Everyone making less then 25,000 per year


So you think humans that work but can't afford to feed their goddamn families are animals? Yet, you call yourself a christian? You can burn in hell you nasty piece of shit. Fuck you.

That's not what is being said.

Firstly, people should have families when they are in a position to do so.

Secondly if kids need food then food stamps aren't the answer. Having free meals at school is a much better choice as kids should then be getting nutritious food instead of the crap that many get.

Thirdly, people need to be encouraged to work. Rewarding people for not working is not the way forwards.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

Addressing the bolded. That's kind of the point. You don't need a tax payer funded school to learn those jobs. You just go get one and they actually pay you while you learn. Go get a job as an entry level apprentice making that 25,000 a year and work your way up. There's no need for any tax dollars to be spent. It's all on them to pick those jobs.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I can agree with you with one caveat. If you think this is such a good idea, YOU pay for it. If the costs were placed on those that think it's a good idea, we'd see just how much they actually care.

I'm proving an education for MY children. If some kid's parents won't provide their own with an education, it damn sure isn't my place to do it regardless of the caveats. If those parents don't think their own child is a good enough investment, I sure don't.

We will all pay for it now or pay for it later. This way gives us productive citizens with actual skills.

Sure it does. It gives us another generation of freeloaders that will continue to demand something be given to them. You don't create productive citizens by handing them something they aren't willing to provide themselves.

I have a solution for the pay later. If someone chooses to be a drain on society or not do for themselves, don't provide them an out. Let them suffer the consequences. I'm willing to do so but it seems you aren't. You're willing to enable them to be freeloaders.

No, what you are willing to do is spend more on prisons. It's cheaper to pay for a trade. Hell, bring back trade schools in high schools.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I can agree with you with one caveat. If you think this is such a good idea, YOU pay for it. If the costs were placed on those that think it's a good idea, we'd see just how much they actually care.

I'm proving an education for MY children. If some kid's parents won't provide their own with an education, it damn sure isn't my place to do it regardless of the caveats. If those parents don't think their own child is a good enough investment, I sure don't.

We will all pay for it now or pay for it later. This way gives us productive citizens with actual skills.

Sure it does. It gives us another generation of freeloaders that will continue to demand something be given to them. You don't create productive citizens by handing them something they aren't willing to provide themselves.

I have a solution for the pay later. If someone chooses to be a drain on society or not do for themselves, don't provide them an out. Let them suffer the consequences. I'm willing to do so but it seems you aren't. You're willing to enable them to be freeloaders.

No, what you are willing to do is spend more on prisons. It's cheaper to pay for a trade. Hell, bring back trade schools in high schools.
You don't have to pay for trade skills. Yes I would be all for shop classes coming back but the bigger points are to get rid of the stupid laws that keep kids off of job sights under 18. That's ridiculous. Start part time as a plumber at 16. By the time you graduate high school you will be well above 25k a year and will never have to look back.
No, what you are willing to do is spend more on prisons. It's cheaper to pay for a trade. Hell, bring back trade schools in high schools.

Agreed but that won't do a bit of good when there are crews of eager illegals gathered at every Lowe's and Home Depot parking lot EVERY morning willing to work all day tax free under the table for 35 bucks a day unskilled and 50-75 bucks a day skilled.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.

The rich will be limited to gated communities within the next 100 years if the extreme conservatives ever get their way. They'll have to pay for their own roads, water infrastructure and schools as the rest of society will look like Haiti.

The rich won't be as rich either as there won't be the kind of demand a well paid population has to buy their stuff.

The rich are fucking themselves...Limiting themselves and being really stupid.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.

The rich will be limited to gated communities within the next 100 years if the extreme conservatives ever get their way. They'll have to pay for their own roads, water infrastructure and schools as the rest of society will look like Haiti.

The rich won't be as rich either as there won't be the kind of demand a well paid population has to buy their stuff.

The rich are fucking themselves...Limiting themselves and being really stupid.
How about we outlaw the Democrat Party and get on with business?
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.

The rich will be limited to gated communities within the next 100 years if the extreme conservatives ever get their way. They'll have to pay for their own roads, water infrastructure and schools as the rest of society will look like Haiti.

The rich won't be as rich either as there won't be the kind of demand a well paid population has to buy their stuff.

The rich are fucking themselves...Limiting themselves and being really stupid.
They already live in gated communities and they LOVE it.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.
What you aren't able to comprehend is the only way your scenario can happen is with socialism. Only in socialism does a person born into poverty remain there forever. In capitalism a person born poor can become middle class or even one of the hated 1%. As a bonus only under capitalism can a 1%er fall to the very bottom. During capitalism or socialism there will always be those at the bottom. Only one of those systems gives you the opportunity to escape that position. The other one ensures you will never get out of it.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.

The rich will be limited to gated communities within the next 100 years if the extreme conservatives ever get their way. They'll have to pay for their own roads, water infrastructure and schools as the rest of society will look like Haiti.

The rich won't be as rich either as there won't be the kind of demand a well paid population has to buy their stuff.

The rich are fucking themselves...Limiting themselves and being really stupid.
Holy shit, that sounds like every socialist country in the fucking history of ever.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Gee, I thought going to school and taking classes is helping yourself.

You'd teach someone to swim by tying rocks around their legs and throwing them overboard.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

Everyone making less than $25,000 a year should go learn a valuable skill so they can make more than that
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Gee, I thought going to school and taking classes is helping yourself.

You'd teach someone to swim by tying rocks around their legs and throwing them overboard.
No you moron. You teach someone to swim by getting them in the shallow end at a low wage because they aren't olympic swimmers yet. Then you teach them to put their face in the water and blow bubbles and give them a raise for that. Then you teach them to float, and they get a raise. Some will continue on to learn how to breastroke or butterfly and one or two will be world class and get paid accordingly. You want us all to finance everyone until they can win the 100 meter.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.
What you aren't able to comprehend is the only way your scenario can happen is with socialism. Only in socialism does a person born into poverty remain there forever. In capitalism a person born poor can become middle class or even one of the hated 1%. As a bonus only under capitalism can a 1%er fall to the very bottom. During capitalism or socialism there will always be those at the bottom. Only one of those systems gives you the opportunity to escape that position. The other one ensures you will never get out of it.

The fastest way to make that happen is with pure capitalism. Where capitalism isn't balanced with a strong social safety net, and vigorously enforced worker protections, wages don't increase, because the employers hold all of the power, and there are enough workers that they can be easily replaced. Prices rise, wages don't. The top 10% control all of the wealth in the country, and there are the very rich, the very poor, and few in between.

People have to take whatever jobs are available regardless of what they pay because they'll starve otherwise. If they get sick they die, unless they're wealthy.

If this is starting to sound like where the US has been heading the past few years, you have that right. Because Reagan tipped the balance when he decimated the unions, and changed the tax code.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Gee, I thought going to school and taking classes is helping yourself.

You'd teach someone to swim by tying rocks around their legs and throwing them overboard.
No you moron. You teach someone to swim by getting them in the shallow end at a low wage because they aren't olympic swimmers yet. Then you teach them to put their face in the water and blow bubbles and give them a raise for that. Then you teach them to float, and they get a raise. Some will continue on to learn how to breastroke or butterfly and one or two will be world class and get paid accordingly. You want us all to finance everyone until they can win the 100 meter.

No you idiot. I want you to give them swimming lessons, not tell them to do it all themselves. If they could do that without assistance, they would already have done it.
Anytime you have a capitalist system there will ALWAYS be those at the bottom of the triangle. Those at the top need to quit being assholes and realize that unless they do something to protect those at the bottom, they will disappear and then guess what... those at the middle will be at the bottom... and when those are gone... the next ones will be at the bottom... and so on.
What you aren't able to comprehend is the only way your scenario can happen is with socialism. Only in socialism does a person born into poverty remain there forever. In capitalism a person born poor can become middle class or even one of the hated 1%. As a bonus only under capitalism can a 1%er fall to the very bottom. During capitalism or socialism there will always be those at the bottom. Only one of those systems gives you the opportunity to escape that position. The other one ensures you will never get out of it.

A person in the bottom ten percent has a one in five hundred chance of making it to the top one percent. Someone in the top one percent has a one out of six chance of falling below the highest ten percent.

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