Everybody Hates Ted

OK - you have to click on the link to see all the fancy animated graphics of all the quotes from people who hate Ted.

Everybody Hates Ted

A lot of people don't like this dude

Indeed indeed, I cannot tell, / Though I ponder on it well, / Which were easier to state, / All my love or all my hate. —Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau, it seems, never met Ted Cruz, a man so blissfully easy to hate that loathing for him has become a form of political poetry: “wacko-bird,” “abrasive,” “arrogant,” and “creepy” are some of the kindest adjectives that have been thrown his way. Cruz has alienated about everyone he’s ever encountered in life: high school and college classmates, bosses, law professors, Supreme Court clerks, and especially his Republican colleagues in the Senate. Some detest Cruz the politician because of his grandstanding, but most dislike Cruz the person. In that respect, he’s really not your average politician—after all, most people hate politicians. But everyone hates Ted Cruz.

Did we miss anything? Or have you personally experienced the awfulness of Ted Cruz? Tag us with #everybodyhatested

Ever heard of that twat Hillary?

Talk about being hated....
5 current US Senators have endorsed Jeb Bush.

1 current US Senator has endorsed John Kasich.

1 current US Senator endorsed Rand Paul.

7 current US Senators have endorsed Marco Rubio.

NONE have endorsed Ted Cruz.
Do you pay attention to Senatoiral endorsements? You dont get it. The Senate has like a 12% approval rating. The fact that those assholes don't like Ted speaks well about him. Bill diBlasio hates him. I'll bet Elizabeth Warren does too. Those are recommendations in my book,
It speaks to how well he works and plays with others, and his chances of success getting what he wants from Congress.

And of course the Democrats hate him. But not even one Republican loves him.

12 percent approval rating, 90 percent re-election rate.
Since you havent polled every Republican senator you don't know that. IN any case who cares? Being president isnt like "miss congenial". The office itself brings prestige and power. Johnson was an asshole. And one of the most effective presidents ever.
Oh, you are right, that excuse has to be premeditated, not made up on the fly. How on earth could he not expect a shot like that before the debate and not prepare for it? Yeah, I lied, Cruz didn't, bummer~
Now I'm convinced it's definitely the most innocent accident, because his campaign apologized after the caucuses! How can it possibly be a collaborated scheme to grab votes - everybody knows Cruz doesn't and cannot lie!
This has become a bit funny, my friend...

Well, so far you've not presented any lies told by Cruz... You and Trump have made the claim but you're not backing your big mouths up with any facts. Now, maybe you and Trump are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating your lie enough that it eventually becomes recognized as the truth? :dunno:
When you failed to recognize his terrible terrible excuse on that stage as a stunningly big lie, you've proven that you are out of your mind! What you are doing is simply dismissing reality to strengthen your beliefs. Ask yourself the question when you can objectively think: do you seriously believe that Cruz has nothing to do with the emails and the voter violation letter? Do you really think that Cruz's story on the debate stage is even remotely believable to any voter with common sense and without the willingness to distort reality into what they wish is true?
I don't think anybody can convince you Cruz is the most terrible liar or even that he lies now, because you insist on seeing only what you believe. It's just for the record that I'm leaving these posts, and maybe because I'm a little bored these days...

What I do recognize is that you've failed to show any lie that Cruz has told. What he said during the debate is the truth and there is ample evidence to support what he said. You're dismissing the evidence to cling to your lie that Cruz lied. Cruz has nothing to do with what PACs do... it's like Hillary's connection to the birther movement. Do you believe Hillary is responsible for starting the birther movement? It was one of her PACs who started it! and a cleverly-designed political mailer is not a lie... sorry, it's just not. You may not like it... you may think it's kind of dirty but Democrats register and cast absentee ballots for dead people... so you're not exactly the party of virtue here.
Look at how far you are willing to go to defend that liar, it's amazing! You just said the voter violation letters are "cleverly-designed political mailers", that's CLEVER? I'm sure you mean stupid and shameless! And that's not a lie? They intentionally attempted to deceive the voters into believing that they were in violation! I can't believe that you are blind enough to be unable to recognize that as a lie, so it's just a desperate struggle in defending your beliefs.
As for the lie he told in the debate, yes, it's a very typical lie, and one of the numerous examples of him lying. While you can't think objectively and recognize that lie, it doesn't change the fact that few would believe what he said. And just so you know, why is it a lie? Because it's an intentional attempt (a stupid one though) to deceive people into buying a false story, a story in which he has nothing to do with the last-day faul tricks before the caucuses.
BTW, what Hillary and her campaign did or what dirty trick the democrats are willing to do cannot justify the shameless lies of Cruz or the despicable schemes of his campaign. It's childish and idiotic for a grown man to say "I can make mistakes because others are doing so".

He did not tell any lies in the debate and you've not show that to be true. YOU'RE lying.. but then, liberal hacks ALWAYS lie. You're going to vote for a habitual liar who tells more lies before breakfast than most people can tell in a week. Virtually every sentence that spills out of that bitch's mouth is a blatant lie and usually a contradiction of yet another lie she told.

The mailers, again, were sent by a 501c PAC that Cruz has NO CONTROL OVER! Are you such a stupid twit that you don't understand how politics work since CFR? Or are you just hoping that voters are that stupid?
It's so funny to argue with someone who desperately attempt to distort reality and even the definition of "lies" in defending a total, terrible liar. Everything can be lies but not the crap Cruz said. That's hilarious! The more this conversation goes, the more of your ill logic and weak argument are exposed. Now I'm interested in having you say more, in order to demonstrate to OTHERS on the forum how illusive and unreasonable one can be with blind beliefs.
In the previous post, I explained specifically why what Cruz said and did was lying, yet you couldn't accept the truth. Your claim that Cruz had no control over last-day operations of his campaign in Iowa and the indication that he is not responsible for whatever his PAC does are obviously jokes. Others in the forum gave you so many examples on Cruz lying, some of them big fat lies and others small misleading ones, yet you intend to dismiss all the valid examples by distorting reality, defying logic, rationalizing the unpalatable, and screaming for more examples. You attacked the candidate I prefer, called me a "stupid twit" to drive this debate into an irrational and horrendous game of personal attack. You mistakenly assumed that I am a liberal, and said "liberal hacks always lie", apparently for the same purpose. You know you can't possibly convince anyone who do not share your illusion on Cruz that he is not a liar, therefore, you tried to deviate from the topic. Unfortunately it's not working. I am happy to tear down all your fragile arguments in defending the single biggest liar in the race and to expose your intent of deviating from the subject in our discussion to avoid a total collapse in a rational debate.
Now, let's see if you can give us more examples like these, it's a really good learning experience!
It's so funny to argue with someone who desperately attempt to distort reality and even the definition of "lies" in defending a total, terrible liar. Everything can be lies but not the crap Cruz said. That's hilarious! The more this conversation goes, the more of your ill logic and weak argument are exposed. Now I'm interested in having you say more, in order to demonstrate to OTHERS on the forum how illusive and unreasonable one can be with blind beliefs.
In the previous post, I explained specifically why what Cruz said and did was lying, yet you couldn't accept the truth. Your claim that Cruz had no control over last-day operations of his campaign in Iowa and the indication that he is not responsible for whatever his PAC does are obviously jokes. Others in the forum gave you so many examples on Cruz lying, some of them big fat lies and others small misleading ones, yet you intend to dismiss all the valid examples by distorting reality, defying logic, rationalizing the unpalatable, and screaming for more examples. You attacked the candidate I prefer, called me a "stupid twit" to drive this debate into an irrational and horrendous game of personal attack. You mistakenly assumed that I am a liberal, and said "liberal hacks always lie", apparently for the same purpose. You know you can't possibly convince anyone who do not share your illusion on Cruz that he is not a liar, therefore, you tried to deviate from the topic. Unfortunately it's not working. I am happy to tear down all your fragile arguments in defending the single biggest liar in the race and to expose your intent of deviating from the subject in our discussion to avoid a total collapse in a rational debate.
Now, let's see if you can give us more examples like these, it's a really good learning experience!

Blah Blah Blah... That's all I hear... Typical left-wing commie hack trying to smear a conservative with pure nonsense. Although, it does sound like you have much in common with Trump, you're using some of his same lines and everything.

Yet another long arduous and clunky paragraph of ranting without any direct example of a lie told by Ted Cruz. What's "not working" is you making a case for your allegation.

YES... it sounds like you DO need some learning experience if you don't understand that candidates don't control what political action committees do. People who are as dumb as you probably shouldn't vote.
I challenge you to post a LIE that CRUZ himself has told.
All statements involving Ted Cruz | PolitiFact
Challenge accepted - slam dunk!

Boss, meet Si modo, your new owner. You've just been bitch-slapped.

Even his mother?
If she really loved him she would have made sure he was born an American.

She had no choice in the matter.

She was an American citizen, so is he
Why not?

She's an American citizen, he's a naturalized immigrant.
When and where wa Cruz naturalized, you lying piece of monkey shit?
If you're not a natural born, then you are naturalized.

I realize that logic escapes you.
It's so funny to argue with someone who desperately attempt to distort reality and even the definition of "lies" in defending a total, terrible liar. Everything can be lies but not the crap Cruz said. That's hilarious! The more this conversation goes, the more of your ill logic and weak argument are exposed. Now I'm interested in having you say more, in order to demonstrate to OTHERS on the forum how illusive and unreasonable one can be with blind beliefs.
In the previous post, I explained specifically why what Cruz said and did was lying, yet you couldn't accept the truth. Your claim that Cruz had no control over last-day operations of his campaign in Iowa and the indication that he is not responsible for whatever his PAC does are obviously jokes. Others in the forum gave you so many examples on Cruz lying, some of them big fat lies and others small misleading ones, yet you intend to dismiss all the valid examples by distorting reality, defying logic, rationalizing the unpalatable, and screaming for more examples. You attacked the candidate I prefer, called me a "stupid twit" to drive this debate into an irrational and horrendous game of personal attack. You mistakenly assumed that I am a liberal, and said "liberal hacks always lie", apparently for the same purpose. You know you can't possibly convince anyone who do not share your illusion on Cruz that he is not a liar, therefore, you tried to deviate from the topic. Unfortunately it's not working. I am happy to tear down all your fragile arguments in defending the single biggest liar in the race and to expose your intent of deviating from the subject in our discussion to avoid a total collapse in a rational debate.
Now, let's see if you can give us more examples like these, it's a really good learning experience!

Blah Blah Blah... That's all I hear... Typical left-wing commie hack trying to smear a conservative with pure nonsense. Although, it does sound like you have much in common with Trump, you're using some of his same lines and everything.

Yet another long arduous and clunky paragraph of ranting without any direct example of a lie told by Ted Cruz. What's "not working" is you making a case for your allegation.

YES... it sounds like you DO need some learning experience if you don't understand that candidates don't control what political action committees do. People who are as dumb as you probably shouldn't vote.
Typical left-wing commie hack trying to smear a conservative with pure nonsense. Although, it does sound like you have much in common with Trump, you're using some of his same lines and everything.
In fact, I'm neither left nor right - I don't think in that way, just to let you know. I have no intention to "smear" anyone, either, because that does me no good.
As for the comment that I have much in common with Trump, I'd be happy if that's really the case. I cite his words because they are truth in plain language (as oppose to, for instance, stupid lies from Cruz). You seem to be too narrow-minded to see that there are a great number of people in this country who don't give a shit about left or right. All we want is to face the real problems and solve them quickly and effectively.
Yet another long arduous and clunky paragraph of ranting without any direct example of a lie told by Ted Cruz.
There you go again, screaming for examples while ignoring all those valid ones in this thread.
What's "not working" is you making a case for your allegation.
Obviously, your trick of taunting didn't work and will never work.
As for my case, not for my allegation but for the fact that Cruz lies and is the worst liar on the Republican side, it's up to the readers to decide, not us.
it sounds like you DO need some learning experience if you don't understand that candidates don't control what political action committees do
Those who think they know too much to learn are nothing but arrogant idiots. At least that's not me.
"candidates don't control what political action committees do?" We both know it's a joke, so don't play dumb.
People who are as dumb as you probably shouldn't vote.
Change the law if you could! This is something like the words from a five-year-old brat.

Honestly, I'm disappointed. I think you've got to bring up something new that looks like a real argument.
Personal attack? Labeling? Screaming for examples? Lying about how politics work? Come on, you are better than this!
Typical left-wing commie hack trying to smear a conservative with pure nonsense. Although, it does sound like you have much in common with Trump, you're using some of his same lines and everything.
In fact, I'm neither left nor right - I don't think in that way, just to let you know. I have no intention to "smear" anyone, either, because that does me no good.
As for the comment that I have much in common with Trump, I'd be happy if that's really the case. I cite his words because they are truth in plain language (as oppose to, for instance, stupid lies from Cruz). You seem to be too narrow-minded to see that there are a great number of people in this country who don't give a shit about left or right. All we want is to face the real problems and solve them quickly and effectively.

Neither left of right... want the problems solved quickly... truth in plain language... DAMN... sounds like TRUMP is your man for sure! No wonder you're smearing Cruz!

Yet another long arduous and clunky paragraph of ranting without any direct example of a lie told by Ted Cruz.
There you go again, screaming for examples while ignoring all those valid ones in this thread.

Except there aren't any examples so far.

What's "not working" is you making a case for your allegation.
Obviously, your trick of taunting didn't work and will never work.
As for my case, not for my allegation but for the fact that Cruz lies and is the worst liar on the Republican side, it's up to the readers to decide, not us.

Readers will note that you fail to cite a single example of Cruz lying.

it sounds like you DO need some learning experience if you don't understand that candidates don't control what political action committees do
Those who think they know too much to learn are nothing but arrogant idiots. At least that's not me.
"candidates don't control what political action committees do?" We both know it's a joke, so don't play dumb.

Again, if you don't understand how 501c PACS work, you need to read CFR and learn something. These organizations operate independent from the candidate. Now.... maybe you believe some people are gullible and stupid enough to believe otherwise... and maybe you're right about that. Some awfully gullible and stupid people around these days.
Typical left-wing commie hack trying to smear a conservative with pure nonsense. Although, it does sound like you have much in common with Trump, you're using some of his same lines and everything.
In fact, I'm neither left nor right - I don't think in that way, just to let you know. I have no intention to "smear" anyone, either, because that does me no good.
As for the comment that I have much in common with Trump, I'd be happy if that's really the case. I cite his words because they are truth in plain language (as oppose to, for instance, stupid lies from Cruz). You seem to be too narrow-minded to see that there are a great number of people in this country who don't give a shit about left or right. All we want is to face the real problems and solve them quickly and effectively.

Neither left of right... want the problems solved quickly... truth in plain language... DAMN... sounds like TRUMP is your man for sure! No wonder you're smearing Cruz!

Yet another long arduous and clunky paragraph of ranting without any direct example of a lie told by Ted Cruz.
There you go again, screaming for examples while ignoring all those valid ones in this thread.

Except there aren't any examples so far.

What's "not working" is you making a case for your allegation.
Obviously, your trick of taunting didn't work and will never work.
As for my case, not for my allegation but for the fact that Cruz lies and is the worst liar on the Republican side, it's up to the readers to decide, not us.

Readers will note that you fail to cite a single example of Cruz lying.

it sounds like you DO need some learning experience if you don't understand that candidates don't control what political action committees do
Those who think they know too much to learn are nothing but arrogant idiots. At least that's not me.
"candidates don't control what political action committees do?" We both know it's a joke, so don't play dumb.

Again, if you don't understand how 501c PACS work, you need to read CFR and learn something. These organizations operate independent from the candidate. Now.... maybe you believe some people are gullible and stupid enough to believe otherwise... and maybe you're right about that. Some awfully gullible and stupid people around these days.
I'm glad that you are making this less personal. Clearly, we are making progress here, and you are using my way of quoting the points, good:D

"Neither left of right... want the problems solved quickly... truth in plain language... DAMN... sounds like TRUMP is your man for sure! No wonder you're smearing Cruz!"
Okay... except that I really don't smear anyone in the race. I say what I think. While I could be wrong, I don't smear others on a forum (it's a waste of life). I challenge ideas that I believe false, and I enjoy a logical debate.

"Except there aren't any examples so far."
Obviously, we don't agree on the definition of lies. We've both made our cases, and it seems that we just cannot agree. If someone reads the thread, he/she may decide.

"Readers will note that you fail to cite a single example of Cruz lying."
Again, there is the politifact website, which, according to my definition of "lies" (which i believe is a commonsense one), contains a lot of examples, although not all of the "false" statements are lies, even according to my definition.
In addition, I along with many other people do not buy Cruz's story regarding those emails about Carson, so I insist that numerous examples are provided.

"Again, if you don't understand how 501c PACS work, you need to read CFR and learn something. These organizations operate independent from the candidate. Now.... maybe you believe some people are gullible and stupid enough to believe otherwise... and maybe you're right about that. Some awfully gullible and stupid people around these days."
Again, I don't buy that story, i.e. Cruz has completely nothing to do with his frauds (email and mail). Obviously, we disagree on that.
Like you were assuming that I was a "left twit", your assumption that I have no knowledge on 501c PACs is false (gee, I didn't even make this point before).
However, based on what I know, before a critical battle like that in Iowa, candidates WILL and SHOULD communicate with their "ground troops" and their managers, making sure that any major move is appropriate and (hopefully) effective.
Also, I always assume, "optimistically", that people are smarter than I am, unless evidence shows otherwise.
However, if you try to make your case through personal attack instead of logical argument, I would be happy to point out your weakness (yes, that's a sign of weakness to me). After all, I study laws.
However, based on what I know, before a critical battle like that in Iowa, candidates WILL and SHOULD communicate with their "ground troops" and their managers, making sure that any major move is appropriate and (hopefully) effective.

Again, a 501c PAC is not "ground troops" because they are not a part of the candidate's campaign team. They are their own independent entities operating with their own agendas in support of a certain candidate but not under the purview of the candidate or the candidate's team. They can do any damn thing they please, the candidate has no control over that whatsoever.

You continue to insist this is not the case and it's somehow the candidate's responsibility to tell them what to do. I don't like what 501c PAC groups do... it's why I did not support McCain's CFR debacle and one of the many problems I argued when it was being debated. But it's the system we have and we have to live with that now.
Again, there is the politifact website, which, according to my definition of "lies" (which i believe is a commonsense one), contains a lot of examples, although not all of the "false" statements are lies, even according to my definition.

Again, an inaccurate statement is not a lie. The website doesn't demonstrate a single LIE told by Cruz. Inaccurate or possibly inaccurate statements? Sure... but that's not lies. I have asked numerous times now, for an example of a lie Cruz has told... you've consistently failed to present anything... you keep claiming he lies, you keep insisting he is the "single biggest liar" but you're not backing that up with evidence. You point to 'unscrupulous' things some 501c PACS have done... you point to possibly inaccurate statements he made... and you parrot Trump's talking point that he lies. That's it... it's all you got!
Even his mother?
If she really loved him she would have made sure he was born an American.

She had no choice in the matter.

She was an American citizen, so is he
Why not?

She's an American citizen, he's a naturalized immigrant.
When and where wa Cruz naturalized, you lying piece of monkey shit?
If you're not a natural born, then you are naturalized.

I realize that logic escapes you.
Cruz was natural born. Otherwise show where and when he was naturalized.
The 4-8 irons use COR-Eye technology that allows their club faces to flex at impact for more distance. The construction, which uses 17-4 stainless steel bodies and heat-treated Hyper 17-4 alloy faces, creates approximately 1-3 mph more ball speed across the face, according to Ping.

Oh great, now I could hit balls even further into the woods and water.

Will the clubs automatically make me break 100? If not, wtf?
The 4-8 irons use COR-Eye technology that allows their club faces to flex at impact for more distance. The construction, which uses 17-4 stainless steel bodies and heat-treated Hyper 17-4 alloy faces, creates approximately 1-3 mph more ball speed across the face, according to Ping.

Oh great, now I could hit balls even further into the woods and water.

Will the clubs automatically make me break 100? If not, wtf?

In baseball the gear is normal and the players are on steroids.

In golf, the players are normal and the gear is on steroids.

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