Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

Not correct. Feminism does not mean victimhood. It means equal rights.

Feminism won you the right to vote. That is awesome.

Are some feminists morons? Absolutely. But overall feminism is a positive force. We all should want equal rights for women.

B'loney. Maybe Feminism once meant that, but it has devolved into the hysterical Rape Culture carrying around a Mattress nonsense.

True feminism still exists. You're focusing on certain aspects you don't like. But the definition of feminism remains a quest for equal rights.

Nonsense. We have equal rights. Now it's about vying for Most Favored Minority status. Witness CISFeminists vs. Trans-women.

Women are not a minority and anyone pushing for such a thing is a moron. I don't know what CISFeminist or transwomen are.

As for equal rights ... there is still debate as to whether that has fully been achieved. How about equal pay for equal work and women being passed up for jobs they're well qualified for because of sexism?

That Equal Pay Canard is worn out. When adjusted for education, type of job, and hours worked, women are paid pretty much the same as men.
That is not true. The debate has not been settled.

Furthermore women are denied certain jobs and education opportunities because of sexist attitudes of those in power.
Not correct. Feminism does not mean victimhood. It means equal rights.

Feminism won you the right to vote. That is awesome.

Are some feminists morons? Absolutely. But overall feminism is a positive force. We all should want equal rights for women.

B'loney. Maybe Feminism once meant that, but it has devolved into the hysterical Rape Culture carrying around a Mattress nonsense.

True feminism still exists. You're focusing on certain aspects you don't like. But the definition of feminism remains a quest for equal rights.

Nonsense. We have equal rights. Now it's about vying for Most Favored Minority status. Witness CISFeminists vs. Trans-women.

Women are not a minority and anyone pushing for such a thing is a moron. I don't know what CISFeminist or transwomen are.

As for equal rights ... there is still debate as to whether that has fully been achieved. How about equal pay for equal work and women being passed up for jobs they're well qualified for because of sexism?

I always hear that couched in terms of "men get $22/hour for construction work so women should get $22/hour for waiting tables". Sorry, those jobs aren't equal.

I personally have never seen men get paid more for doing the same job as a woman. Unless they are more qualified.
That is not true. The debate has not been settled.

Furthermore women are denied certain jobs and education opportunities because of sexist attitudes of those in power.
Such as?

Science education opportunities. It starts very young ... "you're a girl. You're not interested in geology."

That is utter crap. More women go to college these days than do men. They have every opportunity to pursue STEM degrees if they so choose.
I actually know two women just in my small circle who have degrees and cush jobs in science. Three, if you count the doctor. Four if you count the Google computer scientist person who is engaged to my nephew.
And one of them actually is a geologist, who has written books about freaking rocks and lava flow timelines and geologic-y stuff.
I fear for America. I fear for America because far to many young "men" have been groomed to be Pussified Betas. This pretty much sums it up:

I hate how much I love to grill. It’s not that I’m inclined to vegetarianism or that I otherwise object to the practice itself. But I’m uncomfortable with the pleasure I take in something so conventionally masculine. Looming over the coals, tongs in hand, I feel estranged from myself, recast in the role of suburban dad. At such moments, I get the sense that I’ve fallen into a societal trap, one that reaffirms gender roles I’ve spent years trying to undo. The whole business feels retrograde, a relic of some earlier, less inclusive era....

Grilling feminism and masculinity A grand unified theory.
leftist 'males' getting offending by doing things manly men do?

quelling my surprise like a fucking meat eating boss
I fear for America. I fear for America because far to many young "men" have been groomed to be Pussified Betas. This pretty much sums it up:

I hate how much I love to grill. It’s not that I’m inclined to vegetarianism or that I otherwise object to the practice itself. But I’m uncomfortable with the pleasure I take in something so conventionally masculine. Looming over the coals, tongs in hand, I feel estranged from myself, recast in the role of suburban dad. At such moments, I get the sense that I’ve fallen into a societal trap, one that reaffirms gender roles I’ve spent years trying to undo. The whole business feels retrograde, a relic of some earlier, less inclusive era....

Grilling feminism and masculinity A grand unified theory.
leftist 'males' getting offending by doing things manly men do?

quelling my surprise like a fucking meat eating boss

Social Justice Snowflake Male Feminists = Revenge of the Beta Males

It will be a short lived phenom in historical terms; they will die out due to an inability to breed.
If someone has to engage in girly behavior to feel ... whatever...they've got issues too.

I'm sorry you've had such problems. Women feeling obligated to be stereotypically girly is another side of the coin.

Healthy people just focus on being good people and doing what they enjoy. They don't fixate on "manly" or "womanly". It's only the betas, charlies and deltas who aren't confident in themselves, and are constantly trying to overcompensate. Think of the dude showing off the fast car, and the jokes people tell about what his real problem is.
I fear for America. I fear for America because far to many young "men" have been groomed to be Pussified Betas. This pretty much sums it up:

I hate how much I love to grill. It’s not that I’m inclined to vegetarianism or that I otherwise object to the practice itself. But I’m uncomfortable with the pleasure I take in something so conventionally masculine. Looming over the coals, tongs in hand, I feel estranged from myself, recast in the role of suburban dad. At such moments, I get the sense that I’ve fallen into a societal trap, one that reaffirms gender roles I’ve spent years trying to undo. The whole business feels retrograde, a relic of some earlier, less inclusive era....

Grilling feminism and masculinity A grand unified theory.
leftist 'males' getting offending by doing things manly men do?

quelling my surprise like a fucking meat eating boss

Social Justice Snowflake Male Feminists = Revenge of the Beta Males

It will be a short lived phenom in historical terms; they will die out due to an inability to breed.
I knew a guy kinda like this

I couldn't talk about wrecking it b/c he'd get offended and ask me how it felt to treat a woman like that. It never got through that women keep coming back for a reason
That is not true. The debate has not been settled.

Furthermore women are denied certain jobs and education opportunities because of sexist attitudes of those in power.
Such as?

Science education opportunities. It starts very young ... "you're a girl. You're not interested in geology."

That is utter crap. More women go to college these days than do men. They have every opportunity to pursue STEM degrees if they so choose.

And why don't they choose? It is because of sexist attitudes amongst professors and because of sexist attitudes they'be received since growing up. "You're not interested in rocks" "You don't like experimenting with computers" "You don't like designing machines".
If someone has to engage in girly behavior to feel ... whatever...they've got issues too.

I'm sorry you've had such problems. Women feeling obligated to be stereotypically girly is another side of the coin.

Healthy people just focus on being good people and doing what they enjoy. They don't fixate on "manly" or "womanly". It's only the betas, charlies and deltas who aren't confident in themselves, and are constantly trying to overcompensate. Think of the dude showing off the fast car, and the jokes people tell about what his real problem is.

Healthy people don't view Gender as a Social Construct. They accept that Biology is real.
I actually know two women just in my small circle who have degrees and cush jobs in science. Three, if you count the doctor. Four if you count the Google computer scientist person who is engaged to my nephew.
Well then things are getting better them aren't they.

I think feminism is needed to keep these trends going and prevent sexist attitudes from coming back.

Sometimes progress has to be actively maintained against backlash.
That is not true. The debate has not been settled.

Furthermore women are denied certain jobs and education opportunities because of sexist attitudes of those in power.
Such as?

Science education opportunities. It starts very young ... "you're a girl. You're not interested in geology."

That is utter crap. More women go to college these days than do men. They have every opportunity to pursue STEM degrees if they so choose.

And why don't they choose? It is because of sexist attitudes amongst professors and because of sexist attitudes they'be received since growing up. "You're not interested in rocks" "You don't like experimenting with computers" "You don't like designing machines".

Oh Blah Blah Blah Victim Victim Victim Blah Blah Blah.

I posit that the reason some kids, male as well as female, don't choose to pursue STEM subjects is because they are HARD and they have RIGHT AND WRONG ANSWERS. Instead, many kids, male and female, are encouraged to participate in Everybody Gets A Trophy T-Ball subjects by Progressive Academics whose jobs are to brainwash kids into being compliant debt serfs and tax donkeys for Wall Street and DC.

It's not Conservatives running education, bub.
I actually know two women just in my small circle who have degrees and cush jobs in science. Three, if you count the doctor. Four if you count the Google computer scientist person who is engaged to my nephew.
Well then things are getting better them aren't they.

I think feminism is needed to keep these trends going and prevent sexist attitudes from coming back.

Sometimes progress has to be actively maintained against backlash.
Feminism is a blight upon humanity, because what it describes today isn't FEMINISM, it's just nonsense perpetuated to allow extra benefits to a particular group for no good reason except the nature of their birth.
I actually know two women just in my small circle who have degrees and cush jobs in science. Three, if you count the doctor. Four if you count the Google computer scientist person who is engaged to my nephew.
Well then things are getting better them aren't they.

I think feminism is needed to keep these trends going and prevent sexist attitudes from coming back.

Sometimes progress has to be actively maintained against backlash.

Could you possibly be more of an idiot?

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