Everyone who voted for Obama and health care plan just stepped on lower income folks


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Wendy's Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare | ThinkProgress

(please focus on the one or two lines of fact in this article, and ignore the left-wing journalists attempt to shield Democrat policy from blame)

Wendy's cut everyone to part time, many restaurants considering same thing.

why is this happening?
so some health care insurance owners and CEO's and make billions off forcing the public to buy their "service"

Wendy's is a huge business that turns over massive profits, yet they are so cheap and greedy they reduce everyone to part time because they are too selfish to pay a little more?

What about the rights of the worker? You can't tell a full time employee that they are now are now part time - do that over here and you'd be in court!
Wendy's is a huge business that turns over massive profits, yet they are so cheap and greedy they reduce everyone to part time because they are too selfish to pay a little more?

What about the rights of the worker? You can't tell a full time employee that they are now are now part time - do that over here and you'd be in court!

Actually, Wendies is a huge corporation with a very small profit margin that employs extremely unreliable and unskilled labor. If they supplied healthcare insurance to all of their employees they would simply go out of business.

Wendies really has only 2 options: modernize with machinery that does all the work so they can fire 90 percent of their workforce or cut everyone’s hours. There are the options. This kind of progressive dreaming never seems to actually look at the costs associated with asinine policy. They were warned of course, over and over and over again but they demanded that reality change to suit the agenda. Reality, though, has a different idea.

Wish fulfillment goes in one hand, shit goes in the other.

See which one fills up first.
Obamacare is bad law. Poorly conceived and executed for the benefit of insurance companies, it started out where public education evolved: a racket.

What is funny is that John Roberts a Republican bag licker is responsible for it being the law of the land. Without John Roberts signature, Obamacare would be in America's rear view mirror.

Thanks, Republicans.
It incorporates insurance companies........which is not a good thing. But it beats what we had. I'll bet even the nutters here can list a few positives in the law. Meanwhile, the negatives that nutters seem to harp on all have to do with the perception that it will cost them something.

Insurance companies have been fucking us for decades. Now they have to buy us dinner too.

Quit lying and crying, bitches. Progress takes time.
Those who voted for obama and socialism have a big surprise coming. Its a shame they are so unaware, because their vote hurt all of us. The people should stop supporting their party affliation and start to wake up to whats happening around them.
It incorporates insurance companies........which is not a good thing. But it beats what we had. I'll bet even the nutters here can list a few positives in the law. Meanwhile, the negatives that nutters seem to harp on all have to do with the perception that it will cost them something.

Insurance companies have been fucking us for decades. Now they have to buy us dinner too.

Quit lying and crying, bitches. Progress takes time.

Has anyone asked why health costs are so high, and if they're fair?
I agree with this ben carson guy that people need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting their party affliation think for them. Start thinking for ourselves is what the people in this country need to do. The voters have put us in one heck of a mess and we are all going to pay for it regardless of what party you belong too. We citizens will suffer the same exact things in the next 4 yrs of this bunch in washington.
I agree with this ben carson guy that people need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting their party affliation think for them. Start thinking for ourselves is what the people in this country need to do. The voters have put us in one heck of a mess and we are all going to pay for it regardless of what party you belong too. We citizens will suffer the same exact things in the next 4 yrs of this bunch in washington.

Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.
I watched 10 minutes of Carson being "interviewed" by a group of media reps on Hannity early this morning

He is a nutter talking point machine. The message is the same:

Those who voted for his opposition are not independent thinkers....eliminating regulations and cutting tax rates will lead the economy to great heights...health savings accounts are the way to go.........blah.....blah.....blah!

He is very soft spoken.
I agree with this ben carson guy that people need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting their party affliation think for them. Start thinking for ourselves is what the people in this country need to do. The voters have put us in one heck of a mess and we are all going to pay for it regardless of what party you belong too. We citizens will suffer the same exact things in the next 4 yrs of this bunch in washington.

Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.
I agree with this ben carson guy that people need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting their party affliation think for them. Start thinking for ourselves is what the people in this country need to do. The voters have put us in one heck of a mess and we are all going to pay for it regardless of what party you belong too. We citizens will suffer the same exact things in the next 4 yrs of this bunch in washington.

Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

No, all I want is the right to live my life making my own decisions, and progressives from both sides of the isle are wanting to make more and more of them for me. That's it that's all, your insistence that the left is the answer exemplifies the problem I have with ideologues.
Well, I for one, will not eat at Wendy's again until they change their tune. I would suggest that any working man or woman that does is going against their own interests.

As for the cost of health care, we have the most expensive health care in the world. Yet we do not cover a significant percentage of our people. And even those that are covered face bankruptcy if they have a serious long term illness. Japan, Germany, and Canada cover all their citizens for about half the cost, per capita, that we do. They have no families going bankrupt because of illness. We have about 700,000 families a year in the US bankrupt because of medical bills. Their longevity and infant mortality are much better than ours. In fact, we have a third world infant mortality rate.

Time for universal single payer coverage. Like the rest of the industrial world.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

No, all I want is the right to live my life making my own decisions, and progressives from both sides of the isle are wanting to make more and more of them for me. That's it that's all, your insistence that the left is the answer exemplifies the problem I have with ideologues.

Liberals are all for you making your own decisions......regarding that which effects you. But this is a nation of laws.....with representative government. You are represented. You don't like this feeling....I get it. But you are not alone. Often what you do effects others.

Please tell me what decision you wanted to make but were prevented from making by a policy supported by liberals.
I agree with this ben carson guy that people need to start thinking for themselves and stop letting their party affliation think for them. Start thinking for ourselves is what the people in this country need to do. The voters have put us in one heck of a mess and we are all going to pay for it regardless of what party you belong too. We citizens will suffer the same exact things in the next 4 yrs of this bunch in washington.

Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

Actually that is what intelligent people say when they finally realize that our political system is two wings of the same bird. Both parties are bent on screwing us and if you don't see it, you're not looking close enough.

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