Evidence Of liberal / Democrat Illegal Immigrant Election Fraud EXPLODING


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Broward County, Fla...



Now Pennsylvania...

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

"A top Pennsylvania lawmaker called on the state Wednesday to immediately expunge the names of 11,198 noncitizens whom the state confirmed are registered to vote, despite not being eligible. State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Republican and former chairman of a House government oversight panel, said the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, belatedly acknowledged the large number of noncitizens in communications over the past two months...State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names"

The Democratic party continues to demonstrate it has become an 'ENEMY OF THE STATE'!

For more than 2 years Democrats have been engaged in a proven Conspiracy and soft coup attempt against the President of the United States, attempting to undermine the current government and President. This latest breaking revelation proves again how the Democratic Party has continuously intentionally violated existing US Law for YEARS in an effort to subvert the US Election Process and illegally affect the outcome of US elections.....

....which is exactly what the criminal Democrat hypocrites falsely claim President Trump and the Russians attempted to do in 2016.

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State
Like the Texas nonsense...this is the same.

Ya see...since most people without IDs have "aged out" and most people have photo IDs...the GOP needs a new way to suppress the vote.

Taking voting rights away from legal voters is the newest attack
Like the Texas nonsense...this is the same.

Ya see...since most people without IDs have "aged out" and most people have photo IDs...the GOP needs a new way to suppress the vote.

Taking voting rights away from legal voters is the newest attack
It's hilarious seeing you spin tales of how the GOP is attempting to 'suppress votes' when an avalanche of evidence is coming out how Democrats have been treasonously / illegally attempting to subvert the US Election Process, engage in election fraud, and illegally alter elections for decades, again, just like you / Dems hypocritically and falsely accused Trump of doing in 2016.

Ran a criminal candidate who could not win her own party's nomination...AFTER, with help from the DNC, rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, illegally violating both Election and Campaign Finance laws...

Illegally colluded with AND PAID Trump-Hating foreign spies and Russians, illegally used Russian Propaganda to lie to / con Congress and the FISA Court AND while subverting the US Election Process by illegally registering and allowing Illegals to vote all across the nation.....

No wonder Democrats were predicting a landslide victory for Hillary - they thought they would have enough illegals voting for Hillary to cause such an avalanche! :p
You guys are thinking of North Carolina. And that was Republicans who committed election fraud. Not Democrats.
You guys are thinking of North Carolina. And that was Republicans who committed election fraud. Not Democrats.
No, as the article points out, we are talking about California Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania.....nice try, snowflake. :p

....and, as the evidence shows, when they aren't trying to cram illegals into an election boot they are running counter-intel ops to try to falsely make it look like Russians are supporting GOP candidates.
Like the Texas nonsense...this is the same.

Ya see...since most people without IDs have "aged out" and most people have photo IDs...the GOP needs a new way to suppress the vote.

Taking voting rights away from legal voters is the newest attack
It's hilarious seeing you spin tales of how the GOP is attempting to 'suppress votes' when an avalanche of evidence is coming out how Democrats have been treasonously / illegally attempting to subvert the US Election Process, engage in election fraud, and illegally alter elections for decades, again, just like you / Dems hypocritically and falsely accused Trump of doing in 2016.

Ran a criminal candidate who could not win her own party's nomination...AFTER, with help from the DNC, rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, illegally violating both Election and Campaign Finance laws...

Illegally colluded with AND PAID Trump-Hating foreign spies and Russians, illegally used Russian Propaganda to lie to / con Congress and the FISA Court AND while subverting the US Election Process by illegally registering and allowing Illegals to vote all across the nation.....

No wonder Democrats were predicting a landslide victory for Hillary - they thought they would have enough illegals voting for Hillary to cause such an avalanche! :p
Gee I wonder why Kris Kobach's "election fraud committee" disappeared...and why he failed to win election after that huge failure in KANSAS
At some point in the near future, with all the evidence exposed of crimes perpetrated by Democrats / the Democratic Party - to include illegally spying on US citizens & branches of the GOVT, Conspiracy, a coup against the President, and attempts to subvert the US election process - someone should consider investigating the Democratic party and potentially labeling the organization as a 'threat' to our democracy / country.
what? but i thought that all of this time, we had about 12,000 russians voting in each of the rust belt states

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