'm a little bored these days...

What I do recognize is that you've failed to show any lie that Cruz has told. What he said during the debate is the truth and there is ample evidence to support what he said. You're dismissing the evidence to cling to your lie that Cruz lied. Cruz has nothing to do with what PACs do... it's like Hillary's connection to the birther movement. Do you believe Hillary is responsible for starting the birther movement? It was one of her PACs who started it! and a cleverly-designed political mailer is not a lie... sorry, it's just not. You may not like it... you may think it's kind of dirty but Democrats register and cast absentee ballots for dead people... so you're not exactly the party of virtue here.
Look at how far you are willing to go to defend that liar, it's amazing! You just said the voter violation letters are "cleverly-designed political mailers", that's CLEVER? I'm sure you mean stupid and shameless! And that's not a lie? They intentionally attempted to deceive the voters into believing that they were in violation! I can't believe that you are blind enough to be unable to recognize that as a lie, so it's just a desperate struggle in defending your beliefs.
As for the lie he told in the debate, yes, it's a very typical lie, and one of the numerous examples of him lying. While you can't think objectively and recognize that lie, it doesn't change the fact that few would believe what he said. And just so you know, why is it a lie? Because it's an intentional attempt (a stupid one though) to deceive people into buying a false story, a story in which he has nothing to do with the last-day faul tricks before the caucuses.
BTW, what Hillary and her campaign did or what dirty trick the democrats are willing to do cannot justify the shameless lies of Cruz or the despicable schemes of his campaign. It's childish and idiotic for a grown man to say "I can make mistakes because others are doing so".
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
When you failed to recognize his terrible terrible excuse on that stage as a stunningly big lie, you've proven that you are out of your mind! What you are doing is simply dismissing reality to strengthen your beliefs. Ask yourself the question when you can objectively think: do you seriously believe that Cruz has nothing to do with the emails and the voter violation letter? Do you really think that Cruz's story on the debate stage is even remotely believable to any voter with common sense and without the willingness to distort reality into what they wish is true?
I don't think anybody can convince you Cruz is the most terrible liar or even that he lies now, because you insist on seeing only what you believe. It's just for the record that I'm leaving these posts, and maybe because I'm a little bored these days...

What I do recognize is that you've failed to show any lie that Cruz has told. What he said during the debate is the truth and there is ample evidence to support what he said. You're dismissing the evidence to cling to your lie that Cruz lied. Cruz has nothing to do with what PACs do... it's like Hillary's connection to the birther movement. Do you believe Hillary is responsible for starting the birther movement? It was one of her PACs who started it! and a cleverly-designed political mailer is not a lie... sorry, it's just not. You may not like it... you may think it's kind of dirty but Democrats register and cast absentee ballots for dead people... so you're not exactly the party of virtue here.
Look at how far you are willing to go to defend that liar, it's amazing! You just said the voter violation letters are "cleverly-designed political mailers", that's CLEVER? I'm sure you mean stupid and shameless! And that's not a lie? They intentionally attempted to deceive the voters into believing that they were in violation! I can't believe that you are blind enough to be unable to recognize that as a lie, so it's just a desperate struggle in defending your beliefs.
As for the lie he told in the debate, yes, it's a very typical lie, and one of the numerous examples of him lying. While you can't think objectively and recognize that lie, it doesn't change the fact that few would believe what he said. And just so you know, why is it a lie? Because it's an intentional attempt (a stupid one though) to deceive people into buying a false story, a story in which he has nothing to do with the last-day faul tricks before the caucuses.
BTW, what Hillary and her campaign did or what dirty trick the democrats are willing to do cannot justify the shameless lies of Cruz or the despicable schemes of his campaign. It's childish and idiotic for a grown man to say "I can make mistakes because others are doing so".

He did not tell any lies in the debate and you've not show that to be true. YOU'RE lying.. but then, liberal hacks ALWAYS lie. You're going to vote for a habitual liar who tells more lies before breakfast than most people can tell in a week. Virtually every sentence that spills out of that bitch's mouth is a blatant lie and usually a contradiction of yet another lie she told.

The mailers, again, were sent by a 501c PAC that Cruz has NO CONTROL OVER! Are you such a stupid twit that you don't understand how politics work since CFR? Or are you just hoping that voters are that stupid?
I think the most damning fact about Ted Cruz is this: Not one of his fellow US Senators has endorsed him.

Not. One.
5 current US Senators have endorsed Jeb Bush.

1 current US Senator has endorsed John Kasich.

1 current US Senator endorsed Rand Paul.

7 current US Senators have endorsed Marco Rubio.

NONE have endorsed Ted Cruz.
5 current US Senators have endorsed Jeb Bush.

1 current US Senator has endorsed John Kasich.

1 current US Senator endorsed Rand Paul.

7 current US Senators have endorsed Marco Rubio.

NONE have endorsed Ted Cruz.

Not that this makes a damn bit of difference to anything... BUT... I'll bet any amount of money you want to put up that Jeff Sessions and Mike Lee are supporting Ted Cruz.

BTW... ISIS supports Hillary Clinton.
5 current US Senators have endorsed Jeb Bush.

1 current US Senator has endorsed John Kasich.

1 current US Senator endorsed Rand Paul.

7 current US Senators have endorsed Marco Rubio.

NONE have endorsed Ted Cruz.
Do you pay attention to Senatoiral endorsements? You dont get it. The Senate has like a 12% approval rating. The fact that those assholes don't like Ted speaks well about him. Bill diBlasio hates him. I'll bet Elizabeth Warren does too. Those are recommendations in my book,
5 current US Senators have endorsed Jeb Bush.

1 current US Senator has endorsed John Kasich.

1 current US Senator endorsed Rand Paul.

7 current US Senators have endorsed Marco Rubio.

NONE have endorsed Ted Cruz.
Do you pay attention to Senatoiral endorsements? You dont get it. The Senate has like a 12% approval rating. The fact that those assholes don't like Ted speaks well about him. Bill diBlasio hates him. I'll bet Elizabeth Warren does too. Those are recommendations in my book,
It speaks to how well he works and plays with others, and his chances of success getting what he wants from Congress.

And of course the Democrats hate him. But not even one Republican loves him.

12 percent approval rating, 90 percent re-election rate.

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