Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GHM5f9lVho]Pentagon Attack Cab Driver Lloyde England's Virtual Confession - YouTube[/ame]
So neither you nor any of these youtube videos can answer the simple questions I asked that anyone who makes the assertions you did should be able to answer, if they really knew what they were talking about and you don't...strange how some people fantasize their world view from youtube clips and internet websites....very strange.
eots would be mute if not for utube!
So neither you nor any of these youtube videos can answer the simple questions I asked that anyone who makes the assertions you did should be able to answer, if they really knew what they were talking about and you don't...strange how some people fantasize their world view from youtube clips and internet websites....very strange.
eots would be mute if not for utube!

youtube is just a format to disseminate information and there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube..how else do you show the verbal testimony of the taxi driver ...the gramophone ?
So neither you nor any of these youtube videos can answer the simple questions I asked that anyone who makes the assertions you did should be able to answer, if they really knew what they were talking about and you don't...strange how some people fantasize their world view from youtube clips and internet websites....very strange.
eots would be mute if not for utube!

youtube is just a format to disseminate information and there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube..how else do you show the verbal testimony of the taxi driver ...the gramophone ?
really shit for brains ?"there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube.."eots :lol::lol::lol:

either something is fact or it's not
for your edification: Definition of INHERENT
: involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit.
by you definition you tube does nothing...
eots would be mute if not for utube!

youtube is just a format to disseminate information and there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube..how else do you show the verbal testimony of the taxi driver ...the gramophone ?
really shit for brains ?"there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube.."eots :lol::lol::lol:

either something is fact or it's not
for your edification: Definition of INHERENT
: involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit.
by you definition you tube does nothing...

you have no Idea what you are struggling to say...do you

I've never seen that interview before. I guess I'll have to look deeper into the Pentagon aspect of the 9/11 'attacks'.
youtube is just a format to disseminate information and there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube..how else do you show the verbal testimony of the taxi driver ...the gramophone ?
really shit for brains ?"there is nothing inherently factual or non-factual in information on youtube.."eots :lol::lol::lol:

either something is fact or it's not
for your edification: Definition of INHERENT
: involved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit.
by you definition you tube does nothing...

you have no Idea what you are struggling to say...do you
as always you're wrong
my guess is you in your ignorant way were trying and failing to say, you tube is nonpartisan .
it will present all submissions whether or not they are total bullshit like the ones you post.
Interesting.It looks like I have made orBeMezaTtnoD'd ignore list.:lol::lol::D:lol:

Don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the Obama (blame Bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?

Dude wake the hell up already.:cuckoo:


Yeah there was a lawsuit from delegates of Romneys who were forced to be delegates of his who filed a lawsuit against RNC and of course our corrupt court system throughout the lawsuit.They also came up with last minute rule changes at the RNC convention to sabatoge Ron Pauls election.

They wanted to make sure Romney got the nomination and thast because they dont care if Obama ir Romney gets in office because they are both corrupt.Both bought off and paid for by wall street here to serve them instead of us so as long as one of them is in office,they dont care.Neither of them believe in the constitution and are war mongrels so they are happy either way.

You are too dense to realise that Ron Paul being elected would be the only way that the crimes of The Bush administration would have been pursued.He was the only candidate who believes in the constitution and not a member of that evil organization the CFR.:cuckoo:

you should add that stuff you just posted to your link in your sig you have.That is some hilarious stuff on the net you just posted.

Now THAT is more hilarious than anything thats in that link what you just posted.

You must still be in high school.Thats the ONLY thing that makes any sense that explains why your as dense and naive as you are. Presidents have committed autrocites against the american people for decades now and the newly sworn in president never pursues what they did because both parties are corrupt.Its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

The constitution has been trashed by Obama and many other presidents in recent years the last few decades.In the constitution it states the government is suppose to serve the people.we are not suppose to serve them which is what we do now.

9/11 was done so the patriot act could be passed.If you ever bothered to find out what the patriot act states, you would understand that it is against us.Its not for us.

Obama has expanded everything Bush got started and lied about everything he said he would do once he got into office.He said we would vote against the patriot act before he became president.He reversed himself once he got in office and reinstated it.He launched more drone attacks against civilians in pakistan and afghanistan in his first year in office more than Bush did in his entire 8 years in office and your seriously asking if he would pursue this?

Also you might actually take the time to watch that video here he posted before making anymore laughable comments on this thread.

Seriously, you mean to tell me there are Americans out there who still believe their Government told them the truth about 9/11? Wow, unbelievable. Unbelievable.

what I wish is that the official conspiracy theory apologists like that last poster on page 39 who replied after you did would actually take the time to watch the video before coming on here and making such ignorant comments first.I mean is that too much to ask just to take five minutes out of yout time to view a video?
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so neither you nor any of these youtube videos can answer the simple questions i asked that anyone who makes the assertions you did should be able to answer, if they really knew what they were talking about and you don't...strange how some people fantasize their world view from youtube clips and internet websites....very strange.

not near as strange as those who characterize factual information on rockefeller's unwarranted influence on government policy and cheneys admission he lied to voters about his involvement in the cfr and bush and kerrys admission to being members of the same secret society as "youtube clips" and fantasize their world to that which to controlled corporate media feeds them...very strange


as usual,the loyal Bush dupes only see what they WANT to see and dodge the facts.:lol:
Interesting.It looks like I have made orBeMezaTtnoD'd ignore list.:lol::lol::D:lol:

Don't you think if there was any credible evidence that 9/11 was an inside job the Obama (blame Bush for everything) administration would have pursued it? Or were they in on it too?

maybe 9/11 didn't really happen, after all everyone knows the government faked putting a man on the moon, didn't they?

Dude wake the hell up already.:cuckoo:


edited for waste of bandwidth .................................................
Well? Yes or no?

The animation from the NTSB of the data in the flight recorder shows the plane nowhere near those light poles, so I don't honestly know.

Really? Where does is show the plane being and at what time?

It shows the plane to the north of the lightpoles and 400+ feet in the air.

You should watch it if your attention span is long enough... All the data used in the simulation comes from the flight data recorder they say was recovered on scene.
The animation from the NTSB of the data in the flight recorder shows the plane nowhere near those light poles, so I don't honestly know.

Really? Where does is show the plane being and at what time?

It shows the plane to the north of the lightpoles and 400+ feet in the air.

You should watch it if your attention span is long enough... All the data used in the simulation comes from the flight data recorder they say was recovered on scene.

So the altitude never got to zero?
Really? Where does is show the plane being and at what time?

It shows the plane to the north of the lightpoles and 400+ feet in the air.

You should watch it if your attention span is long enough... All the data used in the simulation comes from the flight data recorder they say was recovered on scene.

So the altitude never got to zero?

Why don't you spend the hour to watch it yourself? It's very illuminating, especially the last 10 minutes...
It shows the plane to the north of the lightpoles and 400+ feet in the air.

You should watch it if your attention span is long enough... All the data used in the simulation comes from the flight data recorder they say was recovered on scene.

So the altitude never got to zero?

Why don't you spend the hour to watch it yourself? It's very illuminating, especially the last 10 minutes...

It would be easier if you would just tell me if the FDR ever read zero. I'd hate to waste an hour watching it and not find out.

Be a dear and let us know if it ever got to zero.

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