Evidence of Evil

4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.
But their long, winded, boring paragraphs make them appear intellekshal.
Alexander the Great, now there's a real Communist/Socialist/Liberal/Fascist/Nazis/Progressive you done ever saw...
4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.

Well, at least our pal Middy eschews the vulgarity that is usually found in the Leftists' posts.

Alas! With Middy, my brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground. He has perfected the inability to learn.
5. In mathematics, we speak of a 'Transitive Relationship."

That very same principle proves this relationship:


a. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

"...the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

And using the Transitive Property.....

b. There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general.
Heaven is a Marxist state...God has killed by far more humans than any communist regime...Where is thy outrage?
4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.

Well, at least our pal Middy eschews the vulgarity that is usually found in the Leftists' posts.

Alas! With Middy, my brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground. He has perfected the inability to learn.

They get their Talking Points from some Central Authority----Loon Central. Its like a light to guide then down a well marked path through a dense forest of Facts and Truth---if someone like you lures them a few steps off the path--they are lost, left with nothing to rely on except their own intellect, which is essentially nothing at all.

There is one true Brownshirt operating as a Moderator on the board, and one absolute Loon, but by and large, it is a well run political discussion board----yet it is failing because it is impossible to have an adult debate with these Budding Bolsheviks who don't even have the education or sense to realize they are turning to Bolshevism.

They just know they hate Trump.

Bigly Sad Situation.

Evil is subjective, something that's "evil" to one person or group of persons isn't "evil" to another; for example slavery wasn't considered "evil" during the Roman Empire, in the modern U.S. I think it's a pretty safe bet that most people would classify slavery as "evil", the concept of "evil" isn't universal, even the major religions don't agree on exactly what is "evil" and what isn't, it's relative to the observer.

Using the example you linked, atoms on the other hand aren't subjective, their existence isn't subject to opinions or feelings (or the existence of humans), we could be wrong about (some or even all) of their specific properties but their existence is supported by a mountain of evidence derived via scientific method.
4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.

Well, at least our pal Middy eschews the vulgarity that is usually found in the Leftists' posts.

Alas! With Middy, my brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground. He has perfected the inability to learn.

They get their Talking Points from some Central Authority----Loon Central. Its like a light to guide then down a well marked path through a dense forest of Facts and Truth---if someone like you lures them a few steps off the path--they are lost, left with nothing to rely on except their own intellect, which is essentially nothing at all.

There is one true Brownshirt operating as a Moderator on the board, and one absolute Loon, but by and large, it is a well run political discussion board----yet it is failing because it is impossible to have an adult debate with these Budding Bolsheviks who don't even have the education or sense to realize they are turning to Bolshevism.

They just know they hate Trump.

Bigly Sad Situation.


It's so very simple to be a Liberal.
And....this is good, because,for the majority, they are very simple.

Their post are almost always,
a. vulgarity
b. 'Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!'
c. "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

I've learned not to expect any intellectual discourse from their side.
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Evil is subjective, something that's "evil" to one person or group of persons isn't "evil" to another; for example slavery wasn't considered "evil" during the Roman Empire, in the modern U.S. I think it's a pretty safe bet that most people would classify slavery as "evil", the concept of "evil" isn't universal, even the major religions don't agree on exactly what is "evil" and what isn't, it's relative to the observer.

Using the example you linked, atoms on the other hand aren't subjective, their existence isn't subject to opinions or feelings (or the existence of humans), we could be wrong about (some or even all) of their specific properties but their existence is supported by a mountain of evidence derived via scientific method.

What a dumb...and superficial....post.
Perhaps, you've had too much turkey....

I suppose....with the proper amount of time and space I could provide the education that you lack....

...but, for now, I'll just leave it at the OP.
Evil is subjective, something that's "evil" to one person or group of persons isn't "evil" to another; for example slavery wasn't considered "evil" during the Roman Empire, in the modern U.S. I think it's a pretty safe bet that most people would classify slavery as "evil", the concept of "evil" isn't universal, even the major religions don't agree on exactly what is "evil" and what isn't, it's relative to the observer.

Using the example you linked, atoms on the other hand aren't subjective, their existence isn't subject to opinions or feelings (or the existence of humans), we could be wrong about (some or even all) of their specific properties but their existence is supported by a mountain of evidence derived via scientific method.

What a dumb...and superficial....post.
Perhaps, you've had too much turkey....

I suppose....with the proper amount of time and space I could provide the education that you lack....

Uh-huh, how about you start by explaining the difference between subjective and objective. On second thought never mind you just made it clear you have no idea what the difference is.

Typical fare from you, long on hyperbole and rancor; short on reason and insight.

Carry on lil' girl... :rolleyes:
I accept evil, and neither President Trump, nor Hilary Clinton, are anywhere near evil. Kim & Putin, I wonder about.
5. In mathematics, we speak of a 'Transitive Relationship."

That very same principle proves this relationship:


a. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

"...the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

And using the Transitive Property.....

b. There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general.
Heaven is a Marxist state...God has killed by far more humans than any communist regime...Where is thy outrage?
4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.

Well, at least our pal Middy eschews the vulgarity that is usually found in the Leftists' posts.

Alas! With Middy, my brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground. He has perfected the inability to learn.

They get their Talking Points from some Central Authority----Loon Central. Its like a light to guide then down a well marked path through a dense forest of Facts and Truth---if someone like you lures them a few steps off the path--they are lost, left with nothing to rely on except their own intellect, which is essentially nothing at all.

There is one true Brownshirt operating as a Moderator on the board, and one absolute Loon, but by and large, it is a well run political discussion board----yet it is failing because it is impossible to have an adult debate with these Budding Bolsheviks who don't even have the education or sense to realize they are turning to Bolshevism.

They just know they hate Trump.

Bigly Sad Situation.


It's so very simple to be a Liberal.
And....this is good, because,for the majority, they are very simple.

Their post are almost always,
a. vulgarity
b. 'Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!'
c. "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

I've learned not to expect any intellectual discourse from their side.
How about that blog? Delegitimization of news from right wing sources?
Evil is subjective, something that's "evil" to one person or group of persons isn't "evil" to another; for example slavery wasn't considered "evil" during the Roman Empire, in the modern U.S. I think it's a pretty safe bet that most people would classify slavery as "evil", the concept of "evil" isn't universal, even the major religions don't agree on exactly what is "evil" and what isn't, it's relative to the observer.

Using the example you linked, atoms on the other hand aren't subjective, their existence isn't subject to opinions or feelings (or the existence of humans), we could be wrong about (some or even all) of their specific properties but their existence is supported by a mountain of evidence derived via scientific method.

What a dumb...and superficial....post.
Perhaps, you've had too much turkey....

I suppose....with the proper amount of time and space I could provide the education that you lack....

Uh-huh, how about you start by explaining the difference between subjective and objective. On second thought never mind you just made it clear you have no idea what the difference is.

Typical fare from you, long on hyperbole and rancor; short on reason and insight.

Carry on lil' girl... :rolleyes:

Pay attention, you dunce.

Because he had to put up with morons like you, Justice Potter famously wrote:
"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."

The same applies to evil.

I did not want to provide this example, as I have been trying to wipe it from my memory....

I was revolted when I read what I am about to post....but....to stop you yammering about 'subjective'....

"...if you look closely at evil- the Bosnian kind....You want to resign from the race of devils that do such things....As a tactic of that war, the Serbian soldiers gang-raped Muslim women....If a Serb soldier refused to rape, he could be shot by his comrades....Some Serb men forced Muslim men to use their teeth to castrate their own sons, and the sons to castrate their fathers."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation,"p.67

Evil, in all of its variations and permutations, is related to this.

You need not return.
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4. Well....I finished reading your obfuscation....your post....and, sure enough, there was nothing in refutation of the OP.

There never is out of these half-educated liberal loons. Their manner of political discourse comes straight from the elementary school playground.

Well, at least our pal Middy eschews the vulgarity that is usually found in the Leftists' posts.

Alas! With Middy, my brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground. He has perfected the inability to learn.

They get their Talking Points from some Central Authority----Loon Central. Its like a light to guide then down a well marked path through a dense forest of Facts and Truth---if someone like you lures them a few steps off the path--they are lost, left with nothing to rely on except their own intellect, which is essentially nothing at all.

There is one true Brownshirt operating as a Moderator on the board, and one absolute Loon, but by and large, it is a well run political discussion board----yet it is failing because it is impossible to have an adult debate with these Budding Bolsheviks who don't even have the education or sense to realize they are turning to Bolshevism.

They just know they hate Trump.

Bigly Sad Situation.


It's so very simple to be a Liberal.
And....this is good, because,for the majority, they are very simple.

Their post are almost always,
a. vulgarity
b. 'Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!'
c. "Oh, yeah....sez you!"

I've learned not to expect any intellectual discourse from their side.
How about that blog? Delegitimization of news from right wing sources?

True....they do do that.

And, emoticons and run off.
Something Weird is going on, people seem to be getting very angry & are losing control of what they post, is this what you mean by evidence of evil?
5. In mathematics, we speak of a 'Transitive Relationship."

That very same principle proves this relationship:


a. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."

"...the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

And using the Transitive Property.....

b. There are, of course, significant differences between fascism and Progressivism, but these are mainly attributable to the cultural differences between Europe and America- and between national cultures in general.
Heaven is a Marxist state...God has killed by far more humans than any communist regime...Where is thy outrage?
That is an error in your thought process.....humans kill other humans and many other living things too. Generally that was to satiate their greed or vanity.

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