Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

Now if I hadnt just posted just now that would have been THREE farts in a row from you Moron In the Hat.:poop:
So, someone posts a video of who knows what and you consider it to be factual? Are you really that gullible, or is it confirmation bias?

Usually when someone dumps a black granular substance from a rifle cartridge you can assume it to be gunpowder, no?

And where is this goofy bar b q boy going to get a thermate grenade, anyway?

Your 'videos' prove nothing other than you are unwillingness to address the question I've asked.

What handheld cutting device can cut through 5 inch thick steel at a temperature so high that it leaves massive amounts of slag visible at the cut?

911 Vancouver Hearings

One step closer to the truth!



Look into something called Cerenkov Radiation, do a Google search for WTC demolition, WTC memorial, and Crenkov Radiation.

Quantity Of Fallout​

Another indication that the device might have been a reactor is the quantity of fallout. The ‘fallout’ refers to the ppm’s found in the dust from the World Trade Center by the USGS. Different estimates are available for the mass of the towers and how much of that mass was steel as opposed to concrete. These estimates are very close to 200,000 tons of steel and 400,000 tons of concrete for the two Twin Towers together, total.Conservatively, we can estimate that 100,000 tons of structural concrete from each of the towers was pulverized into dust from the force of the explosions. With a minimum of 600ppm of Strontium and 1000ppm by weight of Zinc present in the dust, that translates into 60 tons of Strontium and 100 tons of Zinc in the dust. If we generously assume that as much as one third of the Uranium originally present transmuted into Strontium, this would put the original mass of Uranium present at about 470 tons, per tower. This is a staggering amount. If a lower portion of the Uranium in reactors fssioned into Strontium, then even more Uranium would have been present. How Much Uranium Is There In Nuclear Devices? This depends upon size and power alone. Taking the example of the Indian Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, this contains 1,758 fuel subassemblies in the core; each subassembly is made up of 217 tubes or fuel pins with an outside diameter of 6.6mm, an internal diameter of 5.7mm and a length of 2.7m. This gives a volume of 6.9 x10-5m 3per pin and a total fuel volume of 26.3 m 3 in the core. The fuel used is normally an 80% - 20% mixture of Uranium Oxide and Plutonium Oxide but enriched Uranium was used on earlier FBR reactors. Let’s assume we use a pure Uranium fuel, which means we are exaggerating the amount of Uranium present in an FBR, but on the other hand FBRs (there are only a handful in operation) have a smaller core than a conventional thermal reactor – so this estimate will actually be lower than what we would expect in a conventional nuclear reactor.Uranium has a density of 18,950 kg m
-3. Therefore with a volume of 26.3m3 of fuel, this equates to nearly 500tons of Uranium present in the cores.These estimates may not be so far off the mark and they seem to support the view that if these explosions we're caused by reactors and not bombs that there were two reactors, and perhaps more. With one larger reactor under each tower this would account for the seismic signals and nuclear blast signatures. So the amount of fallout maybe consistent with more then one reactor.For another example we can consider the small Magnox nuclear reactor first built at Calder Hall in the UK, which went live in 1956. This contained 10,200 fuel elements, each rod of Uranium one meter long with a diameter of 25mm. The total volume of Uranium was therefore 5m3 and the total weight of Uranium fuel in the core was 95tons. This was a small reactor by modern standards but still contains over 1000 times as much Uranium as would be found in a small atomic bomb. The quantity of fallout that was measured in the World Trade Center dust is quite high and provides evidence that the explosions might have been caused by reactors yet there is equal potential that bombs were used since we aren’t privy to current high technology used or the infinite possibilities achieved by the nuclear research industry and the real truth is, we just don’t know. We know, with conclusive data obtained from following decay paths that fission occurred in New York City on September 11th, 2001 but we don’t know what type of device caused it.

Cars and trucks were turned upside down, the force of the explosion was so fierce.


Why did it take so long to clean up and build the memorial? Because the site was still "hot."

Evidence Of Advanced Technology
In “Dust” part 1 we provide conclusive forensic evidence that ternary fission and probably quaternary fission occurred in New York City on September 11th. We have the bullet, which means there must have been a gun, but the gun disintegrated with the Twin Towers and we can now only speculate on what type of gun it was. In “Dust” part 2, we confirm beyond any doubt the existence of pools of molten metal and continuing high heat regenerating larger particulates that can only be accounted for as a result of nuclear activity. In “Dust” part 3, we examine Myeloma, Controlled Demolition and the China Syndrome. Here we will examine the evidence related to technologies that are advanced and technologies we have very little information on, but we do have some, and enough to know they exist. What do we know for certain? 1. We see fission occurring in New York City on September 11th. 2. The large amount of Zinc produced is a typical of known nuclear explosion types. 3. The speculation that hundreds of tons of Uranium may have been present based on the very high levels of Barium and Strontium found in the World Trade Center dust samples. 4. An area of 50 miles around New York City was not destroyed. When the World Trade Center was constructed, the famous “metal Sculpture” was commissioned from the German artist Fritz Konig. It was installed in the plaza between the towers, where it rotated once every 24 hours. Konig called it the “Great Spherical Caryatid”. A caryatid is a female version of Atlas, who carried the world on his shoulders. The sculpture was supposed to signify world peace through commerce. “Konig’s Sphere” as it became known survived the destruction of the towers largely intact, can be seen in many photos taken at Ground Zero, and was re-installed in Battery Park in 2002. The original height of the sphere was 7.62 meters, which is a significant harmonic number in wave mechanics. (Konig’s Sphere is pictured at Ground Zero on the next page
) In the light of what we know, that there are advanced nuclear reactor designs and advanced weapons designs, this supposedly bronze and steel ‘metal sculpture’ that managed to survive pulverization by thousands of tons of falling steel and concrete, becomes an intriguing object. At first glance it looks more like a functional technical artefact then a piece of abstract modern art sculpture. It seems to have little to do with “peace through commerce” and more the function of a collecting device at the focus of a parabolic refactor or other type of wave concentrator. The World Trade Center Memorial After the collapse, an international competition was held to select an architectural design for a permanent memorial to mark the World Trade Center site. The winning design – and a number of other entries – have as their central feature a sunken pool of water covering the footprint of each tower. Visitors will descend through a passageway to the side of the pool, which they can then look at through a veil of falling water, cascading down the sides of the sunken enclosure. Water is one of the best radiation absorbers. It’s used to cover the control rods in nuclear reactors because it works to protect humans from the severe radiation that would otherwise be absorbed.It is also inconspicuous. Covering the footprint of each tower with water and protecting visitors with a curtain of water is an effective way to contain at least the direct radiation emitted upwards by the remains of whatever nuclear devices may remain down there, buried 100 meters below the ground.
So, someone posts a video of who knows what and you consider it to be factual? Are you really that gullible, or is it confirmation bias?

Usually when someone dumps a black granular substance from a rifle cartridge you can assume it to be gunpowder, no?

And where is this goofy bar b q boy going to get a thermate grenade, anyway?

Your 'videos' prove nothing other than you are unwillingness to address the question I've asked.

What handheld cutting device can cut through 5 inch thick steel at a temperature so high that it leaves massive amounts of slag visible at the cut?

Tell me how much therm?te it would take to burn through 5 inches of steel considering Nat Geo couldn't even damage 1/2 steel with 175 pounds of it.

Then tell me how they concealed the massive amount of therm?te so that none of the office workers or maintenance crews saw it.

Tell me how much therm?te it would take to burn through 5 inches of steel considering Nat Geo couldn't even damage 1/2 steel with 175 pounds of it.

Then tell me how they concealed the massive amount of therm?te so that none of the office workers or maintenance crews saw it.
Your problem is denial, or more technically, cognitive dissonance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance. Please adjust. You don't even bother to read other people's posts. In the video that eots posted, "Thermite Cutting Steele - Validated - Experimentally Demonstrated," if you had bothered to watch it, all of your questions would have been addressed. There is really no reason for you to post any further. You are being an disingenuous troll if you do.

National Geographic couldn't cut a thinner column with 175 pounds of thermite...

What National Geographic has to say about thermite and 9/11/2001 - YouTube

... the Mythbusters couldn't cut an SUV in half with 1000 pounds of thermite... (starts at 3:00 minutes)

MythBusters-End With a Bang-Part 5 - YouTube

... yet the 9/11 perps cut 5 inch thick columns with thermite charges small enough not to be noticed??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.
National Geographic couldn't cut a thinner column with 175 pounds of thermite...

What National Geographic has to say about thermite and 9/11/2001 - YouTube

... the Mythbusters couldn't cut an SUV in half with 1000 pounds of thermite... (starts at 3:00 minutes)

MythBusters-End With a Bang-Part 5 - YouTube

... yet the 9/11 perps cut 5 inch thick columns with thermite charges small enough not to be noticed??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.

Still pretending to know what your talking about.

And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.
I think this is probably where the public get confused, and really it is a bizarre story. It is also what there is a separate truth movement that is sort of arcane, that most of the truth movement doesn't understand. It is called the "Pilots for Truth" movement. But it is integral for gaining a complete picture. It is instructive for us to realize that remote piloted technology was available long before drones were in common use in the middle east. but they were not used. They certainly made a great debut on 911.

It is not posited so much that there "were no planes," so much as that what flew into the World Trade Centers were not what we were told. Why? Well, first off, two of the planes that we were told were supposed to be flying that day, were not actually scheduled to be flying. Two planes that supposedly crashed, at the time of the crash, still were in the air, AFTER the crash. All planes have transponders, things that plot where they should be, and these continued to track their location, after the crashes.

So tell me how cars and trucks got flipped upside down, and became scorched?
So, someone posts a video of who knows what and you consider it to be factual? Are you really that gullible, or is it confirmation bias?

Usually when someone dumps a black granular substance from a rifle cartridge you can assume it to be gunpowder, no?

And where is this goofy bar b q boy going to get a thermate grenade, anyway?

Your 'videos' prove nothing other than you are unwillingness to address the question I've asked.

What handheld cutting device can cut through 5 inch thick steel at a temperature so high that it leaves massive amounts of slag visible at the cut?

Tell me how much therm?te it would take to burn through 5 inches of steel considering Nat Geo couldn't even damage 1/2 steel with 175 pounds of it.

Then tell me how they concealed the massive amount of therm?te so that none of the office workers or maintenance crews saw it.

Did you not watch the video that showed how to FOCUS the thermate to accomplish the task?

It's only 15 minutes and highly educational...

Last edited:
And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.
I think this is probably where the public get confused, and really it is a bizarre story. It is also what there is a separate truth movement that is sort of arcane, that most of the truth movement doesn't understand. It is called the "Pilots for Truth" movement. But it is integral for gaining a complete picture. It is instructive for us to realize that remote piloted technology was available long before drones were in common use in the middle east. but they were not used. They certainly made a great debut on 911.

And what would have to happen to have four planes in 3 different states be remote controlled--covering thousands of square miles--at times 2-3 miles high. Certainly your imagination isn't dreaming up that someone on the ground with a TV remote is doing this right? Please elaborate.

It is not posited so much that there "were no planes," so much as that what flew into the World Trade Centers were not what we were told. Why? Well, first off, two of the planes that we were told were supposed to be flying that day, were not actually scheduled to be flying.
Ahh, so the passengers bought tickets to flights that didn't exist.

Two planes that supposedly crashed, at the time of the crash, still were in the air, AFTER the crash. All planes have transponders, things that plot where they should be, and these continued to track their location, after the crashes.
Ahh supposedly crashed. What happened to the passengers? Any idea?

And of course, what took down the light poles?

This should be fun.

So tell me how cars and trucks got flipped upside down, and became scorched?

Both buildings were involved in fire and those fires burned for several days after the collapse. How did cars become scorched? Fire does that. If I had to guess about overturned vehicles, I would imagine the shockwave of the collapse had a lot to do with it along with rubble. In an never-seen-before event, you're going to have things you've never seen before.
National Geographic couldn't cut a thinner column with 175 pounds of thermite...

What National Geographic has to say about thermite and 9/11/2001 - YouTube

... the Mythbusters couldn't cut an SUV in half with 1000 pounds of thermite... (starts at 3:00 minutes)

MythBusters-End With a Bang-Part 5 - YouTube

... yet the 9/11 perps cut 5 inch thick columns with thermite charges small enough not to be noticed??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.

Fuel fires don't burn hot enough to set them off. It takes something hotter, like magnesium. But you already knew that and are just hoping that no one else does.
National Geographic couldn't cut a thinner column with 175 pounds of thermite...

What National Geographic has to say about thermite and 9/11/2001 - YouTube

... the Mythbusters couldn't cut an SUV in half with 1000 pounds of thermite... (starts at 3:00 minutes)

MythBusters-End With a Bang-Part 5 - YouTube

... yet the 9/11 perps cut 5 inch thick columns with thermite charges small enough not to be noticed??

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

And of course the fires started by the planes would have set off this thermite immediately. Oh wait, there were no planes...I forgot.

Carry on.

Fuel fires don't burn hot enough to set them off. It takes something hotter, like magnesium. But you already knew that and are just hoping that no one else does.

Apparently not.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdCsbZf1_Ng&feature=related]Thermite vs. Car - YouTube[/ame]

Feel free to explain all of the other things your theory ignores. Or not. Nobody cares. You're an idiot.
Hey all! I'm new here! This is my first real post.
The one in the "Introduce Yourself" board doesn't really count.
I'm shocked the 9/11 board is only 38 pages long! LOL Here are my thoughts on the issue:
1st - I know denialists think you're evil for wanting to ask questions about 9/11. I talked to someone on YouTube who said that I was a truther because I thought the 9/11 Commission Report left many questions and further investigation was warranted.
He also said that truthers specifically think Cheney did it and no amount of evidence is something they'll accept. This is similar to many debates I have with Denialists. They seem incapable of assimilating information and are rigorously hateful of any rational thought which leads one to question things further. I have no idea why they are like this.
2nd - So ... those lovely folks aside, I wanted to know where everyone ELSE stood.
Are you a "Cheney did it" kind of person?
Do you subscribe to LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose)?
Do you think something else, like Israeli Nationalists were behind it?
There's a Spy vs Spy theory (CIA vs. DHS).
Another good one is that it was the Military Industrial complex as a whole.
One guy thinks it was Russian Mind Probes used by the Illuminati! (Now that's a REAL conspiracy theorist!)
I myself am a Detective of the matter. I want to draw up a list of potential suspects and explore the evidence to see what really happened. Further, I also want proper justice done. I'm more action oriented about it ... but not until I have all the facts.
So ... if you're not denying that 9/11 required SOME form of inside support (not necessarily a truther but a non-denialist), what do you think!?!?

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