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Everyone Bashes Glenn Beck. But did you know..

Actually, it was because the left are so scared of Glen that they targeted anyone who advertised on his shows. The left hates freedom of speech.

It wasn't the left that did him in, it was big corporations and Fox News.

Big Corporations that didn't want their brand name associated with the following...

1. "This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist." -on President Obama, sparking an advertiser exodus from his FOX News show

2. "I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?" -musing about what he would do for $50 million

3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"

4. "The only [Katrina victims] we're seeing on television are the scumbags."

5. "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today." –on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, "The Glenn Beck Program," Oct. 22, 2007

Glenn Beck Quotes - Top 10 Craziest Glenn Beck Quotes of All Time

Geezus, who'd want their product associated with that kind of craziness?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Beck was fired by Fox, because he ended up costing them money. Unlike Limbaugh, he failed to recognize there were limits.

He got a massive production deal with fox and his programming will begin this fall or winter.

Do you know what a "production deal" is???

Imagine a major record label granting you money and allowing you to sign anyone you believe has talent (or your own label)..

Thats what Beck got...

Beck got BeckTV....

Beck got a payoff to go away quietly. Which he is.

You guys to the right of me can spin it anyway you want, but at the end of the day, Beck was another Right Wing radio host who didn't translate well into television, much like Rush and Dr. Laura.

Beck has outlived his usefulness to the GOP. Life is cruel and ironically funny.
Beck was never a member of the GOP.
All this anti-Beck stuff is written by people who never watched or listened to his show
and know nothing about the man.

He despises the GOP....and the Democratic Party.
He hates the 2 party system.
Shows you know nothing of what you type about.
Beck still makes appearances on Fox..LOL.
He's still friends with Bil O'Reilly and he makes appearances about once a month.

Beck left Fox to start his own network - The Blaze.
The Blaze is a conservative news publication that consists of it's own The Blaze is Beck's online newspaper, two radio shows, the "Real News" daily "TV" show and Beck's daily, Fox-like show. The Blaze also has kids programming: a history program and the daily, Liberty Treehouse. The Blaze is doing a show with Vince Vaughn. Not sure what that's about. So far, only Dish Network carries the whole network. It's also available on Roku and online. Eventually, other dish and cable companies will carry it. The Blaze is a small portion of this thing I've watched grow since his exit from fox(yes, I know the progressives and libs are going to start whining now. If you never watched or listened, you cannot critique something you know nothing about)
Along with the Blaze, Beck owns other companies:
1. Mercury One - a nonprofit org much like the Red Cross. Volunteers from Mercury One will go to disaster sites and offer help, food, water, etc.
2. 1791 - a non-profit manufacturer of clothing (t-shirts, jeans, etc) It was created to create jobs
for mainly single mothers. All profits are put back into the company.
3. American Dream Labs - basically it's a group of entrepreneurs, some educators, engineers, entertainers, and some budding philanthropists. They work on groundbreaking projects, often scientific.
Beck was NOT fired from Fox. He still makes appearances on Fox.
He has his own network now.

I hate when people spout off about things they know nothing about.
Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.
I guarantee you will not find ANY of those quotes in their full context.
Most don't exist because he never said them.

I will say one thing...he did call Barack Obama a racist.
Yes, he did that. If you ever read Obama's book, "Dreams from My Father",
you'd say he was a racist too.

I don't wish to be part of this group anymore. Beck is not perfect and I would love to have
intelligent debates about topics regarding him. I often don't agree with him, but that doesn't mean I don't respect him. I do.

What I don't want is to constantly defend Beck with people who:
1. have never watched his show and/or listened to his radio show.
2. only parrot lies they have heard from progressive or liberal personalities that hate him
3. only parrot lies from right-wing personalities that are jealous of him
4. know nothing about the man and his decision to leave Fox

See, people who watch Beck never take news at face value - even from Beck's network.
We research everything. I would never "parrot" anyone because I've looked up an incident 3 times before I ever type about it publicly.

That list of 10 things is an insult to your intelligence...and mine.


The Truth Has No Agenda!!!
He predicted Greece over a year that is was going to happen
He predicted Tanias was going to fall a year before it will happen
He predicted the Arab spring before it will happen
His next prediction is a caliphate which I hope does not come true.

He is not a nut job. I am not all pro Glenn Beck there is a lot I DO NOT agree with him on but its kinda funny he predicted all these things WAY in advanced. Makes you wonder :tinfoil:

Can you provide any "credible" proof that HE actually predicted these things instead of first hearing it from others? However, Beck predicted so much crazy shit that some of it had to come true just from random probabilities.

Yep and this comes from a guy that believes a youtube video killed our ambassador....I'm suprised you LWs didnt want youtube shut down.....
Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.

And people like you have Micheal Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. One of the drivers of our debt is Micheal Moore's own ginormous gut. With witless tools like those two running around, Glenn Beck is the least of your worries.
Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.

And people like you have Micheal Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. One of the drivers of our debt is Micheal Moore's own ginormous gut. With witless tools like those two running around, Glenn Beck is the least of your worries.

People like me? I like early Michael Moore but anything after Bowling for Columbine sucks and I think he's a pompous gas bag. Rosie O'Donnell is a talentless hack who I'd like to punch in the face. Your argument is odd and illogical.
Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.

And people like you have Micheal Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. One of the drivers of our debt is Micheal Moore's own ginormous gut. With witless tools like those two running around, Glenn Beck is the least of your worries.

People like me? I like early Michael Moore but anything after Bowling for Columbine sucks and I think he's a pompous gas bag. Rosie O'Donnell is a talentless hack who I'd like to punch in the face. Your argument is odd and illogical.

Yes people like you.

Besides, you're the one smearing Glenn Beck before God and all of creation at the moment. You had to be called out before you acknowledged that you had similar people on your end. Hey I don't like Glenn Beck either, but if you're gonna trash one, trash them all. All this name calling is idiotic and childish. If you can disprove his arguments, do it. I would try with Moore, but his hypocrisy drowns out any inkling of intelligence or reasoning. I also couldn't help but notice how you threw a little class warfare in there. What about him being rich annoys you?

I didn't know that made you so upset. You have plenty of kooks on the left, so do we. So why are ours so special?

Don't try, it's obvious.. instead of attacking his arguments you attack his character. Stay classy.
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And people like you have Micheal Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. One of the drivers of our debt is Micheal Moore's own ginormous gut. With witless tools like those two running around, Glenn Beck is the least of your worries.

People like me? I like early Michael Moore but anything after Bowling for Columbine sucks and I think he's a pompous gas bag. Rosie O'Donnell is a talentless hack who I'd like to punch in the face. Your argument is odd and illogical.

You just found your own style....gratz

Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.
Ignorant. Truly intelligent people do not spout off about subjects they obviously know nothing about.
Beck is very wealthy - true.
Not that it is any of your business but two of his businesses are non-profit.
The Blaze is a growing company so he has to keep reinvesting his profit.

That's too much of the Marxist Barack Obama in you.
This is America. It used to be the one country in the world where anyone could hit it big.
It's the left that has made people think it's bad to be rich.
Of course, only the poor leftists feel that way.

If you are going to debate, make sure you get your facts straight beforehand.
There is so much unverified BS on this page.
I guess that's OK nowadays because your president went to debates and lied his ass off too.
I have no respect in people who don't tell the truth.
Are we supposed to care about any of that? Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who stole Rush Limbaugh's act and is like a retard doing an impression of it. It's a testimony to how good our economy is that idiots have enough money to keep Glenn Beck rich.
Ignorant. Truly intelligent people do not spout off about subjects they obviously know nothing about.
Beck is very wealthy - true.
Not that it is any of your business but two of his businesses are non-profit.
The Blaze is a growing company so he has to keep reinvesting his profit.

That's too much of the Marxist Barack Obama in you.
This is America. It used to be the one country in the world where anyone could hit it big.
It's the left that has made people think it's bad to be rich.
Of course, only the poor leftists feel that way.

If you are going to debate, make sure you get your facts straight beforehand.
There is so much unverified BS on this page.
I guess that's OK nowadays because your president went to debates and lied his ass off too.
I have no respect in people who don't tell the truth.

You didn't say or provide anything to refute the truth that Glenn Beck is a drunken failed morning zoo DJ who ripped off Rush Limbaugh's act and is doing it poorly for retards. You just posted a bunch of emotions and things that had nothing to do with my assertion. And it's great to be rich but making your money by telling lies to the dumbest of demographics seems kind of evil and like a snake oil salesman.
"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.
He predicted Greece over a year that is was going to happen
He predicted Tanias was going to fall a year before it will happen
He predicted the Arab spring before it will happen
His next prediction is a caliphate which I hope does not come true.

He is not a nut job. I am not all pro Glenn Beck there is a lot I DO NOT agree with him on but its kinda funny he predicted all these things WAY in advanced. Makes you wonder :tinfoil:

He also predicted Romney would win, which makes him just as stupid as the average USMB rightwinger,

and that is stupid with all the trimmings.
He predicted Greece over a year that is was going to happen
He predicted Tanias was going to fall a year before it will happen
He predicted the Arab spring before it will happen
His next prediction is a caliphate which I hope does not come true.

He is not a nut job. I am not all pro Glenn Beck there is a lot I DO NOT agree with him on but its kinda funny he predicted all these things WAY in advanced. Makes you wonder :tinfoil:

And on the seventh day, he rested. Amen.
He predicted Greece over a year that is was going to happen
He predicted Tanias was going to fall a year before it will happen
He predicted the Arab spring before it will happen.
.....And, I predicted you would make this post.

Much like Glenn Beck.....I don't have to put a time-stamp on my predictions, either.


Hey, if the Great Prophet Glenn says he predicted it, then it must be true, because he's the Great Prophet!

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