Everything RW knows about George Soros is wrong. Far Right and Left in Hungary to fight U. closing..

The Russian army is there by the request of the rightfully elected Ukrainian President

Strange, Petro Poroshenko doesn't know about that arrangement. That's the same excuse used by Adolph Hitler when he marched into Poland.

Vladimir Putin is old KGB. His goal, his dream is to restore the Soviet Union to its former might and glory.
Silly GOP gossip, dupe. He survived duhh. He had "no role". He was 14!!! God bless him, hater dupe. GO Trump.

And what is that drivel supposed to mean, dupe?
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

You can suck Soros's dick all you want, but that doesn't make his penis a Cuban cigar. He's a worthless Jew sack of shit in every sense of the word. When George Soros does the only good thing in his life by dropping dead, a group of us will be celebrating with a case of Cristal champagne and caviar.
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

You can suck Soros's dick all you want, but that doesn't make his penis a Cuban cigar. He's a worthless Jew sack of shit in every sense of the word. When George Soros does the only good thing in his life by dropping dead, a group of us will be celebrating with a case of Cristal champagne and caviar.
Always good to get the vulgar racist rube hater dupe brainwashed ignoramus's "opinion"... GO Trump- learn the truth and bring the dupes with you...
Soros hates America
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g
And what is that drivel supposed to mean, dupe?

The Adolph Hitler Youth Corps of Nazi's. I'd have guessed you would be intimately familiar.
Yeah I am, and don't call me Adolf lol. Not so much in Hungary...except in silly dupe world...
Nick Danger Third Eye
Weren't you being a bit harsh on the little dolt with that post?


Not even close to too hard on the little hater dupe.
You believe a giant pile of crap. And I don't hate anything but lies and hate, which you poor dupes specialize in...
Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

On September 5, 2010, a column by Ezra Levant contained false statements about George Soros and his conduct as a young teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Upon receiving a letter of complaint from Mr. Soros's legal counsel on September 13, 2010, Sun Media Corporation always intended to publish a retraction and apology for this column. Despite constant efforts on both sides, Sun Media and Mr. Soros's counsel were unable to reach agreement on the content of a retraction.

The management of Sun Media wishes to state that there is no basis for the statements in the column and they should not have been made.

Sun Media, this newspaper and Ezra Levant retract the statements made in the column and unreservedly apologize to Mr. Soros for the distress and harm this column may have caused to him.

Oh gee, a billionaire scumbag hires some other hater dupe, like you, to write a fawning biography about him. How surprising....not. Face it little hater dupe, it's only morons like you who believe that crap. Thinking people all over the world know just what a vile piece of shit soros is and they will not let little dumbshit hater dupes, like you, try and hide his real legacy. A legacy of corruption and destruction the middle class, and the looting of public employee pension funds.
Nobody complains about Soros but RW dupes. He was FOURTEEN!!!! He sold short!!! You're spun out of your tiny mind!

When i was fourteen I knew the difference between right and wrong. So did he. He didn't care. He just wanted to have fun. That's why being a little NAZI was the best time of his life. He even says so in the interview. A little dumbshit hater dupe, such as yourself, is JUST LIKE HIM!
He had no role in selling their stuff, which made it possible for the family to escape the nazis. You believe a pile of crap. He was just portraying a 14 year old duhhh. He survived.

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Timessaid one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-fundedCentral European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and formerObserver columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.
Last edited:
Soros hates America
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....
Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.

Yeah kind of funny that statement coming from a fascist hater dupe who listens to a single news source. He is one of the least informed buffoons I have ever seen. The facts are well known that soros is a scumbag. All the propaganda in the world that this little twerp listens to can't alter those well known facts.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.
Then what? Your brainwashed ignoramus friends?
You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.

Yeah kind of funny that statement coming from a fascist hater dupe who listens to a single news source. He is one of the least informed buffoons I have ever seen. The facts are well known that soros is a scumbag. All the propaganda in the world that this little twerp listens to can't alter those well known facts.
Fascist is RW, chump. I listen to it all. I have a Masters in History. You have a Masters in RW BS lol. Well known bs propaganda.
You truly are delusional.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.

Yeah kind of funny that statement coming from a fascist hater dupe who listens to a single news source. He is one of the least informed buffoons I have ever seen. The facts are well known that soros is a scumbag. All the propaganda in the world that this little twerp listens to can't alter those well known facts.

Least informed and the most complete ideological partisan hack that I've ever seen.
Actually, your disgraceful RW Fake News Network is delusional so so are you , dupe. Al this tidall wave of BS about Soros makes you dupes into allies of dictator/thugs in Russia, E. Ukraine, Hungary etc etc, and it's pure crap- You're the equivalent of the Great Depression era RW fascist dupes of the 30's half the time...

Go Trump, LEARN and stop believing RW fake news and bring the dupes with you! If you knew the facts you'd be fine. Memorize the sig. Heil SIG! lol.

The dirty tricks that demonise George Soros | Nick Cohen
"As the politics turns hard right, the creased face of an elderly Hungarian Jew has become the prime target for resurgent nationalists across the world. George Soros is their essential enemy. If he did not exist, they would have to invent him. As the “George Soros” they credit with supernatural power does not exist, you could say that they have invented him.

A trawl of corrupt regimes lands this haul. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump ruled that Americans protesting against him were “professional” agitators. Roger Stone, who has worked for the filthy wing of the right since Nixon’s day, followed up by announcing he had discovered the agitators were “paid for” by none other than Soros.

Now it is commonplace for right-wing Americans to say that only Soros’s corrupt influence can explain why their fellow citizens take to the streets. A typically sly report in the Washington Times said one in three Trump voters believed Soros paid protesters to join the women’s march on Trump’s inauguration day. Naturally, it did not produce a shred of evidence to support the fantastic accusation. That the gormless believed a straight lie was all the proof it needed.

Republican senators are now trying to persuade the Trump administration to cut support for Soros’s campaign to promote democracy and human rights in eastern Europe. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has no difficulty in showing that their Putin-influenced propaganda is riddled with errors . But a better riposte is to turn to Europe and see why democracy and human rights might need promoting. It’s not just Putin who goes for Soros. Macedonia’s former autocratic prime minister, Nikola Gruevski, has called for a “de-Sorosisation” of society, as the country’s right uses every trick it can think of, including the threat of street violence by “patriotic associations”, to stop the opposition taking power.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s self-proclaimed illiberal democracy is threatening the Soros-funded Central European University. Its president, the former Canadian Liberal party leader and former Observer columnist Michael Ignatieff, is bewildered. He protests that he is running a university, not an opposition political party that might take Orbán’s power away.

I could go on. Romania’s socialist elite imitates Trump and claims Soros pays citizens to take to the streets to demonstrate against corruption. The supposedly reputable financial analysts at Zero Hedge claim Soros “singlehandedly created the European refugee crisis”. Steve Bannon’s Breitbart says Soros’s funding of Black Lives Matter was part of an agenda to swing the US presidential election. The European far right claims he is trying to destroy Christian white Europe by importing Muslim refugees.

Rather than go on, however, it is better to understand what is going on. When fighting foul movements, the question arises whether you should play the man or the ball. Playing the ball is the sporting thing to do. Lies have to be nailed. The factual record has to be defended. You should never regard it as a chore to insist on the truth. It is a duty, which if you shirk it, leaves the field clear for race baiters and dictatorial movements. This is why historians take the time and trouble to shred the Labour left’s claim that Hitler was a Zionist. This is why Soros’s supporters give journalists detailed rebuttals of the conspiracy theories that swirl around him.

But playing the ball means playing the extremists’ g

You goosestep to the excrement coming out of mainstream news better than the north korea army does to their chubby murderer.
You RW jackasses/racists/dupes/rubes listen to one TV channel and a few newspapers, all owned by the same 5 greedy idiot billionaires (a couple don't actually exist- Moon Times and Adelson Examiner), talk shows run by bought off HS grad ex-cokehead DJ's (Rush, Beck etc etc), while the rest of the world is in horror at your brainwashed hate/idiocy. Many channels in many countries, real journalists at hundreds of newspapers and magazines. You are close to insane. Have a look around and get some fresh air. Trump is learning. Can you?

GO TRUMP- Learn the facts and bring the hater dupes along with you...

How are all those special prosecutors coming along HAHAHAHAHA.....

Never have watched any of that but keep fantasizing.

Yeah kind of funny that statement coming from a fascist hater dupe who listens to a single news source. He is one of the least informed buffoons I have ever seen. The facts are well known that soros is a scumbag. All the propaganda in the world that this little twerp listens to can't alter those well known facts.
Fascist is RW, chump. I listen to it all. I have a Masters in History. You have a Masters in RW BS lol. Well known bs propaganda.

Masters in History? Good for you, maybe you should have considered doing a little more research before spewing your BS.

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society. Fascism rejects assertions that violence is automatically negative in nature, and views political violence, war, and imperialism as means that can achieve national rejuvenation. Fascists advocate a mixed economy, with the principal goal of achieving autarky through protectionist and interventionist economic policies.

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