Evidence that global warming IS happening

I don't believe in made-made global warming. That being said - the earth is getting hotter, people ... get your heads out of your asses!
Some of those graphs are a riot. Did you notice the one from the Vostok ice cores?


It uses 1950 as "The Present", which is perfectly acceptable and a standard usage. However, he stops plotting data at 1950 as well. If you were to plot TODAY's CO2 and temperature on that graph, the CO2 would be completely off the top of the graphic while the temperature would be 0.7C higher than the end of the displayed data at 1950. CO2 at the least, would be higher than ANYTHING actually plotted.

Is that what you call honesty and good science Skooks? And you think those sorts of LIES should be fed to our children?


You are such a whining baby.. When I looked at the ORNL vostok data points, the time increments for EARLY DATA were in decades. Here youASSSUME that ice core data would exactly replicate todays conditions.. BEFORE YOU call out assholes , check the mirror Bullwinkle. As soon as I get to a real computer, I will SHOW you what that data can and cannot do......
I put some * for temperature of the 1955-1977 graph SSDD shown onto the GISS Graph. Certainly SSDDs is slightly warmer for the start....

This was exactly within the middle of the cold period/pause. I'd like to see this extended back another 40 years. ;)


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Some of those graphs are a riot. Did you notice the one from the Vostok ice cores?


It uses 1950 as "The Present", which is perfectly acceptable and a standard usage. However, he stops plotting data at 1950 as well. If you were to plot TODAY's CO2 and temperature on that graph, the CO2 would be completely off the top of the graphic while the temperature would be 0.7C higher than the end of the displayed data at 1950. CO2 at the least, would be higher than ANYTHING actually plotted.

Is that what you call honesty and good science Skooks? And you think those sorts of LIES should be fed to our children?


You are such a whining baby.. When I looked at the ORNL vostok data points, the time increments for EARLY DATA were in decades. Here youASSSUME that ice core data would exactly replicate todays conditions.. BEFORE YOU call out assholes , check the mirror Bullwinkle. As soon as I get to a real computer, I will SHOW you what that data can and cannot do......

Whining baby? Do you support teaching our children falsehoods to protect corporate profits at the expense of the rest of the human species? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Some of those graphs are a riot. Did you notice the one from the Vostok ice cores?


It uses 1950 as "The Present", which is perfectly acceptable and a standard usage. However, he stops plotting data at 1950 as well. If you were to plot TODAY's CO2 and temperature on that graph, the CO2 would be completely off the top of the graphic while the temperature would be 0.7C higher than the end of the displayed data at 1950. CO2 at the least, would be higher than ANYTHING actually plotted.

Is that what you call honesty and good science Skooks? And you think those sorts of LIES should be fed to our children?


You are such a whining baby.. When I looked at the ORNL vostok data points, the time increments for EARLY DATA were in decades. Here youASSSUME that ice core data would exactly replicate todays conditions.. BEFORE YOU call out assholes , check the mirror Bullwinkle. As soon as I get to a real computer, I will SHOW you what that data can and cannot do......

Whining baby? Do you support teaching our children falsehoods to protect corporate profits at the expense of the rest of the human species? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

This has NOTHING to do our future children.. (perish the thought).... It has to do with your inability to read and interpret data.. You're looking at 400,000 yrs of history there and whining like a baby because 50 yrs of that record was not represented. 50 yrs on that scale is about ONE PIXEL WIDE on large monitor. It would be foolish to expect that to matter.

FURTHERMORE -- the data set ITSELF will never replicate the modern temperature record with any amount of accuracy because it's ICE CORES --- not thermometer data.. In FACT -- here are the first (most modern) sample points in the data..

Vostok, Antarctica

Depth Age DU Content Temp Variation
(m) (yr BP) (delta D) (deg C)

0 0 -438.0 0.00
1 17 -438.0 0.00
2 35 -438.0 0.00
3 53 -438.0 0.00
4 72 -438.0 0.00
5 91 -438.0 0.00
6 110 -438.0 0.00

Using this methodology -- the first 100 yrs (from 1999 in this case) show NO temperature variation over the top 6 meters of ice.

HOWEVER -- the site you babies are whining about DID PRODUCE ANOTHER chart which I discussed above that BLEW UP THE SCALE on the last 5,000 yrs or so of ice proxy data...


So the site in question did the logical and rational thing giving the 400,000 yr overview in ONE slide and a magnified view of recent history in ANOTHER. Anyone whining about that -- has never prepared data for presentation.. YOU DON'T GET SUFFICIENT TEMPORAL RESOLUTION TO RECORD RECENT TEMP HISTORY in these ice cores.. Duuuuuhhhhh...

Any other phoney tantrums from the peanut gallery before bedtime?

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