Everything RW knows about George Soros is wrong. Far Right and Left in Hungary to fight U. closing..

So.. many illegals vote democrat and are on welfare.
I couldn't have been dumber and more misinformed than I have been. Go Trump- Get back to facts and your roots, and focus on the real Americans ...
Fixed. You can thank me later.

Illegals don't vote DUHHH, if they're on welfare it's because the GOP blocks a good SS ID card- 94% of adult male illegals work, 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes, and they don't need the danger of voting, dupe, real Americans care about truth and justice, not bs and hate, 80% chance racist hater dupe.
Pew survey 2007.

Link? I have witnessed some nut jobs on multiple sides of the political world.
That link seems to disappeared over time. We don't have a propaganda machine like yours, dupe. It's in my book.
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. | Pew Research Center
Nov 3, 2016 - The number was unchanged from 2009 and down slightly from 8.2 million in 2007. The share of unauthorized immigrants in the civilian labor ...
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico | Pew Research ...
Mar 2, 2017 - With President Donald Trump’s administration taking steps to reduce the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. — including through the construction of a wall at the southern border — here’s what we know about illegal immigration from Mexico: 1The number of Mexican ...
Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade | Pew ...
Sep 21, 2016 - It then dropped sharply during the Great Recession of 2007-09, mainly ... Due to the slowdown in new illegal immigration since the onset of the ... Pew Research Center estimates are based on data from the U.S. Census ...
Unauthorized Immigration | Pew Research Center
The number of Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. illegally has declined by more than 1 million since 2007. ... Pew Research Center President Michael Dimock examines the changes – some profound, some subtle – that the U.S. ...
You believe a giant pile of crap. And I don't hate anything but lies and hate, which you poor dupes specialize in...
Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

On September 5, 2010, a column by Ezra Levant contained false statements about George Soros and his conduct as a young teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Upon receiving a letter of complaint from Mr. Soros's legal counsel on September 13, 2010, Sun Media Corporation always intended to publish a retraction and apology for this column. Despite constant efforts on both sides, Sun Media and Mr. Soros's counsel were unable to reach agreement on the content of a retraction.

The management of Sun Media wishes to state that there is no basis for the statements in the column and they should not have been made.

Sun Media, this newspaper and Ezra Levant retract the statements made in the column and unreservedly apologize to Mr. Soros for the distress and harm this column may have caused to him.

Oh gee, a billionaire scumbag hires some other hater dupe, like you, to write a fawning biography about him. How surprising....not. Face it little hater dupe, it's only morons like you who believe that crap. Thinking people all over the world know just what a vile piece of shit soros is and they will not let little dumbshit hater dupes, like you, try and hide his real legacy. A legacy of corruption and destruction the middle class, and the looting of public employee pension funds.
Nobody complains about Soros but RW dupes. He was FOURTEEN!!!! He sold short!!! You're spun out of your tiny mind!

When i was fourteen I knew the difference between right and wrong. So did he. He didn't care. He just wanted to have fun. That's why being a little NAZI was the best time of his life. He even says so in the interview. A little dumbshit hater dupe, such as yourself, is JUST LIKE HIM!
Silly GOP gossip, dupe. He survived duhh. He had "no roe". He was 14!!! God bless him, hater dupe. GO Trump.

He didn't just survive, little hater dupe, he PROFITED from the deaths of others. He is vermin, just like you, little hater dupe.
He got nothing but survival, hater dupe. Everything you know is total crap propaganda and misinformed hate. He got fined for his "crime in France" ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

To learn the truth about George Soros all one has to do is listen to the man himself.

He hates Russians, mainly because they have the audacity to be proud of their heritage and religion, and their wish to preserve it. Of course only Jews like Soros are allowed to have such pride in their ethnicity and religion, and only Jews are allowed to preserve their culture.

He never hesitates to bring up his Jewish background in order to bolster his own credibility.

He lies about Russian motives, claiming Russia wouldn't let the Ukraine be autonomous from them. When in actuality it's the Ukrainians who won't let ethnic Russians be autonomous from them. He doesn't address the fact that the rightfully elected President of Ukraine rejected moves toward the EU, which is why Soros funded the revolution there. Once they got the President to leave the country by terrorism, they tried to impeach him legally. That effort failed. So then the Soros thugs just decided to make their own new government, "the New Ukraine".

Soros' new Nazi regime proceeded to persecute ethnic Russians, doing exactly what he claims Russia is doing to Ukrainians. Yet Russia has only taken over the ethnic Russian areas of eastern Ukraine, and had left the Ukrainians alone. The vast majority of the ethnic Russians in Ukraine want to be independent of the Nazi Ukrainians. But globalist progressives like Soros don't give a damn about the wishes of other people or democracy. He knows what's best for those ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, they should be forced to live under the New Ukraine regime that outlaws Russian.

Yup, we know Soros very well. One of the world's greatest terrorists and pro-globalization progressive blowhards, and hero to the left.
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BS GOP hate propaganda, hater dupes....

That's what I thought, you'd got nothing to counter. Soros is a hateful bigot towards Russians and supported Ukrainian terrorism. He supports the persecution of ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and so must you.

So let's hear it frances, why shouldn't ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine be free to determine their own fate?
BS GOP hate propaganda, hater dupes....

That's what I thought, you'd got nothing to counter. Soros is a hateful bigot towards Russians and supported Ukrainian terrorism. He supports the persecution of ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and so must you.

So let's hear it frances, why shouldn't ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine be free to determine their own fate?
Why is the Russian army there? I'll go with Soros and the USA's policy, Putin lover. There's a real bigot/thug.
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BS GOP hate propaganda, hater dupes....

That's what I thought, you'd got nothing to counter. Soros is a hateful bigot towards Russians and supported Ukrainian terrorism. He supports the persecution of ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and so must you.

So let's hear it frances, why shouldn't ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine be free to determine their own fate?
Why is the Russian army there? I'll go with Soros and the USA's policy, Putin lover. There's a real bigot/thug.

The Russian army is there by the request of the rightfully elected Ukrainian President, to protect the ethnic Russians from being persecuted by the Soros thug regime.

I mean really, if Russia wanted all of Ukraine they would already have taken it all. Do you really think the Ukrainian army can hold back the Russians?

You sound like John McCain, "we're all Georgians!" "We have to fight Russian aggression!"
BS GOP hate propaganda, hater dupes....

That's what I thought, you'd got nothing to counter. Soros is a hateful bigot towards Russians and supported Ukrainian terrorism. He supports the persecution of ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and so must you.

So let's hear it frances, why shouldn't ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine be free to determine their own fate?
Why is the Russian army there? I'll go with Soros and the USA's policy, Putin lover. There's a real bigot/thug.

The Russian army is there by the request of the rightfully elected Ukrainian President, to protect the ethnic Russians from being persecuted by the Soros thug regime.

I mean really, if Russia wanted all of Ukraine they would already have taken it all. Do you really think the Ukrainian army can hold back the Russians?

You sound like John McCain, "we're all Georgians!" "We have to fight Russian aggression!"
Your rightfully elected Pres was a klepto thug like his pal Putin. I'll go with democrats everywhere over your kleptothug fascists, superdupe. Soros is also obviously no thug. Your New BS GOP and whatever fascist crypto-Nazi militia you're a dupe of are a disgrace. Soros is as far from a nazi and communist as you can get. The OP is about his great U. in Hungary which fights their RW idiot gov't with education about democracy, transparency ond tolerance.

Thanks to W and his corrupt cronies for the world depression that is a throwback to the 30's for all this fascist chaos. Peope with minds are not allowing it. Thanks god Dems got in FAST this time to avoid a full blown depression, along with the socialist safety net we have now in the entire modern world. Read something. What idiot fake news blog are you getting your fascist crap from, dupe?
BS GOP hate propaganda, hater dupes....

That's what I thought, you'd got nothing to counter. Soros is a hateful bigot towards Russians and supported Ukrainian terrorism. He supports the persecution of ethnic Russians in the Ukraine, and so must you.

So let's hear it frances, why shouldn't ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine be free to determine their own fate?
Because they were outvoted? So, give up Assad and get E. Ukraine? I could give a shytte. But Soros is not the problem ANYWHERE. Everything you know about him is bs. A 14 year old Jewish Nazi in Hungary? You're out of your tiny minds...
Soros hates America
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Hilariously ironic. So let's see your evidence he hates America. BS, lying excrement GOP duped America maybe.
Soros hates America
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Hilariously ironic. So let's see your evidence he hates America. BS, lying excrement GOP duped America maybe.

Here you go but you're brainwashed so you will not comprehend.

George Soros: Top 10 Reasons He Is Dangerous | Human Events
Bumper sticker dingbat hater dupe. AL total bs

Thats not a bumper sticker. Thats what Soros has done. Keep that head in the sand though.
Who needs evidence? lol. His crime is being too good and influential a businessman and fact checking the gigantic pile of GOP BS, dupe.

You truly are delusional.
Hilariously ironic. So let's see your evidence he hates America. BS, lying excrement GOP duped America maybe.

Here you go but you're brainwashed so you will not comprehend.

George Soros: Top 10 Reasons He Is Dangerous | Human Events
So the brainwashed RWers' view of Soros is proof of his crimes? PFFFFT!!!

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