Evidence to explain why Fox News is actually Faux News

In my experience, when a fox news segment is not balanced, it is because all the libs/demos chose not to show up to defend their case. In all other times it gets pretty heated and balanced, that's why it's entertaining to watch: heated debate. and that's why they have good ratings.
In my experience, when a fox news segment is not balanced, it is because all the libs/demos chose not to show up to defend their case. In all other times it gets pretty heated and balanced, that's why it's entertaining to watch: heated debate. and that's why they have good ratings.
Jon Stewart
In my experience, when a fox news segment is not balanced, it is because all the libs/demos chose not to show up to defend their case. In all other times it gets pretty heated and balanced, that's why it's entertaining to watch: heated debate. and that's why they have good ratings.

yes Fox found a niche for themselves; its about half of the American people, most of whom were sick of the liberal Cronkite attitude, "and thats the way it is."

The liberals don't debate because they are not smart enough for it. To them its simple- more and more welfare and less and less work and to hell with the consequences.
msnbc tries to emulate fox's heated debates but all their personalities come off as whiney...schultz/olbermann (rest his soul) come to mind.
Multiple viewpoints? The panel is made up of three conservatives and one person who is supposedly liberal (but often isn't).

Juan Williams and the woman from NPR have impeccable liberal credentials. Its light years ahead of the lame stream liberal media's 30 minute shows with no debate. The very existence of debate is historic after decades of pure liberal propaganda. It opens up 100% the possibility of democracy and disagreement which the liberals never did because there is no intelligence to merely supporting more and more welfare and less and less work.
msnbc tries to emulate fox's heated debates but all their personalities come off as whiney...schultz/olbermann (rest his soul) come to mind.

what? you see almost no conservatives on MSNBC just hatred. Lawrence O'Donnell admits to being a socialist. THe gay chick never debates does she? Keith was too angry and smug to debate so never did as I recall.
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In my experience, when a fox news segment is not balanced, it is because all the libs/demos chose not to show up to defend their case. In all other times it gets pretty heated and balanced, that's why it's entertaining to watch: heated debate. and that's why they have good ratings.
Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart does not debate at all. He is a smug twerp liberal who merely assumes he is superior just like the MSM did for decades before Fox came along and introduced democratic debate.

liberalism is pure ignorance so it can't survive in debate. How do you defend more and more welfare of every kind?
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In my experience, when a fox news segment is not balanced, it is because all the libs/demos chose not to show up to defend their case. In all other times it gets pretty heated and balanced, that's why it's entertaining to watch: heated debate. and that's why they have good ratings.
Jon Stewart's Ratings Now Higher than Fox News

many comedies have higher ratings than Fox news. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?

Also, Stewart has said its scary that so many liberals turn to him for news when he is a just a comedy clown?
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I enjoy different points of view
It's obvious who is full of shit
Let all report -
I will decide!
Anyone who rely's on ONE "news" source is short changing their brain
Multiple viewpoints? The panel is made up of three conservatives and one person who is supposedly liberal (but often isn't).

Juan Williams and the woman from NPR have impeccable liberal credentials. Its light years ahead of the lame stream liberal media's 30 minute shows with no debate. The very existence of debate is historic after decades of pure liberal propaganda. It opens up 100% the possibility of democracy and disagreement which the liberals never did because there is no intelligence to merely supporting more and more welfare and less and less work.

That's a lot of crap. They both parrot what conservative panelists say at least half the time. It's also pretty dishonest to compare a 30-minute news show on a network to a 24-hour cable channel devoted to news.
Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid | Media | AlterNet

Fox News viewers believe that just aint so:

91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs
72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit
72 percent believe the economy is getting worse
60 percent believe climate change is not occurring
49 percent believe income taxes have gone up
63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts
56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout
38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP
63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)

Let's say all that is true....how does one actually connect that with a cable news station exactly?
If you wish very very hard for it to be true -- it is!
It isn't obvious to you who ?

to me it is obvious the liberals are full of it. THey support a welfare culture over a work culture becuase they lack the IQ to see the consequences

You believe all that's fed to you by the media ?

I believe what is fed to me by the conservative media because it is based on the same philosophy of our Founders, a philosophy with which I'm in agreement
Suffolk University Poll: Fox Most Trusted Political News ...
May 20, 2011 ... Bad News for Liberals, and especially the loons at Media Matters obsessed with attacking Fox. A new Suffolk University poll revealed that ...

Suffolk University Poll: Fox Most Trusted Political News Source (Updated) :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience - Similar
How dare Media Matters quote what Fox says.

I don't understand why you think and insist that popular opinion has any bearing on truth.
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