Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

"If you have questions about this story you are a bat-shit paranoid tin foil dog abusing baby hater and will be reviled by everyone."

Classic. :)
"If you love your country and your freedom,happiness,rainbows,rock & roll,puppy dogs,apple pie,and your Grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone...EVER."

Both hilarious and sad at the same time. That really does sum up the mentality of most average Americans.
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'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

So now you can tell us...how the explosives withstood the fires and were not thrown clear by the impact of the airplane crashes.

Feel free to fill us in now.

I'm no expert. I never claimed to be one. I have posted some excellent Documentary recommendations here though. In those Documentaries you will hear from many well-respected award-winning Engineers and Architects. Check em out.
'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

So now you can tell us...how the explosives withstood the fires and were not thrown clear by the impact of the airplane crashes.

Feel free to fill us in now.

the "explosives" where to take out the central core well within the building and from testimony of wittiness started from the bottom

Pretty awesome video huh? The end of it really does sum up the mentality of most average Americans. :)
Probably time for that new 911 Investigation. I hope it happens.

well that wont happen till the people take back their country and get rid of our corrupt congress and hold our leaders accountable to uphold the constituion and we become a government of the people, for the people, and by the people again instead of for the corporations.
'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

So now you can tell us...how the explosives withstood the fires and were not thrown clear by the impact of the airplane crashes.

Feel free to fill us in now.

the "explosives" where to take out the central core well within the building and from testimony of wittiness started from the bottom

the trolls cant get around that fact. the witness testimonys.:lol::lol::clap2:
'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

So now you can tell us...how the explosives withstood the fires and were not thrown clear by the impact of the airplane crashes.

Feel free to fill us in now.

I'm no expert. I never claimed to be one. I have posted some excellent Documentary recommendations here though. In those Documentaries you will hear from many well-respected award-winning Engineers and Architects. Check em out.

He should be demanding that Bush and Cheney be put under oath and a lie detector and ask THEM the questions since they are the ones that have all the answers.:cuckoo:
'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

excellent video.It takes the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists to school.Notice how agent candycunt-aka obamerican and the Bush dupes dont have any rebuttals just irrelevent questions?
Still no proof. As always, coward.

as usual,the troll coward can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey he is when he is defeated.thanks for proving you did not watch the video kid.:lol:
excellent video.It takes the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists to school.Notice how agent candycunt-aka obamerican and the Bush dupes dont have any rebuttals just irrelevent questions?
Still no proof. As always, coward.

as usual,the troll coward can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey he is when he is defeated.thanks for proving you did not watch the video kid.:lol:
Are you too stupid to read, shithead?

I've asked you about four times now to give me proof of your assertion that I'm an agent. Right the fuck now, cumstain.

Fucking cowardly prick.
Oh noes! Calling for back up! Help! Help!


Fucking pussy.


  • $ScreenHunter_01 Jan. 14 16.02.gif
    $ScreenHunter_01 Jan. 14 16.02.gif
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someone farted in here.happened at 5:50 and 5:58 pm today from the troll.:lol: and 6:04 pm as well i see.lol.
someone farted in here.happened at 5:50 and 5:58 pm today from the troll.:lol:
Another coward who can't back up his bullshit. And we're supposed to take your word for some 9/11 conspiracy?

Epic FAIL, coward.

You got beat up a lot as a child, didn't you? :lmao:

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