Everything RW knows about George Soros is wrong. Far Right and Left in Hungary to fight U. closing..

You'll always be a clueless dolt. :)
Name calling and stupid talking points and spam. Typical ignorant dupe/rube. See sig. ALL of it. All proven fact. GO TRUMP- Back to facts, and bring the dupes with you!

Coming from the king name caller
I call you POLITICAL NAMES, since you're duped with lies from a huge bs propaganda machine. Notice I don't call you dolt or other personal insults, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL moron. See sig, last line.
Did I hurt your feelings?
No, but it's not political debate, just ignorance. Trump is learning. Can you?
Trump is learning.

Can't the same be said for every president ever elected?
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

Nazi collaborator.

The Infamous George Soros Interview on 60 Minutes- Nazi Collaboration

And his actions since have ruined millions of people's lives with market manipulation in Britain, Asia, Russia, etc, just so he can make a quick buck. He's not producing anything, he's a pied piper that pulls strings behind the scenes and then makes his money off of shorting markets...which in turn ruins a lot of people's lives. But I guess since they're all faceless statistics we're supposed to be ok with it? This is the guy you're trying to defend?

Let's completely fuck other countries and donate the money to Hillary. What a champion of the people
He was 14 and trying to pass as a non-Jew, DUHHHH. At most delivered notes and told people NOT to go. DUHHHH, dupe. Shortselling is not a crime DUHHHHH. Hillary was a big improvement over Trump in dupe/campaign mode. GO TRUMP!- back to facts and bring the dupes with you. And Soros lost a lot of money doing it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I didn't vote for trump dupe. And there's a difference between passing as a non-Jew, and confiscating Jews riches. But hey I guess someone has to get a cut of the Jews lined up for the gas chambers right?

And short selling is one thing, manipulating markets in order to make a shit ton off of short selling is another thing. Overcharging for life saving medicine isn't a crime so I guess that's morally ok right?
He did none of that, dupe. The Jews he was dealing with DID sell stuff and escaped, certainly not to him. He was fourteen. Ay caramba.
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...
What else did Soros tell you to parrot for us, useful idiot?
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.
The difference is that Soros has destroyed several countries, while the Koch brothers and Sheldon are exclusively participating in American politics.
Epitomizes the RWNJs' need to support that which does them harm.

Alinsky is another example. No, he did not fill the blank of what ever the RWNJ lie is now. In fact, he fought for the working class but they will keep telling and retelling the same idiotic lies about him and about President Obama AND about anyone else who fights for their rights, their future and the future of their families and their country.

Its weird but it seems to be the one thing all RWNJs have in common.
So alinsky never wrote that book haha?
What else did Soros tell you to parrot for us, useful idiot?
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
I found it

The Koch brothers own Georgia Pacific. It is an American consumer goods company that makes everyday products like facial tissue, napkins, paper towels, paper cups and the like. Their plants are great examples of American advanced manufacturing. Incidentally,

GP makes most of its products here in America. The company’s workforce is highly unionized. In fact, 80 percent of its mills are under contract with one or more labor union. It is not inaccurate to say that these are among the best-paid manufacturing jobs in America.

This presents a dilemma and a paradox. While the Koch brothers are credited with advocating an agenda and groups that are clearly hostile to labor and labor’s agenda, the brothers’ company in practice and in general has positive and productive collective bargaining relationships with its unions.

Alas, this is no April Fool’s Day joke. In fact, the article, which goes on much further, is written by Jon Geenen, International President of the United Steelworkers, and published on the USW website. Mr. Geenen goes on to say that boycotting the Koch brothers’ products would not hurt them, but hurt the unionized members who make the products.

Really, the Koch brothers do not have a problem with unions: they have a problem with public sector unions. I’ve always wondered why we need unions for government employees. Unions were started to protect blue collar workers in typically dangerous and hard working conditions, like steel mills, from poor working conditions and harsh bosses/companies. Unions gave the workers in these conditions a chance to collectively bargain for better and safer working conditions, better pay, and better protection. Yet, here we have unions run by far left people who say that government is great and awesome, and is only there to benefit people, but they need a union to protect themselves from the evil government?
Name calling and stupid talking points and spam. Typical ignorant dupe/rube. See sig. ALL of it. All proven fact. GO TRUMP- Back to facts, and bring the dupes with you!

Coming from the king name caller
I call you POLITICAL NAMES, since you're duped with lies from a huge bs propaganda machine. Notice I don't call you dolt or other personal insults, brainwashed FUNCTIONAL moron. See sig, last line.
Did I hurt your feelings?
No, but it's not political debate, just ignorance. Trump is learning. Can you?
Trump is learning.

Can't the same be said for every president ever elected?
Not like this. Bannon is going out with the GOP BS you KNOW, dupe. Corrupt Hillary and Obama- all bs propaganda.
What else did Soros tell you to parrot for us, useful idiot?
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
Anecdotal, means nothing. Read something. If you don't know the GOP is anti-union, you know NOTHING.
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
Anecdotal, means nothing. Read something. If you don't know the GOP is anti-union, you know NOTHING.
FDR was anti-Union, according to your standards.
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
Anecdotal, means nothing. Read something. If you don't know the GOP is anti-union, you know NOTHING.

Only public sector unions.... No one cares about private unions that are not in one.

Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...
What else did Soros tell you to parrot for us, useful idiot?
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.
Actually, they are job creators and innovators, not destroyers of economies through currency manipulation and propaganda.
So.. many illegals vote democrat and are on welfare.
I couldn't have been dumber and more misinformed than I have been. Go Trump- Get back to facts and your roots, and focus on the real Americans ...
Fixed. You can thank me later.

Illegals don't vote DUHHH, if they're on welfare it's because the GOP blocks a good SS ID card- 94% of adult male illegals work, 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes, and they don't need the danger of voting, dupe, real Americans care about truth and justice, not bs and hate, 80% chance racist hater dupe.
You'll always be a clueless dolt. :)
Name calling and stupid talking points and spam. Typical ignorant dupe/rube. See sig. ALL of it. All proven fact. GO TRUMP- Back to facts, and bring the dupes with you!
Talking to yourself again?
Try THINKING about political vs personal name calling.
Well he gave a million to Media Matters a couple years ago, but most of his support goes to democracy and education in other countries that need it. Everything you know about him is pure bs, dupe.

The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
I found it

The Koch brothers own Georgia Pacific. It is an American consumer goods company that makes everyday products like facial tissue, napkins, paper towels, paper cups and the like. Their plants are great examples of American advanced manufacturing. Incidentally,

GP makes most of its products here in America. The company’s workforce is highly unionized. In fact, 80 percent of its mills are under contract with one or more labor union. It is not inaccurate to say that these are among the best-paid manufacturing jobs in America.

This presents a dilemma and a paradox. While the Koch brothers are credited with advocating an agenda and groups that are clearly hostile to labor and labor’s agenda, the brothers’ company in practice and in general has positive and productive collective bargaining relationships with its unions.

Alas, this is no April Fool’s Day joke. In fact, the article, which goes on much further, is written by Jon Geenen, International President of the United Steelworkers, and published on the USW website. Mr. Geenen goes on to say that boycotting the Koch brothers’ products would not hurt them, but hurt the unionized members who make the products.

Really, the Koch brothers do not have a problem with unions: they have a problem with public sector unions. I’ve always wondered why we need unions for government employees. Unions were started to protect blue collar workers in typically dangerous and hard working conditions, like steel mills, from poor working conditions and harsh bosses/companies. Unions gave the workers in these conditions a chance to collectively bargain for better and safer working conditions, better pay, and better protection. Yet, here we have unions run by far left people who say that government is great and awesome, and is only there to benefit people, but they need a union to protect themselves from the evil government?

Yet, here we have unions run by far left people who say that government is great and awesome, and is only there to benefit people, but they need a union to protect themselves from the evil government?

LMAO I forgot all about this...

Only lefty government employees would say how great the government is.... But would need a Union to protect them from the government..
Fixed. You can thank me later.

Illegals don't vote DUHHH, if they're on welfare it's because the GOP blocks a good SS ID card- 94% of adult male illegals work, 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes, and they don't need the danger of voting, dupe, real Americans care about truth and justice, not bs and hate, 80% chance racist hater dupe.
You'll always be a clueless dolt. :)
Name calling and stupid talking points and spam. Typical ignorant dupe/rube. See sig. ALL of it. All proven fact. GO TRUMP- Back to facts, and bring the dupes with you!
Talking to yourself again?
Try THINKING about political vs personal name calling.
Are the people in your life in the habit of calling you a dolt?
I only ask because you seem overly sensitive to that word.
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

Nazi collaborator.

The Infamous George Soros Interview on 60 Minutes- Nazi Collaboration

And his actions since have ruined millions of people's lives with market manipulation in Britain, Asia, Russia, etc, just so he can make a quick buck. He's not producing anything, he's a pied piper that pulls strings behind the scenes and then makes his money off of shorting markets...which in turn ruins a lot of people's lives. But I guess since they're all faceless statistics we're supposed to be ok with it? This is the guy you're trying to defend?

Let's completely fuck other countries and donate the money to Hillary. What a champion of the people
He was 14 and trying to pass as a non-Jew, DUHHHH. At most delivered notes and told people NOT to go. DUHHHH, dupe. Shortselling is not a crime DUHHHHH. Hillary was a big improvement over Trump in dupe/campaign mode. GO TRUMP!- back to facts and bring the dupes with you. And Soros lost a lot of money doing it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I didn't vote for trump dupe. And there's a difference between passing as a non-Jew, and confiscating Jews riches. But hey I guess someone has to get a cut of the Jews lined up for the gas chambers right?

And short selling is one thing, manipulating markets in order to make a shit ton off of short selling is another thing. Overcharging for life saving medicine isn't a crime so I guess that's morally ok right?
He did none of that, dupe. The Jews he was dealing with DID sell stuff and escaped, certainly not to him. He was fourteen. Ay caramba.
I'm going off of his own words. And he states he feels zero remorse for it. Being 14 is not an excuse for looting the houses of Jews sent to their deaths. The Schwartz family were self hating Jews that changes their name to soros...what planet do you live on where this guy is another Schindler?
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

Nazi collaborator.

The Infamous George Soros Interview on 60 Minutes- Nazi Collaboration

And his actions since have ruined millions of people's lives with market manipulation in Britain, Asia, Russia, etc, just so he can make a quick buck. He's not producing anything, he's a pied piper that pulls strings behind the scenes and then makes his money off of shorting markets...which in turn ruins a lot of people's lives. But I guess since they're all faceless statistics we're supposed to be ok with it? This is the guy you're trying to defend?

Let's completely fuck other countries and donate the money to Hillary. What a champion of the people
He was 14 and trying to pass as a non-Jew, DUHHHH. At most delivered notes and told people NOT to go. DUHHHH, dupe. Shortselling is not a crime DUHHHHH. Hillary was a big improvement over Trump in dupe/campaign mode. GO TRUMP!- back to facts and bring the dupes with you. And Soros lost a lot of money doing it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I didn't vote for trump dupe. And there's a difference between passing as a non-Jew, and confiscating Jews riches. But hey I guess someone has to get a cut of the Jews lined up for the gas chambers right?

And short selling is one thing, manipulating markets in order to make a shit ton off of short selling is another thing. Overcharging for life saving medicine isn't a crime so I guess that's morally ok right?
Try some facts- especially #2- Canadian facts.
Fact Check Politics Was George Soros an SS Officer in Nazi Germany?
Claim: During World War II, George Soros was a member of the SS, a Nazi paramilitary organization. See Example(s)
Claimed by: Internet
Fact check by Snopes.com: False
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear - Media Matters
Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear
Sep 20, 2010 - The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis.
George Soros In Nazi SS Uniform During World War II Is A Viral Fake ...
Nov 29, 2016 - George Soros In Nazi SS Uniform During World War II Is A Viral Fake Photo ... A pic of George Soros is his Nazi SS uniform Deplorable BESTRDSP on Twitter .... In Accounting Errors At Housing And Urban Development [Fact Check].
The conservatives always have to have a left winger to demonize, like we do with Sheldon Edelson, or the Koch Bros. The difference being that Sheldon and the Koch boys are destroying democracy and unions to line their own pockets and to be the kind of master puppeteers pulling the strings that conservatives try to paint Soros as.

That would be correct but it's NOT Koch company's have Unions in some of them
If so, no thanks to them. Link?

I get bored of educating you Franco you call them all lies anyways

A few years ago one of the Koch Union employees wrote a letter to the editor defending the KOCH brothers, heck I may have even posted a topic on it here.
I found it

The Koch brothers own Georgia Pacific. It is an American consumer goods company that makes everyday products like facial tissue, napkins, paper towels, paper cups and the like. Their plants are great examples of American advanced manufacturing. Incidentally,

GP makes most of its products here in America. The company’s workforce is highly unionized. In fact, 80 percent of its mills are under contract with one or more labor union. It is not inaccurate to say that these are among the best-paid manufacturing jobs in America.

This presents a dilemma and a paradox. While the Koch brothers are credited with advocating an agenda and groups that are clearly hostile to labor and labor’s agenda, the brothers’ company in practice and in general has positive and productive collective bargaining relationships with its unions.

Alas, this is no April Fool’s Day joke. In fact, the article, which goes on much further, is written by Jon Geenen, International President of the United Steelworkers, and published on the USW website. Mr. Geenen goes on to say that boycotting the Koch brothers’ products would not hurt them, but hurt the unionized members who make the products.

Really, the Koch brothers do not have a problem with unions: they have a problem with public sector unions. I’ve always wondered why we need unions for government employees. Unions were started to protect blue collar workers in typically dangerous and hard working conditions, like steel mills, from poor working conditions and harsh bosses/companies. Unions gave the workers in these conditions a chance to collectively bargain for better and safer working conditions, better pay, and better protection. Yet, here we have unions run by far left people who say that government is great and awesome, and is only there to benefit people, but they need a union to protect themselves from the evil government?

Yet, here we have unions run by far left people who say that government is great and awesome, and is only there to benefit people, but they need a union to protect themselves from the evil government?

LMAO I forgot all about this...

Only lefty government employees would say how great the government is.... But would need a Union to protect them from the government..
Unions are to protect workers from EMPLOYERS DUHHH.
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

Nazi collaborator.

The Infamous George Soros Interview on 60 Minutes- Nazi Collaboration

And his actions since have ruined millions of people's lives with market manipulation in Britain, Asia, Russia, etc, just so he can make a quick buck. He's not producing anything, he's a pied piper that pulls strings behind the scenes and then makes his money off of shorting markets...which in turn ruins a lot of people's lives. But I guess since they're all faceless statistics we're supposed to be ok with it? This is the guy you're trying to defend?

Let's completely fuck other countries and donate the money to Hillary. What a champion of the people
He was 14 and trying to pass as a non-Jew, DUHHHH. At most delivered notes and told people NOT to go. DUHHHH, dupe. Shortselling is not a crime DUHHHHH. Hillary was a big improvement over Trump in dupe/campaign mode. GO TRUMP!- back to facts and bring the dupes with you. And Soros lost a lot of money doing it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I didn't vote for trump dupe. And there's a difference between passing as a non-Jew, and confiscating Jews riches. But hey I guess someone has to get a cut of the Jews lined up for the gas chambers right?

And short selling is one thing, manipulating markets in order to make a shit ton off of short selling is another thing. Overcharging for life saving medicine isn't a crime so I guess that's morally ok right?
He did none of that, dupe. The Jews he was dealing with DID sell stuff and escaped, certainly not to him. He was fourteen. Ay caramba.
I'm going off of his own words. And he states he feels zero remorse for it. Being 14 is not an excuse for looting the houses of Jews sent to their deaths. The Schwartz family were self hating Jews that changes their name to soros...what planet do you live on where this guy is another Schindler?
Levant distorted the conduct of Soros, who was 14 years old at the time. As Media Matters has noted, Soros, who discussed his childhood in Nazi-occupied Hungary in a 1998 interview on CBS' 60 Minutes, was only a young teen during the Holocaust and was under the care of a Hungarian Agriculture Ministry employee, posing as his godson. On 60 Minutes, Soros said that he accompanied his "godfather" as he went to oversee the confiscation of property from Hungarian Jews.

As biographer Michael Kaufman wrote in Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire (page 37):

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss.

Sun issues correction, apologizes to Soros. In a September 18 correction, the Toronto Sun, Sun Media, and Levant retracted the false Nazi collaborator claim and apologized:

On September 5, 2010, a column by Ezra Levant contained false statements about George Soros and his conduct as a young teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Upon receiving a letter of complaint from Mr. Soros's legal counsel on September 13, 2010, Sun Media Corporation always intended to publish a retraction and apology for this column. Despite constant efforts on both sides, Sun Media and Mr. Soros's counsel were unable to reach agreement on the content of a retraction.

The management of Sun Media wishes to state that there is no basis for the statements in the column and they should not have been made.

Sun Media, this newspaper and Ezra Levant retract the statements made in the column and unreservedly apologize to Mr. Soros for the distress and harm this column may have caused to him.
Fixed. You can thank me later.

Illegals don't vote DUHHH, if they're on welfare it's because the GOP blocks a good SS ID card- 94% of adult male illegals work, 67% pay taxes, and 35% own homes, and they don't need the danger of voting, dupe, real Americans care about truth and justice, not bs and hate, 80% chance racist hater dupe.
You'll always be a clueless dolt. :)
Name calling and stupid talking points and spam. Typical ignorant dupe/rube. See sig. ALL of it. All proven fact. GO TRUMP- Back to facts, and bring the dupes with you!
Talking to yourself again?
Try THINKING about political vs personal name calling.

What? Name calling is ok when it's done politically? Yea ad hominems aren't logical fallacies when done in the political context, good reasoning skills
Epitomizes the RWNJs' need to support that which does them harm.

Alinsky is another example. No, he did not fill the blank of what ever the RWNJ lie is now. In fact, he fought for the working class but they will keep telling and retelling the same idiotic lies about him and about President Obama AND about anyone else who fights for their rights, their future and the future of their families and their country.

Its weird but it seems to be the one thing all RWNJs have in common.
Strange Bedfellows Teaming up to Support Embattled Soros-linked University

He's all about democracy, transparency, and fact-checking, so of course he's the RW's bete noir. And no he's not a Nazi lol...

Bullshit. He's about destroying the western States and replacing them with a authoritarian dictatorship. He's a world class piece of shit. Only moronic hater dupes, like you, think he's a good guy. But that's because you ARE a hater dupe...

Bile, hate and lies. Without it, you'd have nothing. With it, you have less than nothing.

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