Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 911 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes

It's always easier to believe someone else did it.
No one wants to go around knowing they were
attacked by their own government.

I'm surprised they didn't include Dick Cheney's Oil Map
subpoenaed from the US Commerce commerce Dept.
Or the transcript from a meeting in the Oval Office where
someone was heard saying, "Find me a way to do this.".
'911: A Conspiracy Theory.' Brilliant.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

So now you can tell us...how the explosives withstood the fires and were not thrown clear by the impact of the airplane crashes.

Feel free to fill us in now.

Still nothing? I mean...jet engines flew blocks after the planes hit the towers....how did the small explosives remain in place as is necessary for controlled demolition and fully operational? Not one unexploded charge was found in the rubble.

Anyway, 11 years later...still nothing.
Hard to fathom how anyone can still believe our Government told us the truth about 9/11. So many good little Conformist-Bots i guess. It's the only explanation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-wnBXbvyzo]Little boxes-Malvina reynolds - YouTube[/ame]
agent candyass is hard at work trying to derail the truth in this video on this thread as well I see.lol

the thing that makes me roll out of my chair laughing is not ONE of the loyal Bush dupes in denial,when you call them out and try and debunk the information in this video,not NONE of them haven taken Paulitician up on the challenge to disprove how absurd these facts are.

they just say crap like-Your losing your credibility telling people they are on drugs for believing the official version and then they run off.:lol::lol:

The thing thats so hysterical about that is you ask them to prove how the information in that video is accurate and proves the official version is correct and EVERYONE of them have run off on this thread without even trying.nothing ever changes around here.:lol::lol::D
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Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, has confirmed that the Israeli art students were, in fact, part of a major Israeli intelligence operation and that they were conducting surveillance of the activities of the 9-11 hijackers. They also worked with the Israeli Urban Moving System employees in New Jersey who were seen in at least two Jersey City locations -- Liberty State Park and The Doric apartment building -- celebrating the impact of the first plane into the World Trade Center.

The Israelis at Liberty State Park were dressed in Arab-style clothing when they were witnessed celebrating the first attack. The FBI later confiscated a videotape they filmed of the first attack.

Israeli art students who shadowed 9-11 hijackers were part of a major Mossad intelligence operation - Looking Glass News

Arafat was married to a Christian

Rabbi David Rosen is a talented and respected rabbi, originally from the UK. Since in some circles it seems to be more encouraged to spit on Christian clergymen than build bridges (this week's events in the Old City), Rabbi Rosen is unpopular with Eskin and his ilk.

Rabbi David Rosen

It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman as they walk along the narrow, ancient stone streets of the Old City.
Jerusalem's Dirty Little Secret

Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary.

Ultra-orthodox Jews 'must stop religious abuse' | World news | The Observer

You can not find one incident where Muslims spit on Christians but you can find countless incidents where Orthodox Jews spit on Christians.

Has the American press ever covered the above-?

WillyWonka787 - 11 Jul 2011 04:22:30 (#916 of 2087)
NOTtheTalk - Anti-Semitism where did it come from? (International)

Your gutter religion (Christianity) has been responsible for more death and destruction throughout History than anyone or any thing else in History.

WillyWonka787 - 10 Jul 2011 23:05:45 (#910 of 2087)
NOTtheTalk - Anti-Semitism where did it come from? (International)
I suppose it's never occurred to you that you and your gutter religion (Christians) DESERVE to be spit on.

WillyWonka787 - 12 Jul 2011 11:45:52 (#944 of 2087)
NOTtheTalk - Anti-Semitism where did it come from? (International)
Atrocities committed against non-Christians, by Christians:• The Crusades
• The Spanish Inquisition
• The conquest and enslavement of Latin America
• The Holocaust
WillyWonka787– said:
“Ohh, and your Lord Jeebus got what he deserved, too.He ain't MY "Saviour".

WillyWonka787 - Jul 15, 2011 10:41:11 PM (#1078 of 1083)
NOTtheTalk - Anti-Semitism where did it come from? (International)

Looks like your so-called 'Saviour' sure f*cked up, didn't he?

I'm glad we crucified him, too, by the way. He had it coming. And we'd do it again, too.

Stick that up your fat redneck butt and give it a twist, buddy.
The video pretty much sums up the OCT and what these traitors actually believe and want the rest of Americans to believe, and when facts and inconsistencies are raised about the OCT they can't explain them away, and resort to the tiresome "conspiracy theorists" rhetoric just the same way that any American who actually stands up for his/her country and criticizes Israel, they are labelled as "antisemitic" even though the majority of the so called Jews and Israeli's occupying Palestine are not of Semitic bloodlines.
whats really hysterical about the fools who come on and call you antisemitic all the time for talking about how Israel was involved is according to THEIR logic,these jews here in this video are antisemitic.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

See I have great respect for that jew in that video but somehow according to the official conspiracy theory apologists around here,I am antisemitic.:lol::lol::D

you are so correct,anywhere on any message board I go to and ask the official conspiracy theory apologists to explain away the inconsistancies,they cant.they try and laugh it off and just call you a conspiracy theorist like the cowards they are.
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The video pretty much sums up the OCT and what these traitors actually believe and want the rest of Americans to believe, and when facts and inconsistencies are raised about the OCT they can't explain them away, and resort to the tiresome "conspiracy theorists" rhetoric just the same way that any American who actually stands up for his/her country and criticizes Israel, they are labelled as "antisemitic" even though the majority of the so called Jews and Israeli's occupying Palestine are not of Semitic bloodlines.
you have no real evidence of inconsistencies in what you call the OTC but many in your criticism of it .

whats really hysterical about the fools who come on and call you antisemitic all the time for talking about how Israel was involved is according to THEIR logic,these jews here in this video are antisemitic.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors attacked by an AIPAC attendee in Washington D.C - YouTube

See I have great respect for that jew in that video but somehow according to the official conspiracy theory apologists around here,I am antisemitic.:lol::lol::D

you are so correct,anywhere on any message board I go to and ask the official conspiracy theory apologists to explain away the inconsistancies,they cant.they try and laugh it off and just call you a conspiracy theorist like the cowards they are.
could'nt get a cleaner copy ?
that Jew? if you were really not antisemitic or racist you would not needed to mention his
his faith /culture.
but then again you're an ignorant .illiterate fuck!
I found this on the internet. It appears to be an unfinished web page but the content is worth reading and I would like to get your take on it, The web address is included below

Israel God's forbidden place
found these on the net too


very similar to yours
whats really hysterical about the fools who come on and call you antisemitic all the time for talking about how Israel was involved is according to THEIR logic,these jews here in this video are antisemitic.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors attacked by an AIPAC attendee in Washington D.C - YouTube

See I have great respect for that jew in that video but somehow according to the official conspiracy theory apologists around here,I am antisemitic.:lol::lol::D

you are so correct,anywhere on any message board I go to and ask the official conspiracy theory apologists to explain away the inconsistancies,they cant.they try and laugh it off and just call you a conspiracy theorist like the cowards they are.
could'nt get a cleaner copy ?
that Jew? if you were really not anti or racist you would not needed to mention his
his faith /culture.
but then again you're an ignorant .illiterate fuck!

using the word Jew is now anti semitic ? and is being a Jew a faith ? or a culture or is it a race ?...has anyone ever made up their mind on this or is it or does the definition change to suit the argument at hand ?
whats really hysterical about the fools who come on and call you antisemitic all the time for talking about how Israel was involved is according to THEIR logic,these jews here in this video are antisemitic.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors attacked by an AIPAC attendee in Washington D.C - YouTube

See I have great respect for that jew in that video but somehow according to the official conspiracy theory apologists around here,I am antisemitic.:lol::lol::D

you are so correct,anywhere on any message board I go to and ask the official conspiracy theory apologists to explain away the inconsistancies,they cant.they try and laugh it off and just call you a conspiracy theorist like the cowards they are.
could'nt get a cleaner copy ?
that Jew? if you were really not anti or racist you would not needed to mention his
his faith /culture.
but then again you're an ignorant .illiterate fuck!

using the word Jew is now anti semitic ? and is being a Jew a faith ? or a culture or is it a race ?...has anyone ever made up their mind on this or is it or does the definition change to suit the argument at hand ?
showcasing your ignorace again or your selective reading ?
the term handjob used was "that jew" it's a pejorative : Definition of PEJORATIVE
: a word or phrase that has negative connotations or that is intended to disparage or belittle : a pejorative word or phrase . like "you people" or "that fag" or those ni******.
but since you're nearly as ignorant as he is maybe you're not to blame.
whats really hysterical about the fools who come on and call you antisemitic all the time for talking about how Israel was involved is according to THEIR logic,these jews here in this video are antisemitic.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protestors attacked by an AIPAC attendee in Washington D.C - YouTube

See I have great respect for that jew in that video but somehow according to the official conspiracy theory apologists around here,I am antisemitic.:lol::lol::D

you are so correct,anywhere on any message board I go to and ask the official conspiracy theory apologists to explain away the inconsistancies,they cant.they try and laugh it off and just call you a conspiracy theorist like the cowards they are.
could'nt get a cleaner copy ?
that Jew? if you were really not anti or racist you would not needed to mention his
his faith /culture.
but then again you're an ignorant .illiterate fuck!

using the word Jew is now anti semitic ? and is being a Jew a faith ? or a culture or is it a race ?...has anyone ever made up their mind on this or is it or does the definition change to suit the argument at hand ?[/QUOTE]

dawgshit somehow doesnt get it that Jew is just short for jewish person.:lol::lol::D

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