Everyone making less then 25,000 per year

My youngest son asked me about entering the work world at eighteen with no college education or join the.military, etc. I would have none of it. And he has thanked me since. He didn't have to start out on the very bottom. I ensured college was his choice.

YOU insured college for him just as I did for MY children. That's how it should be done not the freebie mindset of Liberal that think you and I that aren't the parents of other kids are more responsible for funding their education than the parents of those kids are.
So many people making a low wage because they have no education is the problem. On 10 bucks per hour, one cannot afford rent, or a vehicle, or heat, etc. They are forced to live with their parents as they work 40 plus hours per week. Anything less than 20 bucks an hour will not permit self sufficiency.

A high school dropout provides a skill set that a monkey could be trained to do. That they made the choice to quit isn't my responsibility to offset since I didn't make the choice.
Working with no college degree? No way. Military....not a chance... Sometimes ya put your foot down.
get the Universities to stop paying $300,000 for people like Clinton to speak and give that money to help people pay for school
dam i actually agree with kosh on this......

If Hillary truly believed in what she said about funding college for those that can't afford it, she'd voluntarily do that without the universities having to do a thing.
well i think we know she doesnt believe in that....but then she is like most of us,just out to make a buck....

Difference is while both she and I are out to make a buck, she's saying "free" college should be done and I'm not.
and she was also trying to get elected....

That doesn't change that if she supports such a thing, that money she kept for herself should have gone to fund what she supported.
oh you mean like how all the other politicians do it?....gotcha....
You don't want people to have an education, because educated people are, by and large, liberal, and not just in the US. It's not because education has a liberal bias, it's because the history of the world is one of overcoming conservatives of the era, and pushing forward new ideas.

History is always the victory of the new over the old. Whether that's a good thing, depends on the circumstances.

The Founding Fathers were liberals because they refused to accept the status quo, and wanted freedom. Freedom is a liberal concept.

Are you an example of what you call 'educated'?
If so....you make my point about Liberal...you are clearly a dunce.

Here, let's prove it together.

The Founding Fathers were believers in these principles....
Free Markets
Limited constitutional government

They were classical liberals, what would be called conservatives today.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change it's name to Liberal.

. "Before WW II, the same folks who championed Progressivism, viewed fascism as a noble economic agenda, and praised Mussolini. It was the horrors of the Holocaust that required both the rapid retreat from associations with the term fascism, and the rebranding by John Dewey of progressivism as liberalism.

W.E.B.DuBois suggested that National Socialism seemed an excellent model for economic organization."

So...can we agree...you're a fool?

I don't want to see a conservative post anything about a "free" market until they understand what that market is suppose to be free of. But hey, since we are talking about the founders--tell me about the Boston Tea Party.

Free from burdensome government control such as minimum wage and the like.

Nope. Not even close. Who told you that?

A free market is a market free from economic rent.

What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.
My youngest son asked me about entering the work world at eighteen with no college education or join the.military, etc. I would have none of it. And he has thanked me since. He didn't have to start out on the very bottom. I ensured college was his choice.

YOU insured college for him just as I did for MY children. That's how it should be done not the freebie mindset of Liberal that think you and I that aren't the parents of other kids are more responsible for funding their education than the parents of those kids are.
Reserving education for those whose parents can pay is just plain stupid.

When our economy was based on agriculture, we provided 8th grade.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations demonstrated that 8th grade was not enough. So, we provided high school - to everyone. In fact, we made high school attendance a requirement.

Now, we're moving to high tech, information, innovation, etc. Not even manufacturing is satisfied with high school anymore. We're still going to have a lot of jobs where high school is sufficient to get a start, but our competitiveness as a nation is depending more and more on college.

Leaving a huge percentage of our kids behind is just plain not acceptable.
If Hillary truly believed in what she said about funding college for those that can't afford it, she'd voluntarily do that without the universities having to do a thing.
well i think we know she doesnt believe in that....but then she is like most of us,just out to make a buck....

Difference is while both she and I are out to make a buck, she's saying "free" college should be done and I'm not.
and she was also trying to get elected....

That doesn't change that if she supports such a thing, that money she kept for herself should have gone to fund what she supported.
oh you mean like how all the other politicians do it?....gotcha....

No, just those that support the type things she supports then takes such large sums instead of using it to further what she supports.
I didn't get an answer about my part time student question so here is a chart... part time students do not do as well at finishing their degree as full time students... not even close.


America’s Awful College Dropout Rates, in Four Charts
I went to college two years full time and 5 years part time. Full time is definitely the way to go in my opinion if you can possibly do it. Working all day, taking care of your family and then going to school at night is not a good way to learn. Also, part time students miss out on a lot good things in college, discussion groups, social activities, working with professors, sports, and making friends and contacts that you will carry thru life.

Well my response was to another poster who had stated that if someone can't afford to go to college or able to get a personal loan once Trump gets rids of government college funding, to work and go to school part time. Fact is, those that would have to go to college part time, would be at a huge disadvantage to those that could go to full time, thus perpetuating the cycle of poor people unable to get out of poverty.
Getting your masters part time is not too bad but a bachelor's degree is a long hard trip. When you go to most colleges, you pay for a lot more than just sitting in classes. There are tons of activities available to students, mostly educational but a lot is just plain fun. Having to work and take night classes, you miss most of that which is a part of the college experience.
My youngest son asked me about entering the work world at eighteen with no college education or join the.military, etc. I would have none of it. And he has thanked me since. He didn't have to start out on the very bottom. I ensured college was his choice.

YOU insured college for him just as I did for MY children. That's how it should be done not the freebie mindset of Liberal that think you and I that aren't the parents of other kids are more responsible for funding their education than the parents of those kids are.
Reserving education for those whose parents can pay is just plain stupid.

When our economy was based on agriculture, we provided 8th grade.

When we moved to manufacturing, corporations demonstrated that 8th grade was not enough. So, we provided high school - to everyone. In fact, we made high school attendance a requirement.

Now, we're moving to high tech, information, innovation, etc. Not even manufacturing is satisfied with high school anymore. We're still going to have a lot of jobs where high school is sufficient to get a start, but our competitiveness as a nation is depending more and more on college.

Leaving a huge percentage of our kids behind is just plain not acceptable.

Expecting me to do for another person's kids when their own parents won't do it is unacceptable.

I'm not leaving behind the ones for which I'm responsible. I provided their education through college. As for those that aren't my kids, I can't leave someone behind for which no responsibility resides for me to take care of them. If someone loses their house because they don't pay the mortgage, it's not my responsibility to do so. I didn't take out that mortgage just like I didn't have their kids. For me to be responsible for someone else's kids, the only way that happens is if I got the pussy that kid came out of.
Are you an example of what you call 'educated'?
If so....you make my point about Liberal...you are clearly a dunce.

Here, let's prove it together.

The Founding Fathers were believers in these principles....
Free Markets
Limited constitutional government

They were classical liberals, what would be called conservatives today.

Communist John Dewey prevailed on the Socialist Party to change it's name to Liberal.

. "Before WW II, the same folks who championed Progressivism, viewed fascism as a noble economic agenda, and praised Mussolini. It was the horrors of the Holocaust that required both the rapid retreat from associations with the term fascism, and the rebranding by John Dewey of progressivism as liberalism.

W.E.B.DuBois suggested that National Socialism seemed an excellent model for economic organization."

So...can we agree...you're a fool?

I don't want to see a conservative post anything about a "free" market until they understand what that market is suppose to be free of. But hey, since we are talking about the founders--tell me about the Boston Tea Party.

Free from burdensome government control such as minimum wage and the like.

Nope. Not even close. Who told you that?

A free market is a market free from economic rent.

What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.

Businesses are in business to make profits for the owners. If the workers don't like the wages, go elsewhere or start their own business. I've told those that work for me more than once, if you don't like the wages you have two options. Work for someone else or get back to work since I'm paying you.
Nobody making under 100 grand should be allowed a mortgage. We don't need more homes being built anyway.
So many people making a low wage because they have no education is the problem. On 10 bucks per hour, one cannot afford rent, or a vehicle, or heat, etc. They are forced to live with their parents as they work 40 plus hours per week. Anything less than 20 bucks an hour will not permit self sufficiency.
That depends on where you live. There are places in the country where you can live pretty well on $20/hr or less. In cities like New York or San Francisco, you have to share a small apt, (room) and use every cent just to survive and if you have a family forget it.
If you are talking about a southern state....makes sense. Low wages low education value are the norm there.
Working with no college degree? No way. Military....not a chance... Sometimes ya put your foot down.
If a kid really doesn't want to go to college, you're wasting your money sending them. Better to let them grow up a bit working in some shit job. Personally, I don't think the military is that bad for a lot of kids. Growing up is not an option in the military.
Well i forced mine....I poo pooed the idea of the military or working for lousy wages. Neither was a wise choice for him. He got his degree and within 5 years was over 6 figures.
I don't want to see a conservative post anything about a "free" market until they understand what that market is suppose to be free of. But hey, since we are talking about the founders--tell me about the Boston Tea Party.

Free from burdensome government control such as minimum wage and the like.

Nope. Not even close. Who told you that?

A free market is a market free from economic rent.

What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.

Businesses are in business to make profits for the owners. If the workers don't like the wages, go elsewhere or start their own business. I've told those that work for me more than once, if you don't like the wages you have two options. Work for someone else or get back to work since I'm paying you.

Like I thought. You don't understand what economic rent is. But let's go with what we got.

Let's suppose you work in a fast food joint in a rural area of Mississippi. You make minimum wage. You are the best damn fry guy in North America. But if you go down the street, to the only other place in town, and ask for a job you know what they are going to pay you, minimum wage.

You are worth much more. Based on productivity, why you are worth fifty dollars an hour at least. And people come from miles around to buy the fries you fry. Now, you could get another job doing something else. You do have skills. But none of them would pay fifty dollars an hour, nor would you produce fifty dollars an hour worth of value. Truth is, with you productivity, were you working in a market where there was real competition for labor, you would be making at least fifteen dollars an hour.

In this case, the difference between what you are currently being paid, the minimum wage, and what you would be paid in a market that is more "free", the fifteen dollars, is economic rent collected by the business owner. It is, what Adam Smith would describe as pernicious, a fancy ass word for, "harmful".
Free from burdensome government control such as minimum wage and the like.

Nope. Not even close. Who told you that?

A free market is a market free from economic rent.

What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.

Businesses are in business to make profits for the owners. If the workers don't like the wages, go elsewhere or start their own business. I've told those that work for me more than once, if you don't like the wages you have two options. Work for someone else or get back to work since I'm paying you.

Like I thought. You don't understand what economic rent is. But let's go with what we got.

Let's suppose you work in a fast food joint in a rural area of Mississippi. You make minimum wage. You are the best damn fry guy in North America. But if you go down the street, to the only other place in town, and ask for a job you know what they are going to pay you, minimum wage.

You are worth much more. Based on productivity, why you are worth fifty dollars an hour at least. And people come from miles around to buy the fries you fry. Now, you could get another job doing something else. You do have skills. But none of them would pay fifty dollars an hour, nor would you produce fifty dollars an hour worth of value. Truth is, with you productivity, were you working in a market where there was real competition for labor, you would be making at least fifteen dollars an hour.

In this case, the difference between what you are currently being paid, the minimum wage, and what you would be paid in a market that is more "free", the fifteen dollars, is economic rent collected by the business owner. It is, what Adam Smith would describe as pernicious, a fancy ass word for, "harmful".

Don't confuse not understanding with not giving something credibility.

Someone could be the best damn toilet cleaner, floor sweeper and trash emptier in then world and the most efficient at what you do. Does that mean you're worth more than the low wages such a job is worth based on the skills to do it? No.
Working with no college degree? No way. Military....not a chance... Sometimes ya put your foot down.
If a kid really doesn't want to go to college, you're wasting your money sending them. Better to let them grow up a bit working in some shit job. Personally, I don't think the military is that bad for a lot of kids. Growing up is not an option in the military.

If a kid doesn't need to go to college based on previous actions, you're better off not sending them.
Nope. Not even close. Who told you that?

A free market is a market free from economic rent.

What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.

Businesses are in business to make profits for the owners. If the workers don't like the wages, go elsewhere or start their own business. I've told those that work for me more than once, if you don't like the wages you have two options. Work for someone else or get back to work since I'm paying you.

Like I thought. You don't understand what economic rent is. But let's go with what we got.

Let's suppose you work in a fast food joint in a rural area of Mississippi. You make minimum wage. You are the best damn fry guy in North America. But if you go down the street, to the only other place in town, and ask for a job you know what they are going to pay you, minimum wage.

You are worth much more. Based on productivity, why you are worth fifty dollars an hour at least. And people come from miles around to buy the fries you fry. Now, you could get another job doing something else. You do have skills. But none of them would pay fifty dollars an hour, nor would you produce fifty dollars an hour worth of value. Truth is, with you productivity, were you working in a market where there was real competition for labor, you would be making at least fifteen dollars an hour.

In this case, the difference between what you are currently being paid, the minimum wage, and what you would be paid in a market that is more "free", the fifteen dollars, is economic rent collected by the business owner. It is, what Adam Smith would describe as pernicious, a fancy ass word for, "harmful".

Don't confuse not understanding with not giving something credibility.

Someone could be the best damn toilet cleaner, floor sweeper and trash emptier in then world and the most efficient at what you do. Does that mean you're worth more than the low wages such a job is worth based on the skills to do it? No.

Yes, not understanding. I specifically mentioned that this individual was producing fifty dollars of "value". Should not his wages be based on his value? Hell, I am sitting here watching a bunch of underpaid NFL players. And yes, I said underpaid. All kinds of economic rent collected by the NFL and the team owners. Adam Smith would be wigging out.
What dumbass told you that? Sad you believed them.

That dumbass was Adam Smith, who also said this, on the topic of increasing wages.

“Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”

Besides, who are you kidding. You don't even know what Economic Rent is.

Businesses are in business to make profits for the owners. If the workers don't like the wages, go elsewhere or start their own business. I've told those that work for me more than once, if you don't like the wages you have two options. Work for someone else or get back to work since I'm paying you.

Like I thought. You don't understand what economic rent is. But let's go with what we got.

Let's suppose you work in a fast food joint in a rural area of Mississippi. You make minimum wage. You are the best damn fry guy in North America. But if you go down the street, to the only other place in town, and ask for a job you know what they are going to pay you, minimum wage.

You are worth much more. Based on productivity, why you are worth fifty dollars an hour at least. And people come from miles around to buy the fries you fry. Now, you could get another job doing something else. You do have skills. But none of them would pay fifty dollars an hour, nor would you produce fifty dollars an hour worth of value. Truth is, with you productivity, were you working in a market where there was real competition for labor, you would be making at least fifteen dollars an hour.

In this case, the difference between what you are currently being paid, the minimum wage, and what you would be paid in a market that is more "free", the fifteen dollars, is economic rent collected by the business owner. It is, what Adam Smith would describe as pernicious, a fancy ass word for, "harmful".

Don't confuse not understanding with not giving something credibility.

Someone could be the best damn toilet cleaner, floor sweeper and trash emptier in then world and the most efficient at what you do. Does that mean you're worth more than the low wages such a job is worth based on the skills to do it? No.

Yes, not understanding. I specifically mentioned that this individual was producing fifty dollars of "value". Should not his wages be based on his value? Hell, I am sitting here watching a bunch of underpaid NFL players. And yes, I said underpaid. All kinds of economic rent collected by the NFL and the team owners. Adam Smith would be wigging out.

As an employee, it's his job to produce value. His wages should be what the one paying them chooses to pay and that he has accepted. If he doesn't like it, move on or STFU.

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