Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

A lot of fail in that YouTube.

"I took basic courses in structure". So that makes him an expert in the WTC design? Really? I took basic courses in math, but that doesn't make me an expert in accounting.

"At night when the building were shut down". So I guess they told the employees of foreign companies that they couldn't work when their overseas offices were open.

"Interior column Faraday cage". Why in the world would they build a Faraday cage around the core? What were they shielding the elevators from?

"Black Hole effect". Now it wasn't thermite, but a singularity that brought the towers down?

"The core columns would have collapsed like a telescope". How exactly would the columns have closed up enough to slip down the next section?

"The lobby would have lost power if the planes entered the core". So I guess when he designed the electrical system of the building, he routed all the power up to the top of the building, then brought it back down to the lobby level? :cuckoo:

This whole YouTube looks like it was scripted by Pope Dickey Gage's retarded half-brother.

A lot of fail in that YouTube.

"I took basic courses in structure". So that makes him an expert in the WTC design? Really? I took basic courses in math, but that doesn't make me an expert in accounting.

"At night when the building were shut down". So I guess they told the employees of foreign companies that they couldn't work when their overseas offices were open.

"Interior column Faraday cage". Why in the world would they build a Faraday cage around the core? What were they shielding the elevators from?

"Black Hole effect". Now it wasn't thermite, but a singularity that brought the towers down?

"The core columns would have collapsed like a telescope". How exactly would the columns have closed up enough to slip down the next section?

"The lobby would have lost power if the planes entered the core". So I guess when he designed the electrical system of the building, he routed all the power up to the top of the building, then brought it back down to the lobby level? :cuckoo:

This whole YouTube looks like it was scripted by Pope Dickey Gage's retarded half-brother.

The man was the Chief electrical engineer at the WTC and his opinions are infinitely more valid and credible than yours

A lot of fail in that YouTube.

"I took basic courses in structure". So that makes him an expert in the WTC design? Really? I took basic courses in math, but that doesn't make me an expert in accounting.

"At night when the building were shut down". So I guess they told the employees of foreign companies that they couldn't work when their overseas offices were open.

"Interior column Faraday cage". Why in the world would they build a Faraday cage around the core? What were they shielding the elevators from?

"Black Hole effect". Now it wasn't thermite, but a singularity that brought the towers down?

"The core columns would have collapsed like a telescope". How exactly would the columns have closed up enough to slip down the next section?

"The lobby would have lost power if the planes entered the core". So I guess when he designed the electrical system of the building, he routed all the power up to the top of the building, then brought it back down to the lobby level? :cuckoo:

This whole YouTube looks like it was scripted by Pope Dickey Gage's retarded half-brother.

The man was the Chief electrical engineer at the WTC and his opinions are infinitely more valid and credible than yours

Right. The man who routed all the power through the top of the building, and installed a Faraday cage in the core. :rofl:
Seriously, you mean to tell me there are Americans out there who still believe their Government told them the truth about 9/11? Wow, unbelievable. Unbelievable.
Don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the Obama (blame Bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?
Yes, I have watched the YouTube of the Rube Goldberg 'only cuts vertically' device. Where is a YouTube of one of these gizmos cutting horizontally? If you find a YouTube of this, post it, after posting it you have to look for a YouTube of one cutting diagonally. Then you can post that YouTube too.

And since your video shows them vertically cutting a beam that is either 3/8" or 1/2" think, it still does not answer the question of how much therm?te it would take to cut through a 5" thick column. Maybe you can get the inventor of the 'vertical only' device to scale it up and make a YouTube. That would be cool.

And finally, maybe someone could make a YouTube showing how they would conceal the massive YouTube device so that the everyday occupants wouldn't see them.

Funny how you claim the video shows a "Rube Goldberg 'only cuts vertically' device" when just past the 8 minute mark the video shows the cutting of a vertical column. I guess you didn't watch it after all, did you?

And you do realize that the structural steel was not exposed to the people who worked in the towers, don't you? "Every day occupants" would never have a reason to see anything other than the finish of their offices.

Yes I did see the vertical cut made in the vertical column. Now show a device making a horizontal cut in a vertical column.

The elevator maintenance people count as "everyday occupants". How did they not see the cutters while they were doing routine maintenance & repairs? Or were they in on it?

And did you know that above the 78th floor some of the core columns were inside the occupied space because they didn't need as many elevators? How would they put the cutting devices on these without being seen?

For example, here is the core plan for the 87th floor of the north tower. Notice that 12 of the core columns are separated from the elevator banks.


Sorry... Vertical column cut horizontally @ 9:53. I guess you really didn't watch it, did you?
So, the 100+ eye witnesses mean what to you exactly?

So, the alternative is that some engine had to be planted into one of the more secure office structures in the world.

You're reasoning skills are incredibly weak or you're just being an idiot on purpose.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the "100+ eyewitnesses", I've only seen an interview with ONE, and his credibility was quite weak.
Here are about twenty plus some commentary about the personal effects found in the wreckage:

American Airlines Flight 77 Crash Evidence - 911myths

Planted? Where did I say that? From what I've gathered there was only one engine recovered, and it didn't belong to a Boeing airplane.
So two planes crashed? Or I guess you're supposing that something happened to AA77 besides' it crashing into the Pentagon ?

You ruled out the missile--with a plane engine being planted and all....will you at the very least rule out a missile or is that a bridge too far for you?

I still don't understand how a plane can hit a building and not leave wings or tail section to be found, or even the mark of their impact on the facade. Can you explain that to me?

Here are the plane wings leaving a mark.


You could find it too by Googline "wing marks on the Pentagon".

You would do well to stop putting words in my mouth. Your pissy attitude does little to engender discussion, but it goes a long way towards making me hostile to whatever point you may try to make.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the "100+ eyewitnesses", I've only seen an interview with ONE, and his credibility was quite weak.
Here are about twenty plus some commentary about the personal effects found in the wreckage:

American Airlines Flight 77 Crash Evidence - 911myths

So two planes crashed? Or I guess you're supposing that something happened to AA77 besides' it crashing into the Pentagon ?

You ruled out the missile--with a plane engine being planted and all....will you at the very least rule out a missile or is that a bridge too far for you?

I still don't understand how a plane can hit a building and not leave wings or tail section to be found, or even the mark of their impact on the facade. Can you explain that to me?

Here are the plane wings leaving a mark.


You could find it too by Googline "wing marks on the Pentagon".

You would do well to stop putting words in my mouth. Your pissy attitude does little to engender discussion, but it goes a long way towards making me hostile to whatever point you may try to make.

Gee, a twoofer who can't back up her own statements. That almost always happens.

Another victim.

don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the obama (blame bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

Maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?

it makes no difference what party holds office both serve the same masters and presidents follow orders...or are shot in broad daylight in front of the whole world
Here are about twenty plus some commentary about the personal effects found in the wreckage:

American Airlines Flight 77 Crash Evidence - 911myths

So two planes crashed? Or I guess you're supposing that something happened to AA77 besides' it crashing into the Pentagon ?

You ruled out the missile--with a plane engine being planted and all....will you at the very least rule out a missile or is that a bridge too far for you?

Here are the plane wings leaving a mark.


You could find it too by Googline "wing marks on the Pentagon".

You would do well to stop putting words in my mouth. Your pissy attitude does little to engender discussion, but it goes a long way towards making me hostile to whatever point you may try to make.

Gee, a twoofer who can't back up her own statements. That almost always happens.

Another victim.


You're such a child, it is funny to witness. If you want to argue with me that's fine, I welcome it, but if your 'argument' consists of standing up strawmen it will do little good to continue.
You would do well to stop putting words in my mouth. Your pissy attitude does little to engender discussion, but it goes a long way towards making me hostile to whatever point you may try to make.

Gee, a twoofer who can't back up her own statements. That almost always happens.

Another victim.


You're such a child, it is funny to witness. If you want to argue with me that's fine, I welcome it, but if your 'argument' consists of standing up strawmen it will do little good to continue.

Okay...tell us what you think happened at the Pentagon.

Obviously a plane engine was found; American airlines wreckage was found, passenger DNA was found, passenger personal effects were found, there were 100+ witnesses that saw a plane, lightpoles whose spacing indicate a large jet liner were laying all ofer the place; the explosion was identical to the same explosions witnessed in Manhattan in terms of the dimension of the fireball; nobody who boarded AA77 was ever seen again, phone calls made from the plane indicated that the plane was hijacked; three other planes were hijacked that same day, radar tracked the plane into Pentagon airspace but not leaving it.

Feel free to tackle any of those strawmen if you would. Feel free to admit you can't. Twoofers never want to address specifics. I'm sure if you are man enough to engage, we'll get volumes about anything but those points above. Typical. Not-effective. Twoofers are losers.
Gee, a twoofer who can't back up her own statements. That almost always happens.

Another victim.


You're such a child, it is funny to witness. If you want to argue with me that's fine, I welcome it, but if your 'argument' consists of standing up strawmen it will do little good to continue.

Okay...tell us what you think happened at the Pentagon.

Obviously a plane engine was found; American airlines wreckage was found, passenger DNA was found, passenger personal effects were found, there were 100+ witnesses that saw a plane, lightpoles whose spacing indicate a large jet liner were laying all ofer the place; the explosion was identical to the same explosions witnessed in Manhattan in terms of the dimension of the fireball; nobody who boarded AA77 was ever seen again, phone calls made from the plane indicated that the plane was hijacked; three other planes were hijacked that same day, radar tracked the plane into Pentagon airspace but not leaving it.

Feel free to tackle any of those strawmen if you would. Feel free to admit you can't. Twoofers never want to address specifics. I'm sure if you are man enough to engage, we'll get volumes about anything but those points above. Typical. Not-effective. Twoofers are losers.

Try this on for size, Cornpone. I never said a plane DIDN'T hit the Pentagon. If you think I did, please quote me. The ENTIRE thread is right here waiting for you to prove your intelligence, give it a go, genius!

Until you can do that, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!
You're such a child, it is funny to witness. If you want to argue with me that's fine, I welcome it, but if your 'argument' consists of standing up strawmen it will do little good to continue.

Okay...tell us what you think happened at the Pentagon.

Obviously a plane engine was found; American airlines wreckage was found, passenger DNA was found, passenger personal effects were found, there were 100+ witnesses that saw a plane, lightpoles whose spacing indicate a large jet liner were laying all ofer the place; the explosion was identical to the same explosions witnessed in Manhattan in terms of the dimension of the fireball; nobody who boarded AA77 was ever seen again, phone calls made from the plane indicated that the plane was hijacked; three other planes were hijacked that same day, radar tracked the plane into Pentagon airspace but not leaving it.

Feel free to tackle any of those strawmen if you would. Feel free to admit you can't. Twoofers never want to address specifics. I'm sure if you are man enough to engage, we'll get volumes about anything but those points above. Typical. Not-effective. Twoofers are losers.

Try this on for size, Cornpone. I never said a plane DIDN'T hit the Pentagon. If you think I did, please quote me. The ENTIRE thread is right here waiting for you to prove your intelligence, give it a go, genius!

Until you can do that, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!

So you agree AA77 hit the Pentagon? Earlier you said the engine came from somewhere else. Explain what you think happened. I'll have a good chuckle and explain why your wrong.
Funny how you claim the video shows a "Rube Goldberg 'only cuts vertically' device" when just past the 8 minute mark the video shows the cutting of a vertical column. I guess you didn't watch it after all, did you?

And you do realize that the structural steel was not exposed to the people who worked in the towers, don't you? "Every day occupants" would never have a reason to see anything other than the finish of their offices.

Yes I did see the vertical cut made in the vertical column. Now show a device making a horizontal cut in a vertical column.

The elevator maintenance people count as "everyday occupants". How did they not see the cutters while they were doing routine maintenance & repairs? Or were they in on it?

And did you know that above the 78th floor some of the core columns were inside the occupied space because they didn't need as many elevators? How would they put the cutting devices on these without being seen?

For example, here is the core plan for the 87th floor of the north tower. Notice that 12 of the core columns are separated from the elevator banks.


Sorry... Vertical column cut horizontally @ 9:53. I guess you really didn't watch it, did you?

I don't call cutting through only 1/3 of the column a successful test, so that one doesn't count.

And when are you going to get around to telling me how much therm?te it would take to cut through 5 inches of steel? Or provide a photo or YouTubeey of the device it would take to do it?
Okay...tell us what you think happened at the Pentagon.

Obviously a plane engine was found; American airlines wreckage was found, passenger DNA was found, passenger personal effects were found, there were 100+ witnesses that saw a plane, lightpoles whose spacing indicate a large jet liner were laying all ofer the place; the explosion was identical to the same explosions witnessed in Manhattan in terms of the dimension of the fireball; nobody who boarded AA77 was ever seen again, phone calls made from the plane indicated that the plane was hijacked; three other planes were hijacked that same day, radar tracked the plane into Pentagon airspace but not leaving it.

Feel free to tackle any of those strawmen if you would. Feel free to admit you can't. Twoofers never want to address specifics. I'm sure if you are man enough to engage, we'll get volumes about anything but those points above. Typical. Not-effective. Twoofers are losers.

Try this on for size, Cornpone. I never said a plane DIDN'T hit the Pentagon. If you think I did, please quote me. The ENTIRE thread is right here waiting for you to prove your intelligence, give it a go, genius!

Until you can do that, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!

So you agree AA77 hit the Pentagon? Earlier you said the engine came from somewhere else. Explain what you think happened. I'll have a good chuckle and explain why your wrong.

Wrong again, I said...
GuyPinestra said:
Others with more knowledge than I have said that the 'engine' recovered from the Pentagon didn't belong to the type of airplane that 'hit' it
I wouldn't know a jet engine from a rocket motor myself, and you have my permission to chuckle at that all you want.

Now quit trying to tell me what I said, you're beginning to look a little foolish.
Yes I did see the vertical cut made in the vertical column. Now show a device making a horizontal cut in a vertical column.

The elevator maintenance people count as "everyday occupants". How did they not see the cutters while they were doing routine maintenance & repairs? Or were they in on it?

And did you know that above the 78th floor some of the core columns were inside the occupied space because they didn't need as many elevators? How would they put the cutting devices on these without being seen?

For example, here is the core plan for the 87th floor of the north tower. Notice that 12 of the core columns are separated from the elevator banks.


Sorry... Vertical column cut horizontally @ 9:53. I guess you really didn't watch it, did you?

I don't call cutting through only 1/3 of the column a successful test, so that one doesn't count.

And when are you going to get around to telling me how much therm?te it would take to cut through 5 inches of steel? Or provide a photo or YouTubeey of the device it would take to do it?

You should quit moving the goalposts, Rat. The device cut through it horizontally.

As for quantities, how the hell would I know? Considering the fact that military-grade NANO-thermite isn't available to test, your guess would probably be as good as mine. Judging by the video it would take several pounds of regular thermate to do the job.
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Guy your wasting your time on Moron In That hat and Candyass.They are paid trolls sent here to try and derail 9/11 truth discussions.Its best not to bother with them.they are just here seekting your attention and to waste your time.they know as well as you do that it was an inside job.they wont admit it of course or their handlers will stop paying them.

you've heard the old saying.

Don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the Obama (blame Bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?

you should add that stuff you just posted to your link in your sig you have.That is some hilarious stuff on the net you just posted.

Now THAT is more hilarious than anything thats in that link what you just posted.:lol:

You must still be in high school.Thats the ONLY thing that makes any sense that explains why your as dense and naive as you are. Presidents have committed autrocites against the american people for decades now and the newly sworn in president never pursues what they did because both parties are corrupt.Its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

The constitution has been trashed by Obama and many other presidents in recent years the last few decades.In the constitution it states the government is suppose to serve the people.we are not suppose to serve them which is what we do now.:cuckoo:

9/11 was done so the patriot act could be passed.If you ever bothered to find out what the patriot act states, you would understand that it is against us.Its not for us.:cuckoo:

Obama has expanded everything Bush got started and lied about everything he said he would do once he got into office.He said we would vote against the patriot act before he became president.He reversed himself once he got in office and reinstated it.He launched more drone attacks against civilians in pakistan and afghanistan in his first year in office more than Bush did in his entire 8 years in office and your seriously asking if he would pursue this? :lol:

Also you might actually take the time to watch that video here he posted before making anymore laughable comments on this thread.:lol:

Seriously, you mean to tell me there are Americans out there who still believe their Government told them the truth about 9/11? Wow, unbelievable. Unbelievable.

what I wish is that the official conspiracy theory apologists like that last poster on page 39 who replied after you did would actually take the time to watch the video before coming on here and making such ignorant comments first.I mean is that too much to ask just to take five minutes out of yout time to view a video?:rolleyes:
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Don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the Obama (blame Bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?

Dude wake the hell up already.:cuckoo:


Yeah there was a lawsuit from delegates of Romneys who were forced to be delegates of his who filed a lawsuit against RNC and of course our corrupt court system throughout the lawsuit.They also came up with last minute rule changes at the RNC convention to sabatoge Ron Pauls election.

They wanted to make sure Romney got the nomination and thast because they dont care if Obama ir Romney gets in office because they are both corrupt.Both bought off and paid for by wall street here to serve them instead of us so as long as one of them is in office,they dont care.Neither of them believe in the constitution and are war mongrels so they are happy either way.

You are too dense to realise that Ron Paul being elected would be the only way that the crimes of The Bush administration would have been pursued.He was the only candidate who believes in the constitution and not a member of that evil organization the CFR.:cuckoo:
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Sorry... Vertical column cut horizontally @ 9:53. I guess you really didn't watch it, did you?

I don't call cutting through only 1/3 of the column a successful test, so that one doesn't count.

And when are you going to get around to telling me how much therm?te it would take to cut through 5 inches of steel? Or provide a photo or YouTubeey of the device it would take to do it?

You should quit moving the goalposts, Rat. The device cut through it horizontally.

As for quantities, how the hell would I know? Considering the fact that military-grade NANO-thermite isn't available to test, your guess would probably be as good as mine. Judging by the video it would take several pounds of regular thermate to do the job.

OK, here we go starting the never ending journey down the Truther Yellow Brick Road Of Woo. Now the new goal post is military-grade NANO-thermite. Next it will be the thermite filled columns acting like jets, followed by the red/grey nano-thermite paint.

Why don't we just skip all that and jump right to Dr Tracy Blevins "metal into foam" space ray, OK? It will save a lot of time and bandwidth.

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