EVERYONE is Sick of Outrage. And Political Correctness.

How do you explain the loss of the House after DJT won in 16?
Trump didn't win the popular vote to begin with. As I said "enough people...." -- This madness animated enough people for him to sneak in, and now here we are.
Why do you harpies keep puking out that? You aren't sore enough losers yet?
Just pointing out a fact. I can certainly understand why you'd want to deflect.
It's not a fact. Many votes were found in more than one state that were illegally cast. We know damn well CA registers illegal aliens to vote as soon as they give them a DL in their sanctuary cities, same with NY. Take all the illegal votes cast in those two areas out and Hitlery didn't even win the popular vote. Why do you think the left wants America flooded with illegal aliens? So they can get their VOTES is why. Pretty common knowledge. If illegal aliens were known to vote republican we'd have a 110' high wall with built in machine gun nests in it. But if it wasn't for the electoral college, CA and NY would pick ALL presidents and no one else would ever have a say in the matter, and that's why the dems are working feverishly to do away with it.

That what you want? The radical liberal city toilets full of illegal aliens and corruption picking America's presidents?
Run with whatever facts you want to pick. My larger point was about PC.
I could have posted link after link proving my point, but why? You know I'm right.

PC is a cancer, just like most leftist creations.
How do you explain the loss of the House after DJT won in 16?
Trump didn't win the popular vote to begin with. As I said "enough people...." -- This madness animated enough people for him to sneak in, and now here we are.
Why do you harpies keep puking out that? You aren't sore enough losers yet?
Just pointing out a fact. I can certainly understand why you'd want to deflect.
It's not a fact. Many votes were found in more than one state that were illegally cast. We know damn well CA registers illegal aliens to vote as soon as they give them a DL in their sanctuary cities, same with NY. Take all the illegal votes cast in those two areas out and Hitlery didn't even win the popular vote. Why do you think the left wants America flooded with illegal aliens? So they can get their VOTES is why. Pretty common knowledge. If illegal aliens were known to vote republican we'd have a 100' high wall with built in machine gun nests in it. But if it wasn't for the electoral college, CA and NY would pick ALL presidents and no one else would ever have a say in the matter, and that's why the dems are working feverishly to do away with it.

That what you want? The radical liberal city toilets full of illegal aliens and corruption picking America's presidents?
That's what they all want. Illegals running crazy and Americans dying in the streets.
For VOTES...



The entire "I'm Offended" thing needs to end. It is at epidemic levels because it is MEDIA and SOCIAL MEDIA DRIVEN. The media wants to stir up controversy over nothing, and people's ego love to be the center of attention.

I don't care if people want to be offended and whatever with words. It's actually driving them out of restaurants and out of jobs and homes for things unrelated to said jobs and homes that is ridiculous. I've often said it's the New Puritan or Victorian era.

We're going to look back on this someday and wonder what the heck was going on--and everyone will deny having any part in the Outrage Mobs. The hilarious irony of LIBERALS doing this is what kills me. The former hippie "drugs sex rock and roll, live and let live" generation now running people to the guillotines for using the wrong pronoun.

But of course if you REALLY understand these little fascists, you know what's what.

Responses to this question strongly correlated with political ideology, but they aligned even more with sentiment toward President Donald Trump.

Those who said that there is “too much political correctness” are disproportionately white, male, Republican and supportive of Trump, who has characterized political correctness as a problem for the country.
PC and Prejudice: Gauging Divides in America’s Culture War

The same poll , Tramp can and does say whatever he wants and lies constantly, is that what they mean about not being political correct.

The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society.
Political correctness - Wikipedia

Political correctness - Wikipedia

Democrats are more diverse, Republicans are too concerned with the white skinned people in the US.
People like you are some of the best examples of why anyone with half a brain and an ounce of free will should reject political correctness.

PC is nothing more than a democrat tool to control what people are able to say, and ultimately also control what they think, and you are a perfect example of how well PC brain washing can work on a low IQ person.

Fuck PC. I've never followed a second of it in my life, and I'm talking way back when it started with such ridiculous things as calling homos, GAY. What the hell does being HAPPY have to do with a HOMO? GAY WHAT? I thought it was stupid then and I think it's stupid now, and that goes for just about everything else I've ever heard that's PC.

Are you a white male and a republicans or libertarian? Sure sounds like it.
You're a racist and political bigot.

Own it.

You started calling me names when I reported on parts of the same poll.
The entire "I'm Offended" thing needs to end. It is at epidemic levels because it is MEDIA and SOCIAL MEDIA DRIVEN. The media wants to stir up controversy over nothing, and people's ego love to be the center of attention.

I don't care if people want to be offended and whatever with words. It's actually driving them out of restaurants and out of jobs and homes for things unrelated to said jobs and homes that is ridiculous. I've often said it's the New Puritan or Victorian era.

We're going to look back on this someday and wonder what the heck was going on--and everyone will deny having any part in the Outrage Mobs. The hilarious irony of LIBERALS doing this is what kills me. The former hippie "drugs sex rock and roll, live and let live" generation now running people to the guillotines for using the wrong pronoun.

But of course if you REALLY understand these little fascists, you know what's what.

Responses to this question strongly correlated with political ideology, but they aligned even more with sentiment toward President Donald Trump.

Those who said that there is “too much political correctness” are disproportionately white, male, Republican and supportive of Trump, who has characterized political correctness as a problem for the country.
PC and Prejudice: Gauging Divides in America’s Culture War

The same poll , Tramp can and does say whatever he wants and lies constantly, is that what they mean about not being political correct.

The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society.
Political correctness - Wikipedia

Political correctness - Wikipedia

Democrats are more diverse, Republicans are too concerned with the white skinned people in the US.

Morning Consult is politically affiliated with Politico and Vox. So of course they're WHINING about the results of their own poll....

So now you don't trust the poll results , then what is your OP about if you don't trust the poll.

Oh no, I trust the results. Just not the SPIN morning consult is trying to put on it....
"Too much Political Correctness" vs. "Too much prejudice" is a flawed and uneven choice. The two conditions can exist in the same universe simultaneously.

Among other flaws, it assumes that the behaviors of PC zombies are fully justified when they scream about what may or may not actually be real prejudice.

Yes, there is too much of both. That doesn't excuse PC zombies from deploying fake outrage to put their target on the defensive and avoid honest conversation.

Still waiting for Vichy Mac to tell us what constitutes "fake outrage".
It's not a fact. Many votes were found in more than one state that were illegally cast. We know damn well CA registers illegal aliens to vote as soon as they give them a DL in their sanctuary cities, same with NY. Take all the illegal votes cast in those two areas out and Hitlery didn't even win the popular vote. Why do you think the left wants America flooded with illegal aliens?

Do you have a link to that, because you guys have been making these claims since 2000 and never prove them.
Trump didn't win the popular vote to begin with. As I said "enough people...." -- This madness animated enough people for him to sneak in, and now here we are.
Why do you harpies keep puking out that? You aren't sore enough losers yet?
Just pointing out a fact. I can certainly understand why you'd want to deflect.
It's not a fact. Many votes were found in more than one state that were illegally cast. We know damn well CA registers illegal aliens to vote as soon as they give them a DL in their sanctuary cities, same with NY. Take all the illegal votes cast in those two areas out and Hitlery didn't even win the popular vote. Why do you think the left wants America flooded with illegal aliens? So they can get their VOTES is why. Pretty common knowledge. If illegal aliens were known to vote republican we'd have a 100' high wall with built in machine gun nests in it. But if it wasn't for the electoral college, CA and NY would pick ALL presidents and no one else would ever have a say in the matter, and that's why the dems are working feverishly to do away with it.

That what you want? The radical liberal city toilets full of illegal aliens and corruption picking America's presidents?
That's what they all want. Illegals running crazy and Americans dying in the streets.
For VOTES...




You are aware all of your pictures are false, aren't you? Tramp could of had 25 billion for his wall as long as he'd let the DACA people stay, but he said no and shut the gov down. I suspect Tramp is counting on the illegals to help him win the vote in 2020. That is all he has to keep him from being indicted.
I sometimes wear sandals and boots in the same week on our climate..

Just hopefully not at the same time ... that would be weird.

Well.....these are kinda weird if you ask me....they're like sandal/boots don't you think? At any rate I'm way past the age to wear these IMO


Hmmmm. Slave girl look. Interesting.

Everyone....that's not me. Geez, do I seem stupid enough to put my almost nekkid legs on some internet forum? It's a stock photo
I sometimes wear sandals and boots in the same week on our climate..

Just hopefully not at the same time ... that would be weird.

Well.....these are kinda weird if you ask me....they're like sandal/boots don't you think? At any rate I'm way past the age to wear these IMO


Hmmmm. Slave girl look. Interesting.

Everyone....that's not me. Geez, do I seem stupid enough to put my almost nekkid legs on some internet forum? It's a stock photo
Thank you baby Jebuz!!!!!!!!!

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