Everyone talks about "Health care crisis" but no one cares about $1 Trillion wasted?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The single largest waste health care of health care money... Nearly $1,000,000,000,000!
Hard to quantify waste on a defensive procedure

If it only catches a problem one out of ten times the other nine times are a waste. The one time saves your life

I wonder what the cost is to cover every government employee for the best health insurance along with retirement package money can buy..?

Congress even has long term home health care for when they can't take care of themselves anymore. Not too many get long term home healthcare anymore..
Why is this never mentioned...?
Always my question that those who mandate crap coverage exempt themselves from it.
Yet these are the same folks who voted themselves pay raises and those nice benefits.

I wonder what the cost is to cover every government employee for the best health insurance along with retirement package money can buy..?

Congress even has long term home health care for when they can't take care of themselves anymore. Not too many get long term home healthcare anymore..
Why is this never mentioned...?
Long term health care is an option that they can pay in to. Just like any other federal employee
Hard to quantify waste on a defensive procedure

If it only catches a problem one out of ten times the other nine times are a waste. The one time saves your life

NO IT is NOT hard to quantify! The architect of Obamacare Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm Emmanuel's brother by the way) has quantified in this way.

This is basically the essence of a death panel. And yes, he actually said these things:
Rahm Emanuel’s brother Ezekiel, former White House Special Adviser on Obamacare and current Director of Clinical Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health and fellow at the Center for American Progress, wrote a whole op-ed in The Atlantic about why he hopes he dies at 75 because… well, that’s the optimal age to die.
In fact, society would be better off “if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly” and we all die at age 75.
  • Half of people 80 and older with functional limitations. A third of people 85 and older with Alzheimer’s. That still leaves many, many elderly people who have escaped physical and mental disability. If we are among the lucky ones, then why stop at 75? Why not live as long as possible?
  • So American immortals may live longer than their parents, but they are likely to be more incapacitated. Does that sound very desirable? Not to me.
  • The American immortal desperately wants to believe in the “compression of morbidity.” … Compression of morbidity is a quintessentially American idea… It promises a kind of fountain of youth until the ever-receding time of death. It is this dream—or fantasy—that drives the American immortal and has fueled interest and investment in regenerative medicine and replacement organs. (Cuz we shouldn’t get those if we’re old?)
  • Living parents also occupy the role of head of the family. They make it hard for grown children to become the patriarch or matriarch.
  • How do we want to be remembered by our children and grandchildren? We wish our children to remember us in our prime. Active, vigorous, engaged, animated, astute, enthusiastic, funny, warm, loving. Not stooped and sluggish, forgetful and repetitive, constantly asking “What did she say?” We want to be remembered as independent, not experienced as burdens.
  • Of course, our children won’t admit it. They love us and fear the loss that will be created by our death. And a loss it will be. A huge loss. They don’t want to confront our mortality, and they certainly don’t want to wish for our death. But even if we manage not to become burdens to them, our shadowing them until their old age is also a loss.
  • And leaving them—and our grandchildren—with memories framed not by our vivacity but by our frailty is the ultimate tragedy.
  • Death Panels: Another Obamacare Architect Thinks We Should Die at Age 75
Now if the architect of Obamacare has NO problem with NOT providing health services for anyone over 75, he is essentially stating that BECAUSE health care costs
due to wasteful spending on "defensive medicine" which you say saves that 1 out of 10 then the only way to balance the expenditures is NOT provide health services for people over 75. Personally I'm reaching 75 and I'm not ready to pack it in.
I guess you never heard of the Stark Law which is a set of United States federal laws that prohibit physician self-referral, specifically a referral by a physician of a Medicare or Medicaid patient to an entity providing designated health services ("DHS") if the physician (or an immediate family member) has a financial relationship with that entity Stark Law - Wikipedia

Referrals by doctors then based on the above are NOT done for "greedy reasons". And that is what the "defensive medicine" practices are all about.
You didn't read closely enough that the Jackson Health study was ONLY for physicians.
Again physicians can't refer to have tests, specialists if they have a financial interest. Now I'm not saying it doesn't happen. That's not realistic.
But let's assume of the $1 trillion 2% of the amount is what you said. That still leaves 98% all because of fear of being SUED.
Why are you people defending lawyers? I don't get it. In all other situations you seem to be down on lawyers but in this case NOT one complaint about lawyers causing
this! Why? I just don't understand.
The insurance companies don't care as they just raise the premiums.
The proof was the 1946 Tort Claims Act forbidden "federally employed physicians from being sued". Did you read that?
I know I know... too much detail BUT is the details that make the difference and once again 30 second attention span at work!
Hard to quantify waste on a defensive procedure

If it only catches a problem one out of ten times the other nine times are a waste. The one time saves your life

NO IT is NOT hard to quantify! The architect of Obamacare Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm Emmanuel's brother by the way) has quantified in this way.

This is basically the essence of a death panel. And yes, he actually said these things:
Rahm Emanuel’s brother Ezekiel, former White House Special Adviser on Obamacare and current Director of Clinical Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health and fellow at the Center for American Progress, wrote a whole op-ed in The Atlantic about why he hopes he dies at 75 because… well, that’s the optimal age to die.
In fact, society would be better off “if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly” and we all die at age 75.
  • Half of people 80 and older with functional limitations. A third of people 85 and older with Alzheimer’s. That still leaves many, many elderly people who have escaped physical and mental disability. If we are among the lucky ones, then why stop at 75? Why not live as long as possible?
  • So American immortals may live longer than their parents, but they are likely to be more incapacitated. Does that sound very desirable? Not to me.
  • The American immortal desperately wants to believe in the “compression of morbidity.” … Compression of morbidity is a quintessentially American idea… It promises a kind of fountain of youth until the ever-receding time of death. It is this dream—or fantasy—that drives the American immortal and has fueled interest and investment in regenerative medicine and replacement organs. (Cuz we shouldn’t get those if we’re old?)
  • Living parents also occupy the role of head of the family. They make it hard for grown children to become the patriarch or matriarch.
  • How do we want to be remembered by our children and grandchildren? We wish our children to remember us in our prime. Active, vigorous, engaged, animated, astute, enthusiastic, funny, warm, loving. Not stooped and sluggish, forgetful and repetitive, constantly asking “What did she say?” We want to be remembered as independent, not experienced as burdens.
  • Of course, our children won’t admit it. They love us and fear the loss that will be created by our death. And a loss it will be. A huge loss. They don’t want to confront our mortality, and they certainly don’t want to wish for our death. But even if we manage not to become burdens to them, our shadowing them until their old age is also a loss.
  • And leaving them—and our grandchildren—with memories framed not by our vivacity but by our frailty is the ultimate tragedy.
  • Death Panels: Another Obamacare Architect Thinks We Should Die at Age 75
Now if the architect of Obamacare has NO problem with NOT providing health services for anyone over 75, he is essentially stating that BECAUSE health care costs
due to wasteful spending on "defensive medicine" which you say saves that 1 out of 10 then the only way to balance the expenditures is NOT provide health services for people over 75. Personally I'm reaching 75 and I'm not ready to pack it in.
Nice try

But no, Eziiekiel Emanuel is not the architect of Obamacare

Ever hear Obamacare still includes Medicare?
Hard to quantify waste on a defensive procedure

If it only catches a problem one out of ten times the other nine times are a waste. The one time saves your life

NO IT is NOT hard to quantify! The architect of Obamacare Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm Emmanuel's brother by the way) has quantified in this way.

This is basically the essence of a death panel. And yes, he actually said these things:
Rahm Emanuel’s brother Ezekiel, former White House Special Adviser on Obamacare and current Director of Clinical Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health and fellow at the Center for American Progress, wrote a whole op-ed in The Atlantic about why he hopes he dies at 75 because… well, that’s the optimal age to die.
In fact, society would be better off “if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly” and we all die at age 75.
  • Half of people 80 and older with functional limitations. A third of people 85 and older with Alzheimer’s. That still leaves many, many elderly people who have escaped physical and mental disability. If we are among the lucky ones, then why stop at 75? Why not live as long as possible?
  • So American immortals may live longer than their parents, but they are likely to be more incapacitated. Does that sound very desirable? Not to me.
  • The American immortal desperately wants to believe in the “compression of morbidity.” … Compression of morbidity is a quintessentially American idea… It promises a kind of fountain of youth until the ever-receding time of death. It is this dream—or fantasy—that drives the American immortal and has fueled interest and investment in regenerative medicine and replacement organs. (Cuz we shouldn’t get those if we’re old?)
  • Living parents also occupy the role of head of the family. They make it hard for grown children to become the patriarch or matriarch.
  • How do we want to be remembered by our children and grandchildren? We wish our children to remember us in our prime. Active, vigorous, engaged, animated, astute, enthusiastic, funny, warm, loving. Not stooped and sluggish, forgetful and repetitive, constantly asking “What did she say?” We want to be remembered as independent, not experienced as burdens.
  • Of course, our children won’t admit it. They love us and fear the loss that will be created by our death. And a loss it will be. A huge loss. They don’t want to confront our mortality, and they certainly don’t want to wish for our death. But even if we manage not to become burdens to them, our shadowing them until their old age is also a loss.
  • And leaving them—and our grandchildren—with memories framed not by our vivacity but by our frailty is the ultimate tragedy.
  • Death Panels: Another Obamacare Architect Thinks We Should Die at Age 75
Now if the architect of Obamacare has NO problem with NOT providing health services for anyone over 75, he is essentially stating that BECAUSE health care costs
due to wasteful spending on "defensive medicine" which you say saves that 1 out of 10 then the only way to balance the expenditures is NOT provide health services for people over 75. Personally I'm reaching 75 and I'm not ready to pack it in.
Nice try

But no, Eziiekiel Emanuel is not the architect of Obamacare

Ever hear Obamacare still includes Medicare?
Read below! Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel: Donald Trump has an opportunity “to do enormous good” — or to create “chaos”
Also WRONG about Obamacare includes Medicare!
Read below the Article that describes Emanuel as "Obamacare architect"!!!


From the Medicare SITE... WRONG AGAIN!

The Affordable Care Act & Medicare | Medicare.gov
Big BOLD print:
Medicare isn’t part of the Health Insurance Marketplace established by the health care law, so you don't have to replace your Medicare coverage with Marketplace coverage.

Geez... why don't you CHECK on the internet before making stupid uninformed comments worthy of belonging to the other "architect of Obamacare you may be
thinking of Jonathan Gruber at MIT of the observation that it took "stupidity" to pass Obamacare fame!
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

Oh and if you did any research on the internet you'd find another interesting comment by Gruber!
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.
New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion

AGAIN... I'm going to SWAMP you with I told you so's!!!

But look at this attached document under FALSEHOOD 2)!!!! 14 million were already eligible! And it took the wasted time of Obamacare and Gruber to say "YUP"!!!!



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Hard to quantify waste on a defensive procedure

If it only catches a problem one out of ten times the other nine times are a waste. The one time saves your life

NO IT is NOT hard to quantify! The architect of Obamacare Ezekiel Emmanuel (Rahm Emmanuel's brother by the way) has quantified in this way.

This is basically the essence of a death panel. And yes, he actually said these things:
Rahm Emanuel’s brother Ezekiel, former White House Special Adviser on Obamacare and current Director of Clinical Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health and fellow at the Center for American Progress, wrote a whole op-ed in The Atlantic about why he hopes he dies at 75 because… well, that’s the optimal age to die.
In fact, society would be better off “if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly” and we all die at age 75.
  • Half of people 80 and older with functional limitations. A third of people 85 and older with Alzheimer’s. That still leaves many, many elderly people who have escaped physical and mental disability. If we are among the lucky ones, then why stop at 75? Why not live as long as possible?
  • So American immortals may live longer than their parents, but they are likely to be more incapacitated. Does that sound very desirable? Not to me.
  • The American immortal desperately wants to believe in the “compression of morbidity.” … Compression of morbidity is a quintessentially American idea… It promises a kind of fountain of youth until the ever-receding time of death. It is this dream—or fantasy—that drives the American immortal and has fueled interest and investment in regenerative medicine and replacement organs. (Cuz we shouldn’t get those if we’re old?)
  • Living parents also occupy the role of head of the family. They make it hard for grown children to become the patriarch or matriarch.
  • How do we want to be remembered by our children and grandchildren? We wish our children to remember us in our prime. Active, vigorous, engaged, animated, astute, enthusiastic, funny, warm, loving. Not stooped and sluggish, forgetful and repetitive, constantly asking “What did she say?” We want to be remembered as independent, not experienced as burdens.
  • Of course, our children won’t admit it. They love us and fear the loss that will be created by our death. And a loss it will be. A huge loss. They don’t want to confront our mortality, and they certainly don’t want to wish for our death. But even if we manage not to become burdens to them, our shadowing them until their old age is also a loss.
  • And leaving them—and our grandchildren—with memories framed not by our vivacity but by our frailty is the ultimate tragedy.
  • Death Panels: Another Obamacare Architect Thinks We Should Die at Age 75
Now if the architect of Obamacare has NO problem with NOT providing health services for anyone over 75, he is essentially stating that BECAUSE health care costs
due to wasteful spending on "defensive medicine" which you say saves that 1 out of 10 then the only way to balance the expenditures is NOT provide health services for people over 75. Personally I'm reaching 75 and I'm not ready to pack it in.
Nice try

But no, Eziiekiel Emanuel is not the architect of Obamacare

Ever hear Obamacare still includes Medicare?
Read below! Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel: Donald Trump has an opportunity “to do enormous good” — or to create “chaos”
Also WRONG about Obamacare includes Medicare!
Read below the Article that describes Emanuel as "Obamacare architect"!!!

View attachment 139091

From the Medicare SITE... WRONG AGAIN!

The Affordable Care Act & Medicare | Medicare.gov
Big BOLD print:
Medicare isn’t part of the Health Insurance Marketplace established by the health care law, so you don't have to replace your Medicare coverage with Marketplace coverage.

Geez... why don't you CHECK on the internet before making stupid uninformed comments worthy of belonging to the other "architect of Obamacare you may be
thinking of Jonathan Gruber at MIT of the observation that it took "stupidity" to pass Obamacare fame!
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

Oh and if you did any research on the internet you'd find another interesting comment by Gruber!
Dividing Gruber’s estimate of the percentage gain in coverage of Medicaid enrollees who were eligible before the ACA by the percentage gain in coverage attributable to Medicaid overall means that 70% of new Medicaid enrollees in 2014 were eligible for the program under pre-ACA rules.
New Gruber Study Raises Major Questions About Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion

AGAIN... I'm going to SWAMP you with I told you so's!!!

But look at this attached document under FALSEHOOD 2)!!!! 14 million were already eligible! And it took the wasted time of Obamacare and Gruber to say "YUP"!!!!View attachment 139095
Obamacare was written by Congress not the White House

Medicare was never up for discussion so your claims, as usual, that Obama wanted to kill old people are ridiculous

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