Everything is Racist, Everything Must Be Controlled


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
2017 can't get here soon enough so we can get rid of this libtart racist pig...
Everything is Racist, Everything Must Be Controlled
Destroying the black community for fun and profit.
April 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

There are two ways to look at the problems of the black community. Either there’s something wrong within the community. Or America is racist.

The sensible liberals who used to be able to split the difference are dead or purged. The Moynihan Report is inconceivable in a Democratic Party which has gone all in on freeing drug dealers and bulking up the welfare state. Obama mentioned fatherlessness briefly in his Brother’s Keeper speech before pivoting to a call to dismantle the criminal justice system and school discipline policies.

Obama admitted that, “We won’t be living up to our ideals when their parents are struggling with substance abuse, or are in prison, or unemployed, and when fathers are absent.” But his solution is freeing drug dealers “who could be good fathers and good neighbors and good fellow citizens” if only they weren’t “languishing in prison over minor, nonviolent drug offenses.”

Some recent examples of such potential “good fathers” whom he freed include Vander Keith Gore, the son of a Democratic councilman who ran a drug ring which threatened to murder a cooperating witness’ baby. He freed Isadore Gennings, whose “minor nonviolent drug offenses” involved helping move $2.5 million in cocaine, Carmel Bretous, who helped smuggle in 110 pounds of cocaine, and Tommie Sand Tyree, who was described as having “a lot of blood on his hands."

Freeing drug dealers also means that that there will be more parents “struggling with substance abuse” and that “drugs are plentiful.” But making matters in the black community worse was always the plan.

Last year, Obama called for going easy on violent criminals just like in Europe where 10 years for murder is considered a severe sentence. The length of prison sentences for rape would also have to be cut by at least 20 percent to comply with European standards. And when these “good fellow citizens” get out, they have a right to be your “good murderer neighbor” or “good rapist neighbor.”

Obama’s HUD has warned landlords that criminals are protected under the Fair Housing Act since due to “widespread racial and ethnic disparities in the U.S. criminal justice system, criminal history-based restrictions on access to housing are likely disproportionately to burden African-Americans and Hispanics”. Freeing black drug dealers also disproportionately burdens the African-American communities where they do business and shoot each other, and denying safe homes to black families living in the areas where criminals are most likely to set up shop is equally terrible.

But there is no moral logic at work here. Only the remorseless political logic of progressive power.


The road ahead is simple. Worsen the problems in the black community. Promise to treat them by expanding the scope of disparate impact to address any interaction between the negative social outcomes and the rest of the country until everything is racist and everything is controlled.

That’s the way to deprive everyone of their rights and their futures under the guise of civil rights.

Everything is Racist, Everything Must Be Controlled
How many white boy whine threads are you going to start? It wont keep your girl from giving guys like me a BJ and it wont improve your skills so you can get off welfare and get a job.
How many white boy whine threads are you going to start? It wont keep your girl from giving guys like me a BJ and it wont improve your skills so you can get off welfare and get a job.
Actually he's correct. White people who obsess over racism ARE control freaks, and as nasty as Stalin.
The Racist Trees of Our National Parks
Trees are America’s newest racist symbol.
May 6, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Mickey Fearn, the National Park Service Deputy Director for Communications and Community Assistance, made headlines when he claimed that black people don’t visit national parks because they associate them with slaves being lynched by their masters.

Yellowstone, the first national park, was created in 1872 in Wyoming. Slavery was over by then and no one had ever been lynching slaves around Old Faithful anyway. But false claims of racism die very hard.

Now Alcee Hastings, an impeached judge, and a coalition of minority groups is demanding increased “inclusiveness” at national parks. High on their list is the claim that, “African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots.

The origin of the bizarre racist lynching theory of national parks appears to be Carolyn Finney. Finney was an actress noted for, apparently, little more than an appearance in The Nutt House. Then she became a cause célèbre for race activists when she was denied tenure by Berkeley’s Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management because her work didn’t meet academic standards.

Her supporters blamed racism, rather than her academic shortcomings, and protested vocally.

These days she’s a diversity advisor to the U.S. National Parks Advisory Board. What wasn’t good enough for UC Berkeley is good enough for national parks. She is also the author of Black Faces, White Spaces. In it she claims that “oppression and violence against black people in forests and other green spaces can translate into contemporary understandings that constrain African-American environmental understandings.”

Finney cites the work of Joy DeGruy Leary who invented a Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome that she claims black people suffer from. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces.” According to Finney, the tree is a racist symbol to black people.

“Black people also wanted to go out in the woods and eat apples from the trees,” Finney explains.” But black people were lynched on the trees. The tree became a big symbol.” Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike.

What shall we do about the racist trees? Finney is front and center at the new “inclusion” initiative, “You’re sitting here making up a rule and assuming that everybody is going to feel comfortable to come to the woods and go on a hike,” she whined. “Maybe they’re not interested in doing that, that’s not how they like to come to the woods.”


The Racist Trees of Our National Parks
The Quest for Islam-Based Affirmative Action
Why the new Congress should give a new Obama-proposed racial classification the boot.
March 6, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

“Court Commissioner Shama Mesiwala sees her new job as a way to represent her Muslim faith,” ran the February 21 headline in the Sacramento Bee. Presiding judge Kevin Culhane called the new Commissioner “highly accomplished,” and did not exaggerate.

Shama Mesiwala graduated magna cum laude in three years from UC San Diego and completed law school at UC Davis at 23. She then spent 13 years as a judicial attorney in the Third District Court of Appeal. As Court Commissioner, Mesiwala will command the same powers and duties as a trial court judge, but when selected for the post she did not emphasize her academic achievements or judicial experience.

“I’m really proud I can represent my faith in this way,” she explained.

As some locals pointed out, if a Baptist had been appointed Court Commissioner and used the job to “represent my faith,” that would have raised protests from the church-state squads. Nothing of the kind took place and Mesiwala supporter Karima Bennoune, a UC Davis law professor, saw the appointment as “an important sign of hope and a reminder of the importance of cultural diversity.” Mesiwala had also been concerned with “social justice for everyone” and her appointment was “a reminder of the very positive things we need right now.”

Readers could be forgiven for seeing a reference to President Trump, and the appointment of more Muslims in government as an appropriate response to his executive order on travel. According to UC Davis law alum Fatima Alloo, who has litigated with the ACLU on immigrant cases, there was more to it.

The majority of court commissioners, she wrote in an online comment on the Bee story, “are most likely to belong to Christianity than any other religion.” Shama Mesiwala “managed to break through and receive her position despite belonging to a faith that is often misunderstood, slandered and discriminated against in our society, Islam.”

The implication is that Muslims are an accredited victim group, therefore they should be given preference for positions such as court commissioner. In Mesiwala’s case, no other candidates were announced.

California’s anti-preference law forbids preference on the basis of race, ethnicity and gender in state employment, education and contracting. It makes no mention of religion, and the demand that Muslims be given preference for jobs would come as no surprise in California.

Since voters approved the anti-preference California Civil Rights Initiative in 1996, state officials have done everything in their power to avoid it. Governor Jerry Brown has always opposed the anti-preference law, but he supports a sanctuary state and maintains a double standard on refugees.


The Quest for Islam-Based Affirmative Action
August 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Welcome to the Glorious Intersectional Utopia that will make our lives better by terrorizing everyone all the time.

Recently, the Intersectional Inquisition began going after "offensive costumes". By that they mean anyone dressing up in any distinct international costume if it belonged to a recognized minority. In short, don't wear a sombrero and serape, but no one will mind much if you don a beret and scarf. The hysteria over this turned very ugly at Yale and led to a purge of faculty.

But what happens when a top drawer minority is accused of cultural appropriation from a somewhat lower ranked minority in the Victim Value Index? That's where the fireworks begin.

Our story begins with Cheyanne, a mixed Native~Ojibwe/Crow lesbian feminist activists who likes to post pictures of herself in Indian clothing. Because this is what lifestyle feminism look like. Like most leftist activists, she had to find someone higher up on the ladder who was better at doing the thing she was doing for intersectionality violations. Because all this leftist twaddle is still Mean Girls warfare.


What Happens When Black People are Accused of Cultural Appropriation?
August 20, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Stop watching the eclipse. It's racist.

If you want evidence that the American leftist cult has reached a point of fanatical unreason every bit as bad as the darkest of dark ages, here's a sentence from the Atlantic's piece on the eclipse.



We can't rule out the possibility entirely. It's presumably not the case. But you never know with white supremacy. It could be embedded in the very orbital trajectories of the solar system. We really need some intersectional astronomy to figure this one out.

The article is emblematic of the sort of deranged racially toxic revisionist history that fills American Studies. The formula is simple. X + Racism = topic. Take anything, link it to racism, write about it to show how racist America is.

Even an eclipse.


The most obvious explanation is that the white racists conspired for the last few generations to keep black people out of the path of the eclipse. They didn't want black people to enjoy the liberating powers of the eclipse.

Either that or Alice Ristoph is a race-baiting leftist lunatic.

We report. You decide.


Atlantic: The Eclipse is Racist, Solar System has Implicit Bias
The Racism-Industrial-Complex needs it that way.
September 1, 2017

Jack Kerwick

The agents of the Racism-Industrial-Complex (RIC) have been having a field day ever since Charlottesville: Here, for the whole world to see, as they would have the rest of us think, is proof that “white supremacy” or “racism” is alive and well.

Of course, in reality, the mayhem in Charlottesville proved no such thing. However, the hysteria over it should provoke the rest of us to ask of the self-appointed guardians of racial orthodoxy: How, in your eyes, does your average white person differ essentially from the most vicious of neo-Nazis or members of the Aryan Brotherhood?

In other words, for decades, hard leftists (and some who aren’t all that hard) have spared no occasion to castigate America—or, more specifically, AmeriKKKa—for its incorrigible and intractable “racism” or “white supremacy.” To hear the cogs in the wheels of RIC tell it, all white people are, ultimately, no better and just as bad as the worse of Klansmen and Nazis.

This is no exaggeration. Consider the following:


The reaction to Charlottesville is moral-political theater. In the left’s mind, we are all guilty of “white supremacy.”

The Racism-Industrial-Complex needs it this way.

We Are All “Racists” and “White Supremacists” - According to the Left
White people have caused the suffering of all human, animal and plant life throughout history and for that we and all of our future generations must suffer indignities until we are mercifully bred out of existence.
no race has a monopoly on hate, etc
blacks commit more hate crimes than whites at twice the rate
blacks commit murder at over SEVEN times the rate--most of their victims are other BLACKS
blacks graduate at lower rates
these are all facts!
the last thing blacks or anyone should be worrying about is racism
White people have caused the suffering of all human, animal and plant life throughout history and for that we and all of our future generations must suffer indignities until we are mercifully bred out of existence.
Look everybody another racist/hater/libtart/negroid with a brain the size of a watermelon seed...

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